why are there no nice guys? I struggle to find any cuties but yall are just so angry and bitter...
its almost like the days of the man is almost over and the boys have taken over...
wheres my prince charming?
why are there no nice guys? I struggle to find any cuties but yall are just so angry and bitter...
its almost like the days of the man is almost over and the boys have taken over...
wheres my prince charming?
The nice guys are usually ugly. Tons of dudes with incredibly sweet personalities exist, you never notice them because they're just facially unfortunate.
You have to earn prince charming. Men are still around but you only attract boys because you're a little girl. As far as "nice guys" go. No man wants to be a nice guy and the legitimate nice guys are probably not good looking enough for you.
Men have been dropping out of the workforce ever since the recession. That's one of the first problems.
I mentioned this to my older brother and he thinks that these unemployed men are simply lazy and are choosing to take advantage of the system. He is not very sympathetic towards men but is often very forgiving of women. I however am trying to look at the problems the male gender face from an empathetic view.
Something must be going wrong for a lot of men because more and more men are congregating online expressing anger towards women and these men are also dropping out of society and turning to drugs.
>wheres my prince charming?
he doesn't exist lmao. you want an arrogant, confident Chad who is a dick to everyone except you. Disney lied to you, you don't get to have that. You either except being treated like shit or you settle down with an ugly incel who isn't so bitter he hates everyone yet.
There are no nice guys, only con artists and manipulators.
Being attractive means you can afford to be a jerk and people are jerks by nature. If anyone is nice its because they have to be.
Don't forget womem
Good looking guys act like dicks because, like good looking women, they've never had to struggle or suffer at anything in life, and have had everything they've ever wanted handed to them on a plate. This is actually worse for good looking guys than it is for good looking women, since at least good looking women can only charm men their own age, whereas good looking boys can charm older women like their teachers at school. They're all narcissists who are only interested in women who are as attractive or more attractive than them, and the best an average to ugly girl can get is one night in his bed while he's too drunk to see straight.
It's ugly men who need to cultivate a personality and be good people to get anywhere in life, but you need to meet them and marry them just before they get bitter and angry about how being a good person doesn't mean jack shit and looks is all that matters in this world.
>why are there no nice guys?
Because you rejected every one of them while you were busy banging Chad. Now that your life is in shambles and your youthful beauty starts to fade you feel the crushing urgency to secure a simp to be your financial support. And you're finding it difficult because you're used goods.
What makes you anymore attractive?
I need a big round butt woman
wish I had me an incel to eat pizza off my butt...
those anons are saying they *AREN'T* attractive
want to chat on discord?
>the nigga actually posted his discord in response to a LARP
You're a little too thirsty for the pussy user
Discord is for thirsty niggas.
Because dont like nice guys? Stop changing your mind all the time.
Why are incels incapable of admitting that they are just as shallow as Chad, if not moreso?
There is nothing shallow about it. Men are made, not born. Women would rather have their pick of men when the men are established rather than the struggle of making something of themselves. Due to this marriage vows mean nothing due to women only wanting to be around a person for when things are better and ditching them when it is for worse. Not men's fault that a woman squanders their prime years and makes themselves repulsive to men. The women in their early 20's that net and bag that well established man are the smart ones. The ones that float around from man to man doom themselves.
how about women fuck off from the workforce, stop being teachers and teaching boys to listen to women, and stop trying to compete with men and get all up in their business
if you want to create men, stop trying to push men out of being men and fucking them all over. let men compete among each other instead of barging in. females are so retarded.
If a man is going to be that shallow he will inevitably cheat on or leave his wife anyway so no big loss. Marriage is a meme.
no guy will ever want a woman past their prime. men are hardwired to want youth because it's fertility. it's not shallow, it's just working around female biology which goes down the drain at around 30. men want to create children and the best way to do that is make sure the woman can pump out a few that are healthy.
also sluts are gross and older women usually look like shit anyway
Tick tock*
Goalposts unmoved, TL:DR all men are shallow assholes and marrying one is completely pointless.
Thank god, men shouldn't get into marriage anyway.
seriously you're an idiot. this is hardwired into men to only pay attention to young females even if they don't want children.
also there's nothing wrong with sperm jacking since females are all immoral and men are the ones that judge it as immoral because men are the only real humans and females are just braindead biological eugenic machines and babymakers depending on how hot they are
also love is a meme it's for children and family not for random whores
cringe & cuckpilled
Not that they will be having sex anyway but incels seriously need to be sterilized. Knowingly passing on shitty incel genes to innocent children is just inhumane.
all females that are below an 8 need to be sterilized as well. absolutely shit tier genes. nobody wants an ugly ass dishwasher.
A lot of incels could probably have sexual experiences if they were raised properly because it is more socialization than just sheer genetics.
you are all gullible retards
Women are hardwired to want kids more than men are. Sterilizing ugly men only would improve the gene pool considerably, though ideally only Chads and Stacies would be inducted into the nu Lebensborn programme. Bear in mind 90% of men are average to ugly. The number of legitimately ugly women is actually very small. Most so called ugly women are just overweight.
White women don't deserve nice men like me.
