Imagine finally getting a GF only to find out that she's ready to replace you at the drop of a dime. Why even try anymore?
All women have backup partners lined up
Other urls found in this thread:
>ywn tie up your gf to a chair in the basement
>call her other lover to meet you in secluded location to kill
>realize you both are being fucked over by this whore
>take him back to your place to rape, torture, and eventually kill the whore
>play vidya with new bro
tranny eunuch begone
>bro don't even try to get a gf
>go for crossdressing gay men instead
Transparent shilling again.
>Why even try anymore?
You should be doing the same, love is bullshit anyway, its being vulnerable in exchange for NOTHING other than assured heartbreak and disappointment.
user your fantasies arent healthy
Stop being a faggot OP
The only reason this botihers you is because you think youre not good enough and you expect any future girlfriend to leave you.
If you were confident in yourself youd get yourself into situations, not just relationships, and youd end up living a much more fulfilling life. Most men probably have women in mind too if their wife were to leave them. Its not like they met up and said "hey lets date if we both split up" Its just they know they have feelings for them so can probably start dating them if it goes tits up
white males should drop out of society, their genes are worthless and they are lazy. women will not date you.
>let's ignore the fact that the average 4/10 femoid has back up men and focus on what I think of you
white men are the most valued
ALL RACES prefer white men
nice projection tranny. I never said anything about feminizing yourself as a solution
doing the same, as in having backups? that's not how it works for men. do you have a bunch of women lined up in your phone you can easily turn into your girlfriend if you wanted? the YouTuber even explains this in his video, not that it's even necessary for him to mention this since it's a well known fact that most men don't have a bunch of female orbiters in their back pocket
>most men have backup women to choose from too if their wife leaves them
incorrect, as I just dispelled this myth in my reply above to the other user
yeah because most women want double digit IQ children lmao. kys n*gger
>he doesn't have a backup GF
lmaoing @ ur life
goddamit wtf!!!!!! I already have enough problems trying to get one girl, now I'm supposed to have a bunch to choose from!!???
man fuck this
and neither is your cheater lifestyle roastie ;^)
This is old news, almost every woman has several friends with benefits.
>most men dont have a backup
Stopped reading, get rekt low value fag. I could be fucking and dating at least three girls in my phone by the end of the evening. Lmaoing @ ur life
lmao, what a loser, if you don't have at least 4 wive's with babies growing inside them and 2 catamites you might as well kys.
yeah right lol. you wish you were chad af like that
I think everyone on earth would benefit from an understood relationship between 1 girl and 2 boys, where one boy is masculine and bit aggressive, and the other boy is feminine and caring.
I'd love to share my gf with a feminine cuteboy that I could pressure into crossdressing and then bully him.
look at this cuck. look at him and laugh
doesn't really matter to me, I have like 2 backups.
Don't fault women when you'd do the same thing if you weren't so ugly/boring
you're ugly and boring lol anons a lolcow you fucking pedo lol
I guess I have a backup. In truth it's just a oneitis. I don't want anyone else yet I still humour other men because I want to fill the void of no longer talking to "the one". I wish he'd just say he was ready to talk to me again.
Been a backup guy means nothing. I was a backup guy of one girl and she used to treat me like a cuck.
Girls never have chads as backup guy. It's only normies who are used as emotional tampons.
For married women it might be opposite, they marry cuck and have chad as backup guy for sexual fulfillment.
>trying to justifying the worst and most traitorous female behaviors
Femanon, you're disgusting. You have no concept of loyalty or commitment, yet you demand it of others. You deserve to spend your life miserable an alone
I see my mother pull this shit on her boy friends. I hate it.
Boy friend"s"?
How many bf's she has? Is she a hoe?
This is true. I know for a fact that my gfs fat ugly ex is orbiting her still, but I dont care because my dick is absolutely massive and Im twice the man he is. My gf uses him like an emotional tampon now for nothing in return lmao. If he nuts up and actually tries making moves on her again Ill beat his ass and move on with my life. The key is not to be an insecure beta bitch and laugh at him while he tries to simp. I fucked her and came in her pussy after he took her out to some fancy dinner once lmfao
you incels need to stop deluding yourselves
this isnt even close to true
normies are coping losers who actually need to take girls on dates to get laid lmao
Most women on this planet are whores for attractive men and literally have hundreds of options thanks to dating apps
Every girl I've dated, I was the best thing to happen to them even if they had a backup. You can find another Male, but they'll never be me
women are bigger fucking players than men. go ask your female friend to open up her ig dms and you'll see 20+ dudes all in her dm. shit's crazy but it is what it is.
