I'm sick and tired of being belittled about my circumcision. This is basically persecution at this point...

I'm sick and tired of being belittled about my circumcision. This is basically persecution at this point. I'm being driven into a corner. Please, God, fucking help me.

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Who has been belittling you about it?

what did you jack off with? i remember masturbating with soap or something and it made my tip dry like that.

Fucking kill me holy shit

Accidentally used the wrong lotion

It's always a thing to shit on cutfags on chan boards. like I get it if they're defending doing it but it sucks because most of us were ruined as babies and didn't get a choice.

I have a semi loose cut and always ja led it dry growing up wondering why everyone talked about using lotion and we never had any at the house to use.

So one day I used a lot of body wash or maybe even shampoo in the shower and it felt really good but the day or so after that my dick was really really dry and I couldn't feel a damn thing and I was so scared I thought I lost all feeling in my dick

It's not fucking fair at all why me holy fucking shit what could I have possibly done to deserve this violent fucking treatment my god there is nothing here for me my penis fucking hurts and it doesn't have to, I'd rather have an arm or leg amputated than live another day with this fucking shit I would gladly make that fucking trade, take an eyeball, take my hair, dear god please end this fucking nightmare it never ends holy fuck you know what it feels like when you wake up in the middle of the night because your chafed because you forgot to wear your compression shorts? Not fucking good lmao. It's not a joke anymore there is nothing funny about any of this shit. You know what it's like to have to stand over a urinal for 5 fucking minutes dabbing yourself with toilet paper because you can't properly empty your bladder because of meatal stenosis? You ever have a painful erection? You ever have to look at a scarred up, dried out, dead dickhead multiple times a day? You ever cringe in the shower because water falling on your dickhead hurts? Holy fucking shit. Holy fucking shit. And nobody fucking cares. No one gives me the time of day. I'm going to go batshit insane and join the rest of these crazy fucks around me. Who was the doctor who did this? Where can I find him and rip him to fucking pieces? AAAAAAAAAAAAAJAJAJAJAHAJHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Your glans has an Armor Class of at least 12 - studded leather. It would take a decent weapon to slice through that keratin layer.

thoroughly entertaining

thank you user

regards, comfy foreskin gang

buy lube and stop bitching you broke stupid fucking faggot

It isn't your fault your parents decided to mutilate you for no reason. And it really fucking sucks, user, I'm sorry. The best you can do is not mutilate your own children someday.

it just baffles me that this is legal at all. have there been any relevant law cases or ethical studies about this? I'm genuinely curious why there isn't a bigger outrage

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Learning about this practice has really fucked with me. I'm not circumcised but it's obviously only because of luck. it could have easily happened to me, my parents are stupid enough to be tricked by a doctor telling them that circumcision is healthy or whatever it is american doctors say. I dont know, as retarded as this sounds, i think about this subject almost every time i jerk off now. I think about how simple it would have been for someone to torture me or basically do whatever the hell they wanted to me for such a long period of my life and how it happens in countries that i considered first world. I don't think I would have the fortitude to deal with something like that being done to me.

You can sue your parents for it as long as it was non-medical
At least in America
But again, americans are so stupid they think that phismosis can happen before puberty and doctors will often diagnose it to con parents into cutting

is this really what penises look like up close?

kek, i thought that too, or to a lesser extent. Never doing it again, lesson learned.

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All cut ones yeah

Uncut can look like this but unlikely since it gets naturally moisturized
The glans is not a fucking external organ, its like not being able to close your eyes and then they dry up

oh ok. is it true that the uncut ones always have a bunch of smegma

Go away, cumdumpster. I wonder how badly youd scream if someone strapped you down and mutilated your genitals without any anaesthetic.

It really just depends on the person and smegma is proof that its working
Sometimes there can be an excess of smegma caused by a bacterial buildup like a yeast infection in women but its minor and fixed easily
Vaginas have way more smegma than a intact penis ever will

Only if the person has no personal hygene

Uncut guy here. Do you guys last longer in bed due to less sensitivity? Getting there prematurely isn't fun.

>tfw phimosis

Pretty much the only reason why im an incel virgin, It hurts if i try to pull my foreskin back when the dick is erect.

I dont want to get a circumcision.

Theres no frenulum
The frenulum plays a major part in orgasming for men, like a trigger, so among cut men there will be less control overall, some will last 1hr+ some wont even last 2 mins

As a cut man personally though my glans is so sensitive that I will literally enter sensory overload if someone tries to give me a blowjob, but otherwise i never feel my glans at all

For phismosis there are non surgical stretching excerscises and steroid creams, surgical wise theres dorsal slits and pretidiouplasty or whatver its called

Interesting, I figured the constant rubbing on clothing would have desensitized the glans.

It might not even be due to the glans being sensitive because i never feel it at all otherwise, the sexual part of the brain is weird, it might have just been this one persons mouth that my cock didnt like, or it could be that mouths in general just trigger my sensory overload when it comes to my penis

Tfw cutfag on ssri, sex feels like fucking a warm cup of water

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I genuinely feel sad for every man who was cut against their will. I'm a girl so I never had to worry about it, but I lost a lot respect for my mom when she bragged about how if I were born a male she would have have me cut and given me a jewish name (we are WASPs).
There's something about boomers and gen Xers, they have an obsession with "fixing" biology. If there's a minor issue, real or made up, their first instinct is to start cutting and removing tissue. I also argued with her about not getting our cat declawed for no reason, as if it was born with a defect for having functioning claws. She was pissed at me for an entire week.
I blame these awful abrahamic religions for making them believe everything natural is dirty and defective and needs intervention to be "purified".

