Pedophilic tendencies

I'm 22 and i'm pretty much attracted to all ages, and both to guys and girls but it bother's me that i'm also attracted to boys and girls as low as 10. Is it normal or am i mentally ill?Any other anons going through this shit?

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definitely mentally ill. anything under 13-14 is really fucked up.

pathology is defined by the pain an individual experiences, so considering as it's bothering you yes you are mentally ill and should commit suicide

not normal you should feel disgust when thinking of having sex with children.

totally normal my brother, keep it secret tho

If you're attracted to under 15s past the age of 20 there's definitely a problem. You aren't properly adjusted to women your own age. Seek help user before you hurt a child and do something you really regret and end up in jail

okay, not trying to be defensive here but i do feel disgust and am not attracted to someone under 10. wikipedia says that im a hebe(attracted to children in puberty, ages 11-14) but i still feel like a pedo creep.
>You aren't properly adjusted to women your own age.
i am attracted to girls my age, probably the most out of any other group im attracted to.
>before you hurt a child
i'd rather kill myself

I was molested at 12
Don't steal children's innocence.
They deserve to enjoy their lives.
Please don't hurt them.

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You're probably extremely porn addicted

All I can say is stop being a filthy coomer. Get away from it and it'll go away. Your brain is plastic and it absorbs everything. You can influence yourself anyway you want. Thinking about the problem just makes it worse. Go take a walk.

i could never do such thing, like i said i'd rather blow my brains out.
i am...

I'd hope so
Otherwise you become a monster

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Under 15 is considered fucked up in USA and most of Europe.
lower than 13 is extremely fucked up
lower than 10 is kys tier
Take a break from porn then once you get back only watch normal shit
take months off from porn and fapping

I can't wait for my neighbour (my cousin's sister) baby to become at least 5 so I can put my penis iside of her yummy childish body am getting hard boys. I want baby fuck

its normal-ish, people just dont want to admit it to themselves, 10 is a bit of a red flag but desu im kinda disgusted by children in general so i might be biased

if they're developed, usually not before 13-14 at the earliest (there are obviously exceptions,) it may be illegal and socially unacceptable, but not weird
if they're underdeveloped it's weird and illegal, and a mental illness if it causes you problems
the morality of it rests on whether you act on it, your age and your morals

You sick fuck. Thats a bit early cant you wait a couple of extra years?

i dont know. im the same way. but im straight. im pretty sure most people are the same they just dont talk or think about it.

Well its definitly not "normal". Whats positive its that youre also atracted to people your own age. So date within your own age. Ignore your impulses for anyone underage. And maybe go to therapy if you want to take the extra step.

i wish i was 13 and made to suck a grownup cock

nigga what?

>he doesn't wish to be the little girl

Have you been looking at cp?

being attracted to pubescent and up girls is entirely normal and no amount of normalfag hysteria will change my mind

I can't advocate faggotry, but young girls are just so pretty and lovely and wonderful.

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most men aggressively repress their hebephilia and project it in a hostile manner. once you understand this everything makes sense. but being attracted to prepubescent girls with zero development is a mental illness.
the issue as well is that over the past 100 years due to plastics the age of puberty has decreased drastically. you have girls that start puberty as young as 7-8 these days and by the time they reach 10-11 your evolutionary male brain tells you they are sexually attractive.
a 10-11 year old today is basically what 15-16 year olds looked like 100 years ago when age of consent laws were made.

uh, yes but only solo softcore videos they themselves made, idk if that counts as cp

as a recovering coomer I can tell you jump off that train now. you don't want to go where it's heading

Of course it counts
Stop munching on that pizza user, it won't do you any good

It's opportunistic pedophilia in all likelihood. You'd probably rather have a girl closer to your age than one further away, but if you're not doing well with women (and your presence here on a Saturday suggests that), your desperation may lead to relaxing standards. You're less picky about what you eat when you're starving than when you're well-fed, right?

Anyway, I'd recommend not feeding it. I think this is what gets all those female schoolteachers banging middle-schoolers; they're not doing well with men their age, so they swing lower out of desperation.

it's not that simple. hebe girls are in many ways much more aesthetic and attractive than older girls

>pretty much attracted to all ages, and both to guys and girls
Shouldn't this be the true definition of pansexual?

I read something somewhere (shit it may even have been here) about people watching too much porn and looking at everything through a lens of sexuality.

