Would robots date a girl who had been emotionally abused and needed lots of affection and reassurance to feel secure in...

would robots date a girl who had been emotionally abused and needed lots of affection and reassurance to feel secure in the relationship?

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As if any girl would want to date me.

No. These types of women are even more annoying than usual and would either screech at you or cry over the smallest things.

why do you make these threads
you know people are just going to say yes, this board is full of people who havent even been looked at by a girl without disgust

Of course, but only if she shows signs of loyalty.

I've dated such a girl before.
Very promiscuous past, abused by past boyfriends, raised by a shitty single mother... this girl was the whole package.

Needless to say, she left some other guy to date me, and a couple of months later, she left me for another guy.

It was all just entertainment for her.
But I should've known.
She showed no real signs of loyalty, and no potential for monogamy.

Either way, I wasn't angry when she left me, and I wish her well.
Very dysfunctional girl, she is her own worst enemy.
Still, she did show me some affection and I appreciate that.

I've done this before I'd do it again
it wasn't that bad

i would dedicate my life to anyone who truly accepted me
you say that but usually people leave after they get to know me

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This basically

I'd love to date a girl who wants constant affection (although I would be slightly wary of Op's reason) but she would never settle for me

because they find out youre a mentally deranged dude who thinks hes a girl

i'm not even a tranny
guys think they want a clingy insecure girl when really it just gets old after a while
trust me i'd know, it even exhausts me sometimes

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>i'm not even a tranny
you know what to do then """""fem"""""oid

Not really I try my best not to treat piece of shit girls like that. They are usually toxic as fuck.

I'm pretty sure I want to marry such a girl.
Her clinginess being greater than mine really works for me.

By being worried, she proves to me that she cares, and it makes me feel less clingy.
And then I'm happy, so I become more affectionate, which makes her feel better and less clingy.

It's a positive reinforcement circle.

>he said he could handle it
>tfw sorry femanon, you're too much for me
I fell for it once, never again.

Dont blame your own issues on someone else roast beef sandwich from arby's with extra sauce

Yes these are the best types of girls.
I only feel complete with a very needy girl that needs help.

I did it before and the clinginess and insecurity is not what tires me. I got more attention and care to give than most girls could stand.
However has it right.
Most girls who are clingy at first get bored of getting what they asked and change their interest rather rapidly.

>I was only infatuated I have no romantic feels for you.
are the niceties you get to hear after a year of so. Complete with friendzoning attempts.

That genuinely made me laugh, thanks user.

Was you even trying to put effort into restraining your need for affection or was you expecting that your bf was always going to be able to give you affection non-stop?

of course

this particular user has plenty of love to give

Why would you be so mean to laugh about that..
Very rude user.

Because its such a beta thing those girls are trash

>sorry femanon, you're too much for me
this exact situation happened to me. it broke my heart, but i couldn't bring myself to be upset at him even when he ghosted me. i know dealing with me is too much to ask of anybody. also,
>"i'm not too clingy am i?"
>"i don't mind it at all"
>stop messaging first and spamming them out of insecurity
>never hear from them again
i just want someone who will love me as much as i love them.

I would never do something like that to a person, and I never have.

You probably don't believe me and all that.
However, I wish I could be with a clingy girl.

I would unironically hit and abuse girls like you in a relationship

your love is the only thing i'd ever ask of you
that's ok user, i've already been through that so it might not seem as painful the second time around. i would allow it as long as you promise to never abandon me.

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Is there any other cause for anons to not love you?
Are you a virgin?
Are you fat?

I can't imagine a fellow user/incel that wouldn't want a clingy gf.

You lack of self worth turns me off so much. The only reason someone would want to be in a relationship with you would be to abuse you, either physically or mentally.

No they aren't. They're best girls.
Stacies are the trash.

Breeding time with stacies is the best there is

What an absolute qt. Where are you from? I want a gf like you.

yes, i am used damaged goods. to be fair, i've only been with my ex boyfriend/abuser and i'm strictly monogamous. i couldn't blame anyone for not wanting me, though.
why would anyone want to abuse another person? i don't understand it.

It would work mainly because it's not like I would have anyone else. Thus we can both obsess over eachother. It would be mutual in other words.

God I just want to cuddle you
I just want to pin you down in my bed and hold you and kiss you while I told you how much I loved you
This seems lewd to me given how improbable I'll ever encounter the scenario

Because they like the control and power they have over someone. Insecure girls without self worth make a great target. Since you already said you wont leave someone even tho he will abuse you.

>would I date a girl with similar experiences to me
Of course I would. Unfortunately I'm an ugly, horrible bastard so they deserve much better than me.

Body count of 1 isn't too bad. It's when you get up there in numbers that relationships fall apart and satisfaction of relationship/marriage falls apart.

