Im thinking of leaving my parents home to go live in the streets is this a bad idea? Any homeless robots have tips?

Im thinking of leaving my parents home to go live in the streets is this a bad idea? Any homeless robots have tips?

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what makes you want to do that user?
what country are you from btw?

Wanna come live with me in Luxembourg instead?

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I''ll be your house husband and suck ur dick everyday oWo

Transphobic parents, usa

oh noes, will I get the gay from you?

>Transphobic parents
based, I hope you get raped in the streets and die of AIDS, lol.

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everyday user. 1000%

don't be transgender, it's a horrible life decision. your parents are right. get a job and act like a normal person.

A little bit late for that i have boobs and my dick dosen't work

Time to reform yourself user. Get a job, stop letting faggots twist your mind, chastise yourself to porn and masturbate every week, make some friends with your coworkers, pick up a hobby that you enjoy.

Post a picture of your "boobs" then?

I hope you haven't done any surgery user. If you haven't, please think your life choices through. You might feel good now but trans people really don't age well and most people will never really pass, unless they devote an inordinate amount of time to makeup and dressing every day.
You can take estrogen but your jawline, skeletal structure, and genetics, will never change.

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it's never too late to do the right thing. give up your childish fantasy and start acting like an adult. you are not woman and never will be. you might be passable in a photo or two. IRL you are a fraud and nobody will believe it. Give up your degenerate lifestyle and accept unironically accept Jesus into your heart.

Im already a Christian, i love how this thread is about being homelesa and you retards only focus on my gender identity, all replies have been completely useless, thanks

You can live with me in my flat, if you want, no matter what, just hmu
But it seems you are not interested in a solution to your problem.

sorry man. make better choices when you respawn. sounds like you should be more focused on a career so you could move out and have your own place.'re more interested in wearing a dress and panties? ..yikes. no wonder you're about to be homeless.

Why would you say im bot interested lol why do you assume that, and I'm in Texas

Luxembourganon pls try harder to find someone irl. I see you all the time and you have such an incredible thirst but you're not really that bad a person. You can do better than this.
>it's impossible to meet anybody here
I know. But keep trying. Or try to meet someone irl that's not in Luxembourg but nearby.
You can do better than this. You should do better than this.

I did like 30 job applications today, I just wanna get away from here lol

nice. now ditch the transgender LARP and somebody might actually hire you. good luck user :)

Luxembourgfag is a meany for ghosting me when we live in same country :(

>Why would you say im bot interested lol why do you assume that
Because already told you you could live with him and he just got ignored.
>I'm in Texas
Airplanes are a thing, one can easily travel to Europe in this day and age

terrible idea, OP. you'd regret it in the first 10 minutes lol
>inb5 b8

I don't have a passport and idek where that is, planes are expensive and i don't have a job so?

Corona virus. Visas. Money.
And Luxembro could easily tell OP to fuck off once they arrive. Then they'd well and truly be fucked.

>I don't have a passport
Wait. You Americans are not allowed to leave the country?
Try consulting your local citicen bureau for clearing that no-passport-story up.
>planes are expensive and i don't have a job so?
You don't need to buy the plane, just one ticket. Idk what it costs, around 200 Euro?
Forgot about visas, but shouldn't be too hard to get one for Germany though.

Ive just never gotten one because ive never left the country

Is going away to study or getting a job completely out of the question?

>Is this a bad idea
Yes it is, go get a job and live out of your car if you're that desperate

Get the right tool for the job, don't you have grindr in Luxembourg?

No but originally lol

Well, time to get one then. Tomorrow's monday, the bureau should be open

don't also post pics of yourself
if you go on the streets you will get rapped or mkultra'd

I really appreciate what you're saying, but believe me I try my best to find someone here!
I don't think I'm well adjusted and flirty enough for dating apps, never works out and apart from a few odd sites I tried this remains my only outlet.
I've kind of given up on actually finding someone and just go through the motions of posting that stuff nowadays.

Imposter! You're not from Luxembourg! I haven't ghosted anyone from here yet, but been ghosted a few times already.. Well, gotta keep trying. Don't scare me like that again or I'll drop a cactus on your head..

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>I haven't ghosted anyone from here yet

Then why haven't I received your contacts yet you big JERK

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Are you actually from here? Well, even if you aren't..


>I don't think I'm well adjusted and flirty enough for dating apps
Practice makes perfect! soc/ will help you with your profile and rate me threads. If you're a complete aspie /adv can help with conversation skills. (What you're doing now isn't really having the effect you want and you risk getting stuck).

I tried both boards, I actually post in the discord threads over there every now and then to socialize.
I'll figure it out somehow, user! Just give me some time. In the meantime, I want to have fun with my friends here.

Great, keep it up!

