Nurse checks at 10pm if everything is oke

>nurse checks at 10pm if everything is oke
>I larp as sleeping so it won't be awkward
>slams the door so loud
I think nurses hate me. Normally when roommates are here they close the door as silent as possible. One nurse told me that I just sit on my ass all day in my room. They are jealous at my comfy neet life desu. Were ever wagies jealous at you?

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use a trip so i can filter you please FINALLY DO IT AAAAAAAAAAAAA

i do this with my mom

stop doing it with your mum idiot

she wanted to suck your pp. but since you pretended to be asleep you ruined her chance. stoopid anonski

but i dont want her to talk to me its boring

>9 inches of morning wood
stop >.

I think it was a male nurse idk bc pretended to sleep.

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makes sense u are a fucking piece of shit and everyone hates you

You're a faggot. A gay retard nigger faggot. Please kill yourself today!

What nurse? Are you in a hospital? Also the nurse that rudly detested your NEET life should apologize and suck your dick

What have I done?
No you.
I'm in a psych ward.

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Why on earth are nurses checking on you

kys nigger is about time what are you waiting for? you are fucking disgusting kys

It's a psych ward. From 10 pm to 4pm nurses check if everything is oke every 2 hours.
Why disgusting?

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>10 pm to 4pm
I meant 4 am. Im retard.

piece of shit disgusting subhuman fucking retard

>Were ever wagies jealous at you?
yes and it's understandable but also pathetic. if im not going out of my way to flaunt it or try to minimize them then whats theproblem?

>literally mentally ill
>"they are so jealous of me lol!"

Damn. Hope things are holding up for you. Do you mind me asking what you're in for so to speak?

being a gigantic faggot retarded piece of shit

I fuck you Bigu so I have not to think about women.

Who are you? You seem to be really mad at me. Are you someone from discord?
Ya retarded wagies. Why do they care if I'm neet or not? They should focus more on working.
Thanksu. I got warded bc severe depression and I hard urge to kill my mom.
You are weird.

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You realize you're never getting out of that ward, right?

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They let you have internet access in a psych ward? I was almost admitted, but I refused because I didn't want to end my comfy life as a neet in my parents basement.

I hope you kys soon fucking retarded autist

Why do you want to kill your mother? Just say if I'm prying to hard.
Are you holding up well, got any friends there?

Another 8 weeksu? :)



I will in like 2 weeks.
I think most wards in germany give internet. Idk about other countries though. So glad I have internet.
Why are you posting this so oftenly? I watched at poster number so you're samefag trying to make it look like I get a lot of hate. Are you that retarded tranny?
Why should I kissu myself?
I didn't want to kill her. I just had an urge to. She made my life like hell.
Kek I hope not.
>he thinks my main intention of posting is attention

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What a shit psych ward. Letting this retard keep his phone.

How are the other patients? Made any friends or is it lonely?

>blogposts every single day about his stupid life
You're textbook attention whore. Delude yourself however you want

I mean what the fuck are you suppose to do when you're stuck in a fucking ward.

>didn't want to kill her
>just had an urge
Hmmm. I do recall your threads from months ago. How did she find out you wanted to kill her? Did you outright say I want to kill you or were you psychotic and tried to?

>I think nurses hate me.
Bad news user I don't think it's just the nurses...

>posters number hasn't changed
They are very kind but I have no intention in befriending them.
Getting attention is just a means for a purpose. I won't say more.
She doesn't know.

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play games. participate in therapy. go for a walk (and make it your routine). read a fucking book
are you retarded?

Why not? Are you just going to wallow in lonliness for no reason? Or are just just too different personality wise?

>She doesn't know.
Heh! You're in luck then, remember you're being monitored tho

Keep telling yourself that. You aren't as complex as you think

Yeah, but if I was in a ward I'd probably spend a lot more time on here too.

not like there's any good threads left on this board half the time anyway

i'll take a blogposting psych ward patient over yet another thread about white cocks or random porn or whatever

kys retard subhuman dumb fuck

h-how do I get in a position where I can live in a hospital? I'm severely mentally ill

Good point. This board is just so full of shit a thread like this is honestly a godsend in comparison since you actually get to do what the board is for, talk to each other about our lives and share stories. OP is still a faggot, but I'll deal with it.
Please can you faggots just calm down?

Ive noticed this. You know its like Yas Forums has this great divide between full blown facebook normalfags and actual mental cases on the other side. There is no middle ground for robots too impaired for being normals but not impaired enough to get warded and stuff.

I don't feel loneliness. I have no interest in them.
Idk if they monitor. They could but I don't think they want to waste their time monitoring internet usage.
Why are you hating me so much. How many posts have you made already in my thread? Oh man.
I just went to a psych and got instantly told that I have to get warded. So that's probably the best way to do it. Here in germany insurance also decides how long your stay will be bc they have to pay. Most people are just allowed to stay like 4 weeks. Insurance is oke with paying 13+ weeks for me.

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Heh. You're a real fucking schizo aren't you?

I'm not schizo desu. Schizos just stay like 6-8 weeks.

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You need to learn to befriend people. Obvs getting a gf is out of the picture for you, but you'll regret not having any friends one day.

Do they not make you participate in therapy? When I was in a ward we had a daily schedule that we had to participate in.

>you'll regret not having any friends one day.
Hmm kinda true, but when you're older you stop worrying as the cons outweigh the pros.

I can easily befriend people but why? Getting a gf is very easy but finding a girl who I feel connected with and love will take a while.
Normally you get kicked out when skipping group therapies 3 times bc insurance doesn't want to pay anymore but I have skipped so many times idk. We have schedule but I only go to group therapies which could get interesting bc sometimes people start to cry etc.

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You make people cutu for you, but have you ever doxu someone else bigu?

Why would I care about doxxing someone? Doxxing isn't worth it like nothing interesting will happen anyway.

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Do you want to take a walk with me?

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Any nigger with a shitcord account should be ip banned.

>So glad I have internet.
Is there possibly a shared computer room, computer in your room or are you from phone, or any other variation?
>sometimes people start to cry etc.
I have this image in my head (from movies and games) where madman walk around in wards shouting and being mental, is there anything like that there or just emotions surfacing in group therapies?

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They only check on you every two hours? When I was in the psych ward I got checked on every 15 minutes and I couldn't have a phone/computer...

From what county are you? In Germany it isn't this strict as long as you cooperate to a degree, so i believe him.

>In Germany it isn't this strict as long as you cooperate to a degree
damn, that sounds exactly like i imagine germans and their prussian genes..

I'm from the US, but to be fair we were all on suicide watch.

Why did you get put in a psych ward baby?