Black girl

>black girl
>meet up with this good looking black man from a dating app
>talking about interests
>he says he likes hiking and metal and edm
>ask him if he has any black hobbies
>he gets up and walks out the fucking Cafe and leaves me by myself

What the fuck? Did I do something wrong?

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This is certainly fucking bait

You seem to don't have any black hobbies apart of ruining black men's life as always since you're posting on here

This is so stupid
Definitely did not happen
You are a loser

Based. Dont waste your time or emotions on Uncle Tom cracka wannabes

No this happened and it was fucking humiliating. Like I asked a question if he did anything black. Like with other black people that circulates around black culture. That's important to me.

Black culture is toxic

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I sell drugs, read at a 4th grade level, and commit crimes

Black enough for you?

That's just degenerate behavior, whites do that shit too.

I want a black man who likes being black. Any black "man" who talks white with that nasal suburban voice and says "dude" and wears flannel and hikes like a white boy is a disgrace to his race. He'll probably run off with some Becky or some lightbright cause he hates himself and we all know how that ends. Black men like this shouldn't exist.

fucking degenerate niggeress, he probably thought you were one of the SJW niggers

what is a black hobby?

Definitely not listening to white school shooter music.

Define black hobbies

If youre talking about that 'hood' shit like hanging out in gangs or listening to loud hip hop music in public then you can fuck off.

What if I beat the shit out of you, does that count?


He left you without saying anything, isn't that a black hobby?

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Learning how to fucking dance. Appreciating black music. Being active in the black community helping our kids and our poor and our women.

How can you as a black man look at yourself in the mirror, see the state of our people, and go hiking in the fucking Caucasian infested woods LARPing as some boyscout? How can you lay with a white woman and listen to this noise and call yourself Black? I can tell he grew up in some white neighborhood that's why I gave him a pass on that accent but his...mannerisms, his speech patterns and his body language just seemed odd and foreign to me. Like a white teenager trapped in a black man's body. I'll be on the lookout for coons like him in the future, so I don't run into this shit again. I wanna pray for this sellouts soul but his black ass doesn't deserve that from me lmao

This niggress is finna fucking based holy shit. Would marry you if you were not black.

Protip, most blacks don't care about black communities or kids or any of that stuff. Why do you think 78% of kids fathered by black men end up being raised by a single mom?

I'm white and I normally dislike blacks but I'm beginning to understand now why so many black men run towards thicc white girls and latinas. No fucking wonder if this is the mental illness and entitlement they'd have to withstand otherwise.

I suggest that maybe you should find a way to stop scaring your men away.

>finna fucking based holy shit.
Holy cringe you dumb wh*te tard, if you're gonna do cultural appropriation at least do it right.

Ya dun goof'd. I suspect "blackness" wasn't part of the conversation before. His whole life he's probably been trying to find enjoyment in things regardless of his ethnicity. Yeah, he's a bit of a prick but the both of you are probably young and he's still trying to figure things out.

Nah if some white woman tried that "white men need to check their privilege" on a date shit I'd get up and walk out too. Nothing I'd say or do would undo that girls fucked up programming and I suspect the situation in OP is analogous.

The guy did the right thing.

lmfao got em
he walked away because you're racist scum like most blacks and he wants something better

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>its either crazy overcompensation like OP or "white men's whore" stuff
are black women really this mentally ill?

post hand with timestamp queen

I think you misunderstood me, because we're pretty much in agreement.

have you ever spoken with one?
the answer is yes.

You called him a prick. I think he's a fine lad

>ask him if he has black hobbies

only 'groids from the actual hood still run this sort of rhetoric
black girls now are getting easier to pick up. i have red hair which is like fucking candy to them, and once a girl starts stroking your beard you know you're in

if you're asking a man about "race hobbies" i'd fucking get up and leave too you dumb racist bitch

you're a racist retard, you fucked up by being one and that's why he left.

Until the agricultural age, woodlands were the homeland of europeans. White people like hiking because the we are the real-world equivalent of wood elves.

>saying something hostile like that on a date
Crazy nigger whore desu

I have a few black friends like that. They dont like when other black people treat them like they are black because they feel like black identity overshadows their personal identity. When you asked him that, you basically said you see him as black first and a person second.