I'm a homeless fuck from Texas who hitchhiked to Seattle. Just look up homeless shit on google. It's easier than it seems

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I had alot of opportunities and observed enough and had good enough mentors my life to basically be a ghost my whole life, I worked alot when I was young and saved, but it's just in service to the box. Everyone wants to escape the box, except their weak and that's why we have so many people in the world now, it's not dictated by strength and it's easy as fuck to live these days and waste away feeding the authority of the box. I sold all my stuff and quit my job after realizing all the years of working only facilited spending more money and feeding the hypocriscy, I have never enjoyed anything, everything in the world is a distraction to me, along with some other overly grandiose theories on the universe and conciousness. It doesn't get better, good and bad are just words. So in order to escape and feel some sort of rush I started planning a year before, Got my paperwork, passport, nexus card, bought a military camo tent, an all black backpack and the bare necessities to save weight. hitchhiking throughout the world. North America, Europe, Africa. I never used buses, always slept in my tent, found or payed for cheap shower or room with showers. I've made it to Asia and started getting cheap apartments to live in and walk around. I've seen and done things that only being a stubborn cheap ass homeless straight edge nobody can achieve, cause deep down I'm just trying to escape and create my own ideals and values in a world that wants to put you in the box. I've meet enough people to be okay with never meeting another person again in my life, because all in all I knew what I was getting to and had no expectations for anything other than hoping someone would fight me to the death or try to kill me and let me see the afterlife.

So ironically, I've only become more lost in life by gaining more knowledge and trying to seek a higher purpose other than eat, survive, etc. Suicides the only other option other than evolving past human desire and emotion at this point, and I can't really see the benefit of human values and ideals if it perpetuates a cyclical repeating history of cliche stories. I don't do regular traveler social shut cause I basically wanted to go as far as I could denying myself all the pleasures, I've survived on basically nothing but meat, nuts and cheese. Homelessness will not help you, it will simply create another branch of reality for you to face that will reveal some harsh facts.

Tldr: You have better options, but it's like everything you don't know till you try. Also being a bushman is alot better than a concrete monkey.

kill yourself tranny

get aids and die

homeless "people" are lazy dregs of society and I unironically think they should be rounded up and given the choice of being put to death or being put into work camps.

>mentally ill retards
>shitting and pissing on the streets in front of children with no shame or remorse
>throwing garbage everywhere and generally living like ultra niggers

people boo-hoo about drumph being "actually hitler", but y'all better thank the good Lord every day that he's in power and not me. I'd show you lazy homeless fucks what Hitler is really all about. I'd make Hitler look SOFT.

I'm assuming you don't even have a job yet. How are you even going to feed yourself? Out of the trash? Maybe look up homeless shelters near your area that can help you.

This sounds like a horrible idea, too. Also, with the coronavirus gradually spreading, you're more likely to get into contact with that being outside so much. And you already had money to spend
on surgery? Now you want to move out because your parents are big ol' meanies about your irreversable life choices? Sounds a like a spoiled brat to me. But what do I know, I'm some random

Good luck. You're gonna need it.

hahahahahhaa a fucking tranny

yes go live in the streets
you can be yourself there

Imagine being this cucked by society
I don't use the word cuck often either

Redpill me on LuxembourgAnon

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>mentally ill retards
But user, half this board is mentally ill retards!

You are much closer to being homeless than you are to being a billionaire. Stop worshiping your oppressors.

don't worry you'll join the 53% soon

OP please don't sleep on the street, it absolutely will not improve your situation. Try to work up slowly, save some money and move out. If you want more serious replies try:

just get a job, save up 2k, and get a place. I'm all for leaving your parents house, but doing that when your alternative is homelessness is a crap idea.

You could litterally avoid all the drama if you wernt such an insufferable lgbtq faggot who has to show everyone how gay they are.

>homeless shelters
I've heard they're bad
They subject you to all kinds of humiliating regulations, and the other people who are staying there can be dangerous. Some will even try to christpill you so that you develop a guilt complex.

just don't be a tranny

He's right. Learn to break into house and live in an abandoned home. The worst thing that happens is you get arrested and go to jail where you get free meals.

>seriously considering becoming homeless because your parents care about you enough to disapprove of your "transition"
take some testosterone, go to the gym, and stop masturbating. if you keep going down the path you're on, you will only know misery

Dont. Being homeless is horrible.

Sounds pretty fucking stupid sonny boy.
if your current situation is shit.
uncatalogue exactly what is wrong and or missing in your life and find the right people to address this situation, which may not be your parents but someone like a social worker or something.
Making some dramatically bold statement where you throw everything away and go be super sad homeless isn't going to help anyone it just shows are clear lack of insight and reasoning.

I mean when you go to sleep even in your heated home you sleep under a blanket.
And when you get soaked in the rain you will get out of those wet clothes the second you get home, but when you are homeless being wet and cold aren't minor inconveniences anymore these things will be the fucking bane of your existence.

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