Learn about female mating strategy and hypergamy

>Learn about female mating strategy and hypergamy.
>begin to hate women

It's not fair bros

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The rabbit hole is deep my friend.

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originally ori ori

Whatever, also welcome to the club, ur about 15 years late. Question is, will you be a
>supportive boyfriend
>fuckboi (im on the pill lol)


this. read Schopenhaur Will and Representations

Please don't post precious Yon in your women hating threads, thank you.

Are you white?


Well my great-great-great grandfather was Spanish guy, but thats about the extent of black blood in me

Spanish people are huwhite bro

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For u

Where did you learn about these from? Incels wiki? That might not be the most reliable source.

I'm 100% ethnically Swedish, can trace my ancestry back over 200 years and I'm telling you spanish people are white bro.

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thanks man

No worries I'll let him know. He isn't white but spanish people still are.

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Dont hate woman hate your competition you lil faggot.


Just stop being a fucking faggot and IMPROOV yourself.

All these threads are made my anxious basedboys that are too scared to go out into the world and live life. Stop analysing everything, just live. If youre a basedboy beta porn cooming alcohol imbibing mcdonald mczoomer then go see a shrink or something, stop sitinking up this board with your stink

Get off my board slut
No I think Im gona hate women.

How much onions do you consume? Whats your attractiveness on a scale of 0 to 10?

Then you should not be fucking suprised if none is ever going to want you.
If a guy starts flirting with your girl and she responds, do you punch her in the face or the guy?
If the answer is her you should kys.

Never said they were the same.
Just said they were white.
White is just a less fancy way of saying European. Spanish are Europeans.
And no Albanians are not white/European before you ask, they are imported t*rks.

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Found a piece of media for you user, hope you get better soon

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You can still be an improver and hate women.
It's a prerequisite in fact.

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I have never seen orange or banana grow in real europe my man

>Do white people grow oranges.
Some do.
>Do white people grow bananas
>Are spanish people white?
>Am I playing with words?
No. Read a book or something. Also genetic studies confirms what I am saying.

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>tfw female
>stacy lite
>no longer try dating strategies like
>>play hard to get
>>mind games
>>replying to texts and calls at specific times instead of when you get them
>>evoking jealousy
>>and so on
>tfw try to only be genuine to guys and show all flaws immediately instead of acting for a while to "secure" them before being more genuine
>guys get bored easily when I don't create an artificial chase
>even "low value" guys get bored and would rather spend time with less attractive girls who play the game
>want to go back to at least playing mild games because I feel trapped
>just want a smart pretty bf who likes me

What do I do bots?

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None of this is true.


Poor Based Vikings in Valhalla man...poor them


what abt, you dont playing fucking mind games AND you also dont show all your flaws and insecurities immidiatly.
Have you tried being a normal person?

Not a troomer actual female

You're either Larping or just chasing over shitty guys.
There is one more possiblity and that is if you like pick up all your guys at the bar or something, there's a good chance most of them are genuinely players just looking to score.

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I show my flaws and best features to be more genuine upfront so they know all of who I am instead of being brainwashed by the good parts (like I used to do)

I am attracted to a lot of different types of guys, it seems to just be a guy thing to want a chase rather than hear that she's into you from the start.

Never been to the bar to socialize just went to drink alone twice

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This user speaks the truth
Fuck alb*nians and fuck t*rks

>cut down trees
Deal with it hippie lmao. And get a haircut.
>Worship a jew on a stick
Yeah not gonna lie we fucked up on that one but so did all the others.
>Call spanish people white
They are though. Genetically speaking, they are in a mostly genetically isolated clusters along with the other Europeans. They share many european/white cultural traits and used to be considered white by most Racial Biologists before genetics/science became cucked.

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gee, its almost like there was a reason religions put so many restrictions on women.

>Yeah not gonna lie we fucked up on that one but so did all the others
39.0% of Czechs were found to be Catholic
>Deal with it hippie lmao. And get a haircut.
Yes, because vikings aka your fathers and fathers of fathers were most def hippies
>used to be considered white by most Racial Biologists
Oh right, i forgot that its the biologists who make up society and its opinions of others, not ACTUAL people

Unironically not true.
I am a guy, I know plenty of guys, including ones with girlfriends and I can tell you that for most guys this is not true. It's true for a large minority, but for the majority it aint true.
It might be true for very attractive men who are used to getting female attention, but for the vast majority of men, no.

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>it seems to just be a guy thing to want a chase rather than hear that she's into you from the start.

To each their own, I would be so relieved to find a girl I didn't have to do that stupid dance with

>39.0% of Czechs were found to be Catholic
Most Swedes don't believe in any good, they are simply members of the Church because you are by default at birth if your parents were (and they take care of funeral arrangements which most people don't want to think about, so they'd rather remain members than have to deal with that themselves).
HOWEVER, christianity is probably better than the mindless consoomer godless culture we have to day so well.
>Yes, because vikings aka your fathers and fathers of fathers were most def hippies
Not an argument against cutting down trees. Though they should have kept that big old oak. Fucking christcucks I'm telling you.
>Oh right, i forgot that its the biologists who make up society and its opinions of others, not ACTUAL people
Most people don't even go around thinking what is white or not,. Racial Biologists alongside with Eugenicists were among the most based people to have ever lived, do not insult them.

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Fuck niggers and fuck you. Have a nice day.