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That's how a lot of blacks are, I've noticed. Very collectivist. It's a shame they can't integrate into society better, but it's also understandable given their history. However there is no better time than now to start trying again, and the man in OP's story is a much better person than OP.

being born into poverty is basically being sentenced to having shit shoveled in your face for the first two-three decades of your life only to achieve middle or upper middle class

honestly, being born poor made me realize that "pulling up your bootstraps" means pulling your own feet out from under you, because even with two-three jobs an uneducated person can barely afford the bills

Oh man you mean I can work three six hour shifts and still only make less than 200 dollars?

And you said I can just stay at home flipping weed, meth, and cocaine while I play xbox and make almost 4 to 5 times that a day?


I agree with you here, but realize that nobody can dictate the circumstances of their time. We can only strive for a better life. Very often, that better life is the life of our children and grandchildren, and not our own. That's just the nature of the beast. Having a selfish attitude towards it, wanting gratification here and now, is a sure path to defeat.

Someone raised in the ghetto doesn't know much about moral philosophy. Especially being raised on a poor diet you might not even have the mental capacities to fathom these concepts.

You just look at the world and see the path it tells you to take is extremely difficult, long, and exhausting, but then there's a second path that is a fraction of the work and exponentially more lucrative.

It's easy for everyone to sit back and look down on the black community, but us "enlightened types" should really understand how brain development works, how your cognitive functions are crystallized in your adolescence and have a huge role in your later success.

>>ask him if he has any black hobbies
Wtf is a black hobby? Stealing bikes or some shit?

God, I hate hood niggers so much.

Again I agree, and I think the best thing for blacks is for those that do have the opportunity to see what really made the West to teach it to their friends and families. Shit like OP is pulling is literal crabs in a bucket bullshit.

And before you talk about how resistant blacks may be to change or advice - realize that in the West and in every other corner of the world, people had to actually fight and die to advance their ideas. We have it easy these days.

>other people have had to die to advance their ideas
So what?
What about the West? Modern whites barely have a stake in what the "West" is or was. Modern whites barely know how to feed or nurture their own children, look at the literal hordes of middle-class white kids who spend all day going "lmao kek nigger nigger" and spend their life playing video games instead of meeting their potential.
What the West HAD to do is irrelevant in this conversation, especially when the REAL ghettos are the kinds of places that someone will put a bullet in you just for bumping into them. I really think the only way whites can be so condescending to blacks is some sort of cognitive bias or genuine naivete.

I understand that you think the past should be an example for the future, but black people were slaves in the empire that created the "Manifest West". What do they have to look to?

When the Yas Forumsyps talk like this, they sound just like insulated Hollywood liberals. I'm not accusing you of being a pol/yp/, I just see this rhetoric everywhere.

Slinging crack, rapping, shooting each other, fucking white women ( normally on the heavy side.) Getting shit on by the establishment makes the list too.

You only see the whites on the internet, apparently. A lot of us actually do care about what happens, and do carry the torch. But I'm not going to argue that point with you, you'll just have to see it for yourself.

What do they have to look to? Well, if they believe the are human beings, on equal ground with all the rest of humanity, then they have all the rest of humanity to look to. Fuck off with the "muh cultural appropriation" and realize that people borrow ideas from each other all the time, and it advances each society who takes part in it.

Segregating yourselves isn't helping you.

>someone will put a bullet in you just for bumping into them
>I really think the only way whites can be so condescending to blacks is some sort of cognitive bias or genuine naivete
Can't you see the irony here? People all around the world look down on petty, violent behavior. Not just whites.

Sure, I'm a bit focused on the internet here but I am a bit of a shut-in so I'll admit my bias here. That is fair.

I still think you're missing the point, you and I are lucky that we were given the tools at a young age to be able to rationalize moral concepts and ideals like this. But I'll ask you again: What does that mean to someone who doesn't know these concepts? What does that mean to someone who is perpetually put down by those who say this platitudes? When you don't have enough money to put food on your table then "looking to humanity" sounds like a platitude. Like telling an incel to "be yourself".

>A lot of us actually do care about what happens
I'm glad you care, user. I'm surprised anyone is willing to have this level of conversation anyways.

This is my point again. Individually what does "the rest of humanity" matter when your neighborhood is full of individuals you can't control that are willing to take your life or your possessions at the drop of a hat? I live in the ghetto because I'm poor, and I was lucky enough to have parents that were from affluent backgrounds.

It doesn't mean anything when you're the only person who is nonviolent in a lifetime of violent people. Philosophy does not trump violence.

I don't disagree with you, user: Violence is not an appropriate answer. But what does being non-violent mean to someone like a Muslim on a holy war, or another street nigga trying to get up?