Maybe take a break from wanking and see where it gets you.

let your sexual urges out on porn not children and you'll be fine user, it's ok to like something like that, just dont molest anyone pls.

you gonna get vanned bro stop that

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If you're ONLY attracted to adolescents or prepubescent children that's a fixation, not opportunism. That's when it's time to jump off a building before you hurt someone.

no only BBC cuck porn

kys sick pedo

Being attracted to 12-13 year old girls is healthy and normal. Being attracted to boys makes you gay.

You homo.

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Is it true that masha babko has 18+ videos?

>dude trust me?
Based on what are you talking about

If you're a guy, girls from 12 to above are normal, just don't let anybody EVER know you feel attraction for them, if you feel attraction for people of your same sex that's just mental illness.

Slav girls dont really count since most of them are little whores from age 11 and hit the wall at 15 anyway.

gay desu, imagine not liking big booby and hot pussy

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14 is legal in Italy, Germany, Austria Portugal, Estonia Bulgaria, Croatia, Albania and Hungary. For any non-American liking girls 14-18 is normal but under 14 girls and BOYS IS NOT

You're most likely some sheltered middle class American so I will say this, STOP IT NOW YOUR LIFE WILL BE FUCKED IN MURICA IT'S WORSE THAN MURDER

Do not ever say that you have anything ever.

14 is legal in those countries only if the male involved is under 18 also, burger retard.

It doesn't matter what logic or moral or societal loophole you try to find to justify your mental illness, you'll always be just a guy who traumatises children and makes parents feel awful. Don't go anywhere near anyone's kids.

You might consider seeing a therapist. It's entirely possible you have an underlying pathology.

ACTUALLY in countries like Germany if you get parental consent it is legally possible for a 90 year old to fuck a 14 year old. Also in Hungary the age of consent is 12 if the male is under 18

cutie bump for you OP,
you owe me one

yeah, that's really fucked up. Please go seek out help or something.

Go on Tor and see if you feel the same. It's honestly disgusting, not even trying to meme.

user isn't wrong. i considered myself hebe orbiting cute girls 11-16 online but then I started watching actual vids of that age on tor and it's just worse than regular porn. i think it's just the fantasy thats hot but then you actually get into it and meh

user is kind of wrong, you can still get in trouble in a lot of these countries for fucking a 14 y/o if it's determined that you "took advantage of their inexperience" which is a lot of instances. the age of consent is low but it's still favors more "normal" relationships romeo and juliet type shit. if you groom a random 14 year old you're not necessarily in the clear even in these lower age countries

yes videos kids made themselves still counts as cp you total fucking dumbass

larp posts coming from not-maybe-op
>uh uhm yeah of course i do but that's not illegal is it? duurrhuurr
"I thought r9k is supposed to be for oldfag wizards not newfag incels"

it's not really good to indulge in but it's nowhere near as bad or abnormal as virtue signalling npcs make it out. stop being a coomer first off.
also the more guilt you have about it or perceive it as some terrible thing, paradoxically will probably cause you to go deeper into it, because you will feel as if you're broken or something and hopeless. you aren't. don't beat yourself up. unless you're actually out there hurting children you're redeemable

any info on 150+5 chan?

owner got glowed on,honeypot
expect the van soon

>attracted to boys aged 10
Nigga, you're sick; it's time for you to get the rope lmao.

But jokes aside and on the serious now, what I really advice you to is to not think about this anymore and don't look at children or anyone underage, because you have no idea how fucking ostracized you'll seem if anyone catches you acting like a pedo ever in your life. Like, I mean, I'm not trying to judge you and I think that anyone should listen to other peoples' problems and troubles with an open mind, but there is no way anyone of us can argue to the point of normalizing pedophilia; it just is not accepted in society. And if you think that it's ok to think of children sexually (and boys at that) then you might get in actual trouble with the law; if anyone catches you being pedophilic they might straight out just call the cops on you and send you to jail or get into some real trouble; so just don't do it, man. Just don't do it. None of us here are judging you or anything, but for your own sake and well-being don't do or even say anything that might be considered pedophilic to anyone or they will legit discriminate against you thinking you're a creep or worse - be beaten or get into problems with the law.

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>none of us here are judging you

Speak for yourself user

Sexual preferences can't interfere with empathy so it literally doesn't matter what somebody is attracted to. Somebody can be sexually aroused by toddlers but still go on to be a good and perfectly functional parent as long as they don't have something like anti-social personality disorder. Sexual attraction is not a drive to inflict harm.