They're busy with more attractive women.
what the fuck are you talking about? sterilizing sub-par women could only help the gene pool as well. what the fuck is the use for a female that's not genetically healthy and attractive? men are judged on slightly different criteria, as they are the ones that have to do all the work in society so sparing more ugly ones to pay taxes would be more beneficial. it would set up basically what the west has now which is welfare states that steal ugly beta mens money and give it to low quality single mothers so they can feed their ugly children.
nobody should be ugly.
but also this is all comparative. if there's no low quality to compare anybody to then the true gene pool shrinks to such a degree that it's unsustainable. that's why betas and ugly bitches need to reproduce so that there is contrast and more experimentation with genes.
Ywn find a woman who loves you or wants your ugly kids. Seethe harder.
go fuck yourself you stupid cunt, no one cares you imbred alabama trailer park residing bitch ass bitch
Naw, sterilizing subpar women would result in gene shrinkage and would likely lead to the collapse of the human race.
Ugly bitches find Chad seed. Beta cucks like (you) raise the kid. End of story.
love is a meme and i'll have all the kids i want. i just want to fuck womens holes i don't actually give a fuck about your retarded notions of love and neither do you.
shrinking either does this, but having no men in a society is far more detrimental as it becomes pointless. also there are far more attractive women than attractive men so it's not shrinking it as hard as only allowing conventional chads to reproduce. that's only like 1-5% of men compared to about 10-20% of women being an 8+. the distribution of attractive females is a literal bell-curve and most men are hideous fucks, so shrinking only the men leads to incest faster.
lmao how about you go clean out those cobwebs in your womb and try one last time to find a man? or are you just upset that you know your time has passed and nobody will ever love you because you didn't have a family TO love you?
>ill have all the kids I want
Imagine bragging about contributing more fatherless criminal ugly incel spawn to society. Neck yourself.
I hope one of your bastard kids robs and stabs you when it grows up lmfao.
oh so it was about kids before now it's about fatherhood? you don't even know what you're saying. you're just lashing out because nobody likes ugly women you are the scum of the earth, even lesser than incel men because at least incel men contribute time and money into society and can find joy and happiness. ugly women are all just dead weight bitter cunts.
actually if he did it would be because single mothers fuck children up at a rate that's absolutely astronomical and i would have had nothing to do with it.
>where is my prince charming
>posts a coombrain pic to lure in coombrains
>incels can find joy and happiness
Cope lmao, thats why so many end up live-streaming themselves deepthroating the shotgun, right? And this why you cant keep a man sweetie is just the incel equivalent of saying have sex you hypocritical faggot. No one cares. Relationshits are a meme and men are garbage as your post proves. Enjoy getting assraped by the taxman and paying for Stacys mutt.
Fathers who abandon their children are just as accountable as single mothers you retard. It takes two to create a child.
most incels actually just coom to hot young women because of porn and save up for sex dolls. and guess what most of them find happiness in that, or some fetish like findom or shit like that. women offer sexual services like cam-whores that men can pay and interact with that gives them the satisfaction.
enjoy having no children and being a bitter cunt that everybody hates and being eternally jealous of young fertile women holding hands with attractive guys in the street
no they aren't females know what it is. their whole biology is centered around picking a man that will stay and give her money. if she judges wrong it's on her, not the guy because most guys want to pump and dump. not anyones fault that she has bad judgment except herself. it's not wrong unless it's a lie and the guy says he'll stick around and won't. and i never lie to my lays, babe.
What kind of miscreant whore shat out an abomination like you? Unironically hope your mom gets raped by a nigger and gives birth to a downie niggermutt lol.
you got nothing. your insults are fucking dog shit and pack no punch. why are you even replying to me you worthless waste of space?
I feel like I'm an actual nice guy to women, just not a pushover which I feel like "nice guy" means.
>enjoy having no children and being a bitter cunt that everybody hates and being eternally jealous of young fertile women holding hands with attractive guys in the street
Yawn and cringe. At least I am not LARPing as a Chad on a Saturday night on r9k of all places, lmao. Beyond pathetic. Also, I can have as many kids as I want. Get boicunt cancer and die slow, scrote.
There's no way to be "nice" to women that doesn't show weakness, because "niceness" implies giving more than you take. Women are viscerally disgusted by that, as is everyone else really, it shows that you're a pathetic submissive loser who has to act like that because he's not strong enough to take what he wants.
big ouch. stay mad, roast. you ran out of gas.
Do you even socialize, nigger? Yeah girls will fucking love me if I go up to them and call them cunts.
Shut the fuck up you e-girl attention whore. You want simps not "nice guys" this whole thread is to recruit more beta orbiters. No decent man would be a simp and let a cunt walk over them.
>good looking women can only charm men their own age
Seriously? A hot 14 year old girl can charm dudes from age 5-100
>why are there no nice guys?
Take a wild guess.
you trannies are subhuman
And what about all the good women? Where did they go off to?
Why is this posted everywhere and why do you losers use it to justify not trying. I mean, I'm a volcel but i could easily pick up a girl, for sex of course. Relationships are rare nowadays and you'll probably be married to 30 yr old land whale.
""""""Nice guy"""""" is just a nice guy (aka unattractive male) who pushes the issue of being orbiterzoned.
Lol seethe and cope, incel.
Would be nice but no fembots ever live close
Seethe and cope, basedboy. I bet your mom is being pounded by Tyrone and Jamal while your playing Mario on your n64 or whatever consol you losers play nowadays.
I mean your gf not "mom" but whatever. I'm tired, I'm going to sleep. Good night anons
Weak as fuck bantz. Night, copecel.
being just shallowly nice is easy, all just lies anyway. niceguyTM never wants to engage his brain and is worse than a bitter channer