>notice my hairline receding slowly starting at 16
>today, at 19 decided to shave my hair very short
>start feeling my scalp
>realize there's a few weird indents in my scalp
>fucking turns out I have a rare (1 in 100000) disorder called Cutis Verticis Gyrata
>looks like I have a weird wrinkly scalp when you look at me from the right side
>it's only going to get worse with age
I say this in earnest: I think I am going to kill myself. There is genuinely no way I will be able to get over this. I am actually a freak. Not just ugly, a legit freak. I am going to be alone forever.
Notice my hairline receding slowly starting at 16
Imagine actually killing yourself over your scalp, lmao.
Having an actual deformity is I think a very valid reason to commit suicide.
but didnt you feel the indents when you shampoo'd?
Yeah if it was cluster migraines or fibrodysplasia ossificans, not just ballsack scalp.
Your emotional response to this is what's important, and by that standard I'd say you're probably unfit to to deal with it. Other people with it have been celebrities and shit but I guess not you.
I have this too, it didn't show up until I was like 20.
My hairline is receding pretty bad but I'm praying I don't lose anything up top. FUCK
how the fuck did you not notice before?
Isn't there surgery for it?
Nope. It's fairly mild compared to pic related, but it's apparently a progressive condition.
damn you are a fucking pussy.
The surgery results I saw were fairly mediocre, and I read somewhere that it costs like fucking 30k. There is virtually no information on this though, it's exceedingly rare.
Wear a hat. Or get a weave.
Wear a wig until your hair grows back. Shaving your whole head because your hairline recedes is fucking dumb. My hairline started receding in high school and I just fucking ignored it. Now I look like Red Forman in my 30s, nothing of value lost.
Can also just get used to wearing hats. Tell employers you have a deformity.
Can't always have a hat on. But yes, a hair piece is unfortunately going to be my only option. Completely humiliating.
it's not as rare as you think.
Oh fuck right off. Your head looks a bit weird, boo fucking hoo.
if you have some time off I'd take a trip to the local med school and try to get in touch with researchers to see if they would be interested in performing the surgery just for the research value. maybe you can go on pubmed, look up articles about it, and try to find out if any of the authors are close to your location
Grow your hair back. You can't be that bald, otherwise you'd have noticed it sooner.
Given your options, I'd just take the receding hairline.
Wear a hat dummy, besides im sure surgery can fix this, just save up
just go costanza my dude
Let your hair grow back, wear a hat in the meantime.
>mfw OP is literally becoming big brain wojak
Honestly I think that looks really cool. You could probably tattoo your head and make a badass design
>bro, accept never receiving an ounce of affection in your entire life, bro!
To be honest. Most of everything bitched about on 4 chan isnt a big deal. Non of the things I've seen on this website are deal breakers except for a personality of "I want a girlfriend but I dont want to hang out, listen to her, talk to her or have any responsibility together"
top fucking lul
Welcome to the unreal pain of being fucking DONE
Not like "oh you could fix this with a lot of work --- NO. Being fucking DONE. You are fucking DONE op, there is no way back from being a bald wriknly headed freak, you life is OVER, you are DONE. Same with me, I have a terrible acne scar, is horrendous, it would require plastic surgery to fix I'm also fucking DONE. We will die alone and the pain is unreal. Its despair incarnate. Many on here can fix themselves, some are just being sad failed normies we are on another level of physically deformed
based take before it's time
Incels don't want to hear this because it ruins the victim mentality. If it isn't narratively compelling it's hard to accept.
> inb4 ad homs to avoid confronting reality.
if you're really that concerned about the bumps, couldn't you get fillers in it? like botox or something
litterally just have your hair at least 2 inches long and its not a problem at all
He can just except the fucked hairline. I'm not gonna pretend it won't effect his chances but it isn't a deal breaker. He'll just need to compensate in other ways. I've seen some far more fucked looking individuals that did fine because they either settled (not recomended) or compensated with confidence and an interesting personality (good looks in other ways also help obviously).
>> it would require plastic surgery to fix
>> I'm done/unfixable
Pick one
The problem is that I am balding. Even on finasteride I am seemingly losing ground. I will not have hair forever, much less hair that is presentable in any form but a short buzz.
