My biggest desire is for white master to colonize Latin America again.
We've been bad spics and need to be put under their leash again.
My biggest desire is for white master to colonize Latin America again.
We've been bad spics and need to be put under their leash again.
Are you the native qt that also posts on /trash/?
No,I don't post on /trash/.
Nah, we worship you guys but Asia is still the number one white man's whore.
But some people have told me that they got lots of easy sex on Brazil and Guatemala and that tinder is extremely good for whites here in Latin America.
Post skin or your face or tits to prove not a larp
Interesting, so she's not a one-off and this is actually more common.
>Post skin or your face or tits to prove not a larp
I'm a male.
In my experience, this is false. I went to South America and the women there were just as repulsed by me as white women are.
I've always had a thing for Latin women. Probably from a mix of where I grew up and Chel.
I don't post on /trash but I wonder if it's the same person that posts pic related around
>In my experience, this is false.
It's not, you are not ugly, you are very ugly and probably deformed.
I'm not deformed but I am quite ugly
Normal looking whites are very well liked ere and preferred, but actually ugly people (I mean 2/10 or 3/10) will not be liked anywhere doesn't matter the race.
>very well liked ere and preferred,
very well liked here and preferred over non-whites
Are you a cute male? Hispanic boys can be really cute desu
Wanna give up your brown ass to the white man then, Indian faggot?
I would say I'm a solid 4 but I guess there's no woman in the world desperate enough to fine me attractive.
no one cares you fucking alabama inbred faggot
Where did you went, user and are you at least a little bit sociable?
I'm not gay, I have a bleached fetish.
Latinas are trash though, most are materialistic as fuck with a huge princess complex.
I went to Colombia, and am a social retard. Nobody ever approached or tried to talk to me so they couldn't have known. My spanish is (was) 6-7/10 but I stutter so bad that wouldn't have mattered either
Yes we love white men here in Latin America, but if you don't even try to go to parties and have some fun and talk to people then you'll not get anything.
People will not approach you just because you are white, not even in Asia this happens.
Also, 4/10 is definitely enough to get some qt latina girls, I would say you could get 6-7/10 latinas if you are just a little bit social.
I've actually been to Asia too; it's even worse there. Some Japanese schoolgirls tried to talk to me and laughed at my otaku/10 Japanese. An old Japanese dude approached me just to practice his English and shoot the shit. Mostly they were frightened of me (very tall). At least in Colombia people didn't stare.
Not to dox myself but I was a part of a "cultural exchange" or sorts and was very involved with a lot of locals every day. A chad from my group even banged one. But at the end of the day, I was always alone. Sometimes you see posts about how they "approach you on the streets" but I think this only works for chads.
>"approach you on the streets"
I live in Brazil and I have NEVER seen this happens, you NEED to approach the girl here in Latin America.
You need to lose your shyness and introversion if you want a gf or a one-night thing.
Introversion isn't really something you lose, but I supposed you can gain courage. I've been shot down before and it's not fun, especially being as unattractive as I am. A one-night thing wouldn't be worth such a risk. But if nothing else, you're consistently getting some good digits.
Latina fetish > Asian fetish. Latina fetish is the most chad fetish
>My biggest desire is for white master to colonize Latin America again.
literally the opposite is happening in america right now.
Such a sad state-of-affairs, white males should colonize the whole world in my opinion. BWC should be the ruler.
Whites aren't masters anymore. Now it's the Chinese.
I get about 3 to 5 matches a day on Tinder regularly but when I changed my location to various Latin American countries I was getting hundreds of matches and flooded with compliments on my greenish blue eyes. I even got propositioned for sex at least once that I can remember and some girls were really thirsty for me and would keep messaging me after I didn't respond. You are either lying or inhumanly ugly or not white-passing enough.
He didn't use tinder, he expected girls to approach him on the street. That just doesn't happen.
>Whites aren't masters anymore. Now it's the Chinese.
So many Chinese women want white guys.
Asian girls are the same. Especially East Asian women.
There are situations in both Latin America and Asia where girls will approach you, but 99% of the time they are prostitutes.
This describes most of the female population of the planet.
As a curious white male, post a pic of yourself
Biggest cope of all
Everyone hates Chinese because of all the disgusting shit they do
oh man, colonize fetish is hard to beat, i want to breed some injuns now please.
Women aren't atttacted to Chinese guys' SACs though.
They can have it when they pry it off my Cold. Dead. Hands. that once grasped my brown uncircumcised dick.
>I changed my location to various Latin American countries I was getting hundreds of matches and flooded with compliments on my greenish blue eyes. I even got propositioned for sex at least once that I can remember and some girls were really thirsty for me and would keep messaging me after I didn't respond.
Where in Latin America exactly?
>Where in Latin America exactly?
bump, I want to know.
Chel is easily one of the sexiest women in Western cartoons.
>tfw feel my genocidal german genes activate
Whit men here. Was considering quarantining your entire continent.
>quarantining your entire continent.
What do you mean?
>>quarantining your entire continent.
>What do you mean?
Brown cuties belong on my lap
she is a mallampati class II
Listen bro, I understand your fetish.
I'm a white guy and I have a blacked fetish.
I fantasize about niggers breeding white women.
While the art you post does turn me on, you have to understand that this fetish is degenerate and wrong.
Cute waifus of any race belong to their own tribe, to their own men.
Anything else is a perversion.
To try to take them from someone else is pure greed, degeneracy, and straight up evil.
We can overcome this degeneracy, spicbro.
I believe in you and in myself.
Let them eat each other, then we can seize the land
Translation: Please white people come back, the small number of your descendants don't produce enough tax dollars to pay for the gibs that we so desperately need.
>Translation: Please white people come back, the small number of your descendants don't produce enough tax dollars to pay for the gibs that we so desperately need.
No, I'm an actual cuck.
Oh, you mean you want to mug a dumb white NEETbux guy that you bait into coming to your shithole country?
Are you a thicc qt brown trap?
I'm in Asia now and think about colonization while fucking yellow girls to finish
>and think about colonization while fucking yellow girls to finish
Based white stud, ethnic girls love it.
You are still culturally colonized. You have Spanish/Portugese names, speak Spanish/Portugese and are Catholic. There's no reason for whitey to colonize you.
>There's no reason for whitey to colonize you.
How about slightly above average in length cock that's a bit thin white cock?
>How about slightly above average in length cock that's a bit thin white cock?
That's nice too.
How about a straight up average white cock?