If you don't like your lot in life go outside and do something about it!

>If you don't like your lot in life go outside and do something about it!

Hang on. Didn't Elliot Rodger "do something about it"? Is this really good advice to be giving people?

Attached: elliotrodger.jpg (992x744, 87.01K)

reported to fbi unironically

elliot went the wrong way about it. he thought if he owned shit it would fix his problems with people instead of looking inside himself. that's why he chose his fate and the other people that died bc of him.

I think the ultimate irony is that, if he didn't an hero, he would have almost certainly received love letters while in prison.

didnt this nogger not even talk to girls and just expected them to approach him on their own?

If you have to "approach girls" it's already too late for you bro.

doesnt matter
he probably had a really tiny penis

i remember seeing a study saying a lil bit over 80% of relationships are initiated by the guy

be careful user and dont become another gentleman, okay?

Sorry but Elliot Rodger's "shyness" wasn't the problem. Tinder and OkCupid experiments using his pictures have proven his looks were the problem not his personality.

>over 80% of relationships are initiated by the guy
that's because 80% of men are low value simps that need to get the remaining 20% of girls willing to date them

Why do people who tell inkwells to have good personalities have shit personalities? They always talk like vindictive assholes.

if elliot really wanted to die he would have died long before his little youtube celebrity normalfag powertrip.

he did absolutely nothing about his social standing, he just acted out in violence against random retards.

>single manlet calls anyone who isn't a feminist a simp

it's called projection, and they are not even aware of it

>anyone who isn't a feminist a simp
do you even re-read yourself

>bro you incels need to get better personalities and start respecting women

Attached: dating scene.jpg (479x728, 66.45K)

only a feminist would want a woman to be the dominant player in a relationship, simp

>bro incels just need to kill themselves like Elliot because they will always be too lazy to learn basic social skills LOL!

>Didn't Elliot Rodger "do something about it"?
>Is this really good advice to be giving people?

Assholes always get the girls, amirite? ;^)

Attached: E2bpsWG.jpg (832x1200, 271.76K)

considering actual neckbeards (and not 2007 reddit projections) are more likely to meet less women than chads they are less likely to end up being douchebag to the pussied they crave so much
so go back

Only if they're hot. It's really that easy.

>didnt this nogger not even talk to girls
Actually he did, many many times. None of his attempts worked. You need to study up on Elliot lore.

You're mistaking
>attractive people have more people attracted to them
>attractive people are THE ONLY ONES who ever get partners
Your chances are worse, but your chances aren't zero.

>bro just walk dogs, donate blood, and volunteer for the homeless. girls will come crawling to you. those are totally things girls look for on tinder.

sigh is this the bluepill shit we're feeding ugly people these days?

Attached: incel vs chad.jpg (780x518, 74.5K)

ayy lmao yeah let's find an even more shallow site and equate it to the rest of the dating world.

You know, most people don't act "as much of an asshole as they can get away with". Usually they have some sort of moral centre.

Based retard.
>Tinder and OkCupid experiments using his pictures have proven his looks were the problem not his personality.
Kek, based and blackpilled.

believe it or not, selecting for mates on tinder is a lot like real life and represents people's subconscious thoughts. they're even starting to use the language in real life. "swipe left" "swipe right".

>implying girls on tinder aren't the same as girls irl

Yeah, except with it's a lot more blown out of proportion. You have more than just 6 pictures and a short bio in real life.

>Tinder is 70% guys and 30% women
>implying the real world is 70% guys and 30% women

>nah I don't want to look for a job, it's not worth it unless one just falls into my lap
Stop being so lazy my dude.

The sad thing is that if society isn't already here, it will be soon

Nah. I always got in trouble when I went outside alone as an ugly teenager girl. Whenever there was a group of boys, or even a pair of them coming across, they yelled some insults at me, or even pushed a little, if passing over me close enough. Sometimes they jumped in front of me screaming, as if they were going to attack to beat me. Even young adult males made a mockery out of me. Just because I was ugly. A bit chubby and wearing poorly, not having a make-up and having thick glasses. I could not take care of my looks because if I had done so, some of my bullies at school would have beaten me up a bit or at least drown me into a dirty pit a ditch as a punishment. Or just ridiculed me in front of dozens of people. Also, if I ever tried to talk to my peers, at school or elsewhere, they only replied to me with one or two syllables or not at all. No need to mention, that if I had tried to express my interests in some boys or young men, in any way, they would've beaten me up or at least pushed me to the ground spitting at me on top of it.