Literally just use a wig nigga
No botox, no surgery, no hair lengthening or whatever...
This is literally solved by a wig.
You should own up to it and play it off as being big brained user
Also there's no way theres no a surgery for this, fixing this looks as easy as just removing the excess skin and tightening it or some shit, easy as fuck to fix with surgery
just say they're blading scars
Use Nizoral shampoo, it's one of the most underrated ways you can prevent hairloss and it's cheap as well.
hahahahahahaha just use a wig you fucking fag
That head looks like a ballsack in the middle of winter
My dude, killing yourself over a weird scalp is a dumb thing to do. Wear a hat or something, and pretend it doesn't exist.
Does it actually hurt you? If it is only a cosmetic issue, read above.
Lol the nigga cuttin yo hair didnt even cut the parts in the dents he highlighted that shit lmfao ugly ass nigga
Wigs aren't that expensive and some modern ones look pretty great. Maybe you can find a hairstyle that looks even better for you than your original.
>Use Nizoral shampoo
OP your head looks like a sharpe. your head looks like the cover of a Joy Division album. your cranium looks like that jesus poster in the desert. try head and shoulders....and what i mean by that is ge- ok we get it. leave literal brainiac alone
Go read a study on it, faggot.
Holy fuck that is legitimately disgusting. I suggest wearing beanies or skullcaps.
>Cutis Verticis Gyrata
Neat. I always thought that this photo was shopped.
Top kek.
Yes. Cluster migraine is obviously not as horrible as user with ballssckscalp! Oh no just how is he going to study. Work. And navigate through daily life with this handicap. He has to live with this every day!
God fucking dammit op you have a ballsack for a head. Funny as fuck. Take the jokes and just move the fuck on. There's children getting abused as torture and sex slaves. Millions. Millions feel death is near because they can't eat. But a ballsack for a head! FUUUUUUCK
easy for you to say. if you had a scrotum for a scalp you'd prob kys too
I was kidding. I think you will be fine. I know someone with the same issue you have. He has a wife and a kid. You'll be okay. Don't let anything damp your spirits.
You just need to focus on different things. I'm a khhv wizard and there is nothing I can do about it, but I'm extremely grateful for this life and I'm going to enjoy what I can dammit.
Oh man, thank the FUCKING heavens that I am able to wageslave, shit, eat, and sleep like a normal person. Who cares that I will never be loved and I look like a diseased freak? Hahah I get to study pain-free YAY
Cheer up, prune head
>Kill myself.
Mate I have been psychotic for 1 full year. Thinking every day would be my last. I'd get killed and my family is behind it, wondering if everything would ever calm down. Horrifying shit non stop. Then my serotonin leaves were so fucked I had a 6 month suicidal depression. The meds really helped me. M8. Kill myself? Ballsack head? Nigga get the fuck out. I've accepted death and not recovering out of a fucked up world more than a hundred times.
Fuck you OP. The reason no woman will fuck you because you're a pathetic loser that think ballsack head is so bad he should kill himself. Fuck man. You never faced real shit so come back when you're not mentally a child.
Is this some sort of negroid disease?
Probably, I live in cali and I've seen a bunch of spics with this. I always thought it was because they cracked their heads open fighting like monkeys but I guess it's from having underlying neurological problems aka retarded
>prune head
>mad hairlet is mad
lol shut up, stupid
>ballsack scalp
Again top kek.
Thanks for the laughs user. I pictured a slightly retarded kid in class who is known as ballsack Stanley.
Op don't be a butthurt ballsack Stanley.
>There is genuinely no way I will be able to get over this
Guess you'll have to make up for it somehow. Maybe it will motivate you to try very hard where other people don't have that level of motivation.
Your resentment can fuel you to suicide or to success. Your choice.
But if you're going to cry about a rare genetic disorder, you might as well be in the same boat as someone crying about a micropenis. Nothing you can fucking do, so what now?
I have a full head of hair because I noticed it was starting to recede and I saved it. You'll always be a dumb faggot, and by the way, OP's photo wasn't of him, retard.