Describe your mental state using a picture.
Describe your mental state using a picture
Threads like this don't work well because of the robot forcing you to type something original.
Sorry for using a wojack but this is the only thing that accurately describes it
>Describe your mental state using a picture.
Ah hell, you're right!
What's the context of your picture?
Pretty much this.
My mental state oregano
like this one
My face when I step out of my room and see this degenrate country
I miss her bros. Originininagari
>Describe your mental state using a picture.
Here it is.
Cheer up anons, here is a qt 3.14 to brighten your day.
I'm actually doing really well lately. Sun's out, my life is progressing, and I'm having more good days than bad. Thanks medicine/therapy/sig
soemoen save my very existence i cannot escape life without suffering further
>I'm having more good days than bad
you make me sick!
(just kidding! good for you user!)
i just don't know what to do anymore
i feel meaningless and empty
Accompanying text:
Im overcome with anger most of the time to the point that i have grinded bits of my teeth of after clamping my teeth down .Alot of my clothing has holes around the collar because i bite down on it in anger. And to top it off i am a pyromaniac and by messing around with explosives and fire i now have multipale burn marks and loss of hearing
I got a switch yesterday, so I can get more games that I won't play.
Not really, I just wanted to post this.
with every waking hour i progress further into a state of solemn madness and tranquility.
There we go. Nice and accurate
me everyday all the time
I'm relapsing from psychosis hearing voices. Trying to burn down the journals that I've written conspiracy theories about and want to escape my mind so I can stop thinking
sad guy finn style
That is from a horror manga by Junji Ito.
Literally me all the time
Specifically Junji Ito's Cat Diary: Yon & Mu
What's originally happening here?
I don't really know what to think anymore; I try not to care but at the same time I care too much.
This is the closest thing I had.
I want of this stupid ride yesterday
Even though I'm still moving forward in my life I sort of gave up on things that kept me worrying and now I just live like there is no tommorow.
pic related with a high concentration of this
hi robot, let me post pls
this post is le tour de force
some weird femdom fetish shit
Something something autistic retard
im doing pretty well, originally of course
I'm constantly in utter shock, just complete disbelief in the sheer magnitude of this earth's most powerful forces, it really is a society out there.
I am tired 24/7 now. I fucking wake up tired
Pretty much this all day.
This is the only wojack I like
Drunk 26/7, on some other hard drug the other day
This was my original idea for an image
why does gondola have a penis
ok this ios literally me however
my mind is rotting and they only thing that escapes the void is despair
can weee stoppp the world noww
Hey Erick.
i'm gonna go play futuristic racing games now
This one too.
I love this one.
J u s t end this existence
Despite it all I still go on. Whether it is out of spite or a desire to get a somewhat decent end I do not know.
i would much rather do art than interact with people
i'd be lying if i said it doesn't get lonely at times but that's the reason i'm doing this, to create the world i want to live in, then suicide and isekai myself into it
>mental state
pretty okay
Eat shit society
The anguish gets worse with each passing day.
but user, you drink every day