Sorry for the blogpost.

I'm a leftist white and this makes me laugh at how stupid it is.
What are "black hobbies"?


Why do hood niggers think their disgusting and degenerate version of "blackness" is the only legitimate one?

>Learning how to fucking dance. Appreciating black music
Arer you fucking serious?
what is it that makes these hobbies "black"?

God damn,I really hope you are LARPing,otherwise,you're seriously racist as fuck.

>Sorry for the blogpost.
It's all good, and you make very good points. At this point I feel hard pressed to refute you, all I can really say is the very same thing that gangster-rappers always say, which is that the struggle is real.

I know that philosophy is for the affluent. That's part of why something like the 10 Commandments is so moving - because it's a simple list of rules towards a better community and a better life. That's why it forms the backbone of Western law.

That being said, law is administered at the business end of a barrel. I think blacks need to allow police to police them, if they want to really start getting their shit together. And yes, I know there is abuse by authorities. That is beside the point.

When I see people on TV robbing homes or they sold some drugs, or whatever the case may be, I always think to myself that they really had it better than me before they got caught.

I've spoken to former prisoners and they all said they respect the working man so much, but I wanna tell them that there really is no respect working for some billionaire who barely pays their workers for the profits they help make.
I honestly look at organized crime defrauding these oil and gas companies, or people stealing cars from high class neighborhoods with more respect than anyone working at Costco or walmart.

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He's a white nigga in disguise!

>black hobbies

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I totally get this but I lament that people willing to take higher risks for higher rewards don't have healthier avenues for advancement. Making money available to entrepreneurs goes a long way, I think. Those people are entrepreneurs at the end of the day, it's just that they're on the wrong side of the law.

You make fine points too, you're not wrong. Every individual is responsible for themselves, absolutely. I'm not gonna sit here and say it's okay to bang or be violent.

I don't want to sound condescending but police are a huge part of the problem, and I know this from experience. I grew up in black neighborhoods, I had black friends, and I watched as every single day teachers, police officers, clerks in stores made them feel like criminals so casually it was like second nature.

This is ingrained in our culture, how we treat black people, and the casual nature of it is so fucking obvious when you look at the popularity of Yas Forums. I've watched as police officers stopped me and my friends to check on me to see if I (the white kid in the group) was okay. I watched as teachers accused black kids of theft that mexican or white kids committed.

I wish it was as simple as "allowing the police to police them", but cops are literally trained to stereotype black people.

This guy gets it.

Even uneducated blacks can see how pointless it can be to throw yourself at a wagie job, even when three six hour shifts a day only make you like 200-300 bucks a day. Even I said fuck that when I was young, I saw my boy Leroy making 3 bills per DEAL.

I don't know what will fix the black community, but it definitely isn't more white people treating them like criminals from birth.

I get that, and I've seen it too. I've lived in and around Atlanta my whole life.

I couldn't tell you what needs fixing, to be honest. You can only really poke at the fringes of the problems, but like you said, people are responsible for themselves. I respect people like Larry Pinkney that actually tried to make a difference and still continue to speak out about how oppression of blacks hurts everyone in the US, not just them.

I hope you can make it out of the trap dude. You're obviously better than that. Keep your head up.

You're a good person, we'll both make it. Take it easy.

I hope you would never use that reaction image it's really really disrespectful and any of the ones that are related to it also like the pepe one with the same face or the other gold colored ones are also really really bad and just not good and I hope you would delete them from your pc if you have any other ones and delete that one especially and never post them they're really bad and really really disrespectful and I hope no one would ever post them

what are you on about lil champ?

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I meant like that the yellowish gold face that's laughing like that isn't a very good image so it would be a bad image and also it's really disrespectful to post it on an imageboard like Yas Forums or one of the other imageboards and especially if it's on a thread then it would be especially disrespectful to post it and it's just not a good image so I hope no one would post it anymore because it is not very good and it's also really disrespectful also I think there's other ones too like one time I saw one that was the same yellowish colored face but it was kind of like stretched around or blurry or something or sometimes there's different ones that are Pepe the Frog and they're just as disrespectful as the normal yellow colored one and it would be so nice if everyone would just delete the images and if no one would post them anymore because they're really disrespectful and bad and just not good at all

I'm glad you're out here looking out for your frens and their feelings
that's what real champs do, champ

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aww thank you
yuuka is such a nice friend

>black hobbies
Thats racist