Backup is usually a beta orbiter they will never fuck.
If you're current GF is talking to other guys even just as 'friends' that's a red flag. All woman have a backup.
lmao yeah im sure chad browses this board chads barely know how to use computers/phones and play console when they aren't working their jobs or going to the bar to have sex with random women
If you're a male you wouldn't know, if you're a female you wouldn't tell the truth.
>All women have backup partners lined up
>letting your girl have male friends
it's like you fags don't learn.
Its upsetting but jokes on them, I have backup girls.
They're all her friends and they're all drooling over me. Bit of advice to females who might read this. Never bring your female friends around your boyfriend, especially if he is flirty.
>become roastie's backup
>become extremely abusive into her being too scared to have a backup
>have at least 5 kids with my chad sperm
>she's no longer a whore, and now will take care of the kids because I scared her away from abortion and her family supports her having kids
>raise all the kids not to be hedonistic fuckwads
that's how you win.
they are justified
Exactly my man. Im not trying to be egotistical but I'm really the best boyfriend she ever had and she fucking knows it. So do her orbiters.
It feels great showing off your prize to all the faggots that are after your gf
YOu obviously never dated a woman before. You see, they'll call you controlling if you complain about them going to a party or having guy friends or whatever then they'll cheat on you anyways.
almost 50% of marriages end in divorce. love is literally a coinflip lmao. and you're one of the clowns propagating this belief
All my gfs exes never got to smash. I took her V card. It's funny, one of her exes we used to smoke with (until recently) and I always make it clear that he will never get her back. He told me he was trying to get back with her but he knows he doesn't have a chance because I'm better than he is.
Went home and pounded the fuck out of her with that thought in mind
its really funny to go into a female thread, say on reddit, where women are complaining about their men using porn and to see replies where people call them controlling (because they are). it drives them up the fucking wall haha
>they'll call you controlling if you complain about them going to a party or having guy friends or whatever then they'll cheat on you anyways.
well, she can go find someone else.
Ofcs I will subject myself to the same standards, I won't have any female friends.
i watched a different video with this guy. this is what the future of PUA will look like, so take note. he's catering to guys who are blackpilled, but he's STILL trying to get you to give him money and follow his advice.
don't be stupid and fall for it. you know goddamn well he isn't going to give you any advice worth a shit. these fucking people keep trying to make money off of losers, it disgusts me.
you cant give advice to an incel because they already tried everything and failed. normies cannot grasp this idea.
incels are people that can be exploited, this guy sees that. he's trying to make certain types of people drop their guard by presenting gross truths about female nature, and then when your guard is dropped he sticks you with the "but if you give me money ill give you some advice that may work" at the end.
from the videos ive seen of this guy that is exactly what he's doing. you are going to see more pua types pick up on what this guy is doing and do the same thing in a slightly different way.
She had a back up girl
I even managed to get a threesome
Share this around to easily redpill others.
yeah youre right watching it. he's really leaning into incel ideas
All WESTREN women. The language barrier will be tough and I will miss the fuck out of my nation, but I might forreal just have to move to the East and somewhere where this hypergamy and degeneracy hasn t become so normal and thoroughly saturated throughout all potential partners. America is just cucked and it breaks my heart that the country I love would have to slowly rot from the inside like this. It was all over the second people started adopting the idea of value and the free market to interpersonal relationships.
Nothing can be done about it.
Where the fuck do retarded Murricans imagine this would be? You know they have smartphones even in African villages, right?
I had a girlfriend who cheated on me once. I punched her in the head and now she isn't my girlfriend anymore.
Guess that's what happens when you put women on a pedestal and stop beating and killing them for misdemeanor.
>but if you give me money ill give you some advice that may work
If they take this bait then they aren't blackpilled enough since they should already know money won't change their situation.
being blackpilled doesn't mean that person is incredibly intelligent or anything, there are plenty of desperate people that are blackpilled. a lot of those guys fall for this type of shit.
>no argument cope
Seethe harder virgin. Remember, most normal people have this thing called past sexual partners, and believe me fucking a girl you have already managed to fuck a few times previously is a lot easier than fucking any for the first time..which in and of itself is easy. Go ahead and spew more bullshit, ill keep cumming in braindead white women and laughing at you
this. a friend was recently telling me about an old girlfriend. they broke up on bad terms but kept fucking occasionally for a while. yall have no idea what the full scope of being a normie is.