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you hate women because you're a butthurt incel who can't compete with actual men


>It might be true for very attractive men who are used to getting female attention
Happens with frat boy chads to goofy looking endearing dorks and all between. Once they realize I'm into them and express it explicitly they lose their fire.

I would hope some guys would appreciate it but it feels like it's a primal and subconscious desire to feel like you're chasing a girl to some degree.

I probably won't stop anytime soon tho.

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nice cuck fetish you have


who cares about you and your made up problems

nah im good


Checked. Very nice numbers.

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Either you are a faggot pretending to be a woman or just chasing bad boys. Stop peddling your bullshit.
No but seriously, it is also possible that you're drawing poor conclusions from limited sample and sampling bias. For example if you've dated tons of bad-boy frat chads and maybe one or two normal guys, it's entirely possible those normal guys to simply happen to be part of the large but minority) of men that fit your description. Sample bias could be even bigger, for example if you hang around a certain social group, it's likely that they will attract people of similar personalities (this is something that is extensively supported by scientific research) and thus you encounter similar types of guys (even if they are looks-wise different).

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Can I ask what these flaws are you have? I fucking hate "the chase" and it just makes me want to stop trying

Are acting desperate and whorish to one guy or all guys and are other guys around that you are interested in? Had some beautiful girl I was I into that was open and didn't play games but also was so openly whorish and slutty and obviously desperate for a relationship that I just passed and let the next guy have.... Idk I know it's paradoxical but I want a girl that's slutty for me but not a slut fuuuuug now im alone maybe I should have settled

Kinda what this guy said. Maybe you want to move things along too quickly. If you play to fast, guys will think you're a slut and that's why they lose interest. Not saying they are in the right, but it might be the answer you're looking for.

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>babies first red pill

wait until you get red pill on female love. female love is a fucking joke

Guys want to feel special like girls. I for one be a roasties cockride I want a girl like likes me for me

Red pills start dropping and thread dies lol

I've mostly dated/gotten to know normal guys or dweebs, Chads are the outlier desu. I've only dated one Chad, the rest would never be considered Chads.

All the guys I've met have been at very different places, too. Both irl and online.

Mostly about if I try to talk genuinely I am really awkward and nervous and can say stuff that people think is weird. When I'm genuine people think I'm weird as fuck. I can have really confident energy and be extremely charming if I dissociate.

I only pursue one guy at a time and only sleep with one at a time.

Weird you guys say that, because when I was playing games and would say I don't know about a guy (despite only sleeping with them and only being interested in them), made it seem like they were always close to losing me, and said things to make them jealous they seem much more interested... And we always eventually ended up dating after I started tapering that off.

Now when I meet a guy I really start to like I explicitly say I am only interested in them atm, express all the things I find special in them, and that I'd be happy only sleeping with them until we put a label on it or part ways.

Only gotten used and heartbroken like that.

Perhaps they get the idea I'm low quality somehow because I'd care about them from the start?

So I'm not sure what to do.

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If you're telling the truth that genuinely kinda fucking sucks. My advice is take it more slowly. Try to get to know the person, and the person to know you before moving onto sexual stuff (including kissing lmao)
It could be that normans are just bigger dramawhores than I realize, though that does strongly go against my own personal experiences.

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This stuff is just all incel coping. Don't worry about it.

It does genuinely fucking suck. I want to be a better person but it hurts really bad when you get rewarded for games and completely heartbroken for trying to be moral. I just want a good strong relationship with someone and it seems impossible unless I manipulate.

I guess I could take things more slowly, but once I express interest (and also tell him I only am interested in him) the guy usually touches me or kisses me himself (or asks to kiss me) when we cuddle or something.

It also feels like manipulation, like playing hard to get. Depending on the guy, I would sometimes abstain for a month or so when I was playing games knowing it would make the chase better.

If I had already expressed interest in a guy I already know I would want to pursue a long term relationship/possibly marriage, so it feels disingenuous to abstain from sex with them.

I don't want to abstain for the sole purpose of making a guy like me because that seems along the same vein as anything else I would do to make a guy like me more.

I'm just really fuckin sad about it and I don't know what to do.

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Abstaining from sex is probably a good idea for a while.
Think of it like a carrot and stick thing. You're used to using the stick, but you're using the carrot approach wrong. Intimacy should be introduced slowly in a relationship as the parties grow closer (though not consistently denied for too long). Human mating patterns are complex, but the hard-to-get way is not the only way.
Another important point is how you present yourself. The way you present yourself otherwise will create expectations. Though take this latter part with a big grain of salt since I haven't got the slightest idea how you present yourself. But if you are a confident, outgoing and attractive woman in general, people might feel that you are disingenous if you push things along.

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It makes sense when you phrase intimacy like that. I've always thought "oh well I can see myself with you for a while, no point in holding back if we will do it all eventually"

When it comes to presentation, when I don't turn on the switch I am confident when talking about stuff I'm passionate about but also awkward and weird (((quirky))). I'm pretty universally attractive in facial structure and body. I think I dress and style my hair/makeup/jewelry well (emo bitch) and since I stopped manipulating if I find interest in a guy I'll be happy showing myself in sweats and no makeup immediately.

Maybe it's a flaw in my character to think of intimacy the way I've been doing (i.e. it's gonna happen so just start). I'll try to reflect on that and change and hopefully I'll find someone I love who loves me back, thank you.

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Godspeed unicorn.