Comfy and very much womfy edition
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New All Gas no Brakes lads
I've wasted probably hundreds of thousands of hours of my life on OSRS, WoW, ESO, FFXIV.
Probably millions of hours lost to video games in total.
You'd probably be correct in calling this cope but I think our chances are non-zero. Either we need a sympathiser in a government position (yes, unlikely) or we need to change the dialogue. As the free dating market deteriorates further we could have a huge surge in support from what might be even 50% of males being incel (yes, all of the ugly, low status and low power ones, but there is a base). Even with the mainstream media against us I think we can launch an effective information campaign if incels were organised.
Same here lad desu desu
many more to lurking britfeel threads
you and your mates will continue whining on Yas Forums until you either top yourself or get a grip
I mean all that is technically possible, I just have absolutely no hope for it happening; I'll keep my fingers crossed but I've definitely given up hope for a bright future at this point
Wouldn't be surprised if by this point I've spent more of my life staring at monitors than not
unlikely since the average lifespan if about 650,000 hours
and what do we have to show for it really?
its not even as if we gain internet points because it is all anonymous
Still at work. Guy who is supposed to take me off is late again, he's always late. I hate when he takes me off.
If I were manager id fire his ass.
Doing chest tonight lads. Going heavy, 5x5's I reckon. Hard but easy. Not sure how to overload the tris though.
>Saturday night
Christ, take a break kid
Cousin's best friend got a boob job so she went round and gave them a look and squeeze.
gains lid
he's doing the work so he can post physique
>"m-muh cocaine and hollow calorie drinks"
Yeah we don't all want to be brain dead far chumba slobs pal. Get your finger out your shithole and get in the gym. Lazy boi.
What do you lads think of Paul Joseph Watson?
I used to think he was cringe but he has got a lot better in terms of delivery. He is also one of the few right wing youtube personalities to survive now since after the 2016 US election.
fuck me girls live life on such easy mode
Have YOU done any panic-buying yet?
Loved hike pre election. Then he got really cringe as you say, he's like a 15 year old wearing a maga cap. I dropped him there and haven't watched him since.
panic buying corned beef before anyone else does
>he doesn't have a chip pan
He's a grifter. Pretends to be right wing for the money. Does literally nothing but post outrage porn. Would be quite happy to see him banned,.
In the UK the older (35+) world is often about 5 years behind the internet in the culture wars. I can feel older people coming around these days. Young women (under 25) are still pretty awful in terms of politics and culture war.
>right wing youtube personalities
never seen one l liked. Seems to be tons of channels dedicated to 'lol libtards' type content these days
Young women are a write off. Not sure where they get all this shit spoon fed to then. Even seemingly intelligent lasses spout utter crap.
For me? It's a lovely trad wife and 5 kids. Maybe one day.
for me it's a nice, young, firm, eager, intelligent, young man.
>Not sure where they get all this shit spoon fed to then.
One thing I have noticed about women is they seem to be a bit more conformist and susceptible to external influence. I saw that in schools; the girls would only mess around if they saw a boy or boys who decided to mess around. They are followers.
Schools, and mainstream media (tv shows, films), tumblr and humanities media courses really push a critical theory lefty view of culture. Young women really lap it up.
Drunk boomers fighting at the club lmao. Love a bit of drama me.
Firm? What do you mean by firm?
For me, it's a big titty slag and zero kids
Thank you to my one viewer, I'll remember you when I'm famous.
going to the gym on Saturday night seems a bit pathetic. I know britfeel is too, but at least it's not public
Based helper lad at social club, hope he is has a good night xx
got a good qing game going on eu4, own everything from Kyoto to Kerala
So the guy who was supposed to take me off isn't coming in, calls go straight to voicemail.
I'm stuck here for another 8 hours. 16 hour shift.
its crazy that everyone who doesn't put up with the lefts bullshit is called right wing.
>Thank you to my one viewer
anytime, lad
had them chicken wing crisps today from that multipack ting
thought they were alright, im looking forward to trying the other flavours
I'm very depresso lids
jus had a comfy ride home on the bus lads
the bus driver drove us down country lanes, i live in semi-rural yorkshire, let people off nearer to their houses instead of at the designated bus stops, and played some relaxing 80s-style synth music on the bus radio
only problem was the rain had steamed up the windows so it was tough to work out where the bus was in my slightly ridrunk state. i told the driver which road i needed to hop off at and he gave me a shout when we were there. good man.
off 4 a kip now. nite
you aren't the only one, laddington
Time to kill some NOD scum
>its crazy that everyone who doesn't put up with the lefts bullshit is called right wing.
