Be genetically female

>be genetically female
>have crush on incel
>make it very clear to him that I want his seed

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Are you truly female user, it's hard to believe that a woman would browse Yas Forums. Let alone have a hard time getting sex from an incel.

just fuck him. Rape him he won't mind

I am a male mentally and spiritually, hence I post on Yas Forums and only have male interests/hobbies. He insists that it would be gay to fuck me despite the biological fact that I am female, which is flattering, but still disappointing as I really wanna have sex with him.
An actual female wouldn't want to fuck him and I can see why, but I'm not attracted to him in the same way a foid would be.

I don't want to violate him as he is my close friend.

The autism and retardation of this online community amazes me.

youre larping on r9k as a woman again, thats what you're doing wrong

show your boobs please

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If this is serious you might have to ask him out yourself here lol

If that's true he's a retard and genuinely not worth your time as a fuckbuddy.

Let's start from the beginning.
>How long have you known each other?
>About what ages are you two?
>How did you two meet?
>How did you tell him?

He's insecure. He doesn't dare to take you.
You either take him or you drop him.

He's probably a volcel like me that doesn't like whores. Rope.

>Im a male mentally and spiritually
So youre still a tranny?

Are you an ugly fat tomboy?

She's probably not being clear at all outside of her own head, to go along with this.

Absolute kek

This isn't 2005. Yas Forums is hugely popular.

I'm hormonally male and have been since puberty. I'm only female in the sense that I have XX chromosomes and a (biological) female reproductive system.
Never developed tits.
Believe me I asked
>How long have you known each other?
1 year
>About what ages are you two?
Me 23 him 21
>How did you two meet?
Yas Forums (not this board)
>How did you tell him?
Discord DMs
Yes. You're a step ahead of the other mentally retarded posters here.
I have a normal BMI. According to /soc/, I'm a 7/10 and male-passing (did not tell them that I am a biological female), which is above his rating.
I directly told him (and others) that I want to fuck him.

He always says
>B-but I'm not gay! I like you as a friend and I don't want to ruin our friendship
Fuck no, it isn't gay to fuck pussy regardless of whether or not it belongs to a macho man lumberjack who can hand you your ass.

I'm torn between obeying his instinct about our friendship - if we did develop a sexual relationship, it could very well ruin our friendship - and fucking him senseless.

It's gay to fuck someone who passes as a man. To do it you need to be attracted to men. He's not gay, so he's not attracted to you.

Give up.

can you link your picture on /soc/? I'm curious what you look like. Also what medications were you on from puberty?

I wasn't on any medications, I'm this way naturally. I have a severe case of PCOS; I'm hormonally intersex.
>can you link your picture on /soc/?
It's been months since I posted it there and I fucking hate that board as much as I do this one.
He's posted before about his fantasies of moving to remote Alaska and raising sons through artificial reproduction, as though females never existed. I often self-insert in that fantasy. If he ever wants eggs to do this, if artificial wombs become a thing, I'd give 'em

>I have a severe case of PCOS
that must be a very extreme case. So how do you feel about your body?

I don't want to change it. I also don't want to insist to people in real life that I'm a female and that "my pronouns are she/her" like some sort of MtF tranny. My incel friend understands this and considers me a true male unlike transgenders who choose to transition.

He's scared. There's a 90% chance your finger is bigger than his penis. He'd sperg out and embarrass himself you'd try to talk to him. He probably showers twice a week.

And he knows all of this and doesn't want a woman to bear with this.

All of us here know this.

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>I'm only female in the sense that I have XX chromosomes and a (biological) female reproductive system.

Ah I see, so you're only female in the ways that really matter

Yeah man, if all that matters about a person is his reproductive function. Then yes, of course. That's not how other people see me, however, and I can't be bothered to "correct" them.

>have crush on incel

So how's the clitoris situation?

Attached: thinking birb.jpg (1024x768, 198.25K)

It's 3 inches protruding and looks like a deformed micropenis.

Would it be gay for a guy to suck on it?

Either the incel is actually a chad who just plays videogames(most likely)

Or your a lying tranny.

Good question but I won't force him to suck on it.
I think he's objectively attractive, but not in a way that actual females like.

>Good question but I won't force him to suck on it.
You should, that'd be hot.

So why do you even like this incel whats so special about him/

Kek. So what, he has chad facial bones, but long hair, doesn't shave often and pale skin? Wow, so unique.

Face it. He's probably nailing some femanon right now and doesn't want to fuck a ftm tranny.

He looks effeminate, with a baby face, no jaw, long eyelashes, inability to grow facial hair. I might even say that he looks like more of a lesbian than I do
Would fuck

You should try inserting it in his boypussy

So you're a hermaphrodite?

Ironically, you only see masculinity in the most superficial ways.
You presume that being a man just means dressing in a man's clothes and taking hormones to grow facial hair. That's doesn't make you a man.

It's a whole of your spirit that defines every part of you. Maybe taking hormones to warp the natural state of your brain and body makes you look more like a man, and maybe it even makes you act more like a man, but that doesn't make you a man.
A dog that thinks it's a cat is still a dog, no matter what the dog believes itself to be.

I don't take hormones. I'm naturally this way because of an intersex condition. I just don't care to take HRT for MtFs to become a woman and demand she/her pronouns, simple as.

where did you meet him femanon? he seems dumb

>where did you meet him user? he seems dumb
Another Yas Forums board but I won't say which, to keep retards from seeking him out and being retarded in general

You must be fat or deformed

I guess it's because I'm an intersex freak of nature

user are you into girls

Hard to say, I have wet dreams about them all the time but it seems I'm not consciously attracted to them in my waking life.

>Kek. So what, he has chad facial bones, but long hair, doesn't shave often and pale skin? Wow, so unique.
Fuck, that's me

The guy's an idiot. Purely for passing up on the opportunity to fuck an actual hermaphrodite. I mean, how often in life does a man get a chance like that? Shit, I'd do it just for the experience value, regardless of how fat or unattractive you may be. In fact, the more repulsive the better, just think of the story value
>"Oh, dude, check out this chick I banged last night!"
>Oh yeah? Well I fucked a 500lbs hermaphrodite with a wooden leg and a dented head
You can't top that

Will you marry me? [Spoiler]Gloom#9600[/Spoiler]

No. My heart is taken by this man

dumb phonep*ster

>muh secret boys' club
Are you retarded or just pretending? It's hard to believe someone this retarded would browse Yas Forums.

Nothing wrong with phoneposting my man
Cursed capitalization

How dare you reject me god damn stacy

would you exchange contacts with me if I was a girl

>Nothing wrong with phoneposting

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No. I only want the man I described in the OP.

>He's posted before about his fantasies of moving to remote Alaska and raising sons through artificial reproduction, as though females never existed


Stop reverse-garrisoning the poor guy. Just admit you're not a guy and fuck him.