Anyone else have a deep burning hatred of normalfaggots who say think they are "introverted?"

Anyone else have a deep burning hatred of normalfaggots who say think they are "introverted?"

Attached: i'm such an introvert lol.jpg (1820x1209, 655.51K)

there's a difference between being introverted and mentally ill lol. ~60% of people are introverted, we're just lunatics.

Normies need to be rounded up and executed.

I was actually just thinking today after seeing a normalshit in a YouTube comment say they were an introvert: If you have to announce you're an introvert, you're most likely not one.
What the fuck is up with normalshits always pretending they're introverts anyway?

>Anyone else have a deep burning hatred of normalfaggots who say think they are "introverted?"
No, because I'm not a massive fucking loser lmao.

>oh my gawsh I'm such an introvert I have only 136 friends and 15 orbiters I talk to on a daily basis, like I'm so lonely and like so sad I have nobody

Attached: 1517790772466.png (434x245, 189.16K)

Literally more than half of the population of earth are introverted you dumbass. 136 friends and 15 orbiters is super low for a woman, you just have warped standards of what things mean.

to be fair to the hole an introvert only means that you have a weak social battery. you can be a high tier normal fag but still be an introvert because you may even want to interact with these people but you only have that desire for a short amount of time before getting this urge to just leave people and go back to solitude.

>Being a moon child

Attached: unnamed.jpg (468x340, 32.18K)

she never said that shes sad you projecting retard

Imagine how crazy this broad is.
If we were fucking she would beat me like a dog and gag me with her panties because *she* wanted to.

man, srsly wtf is it with women and their lack of self awareness.

>you just have warped standards of what things mean
No, normalfags like yourself use introvert, depression, suicidal thoughts..etc as a way to be kewl and le unique, kys.

>she never said that shes sad you projecting retard
Imagine being such a fucking beta that you start defending imaginary green arrow meme women.
The absolute fucking state.

Introversion as nothing to do with depression or suicidal thoughts you dumbass. It's a dichotomy with extraversion that's all, you're the one trying to use it to be cool and unique

He never said that depression or suicidalness were PART of introversion... they just go hand-in-hand with normalniggers who want sympathy or want to look mysterious. Learn to read.

>haha look at me I am so quirky because I am introvert
>attractive girl
>on instagram
>Almost 4K likes

nice backpeddle retard, now go find something better to try and make into a secret club

biggest red flag on that is her calling herself a "moon child"
people who believe in astrology are fucking morons, no thanks

Pointing out your illiteracy isn't backpeddling. Can you be a retarded normalfag somewhere else?

you're the one that's trying to pretend that itroversion is sacred when more than half of people are introverted

You actually are just a fucking retard why is this the hill you choose to die on faggot? Defending a roastie using the term introvert to be cool and unique by accusing someone else of using it for the same reason when he never did that at all. Fucks sake.

I'm responding to his text not his image, idgaf about some roastie. user just has a stick up his ass about somebody using his special word in a way he doesn't like

Can we just calm down real quick

I have met normie introverts. They're really weird and seem like they're up to no good.

>18 framed as late to have first kiss
>tfw a literal decade after that without one
It's hitting again it's hitting again

Attached: 1426393632994.png (800x800, 50.62K)

>Anyone else have a deep burning hatred of normalfaggots
Of course

The simps are out in force again

t. special snowflake that doesn't know what introverted means

>and seem like they're up to no good
as a cyborg who had a semi-normie phase the likely explanation for this is that they're thinking about how much they'd rather be home doing their hobbies

They also seem like they're barely concealing their contempt for people.

t. simp simping

she is such a great arguement for communism. id sick the NKVD on her and send her to the gulags. fucking retard of a woman. id love to see her get executed or tortured and cry. to beg for mercy but to receive none.

t. speciaI snowflake that doesn't know what introverted means

t. simp simping even harder for a woman who'll never fuck him

I haven't even read OP's pic. He's just a retard that wants to be special

t. simp who just cannot stop simping, its literally in his soi ridden blood to simp all day every day

Attached: thesimp.jpg (1200x687, 54.72K)

I think you missed your dilation

have sex

You know you can be introverted and still not be a shut in neet you fag

All you can do is receipt buzzwords and be a retard.

t. simp who continues to aggressively simp, using words he saw on reddit that people said came from Yas Forums

I don't think you understand irony

t. simp who joins in to defend his fellow simp, in the hopes of possibly sharing pussy with him, but it will never be. There is no pussy to be had, for they are both simps

you've already outed yourself as a normalfag that's just angry that other normalfags use the same words to look specialvas you do. just give up

This concerns me far more than the introvert thing

Why do think I would expect to get pussy out of calling someone a retard on the internet?

t. simp continues to simp on and on, simping more and more, revealing his simpy reddit nature more and more as he simps and simps throughout the day

t. simp who thinks others cannot see what he, as a simp, is doing

>Calls other people normalfags

>damage controlls
>damage controlls some more

t. simp who cannot tell there is more than one poster in the thread, and that others can also tell what a massive simp he is

>t. retard who thinks others cannot see what he, as a retard, is doing

t. simp attempting to use the "no u" defence, but it does not work, for he is a simp, and thus cannot be taken seriously

You think I can take you seriously with how often you simp?

t. simp, attempting the "no u" defence again, but it makes no sense, as he is the only one who has simped, along with the other simp

You know how retarded you look?

>Anyone else have a deep burning hatred of normalfaggots who say think they are "introverted?"
Yeah man I shake harder than a triggered lefty sometimes... fuck em all to death using my shit for attention

Attached: triggered.png (389x500, 330.58K)

>Anyone else have a deep burning hatred of normalfaggots who say think they are "introverted?"
What part of this harms you? Why do you care?

What part of this statement is exclusive with being introverted?

Attached: E0424ABC-0814-47DC-AB9E-48483628BEC6.jpg (312x278, 6.59K)

Introverted people can have friends and relationships, it just drains them of energy and they need time to recover. If social interaction drains you of energy, you are an introvert. If you feel energized by social interaction, you are an extrovert.

Just let them do their crigy normie shit who cares

Thats simply not how energy works retard
"Extraverts" just turn their brains off, nodding along smiling and wait for social queues to react appropriately
like the empty shells they are

>Anyone else have a deep burning hatred of normalfaggots who say think they are "introverted?"
no because I don't take pride in labels to cope

not really, it's more the whole "it's alright to bee yrself" crap they spew when they're the ones doing most of the shaming

Yes, because Myers-Briggs tests are the greatest scam in psuedo-psychology.
The two women who invented MBTI and the concept of introverts and extroverts were fucking farmers

This girl seems pretty annoying but whatever she's talking about isn't even worth reading