Fembots, have you tried dating other females?

Fembots, have you tried dating other females?
You could leave all the shitty men behind

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They seem to be happier dating other women, but eventually they get to the point where their hypergamy gets the best of them and they need someone who makes more than they do to take care of them so they don't have to work.

That seems to be the moment that really seperates the bisexuals from the true lesbiens. Bi girls will usually only engage in that when they're young (

that's not how most rl-lesbians look like, though
most rl-lesbians i know don't seem very happy

Ok, fair enough, but on the same token how many rl-Heterosexuals seem happy to you? Some maybe, but not many. Even fewer aren't just putting on a facade to the rest of the world.

>Picture completely unrelated.

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yes, had an 8 month long relationship, turned out she cheated on me.
should i try bumble or some other app?

i know more rl-lesbians than rl-gays, but i guess you're right. rl just sucks

Lol lesbOP. Every lesbian couple I've known is either abusive as fuck, more controlling, or there's a lot of cheating. One of my good friends was cheated on by pretty much every girl she dated.

Sure sounds ideal.

yeah, no, nice try dyke

I just had a thought. Psychologically speaking, do you think a woman's hypergamous instinct might be a contributing factor to said unhappiness? A heterosexual woman will eventually resent her man should he continually fail to "bring home the bacon" as her hypergamy means she has a biological imperative to be taken care of. Essentially "men are made to give love and women are made to take love" so it will. Just because a person's sexual preference may deviate from the hetrosexual norm doesn't mean that the rest of their natural imperatives do. You can see this in homosexual males in how they seem to be happier than a lot of hetero and lesbian couples....probably because they get a hell of a lot more sex than the other two do. You remember the phrase spoken by many a woman that "all men want is sex.", and even though that's not the only thing entirely, it's undeniable that that's certainly a large part of it. I guess they're called "gay" for a reason, because the regular sex seems to be making them a lot more happier than we heteros are....at least until they contract an STD.

I have exclusively dated other females, but I may not be considered a "fembot".

Did they cheat with another girl or a guy?
This is important

a guy, who knocked her up too. at least i can find a little remorse in that our friend group all gave her the cold shoulder as soon as things came to light

That last reply wasn't from me. Girls

I am currently doing that and I hope it never ends

sorry i enjoy d*ck too much

Only human dick or also dog and horsedick?

ok im not THAT much of a degenerate

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Girls do not exist on the Internet. This thread is nothing but 400 pound dudes posting on their couches.

Why not, it's very fun this far down the rabbit hole

depends on the woman.

i've only ever been with other women and some of them are just as shitty as some of the guys i know

I think my friend was gay. She acted really thirsty and much more straightforward than a man. I wonder if that is common.

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Hot as fuck
You should have let her go down on you

I really wish I could be a lesbian and be romantically attracted to women. 3 shitty boyfriends in the last year, each more awful and scummy than the next, I feel like giving up on men.

I have a trans girlfriend if that counts. She uses her dick and stuff though, so I guess she's basically the boy.

>She acted really thirsty and much more straightforward than a man. I wonder if that is common.

Probably. Girls don't get the social conditioning that boys do to believe that they shouldn't act like that. Women on the other hand find that behaviour attractive so long as the person acting like that is also attractive to them. Of course if they don't, well....that's then considered sexual harassment if not assault for not being hot enough to act like that.

Isn't that technically a hetero relationship then? I guess you could also consider it bisexual given its homosexual leanings...?

Do you ever get frustrated with "her" for not doing her traditional gender role as provider and protector?

Do it. Most of us have given up on women, too. There isn't enough privacy or mystery left in the world for it to work; it's all laid bare and we can all see this shit for what it is. Nobody wants to live in this modern world.

i'm pretty sure all the lesbians i met irl were unhappy

maybe they were just cunts. gay guys don't seem to have this problem as much.

Can confirm, I'm a dyke and unhappy as hell

dyke should be set on fire

the majority of self described lesbians are bisexual.

I don't know really. It was really confusing. She was like, when she got drunk:"Hey, get your pants off, I could show you some good time." Do other cliche flirty stuff like that. Then when I'd confront her when she'd sober up she'd deny everything.
"No, I'm not gay..!! What you think. I got a boyfriend!"
Usually some girls do flirting as a joke. But she was really into it. I might seem like dumbass but even now I am not sure if she wall full on lesb. I also have feeling of regret that I never acknowledged her feelings if that was the case.

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based cheater kek

I'm a tranny lesbian and no one wants anything to do with me. Wish I liked guys because at least then someone would potentially be desperate enough to want me.

fuck off AGP scum, nobody wants you because you're an ugly man.

t. hsts that has had several girls interested in me before because I actually look qt

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>tfw ywn be in a cute lesbian relationship
it hurts bros

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You really should have let her have you
Lesbian sex seems so fun

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>I have a trans girlfriend
no, you have a boyfriend and you're in a gay relationship. two guys, two dicks = two faggots

you are just an ugly male that is gay and dresses in womens clothing. Doesn't make you a woman. Makes you an ugly faggot.

>slobbering all over it like this
Why is lesbian porn always so meh

You just have shit taste
Did you ever think of that?

No, I happen to be an actual fucking lesbian and 99% of lesbian porn is made for men and thus sucks.

If you're an actual lesbian I have a question for you out of curiosity:

From your experience and maybe some other couples you speak to, how long does it usually take for Lesbian bed death to set in? Is it inevitable?

All I've heard about it is that it's a myth based on a 40 year old study that only counted penetration as sex, of which obviously lesbians do less than heteros or gay men obviously, so the idea that we have less sex took hold. Sex life slows down for most couples as they get older, not more so for lesbians than others.

>Every lesbian couple I've known is either abusive as fuck, more controlling, o
99% of the woman into femdom and rapeplay are only willing to do it with other women

kinda makes sense why many lesbians are abusive and controlling

I see the appeal, but I'd more likely get jealous than affectionate with another lady. Also, don't like the idea of eating cooch.

But you would suck dick?
Dicks are more disgusting than vagina

fuck lesbians

dykes and fags get the rope

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

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Don't ruin my waifu by including her in your fag posts

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no? dicks don't have an entire ecosystem on them with fucking ph levels

and there's plenty of ways for vaginas to be ugly. bad penises are mostly just short.

>bad penises are mostly just short.
Uncut dicks are more disgusting than any natural vagina

>fembot thread
>filled with m*n
Every time

Because the site and this board in particular is predominantly men. Seriously go on Reddit and there are plenty of places to talk about women's issues.

then fuck off you fucking whore, go to lolcow bitch. god i want to strangle you

The sad thing is you indulge these threads and keep them alive. A bunch of men in a thread for women, seeking sex with each other too. Sad.

They weren't gonna have sex with me they might as well fuck each other right?

this is all i could ever want in life

I like titties, but I'm not interested in dating a woman because I crave dick and want to be impregnated at some point. Also my parents would disown me.

how about a strapon and a spermbank?

I don't think it would be the same as being fucked by a real hot dick. And I would like to experience the period of fucking like rabbits when we're trying to get pregnant.

The strap-on is reserved for his boipuss.