This is not a LARP, copy pasta, or bait. I am just telling how it was to me when I was a teenager. There is not always a way "to go out and do something about it". Only an ignorant normie who was never bullied or beaten up for no justified reason can say something like that.

Also I will kidnap and torture everyone who calls me a roastie. And this little notion does not mean the text above was not true.

>Tinder is 70% guys and 30% women
>implying the real world is 70% guys and 30% women

>at least drown me into a dirty DITCH as a punishment.
Gosh it's always the same: I decide to change the term and write the new better one but forget to remove the wrong one.

And yeah, I found this thread by making yet another search with name of the one in OP's picture related.

jesus christ fucking look up supply and demand. how can some people be this dumb?!

>what is a threesome?
>what is a gangbang?

>thinking that tinder thots wouldn't be more down for a gangbang/threesome than those not on tinder

Holy fuck I remember a top tier chad in my school and girls were slipping him numbers everywhere he went, they always approached him first. If a guys isn't approached by women then he is not in the top 20% desirable males, he may eventually settle but she will not be sexually attracted to him, hence cheating and divorce.

Imagine being such a fundamentally retarded and broken bucket crab that your first idea on doing something is shooting people instead of self improvement of any kind whatsoever

>unironically believing this.

We got another one, boyos

>if something isn't handed to me on a platter, it's not worth having

No, he didn't. He was a spoiled rich kid and a complete narcissist. He literally never even walked up to and talked to any woman because he thought they should be approaching him. That's not a joke, he describes it many times in his own rambling "manifesto". He thought he was too good to approach others, and expected them to talk to him. He was so stuck up and arrogant he refused to even compliment women unless they paid attention to him first.

This dude had life on easy mode and couldn't make it work because of his arrogance.

You're not him though. Why do you expect everything to happen to you the way it happens to somebody else?

Elliot didn't even really need to improve anything about himself besides his shitty personality. He was rich, decent looking, skinny, fashionable, he had his own car, etc. If he wasn't a narcissist and actually had charisma he would've been a very popular dude.

everyone knows how elliot rodger looks like, by now, so of course that would be the case.

go suck his dick too, fucking simp

This is true. Every approach I made in my life, I either got rejected or shit tested. If females really like you, they'll make an effort to get with you. IF females don't like you, stick to your right hand and hookers.

You can work your ass off to get it, but the truth is you're still not in the top 20% of desirable males so she won't be sexually attracted to you and will eventually cheat
I don't expect anything, I'm just a degenerate loser who will die alone, I didn't get a good roll on Darwin's dice

how's what he's describing make him a simp?
go back to incel tears with your kind

the nigger is almost cumming to the thought of a "chad" making a killing with young schoolgirls
it is almost as if different men had different levels of luck with girls; guess what, that's life and it is a good thing
keep defending him like the simp you probably are

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>You can work your ass off to get it, but the truth is you're still not in the top 20% of desirable males so she won't be sexually attracted to you and will eventually cheat
>I don't expect anything, I'm just a degenerate loser who will die alone, I didn't get a good roll on Darwin's dice abloo abloo
get off the internet and go meet real girls loser, or get off Yas Forums
your self-pity party is beyond cringe, it is abhorrent and you should feel deeply bad

COPE faggot


yeah better bury your head in the sand and askreddit
>why she cheated on me confort me pls I waited 8 months for sex
once you are 35

Jesus Christ dude you're pathetic. You're right on that, you will die alone, but you did this to yourself.

Attached: YouDidThisToYourself.png (632x239, 19.15K)

LOL comes to r9k to lecture people about relationships, white knighting this hard, pls go back to Plebbit

>anyone who points out my flaws is a white knight

>using XD
Cringe, you have to go back

Attached: YnfP4JqbEHB6ZhELvW09gYqKZ_AN7q4_DkX74Hs2b-U.jpg (717x880, 130.72K)

you should be banned from r9k indefinitely you retarded tourist

This would be a thing since people get off on "report" functions. Give it 2 years tops. People want this but the government is too stupid to realize and are taking it slow to make it seem like we have freedom like a slow creep into a death grip

What exactly is there to even "report" in this thread? OP is just saying telling outcasted people to "go out there and do something" may not always be the best advice. Especially when "do something" is very vague.

so by your own admission you could have solved your problem by putting a bit of effort into your appearance, but didn't. You're a roastie, just not a very succesful one.
pls kidnap me