Describe your mental state using a picture

Describe your mental state using a picture.

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Threads like this don't work well because of the robot forcing you to type something original.

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Sorry for using a wojack but this is the only thing that accurately describes it

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>Describe your mental state using a picture.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 94.98K)

Ah hell, you're right!
What's the context of your picture?

Pretty much this.

Attached: Merightnowkon.jpg (850x547, 192.2K)

My mental state oregano

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like this one

Attached: 1556384072531.png (500x522, 142.48K)

My face when I step out of my room and see this degenrate country

Attached: IMG_20200307_192030.png (990x1499, 1.96M)

I miss her bros. Originininagari

Attached: 1558874775604.jpg (630x621, 82.73K)

>Describe your mental state using a picture.
Here it is.

Attached: tumblr_inline_olfkacjA9i1r7kgth_540.jpg (540x304, 34.28K)

Cheer up anons, here is a qt 3.14 to brighten your day.

Attached: 1581878199613.png (1067x1600, 1.78M)

I'm actually doing really well lately. Sun's out, my life is progressing, and I'm having more good days than bad. Thanks medicine/therapy/sig

Attached: Sippy.jpg (305x301, 10.49K)

soemoen save my very existence i cannot escape life without suffering further

Attached: hell.jpg (1280x720, 76.13K)

>I'm having more good days than bad
you make me sick!
(just kidding! good for you user!)

i just don't know what to do anymore
i feel meaningless and empty

Attached: 1572187717679.jpg (800x680, 92.61K)

Accompanying text:

Attached: machinist.png (360x360, 269.59K)

Im overcome with anger most of the time to the point that i have grinded bits of my teeth of after clamping my teeth down .Alot of my clothing has holes around the collar because i bite down on it in anger. And to top it off i am a pyromaniac and by messing around with explosives and fire i now have multipale burn marks and loss of hearing

Attached: download.png (200x200, 3.32K)

I got a switch yesterday, so I can get more games that I won't play.

Attached: 1530483182365.jpg (455x423, 61.91K)

Not really, I just wanted to post this.

Attached: 1577891220375.png (531x293, 181.92K)

with every waking hour i progress further into a state of solemn madness and tranquility.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-29-20-33-50~2.png (1277x1276, 1.19M)

There we go. Nice and accurate

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me everyday all the time

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I'm relapsing from psychosis hearing voices. Trying to burn down the journals that I've written conspiracy theories about and want to escape my mind so I can stop thinking

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sad guy finn style

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-07 at 11.06.16 AM.png (572x586, 426.69K)

That is from a horror manga by Junji Ito.

Literally me all the time

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Specifically Junji Ito's Cat Diary: Yon & Mu


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What's originally happening here?

I don't really know what to think anymore; I try not to care but at the same time I care too much.

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This is the closest thing I had.

Attached: beautimuss.png (1920x1080, 1.08M)

I want of this stupid ride yesterday

Attached: fb14a8426a91e50b40b57b7574d70186.jpg (500x360, 26.23K)

Even though I'm still moving forward in my life I sort of gave up on things that kept me worrying and now I just live like there is no tommorow.

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pic related with a high concentration of this

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hi robot, let me post pls

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this post is le tour de force

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some weird femdom fetish shit

Attached: 04f5e5b483dd4b15b171933f35b48e409fb15ac01e74b7976e457e349f3e2499.jpg (458x573, 80.54K)


Attached: F22B5434-6E72-4233-BF63-60039BEECAF3.jpg (480x530, 44K)

Something something autistic retard

Attached: 1570636725316.jpg (1000x974, 345.29K)

im doing pretty well, originally of course

Attached: 1324182733369.png (600x600, 837.31K)

I'm constantly in utter shock, just complete disbelief in the sheer magnitude of this earth's most powerful forces, it really is a society out there.

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I am tired 24/7 now. I fucking wake up tired

Attached: 1567789030479.jpg (612x613, 59.85K)

Pretty much this all day.

Attached: BlackGuy.gif (270x214, 1.4M)

This is the only wojack I like


Attached: no feel left.jpg (500x500, 4.61K)

Drunk 26/7, on some other hard drug the other day
This was my original idea for an image

Attached: secrettechnique.jpg (1536x2048, 212.22K)

why does gondola have a penis

ok this ios literally me however

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my mind is rotting and they only thing that escapes the void is despair

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 19.54K)

can weee stoppp the world noww

Attached: 8008.png (849x732, 331.57K)

Hey Erick.

Attached: 1552527912670.png (614x585, 366.64K)

i'm gonna go play futuristic racing games now

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This one too.
I love this one.

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J u s t end this existence

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Despite it all I still go on. Whether it is out of spite or a desire to get a somewhat decent end I do not know.

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i would much rather do art than interact with people
i'd be lying if i said it doesn't get lonely at times but that's the reason i'm doing this, to create the world i want to live in, then suicide and isekai myself into it

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>mental state
pretty okay

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Eat shit society

Attached: C738E467-504B-40CA-B4E7-F38146BFFE44.jpg (780x438, 26.63K)

The anguish gets worse with each passing day.

Attached: d5hvqhh-04643274-96e5-4c0d-a9fb-985793d54d99.jpg (600x800, 375.81K)

but user, you drink every day

Attached: every day.jpg (600x583, 49.91K)