I wouldn't mind dating you depending on your interests and hobbies. Cuddling and affection is great but I'd want to do other things with gf than just that.
But yeah, I'd probably cuddle the shit outta you 90% of the time and give you cute little pet names and say I love you

Lmao bruh shut yo ass up, bitch.

Men are scum. Never trust anything they say.

Get ready for 200 replies from desperate Discord redditers.

Some guys want to save girl like that, some want to destroy them.
I think Typ A is far too beta and caring, and Typ B is imo inwardly envious that he would never receive such care and wants to punish you for that injustice.
Both sorts are not really sane btw, sane guys will run for the hills once they notice your bullshit.

Serves you right discusting arby's roast beef sandwich, now piss off!

Mentally ill women will leave you eventually no matter what. Being in a healthy relationship with one is a fantasy.

Well femanon, I'm a 'captain save a hoe', but the hoes always leave me.

Could yoube different?

i'd be okay with that... but what if you met someone you liked better? the lack of passion would probably worry me a lot
y-yeah, that seems as far-fetched as any other fantasy to me... ;_;
can an abuser feel genuine love for the person they're abusing? as long as he was doing it out of love, i should be grateful.

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Not everyone feels love in the same way. He would prolly love you in some way but very different from the one you get in a healthy relationship. You sound like you like the abuse tho.

Yes. When I fall in love, I fall hard. I'm an extremely affectionate person, and I suppose it's a little overwhelming for most girls. I'm not clingy, but I do need someone who accepts me for who I am, and that means she has to be willing to draw on my bottomless well of love and admiration.

These kinds of threads make me extremely suspicious because I doubt anyone would leave such a person as for any reason, they seem so precious that an unbreakable bond could be formed and make a perfect couple as long as the other person was in any way in their right mind. Even if there were a problem, I can't imagine anything that couldn't be overcome.
But then I read the thread and see many people not in their right mind which is sad and I don't understand the upbringing that would produce such a person.

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Eh, but the good news is that while you would want ALOT of attention, that would cause you to give me alot of attention to get my attention. It's not like I could go find a hotter girl because if I don't know her, she's probably not going to give me the attention you would so you would probably be the most valued girl. I originally made that comment not realizing it was about you but eh, just need something in person because I delt with so many relationships online and they all ended up being nothing. Doing online dating for all my teen years really fucks you up mentally. We all are seeking something real aren't we? We've been played so much we just want to know we're with someone we can trust and understands the pain.

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been there, done that. long story short, no, it's not worth it.

That's litterally my type.

A lot of the issues arise from being woken up by phone calls at 4am because they get paranoid you're going to leave them.

I'm failing to see how being woken up by someone who you love is a bad thing.

It get's tiring after a while

Distrust in a relationship is poison. Plus its not fun going to work all exhausted because you only got 3 hours sleep.

Huh, I'd of thought it would become addicting.

Lol, my phone is on airplane mode every night, you can't call me.
If you choose to visit my house at that time, I would just fuck you and go back to sleep.

Based and Arbys pilled

thank you user, you're very insightful. i wouldn't say i like the abuse, moreso i feel like i would end up pushing anyone more mentally stable than me away. i don't trust myself to ever feel secure in a relationship where i'm not an emotional captive.
you'd think no one could leave someone like me because you're looking at the situation from a distance. i'm just a poster on an anonymous message board, but it'd be different if you knew me personally.
this puts a hole in my heart. i get it and i'm sorry.

no, this is extremely annoying

>needed lots of affection and reassurance to feel secure in the relationship
I wasn't abused and I still need that.

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>this puts a hole in my heart. i get it and i'm sorry.
don't be. the girl i dated was fubar. no matter what i did nothing would help. good luck user.

I'd be emotionally controlling, manipulative, constantly gaslighting you, but I'd never leave or have eyes for anyone else. This includes stuff like pornography and otherwise. We would spend all of our free time together no matter what else you have going on.

>emotionally abused
translation: went after Chad and got upset when he did Chad things

Not gonna be convinced that there's an actual woman in this thread until I get a vocaroo link.

Easy solution there is if they don't then you call them in the dead of night instead and slowly chip away at their doubt. If that doesn't work then it would be possible to try harder doing things like leaving a voice call on before you go to sleep together and leaving it on hearing each other sleep symbolically being together. If that fails then keep doing that unless it has an inverse effect but smother them in supplying basic human needs like physical touch.
Isn't that willfully pushing them away though? In what way is that beneficial.
>you're looking at the situation from a distance
That part is a true statement.

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Absolutely not. I refuse to be anyone's emotional tampon. They can deal with it like every other man that has to deal with shit.

>i would dedicate my life to anyone who truly accepted me
You say that, but you wouldn't actually want to be with someone you're not attracted to.