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In America it's because of Jews and Christians starting, encouraging and defending the practice. Muslims are quite fond of it too but they don't have the political pull of the other two.

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Just restore your foreskin user. I'm going on week 7 of manual stretching, already seeing very noticeable growth.

Its the mark of a Jewish slave. I look forward to death cause of it.

boomers are just fucking shit at every facet of life, the world will be better in every possible way when their generation is gone.

Muslims mutilate their children around age 7-10, and don't get enough negative credit for giving their unfortunate kids the 'grace' of not remembering it.

mutilate your dick more

lol okay how about you go first, nigger

Fucking this. Already confronted my parents on this and they said the exact thing. Fuck those kike pseudodoctors.

How does it come up in conversation exactly ?

I might kill a man if he said that to me.

I spend most of my time trying to numb my mind and retreat into mental worlds, thought and fantasy, in order to divert attention from the pain.
I am essentially a cripple, no one will take it seriously or offer compassion or relief, and I hope only for death, and that my God will torture everyone for being so evil.

alright so can we vote a woman like you into the presidency? not joking

If I were in charge of my nation I would firstly deport all niggers and make the holocaust real.

this song was written about a coal mining disaster, i think, but the dark arrangement seems to give it a double meaning. It could easily be thought of to refer to profit motivated Jews and masonic capitalists (keep in mind that circumcision is a for profit business, as foreskins can be sold for up to 100000 dollars on top of doctors charging to do it), as well as to niggers.

Maybe stop telling random people on the internet about your dick?
Also wtf put some moisturizing cream on that.

Abraham was a narcissistic psychopath, and the religions he spawned both create more and are used as a weapon by narcissistic psychopaths

May you live forever with no hope of death, hope, or relief.
Only pain for you.

What's the likelihood of the guy I'm dating being willing to get foreskin regeneration? Once foregen succeeds, none of that pulling bs. He just thinks a cut dick is normal, but I am not about to walk up to him and say "your genitals are mutilated." He is obviously desensitized, and I've tried commenting on that but he brushed it off.
I don't wanna hurt the guy's feelings but I would also want him to not be mutilated, and for sex to not feel so bad. The issues I've been having are the same that other women report online that come with circumcised dicks.

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Cant fucking cope anymore, im tired of being incomplete, im tired of being sensory deprived, im tirrd of not having the basic fucking functions of a hunan being because ny piece of shit evil mother chosse to slice A heslthy part of my body, i fucking hate myself snd my mutilated painful scardick. Fuck every eligion, fuck every idea and thought and person that led to this fucking mutilation being allowed, im tired of fucking suffering and i wish i was never born

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>The issues I've been having are the same that other women report online that come with circumcised dicks.
I'm in the same situation as you. It fucking sucks.

>feels like its scraping inside you and it's so uncomfortable you can't even stay wet because the wetness from before is gone
>end up sore everytime

I'd rather not have sex or just grind against his dick w my clit. It would be shit of me to only allow that though. At least nothing has to be inside of me for pegging, haha.

The sexual frustration of the "incel" HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE APPROVAL OF WOMEN. The media wants you to believe that the incel is some failed loser who's sexual frustration (from female rejection) has tipped him over, but the fact is that, the only real consistent sexual satisfaction for an average young man (before his financial prime) is masturbation. This is of course if he doesnt land a girlfriend. And how convenient, he cant even self pleasure with manual masturbation nor with the thousands of super advanced sex toys made in non-circumcising cultures like Japan and Germany, because some quack doctor cut his sex organs off because "mommy thinks foreskin is gross" and "(((muh tribe)))". Even if the incel hit the lottery and magically became a stud, he could sleep with thousands of women and not even be able to feel the vagina of not one of them.

No media hit piece about incels should be left untouched without these facts explicitly and repeatedly stated in the comment section of the blog or YouTube video.

The gateway to Male sexuality is not "women", it is his INTACT genitals.

Holy shit this EXACTLY. Why the hell aren't more women talking about it? I have to believe they just don't know and wonder why they don't like sex.

The thing is, there is no hope.

They're taught to believe it's normal. And if the dude still cums from sex, its understandable that people think the issue is themselves.
My bf just thinks that I'm not warmed up enough, but I don't know how to explain that the whole thing doesn't feel right. Before sex I can be as horny as I possibly can but as soon as penetration happens it sucks. Especially cause despite it sucking my stupid monkey brain still thinks and fantasizes about sex. Idk man. I hope foregen pulls thru

Demon posessed creature here, have you thought about the logistics of foregen?
It is likely going to be expensive given that it is a stem cell treatment, and the man will obviously have to pay for it.
Most men do not have money to blow on expensive procedures.

It's said to be around 10,000$
Why would he have to pay for it? My job will have a higher income and we're not having kids

You deserve what is coming to you. Remember that

I take this as a positive thing. Thank you, user

hehe you will regret that

I have no means to restore my foreskin.