I agree and one of the major dimensions in modern politics is no longer left vs right or even authoritarian vs libertarian; it's globalist vs nationalist. Globalists want to get rid of borders and undermine the nation states (of some countries) whereas nationalists want to preserve the nation state and borders into the 21st century.
Some globalists are very 'right wing' like mega libertarians, anarcho-capitalists or financiers who want cheap labour and no obstructions to global trade and global flow of labour and goods. Immigration often undermines the power of trade unions (this is really what mass immigration to Sweden is about). Other globalists are left wing and see borders, nations, and nationalism as inherently racist (when done by western nations) and an obstruction to the global unification of workers and nationalism a distraction/way of the bourgeois ruling through divide and conquer.
On the other side lefty anti-globalists recognise border destruction for what it is (a neo-liberal plot to completely undermine what is left of union power) while right wing patriots oppose globalists for reasons of cultural of (at the more extreme) racial nationalism.
chick from house m.d?
and the star of Once Upon a Time
I'm depresso martini
she got dem angry eyebrows that give me the horn
Drunk lid knocked over my single vodka and coke and replaced it with a double or even a tripple. It's strong as fuck. Either way, I'm gonna drink it.
Can normies really be depressed?
Are normie "depression" and robot depression different disorders?
hoo boy can't wait for another string of angry shitposts from HHL that he later claims were just "bants"
This. Can't wait for his 4am breakdown.
>NHS and everyone shills washing hands
>I start washing my hands even more than usual with soap when outside
>Hands get sore as fuck and crack/start bleeding
They're stinging like fuck now, can barely wash my hands at all
i'm getting it in now. Started collecting bottled water and have a tidy stock of UHT milk, oats, granola, beans, huel and a few hundred disinfect wipes and dettol spray. Pasta, rice and toilet roll in very short supply if not fully sold out. Today I got worried about herd mentality switching and going completely crazy
Increasingly confident that I could simply drive to another county, murder someone, then drive home and get away with it.
This sounds smart, going to memorise some of it and try to say it when this kind of stuff comes up in the future. Thanks
you have the hands of a 50 year old women
Which country did you have in mind
you can have it all and be depressed, in a way that's worse, imagine being surrounded by friends and family and feeling completely dead and empty inside knowing you should be feeling happy and elated
Just another puppet with several different hands up his arse
I don't know any normie who claims to be depressed and feels dead around people, are they good at hiding it?
They go to parties, develop careers, form relationships, etc
No friend is called a home gym.
benched 82.5kg EASY
Also did 2 x 6 70kg, one set left
Gym nemesis walked past and I made sure to say "yeah I can't believe I benched 82.5kg easy, i'll do 85kg next week" to flex on him lel
I'm starting to self medicate with alcohol again
>are they good at hiding it?
no just faking it for attention
that's not to say some of them aren't for real
This confirms home gym poster is a Chad.
Yeah but you're 5'7 and orbit an attention vacuuminng whore on britfeel so nobody takes you seriously anyway
Anyone in Devon want to come on a night drive?
why are you so upset nubs and I are friends?
and why are you so upset i'm far stronger than you?
what's going on with you big guy?
been with my gf for 5 years now. we only have sex probably twice a week. so i dedicate the 2 days after that to wanking to porn. that way i don't become a coomer. but i do mostly wank to trannies.
What do you lads think of my playlist?
Do people unironically like shaved pubes?
Depends. On a guy or on a girl?
>about 4 years ago met someone on a lewd site
>became friends with them, feelings developed a bit on both sides
>hooked up etc
>had a threesome with them a few times
>didnt go any further, complicated situation and i was in a bit of a mental state around that time
>looked them up tonight, they're getting married, have a house, doing a lot better in life
good for them.
Guy or girl
Of course they do
Imagine going down on a lass, would you rather have stanky hairs getting inbetwen your teeth or a lovely shaved pussy to monch on