Best way to come out to homophobic parents?

Best way to come out to homophobic parents?

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why would you tell your parents that you love to suck dicks? What's wrong with faggots and their need to tell the world they're degenerate.

cause im sick of hearing my mother asking when will i get a gf

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Woah, because you're gay you can't just lie and tell her that you're focusing on something else. Damn, tough life.

I don't know if I wanna keep lyng to her all my life.I feel it's wrong

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>I don't know if I wanna keep lyng to her all my life
Better than getting kicked out of the house imo, but you could try suggesting them that you are a faggot by leaving giant rubber cocks in the bathroom

you can start by committing suicide

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Explain it in your suicide letter

cope more closet homos

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Get some coloured markers (ROYGBV, you know.. rainbow volours), write on an A4 piece of blank paper "I'M GAY, I LIKE MEN" (each letter is a different colour, obviously the colour order is the order of your average rainbow), place the gay-note on your bed after you made it look all nice and pretty and then commit suicide via hanging or shooting yourself (make sure the note doesn't get fucked if you're going for a messier method)
Have fun user. If you follow this method you will also have no need to ever lie to anyone else ever again! Win/win, ey?

>Better than getting kicked out of the house imo
im in college i don't live with them but im still dependent financially

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not gay, but thanks for the (you)

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>anime poster
You're defenetaly gay user

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Go to conversion therapy and cure your faggotry, faggot

i fucked my gf yesterday user

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Are your parents homophobe enough to stop providing for you, or are they, like, the more "casual" kind of homophobes

>Go to conversion therapy and cure your faggotry
I tried that without my parents knowing.Didn't work.

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you can always try again, user-kun

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my dad whould stop give me money to college and he whould start cutting ties with me for certain

Then wait until you are financially independent, your well-being comes first

Conversion theraphy doesn't work in general.A bunch of christfags hiting you with a book tell you what youre doing is wrong won't work user

Show them your cute girls with firearms collection

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>Then wait until you are financially independent, your well-being comes first
Most probabbily it's what im going to do but its not the most optimal desu

Being homeless ain't that better, though.
Is there anyone who knows that you're gay and that could blackmail you?

why hello there fren

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disgusting weeaboo

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>Is there anyone who knows that you're gay and that could blackmail you?
the only that know im gay is my bf and a handfull of his friends.My family and my friends don't know it

>my dad whould stop give me money to college and he whould start cutting ties with me for certain
So why are you even asking how to tell them when you know for a fact they will make your life infinitely worse? Did you just make this thread to tell people you are gay? What the fuck is wrong with homos?

now hacker Yas Forums knows it as well, faggot

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Is there one for the 35?

So who is this Yas Forums?

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>homophobic parents
When you get your own apartment/house and live far away for atleast 3 months. Then you tell them over the phone.

Otherwise, R.I.P

I sure hope no gurofag ruins this thread. Now that would be awful.

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sadly not. if there were one i would have it.

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do we even know?

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>Then you tell them over the phone.
Although I don't have the balls to tell them in person I still think coming out over the phone is disrespectful to them desu

oh yea that would be awful

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I did find this, not anywhere near as good as that 22 though

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just a system admin

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coming out is pointless, just live your life with your sexuality as no one's business

i cannot imagine a single scenario where i stand in front of my parents and explain how much i love masturbating to BBC and muscular black men while self-inserting as a petite white girl

yea, that's fairly true. hadn't seen this one on Yas Forums, would've probably saved if i had

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Go to your containment /gay/ board you dick sucking degenerate

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password app lole

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>Christcuck strikes again

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>i cannot imagine a single scenario where i stand in front of my parents and explain how much i love masturbating to BBC and muscular black men while self-inserting as a petite white girl
you do know it's different user.That's just a fetish you have

Feel free to tell your mom in person but I assure you a homophobic dad would beat the shit out of you

>team-building activities
It looks like we will be fine.

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none of what he said is related to christianity desu

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>actually thinks your parents don't already realize that you're a faggot

yes user, we will

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>actually thinks your parents don't already realize that you're a faggot
Hope not

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>Feel free to tell your mom in person
i feel like my mom whould be cool with it but i still have to grow a pair to tell her

don't worry, they are just scared to confront you. that's why they're homophobic, after all

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Parents have a way of knowing when their son isn't like the other boys.

you've been a disappointment from day one, and they've watched your stunted lack of social milestones along every step of the way.

Mothers DEFINITELY know when their son is a girl

Fathers DEFINITELY know when their boy is a faggot

you're incapable of hiding how disgusting you are.

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Lemme guess you fap in the dark or under a blanket as well most of the time and have body issues.

>schizo fag
>reddit spacing
You have to go back

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schizos are literally what Yas Forums consists of, newfag. Also saying that the way a text is formatted is any indication of reddit makes you an absolute moron.

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3ased non-gay animeposter.

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cope more inbread

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Cring poster

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>calling actual argumentation cope
dilate, faggot

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