Fembots, if your bf/husband asked you to fuck another man and get pregnant by him, would you do it?

Fembots, if your bf/husband asked you to fuck another man and get pregnant by him, would you do it?

This is his fetish, but he promises he will raise the kid as his own, signing the birth certificate and all.
He wants to keep it a secret and never tell anyone what happened. Just a normal happy family.

Would you do it?
What would be your conditions for it?

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I would dump him for this degeneracy

>wants you to have a baby by Chad
Why would you reject this?

Now Schlomo gtfo this board. Stop trying to spread your degenerate fetish and making duplicates. Also stop the nigger spam on /gif/ and /h/.

bro come on, no man wants that shit
and why would a woman want it either

Ok schizo.
I'm not into nigger stuff anyway.

I want it.

t. man

then you should probably stop watching porno
a woman instinctively knows that this situation is poor for the family and the child
you're not going to live your fetish 100% of the rest of your life i assure you
one or both of you is likely to break and stop living the lie and on that day, it's over, and you're neck deep in obligations you no longer want

Or we're just gonna have more kids normally and not think about it.
You make it seem like a bigger deal than it is.

you're forcing that child to live a lie his/her entire life for the sake of your own kink

Many people grew up like this without even knowing it.
Historically and biologically speaking, it's not unusual.

it's not unheard of but that doesn't make it not a fucked up thing to do
who am I kidding though, thankfully you will never have a child to fuck up

It seems that this is YOUR fetish in particular. Normal real life couples aren't in to this shit. Swinger shit does happen among consenting couples, but not to this degree.

Would the race of the other man matter to you? So if it was a black dude would that make your kink hotter?

>So if it was a black dude would that make your kink hotter?
stop pushing your degenerate propaganda ffs

Well, pretending that the kid is mine is a part of it, so a black dude wouldn't work.

Why are you asking?

Incredibly wholesomely based wonder user

It depends on the kind of guy he wants to father the baby but yeah. I've always wanted to settle and have a family, I'd be willing to do something like this if it meant I could have that.

could be legitimately a good idea if you have some genetic disorders

So you're a femcel who can't get a husband, and you would be willing to settle for a cuck?
Is that what you mean?

>This is his fetish
a fetish cease to exist when you have to keep a sane lifestyle and being clean socially talking. in other words, a fetish is not a lifestyle

I do agree with this, it's sad but ultimately true

No. Unfortunately I actually dont want an insane amount of drama in my life.

>could be legitimately a good idea if you have some genetic disorders

you should adopt, since there's a lot of kids waiting for love

I dunno if I'd call myself a femcel but yeah more or less. If he was 100% sure then I'd go with it.


What female celibate mean?

oh no, I have great genes. I'm just acknowledging that eugenics is a realistic course of action.

It's an oxymoron, you see

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I would. I think it would be really sexy.

I would like to see him other woman occasionally so maybe we be swingers.

that's an incorrect use of abbreviations

don't give a fuck about your great genes, if you can't have kids you have to do the best thing, and the best thing is to not pollute earth just to feel accomplished

I wish I could have a cuckold fetish, so that when women leave me I would be okay with it and maybe even find it hot, making it easier for me to move on.

The average woman would be disgusted and disturbed by this. If you marry someone that isn't a desensitized blatant whore they couldn't even bring themselves to actually fuck a complete stranger even if it was just out of social anxiety.

No way. First of all I wouldn't want that and secondly he'd probably get jealous or change his mind about it later and then I'd be abandoned.

>his fetish is getting an attached woman pregnant
>he's willing to waste his life over it
>his fetish is raising a kid
>he specifically wants a kid who doesn't have a mother
you decide!

You definitely find a guy who doesn't want to be cucked

Personally, I wouldn't want to be with other women, though.

Would you be in a MMF threesome if I asked? I think that would be so incredibility sexy.

Of course.
Anything that involves you getting fucked is hot.

Would you do bisexual stuff with him too? I would love to suck a dick with my husband or bf. It would be peek romantic.

Yeah, I actually would. Unironically.
I would also kiss his balls while he is cumming inside of you to impregnate you.

Hollllly shit that would be the hottest thing in the world.

Do you have discord?
Maybe we could talk about this kind of stuff some time.

>imagine being okay with you woman touching other men let alone fucking them.

Hell no because I'm not an adulteress whore. I don't care if it's a fetish.
How does the thought of your potential wife sleeping with another man not make your blood boil?

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You forgot the part where they nut inside her and fertilise her eggs.

Because I'm a Chad cuckold, not some normie loser.

Only if the other guy was objectively better than my husband in every way.

That's a weird way to put it.
Makes it sound like you don't even love your husband (hypothetucally speaking).
It's like he's toilet paper, and you would replace him with a better roll.

The way I see it I'd usually be getting pregnant by my husband. If I'm going to deviate from that then I'm at the very least going to upgrade. It's what he wants anyway, no?

Yeah, sort of.
Do you at least find it hot?


are you the femanon into swinging?

Yeah, I'm open to it.

You made a thread about this shit like two weeks ago just an hero and keep your shitty cuck degeneracy off this thread. Also, as a fembot, if my boyfriend ever said anything like this to me, I would break up with him immediately and make sure everyone he knows knows about his putrid kink

Idk about that, people on online forums do claim to have gone through this, or that they have friends who did.

It is possible that some/most/all of them are lying, but the world is a big place, surely this shit has happened many times.

>2 weeks later
>still seething
Lol, ok "fembot".

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Probably! But still it is rare. I don't know. To each their own.

i dont want a baby i want a hysterectomy

That's noble but you're both still godless whores

Of course it's rare.
Well, when you consider the world's population, you could probably fill a whole town with people who have done it.

Why would you want that?
What good can come from it?

No I'd be pretty shocked if he asked though. That's crazy. I wouldn't break up with him but it would make me think a lot.
Why would you want this user?