>Shrooms or LSD?
>Have you ever had a Salvia breakthrough and what was it like?
>Whats the longest stimulant binge you've ever been on? What was it like?

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I've done shrooms and lsd together and i've broken through on salvia. Highest lsd dosage i've taken is 600ug. I also have a bit of dmt expeirience. I have had a 3 day coke binge once aswell.

>Haven't tried shrooms, so LSD it is
>No, I've never tried it
>One week. Amphetamine. Spiders on floor. Escpa

what are shrooms and LSD like combined compared to the separate experiences?

>shrooms, i prefer the euphoria
>never tried
>only did amphetamines once, but ive been awake on ecstasy for three days straight once so i guess that counts
Lately been considering trying Xanax. I used to be scared to death by benzos but I don't really care enough anymore.

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ordered dxm powder to Aus and then found out it's schedule 4. what do? am i going to jail

Overdosing on benzos alone is very difficult, the danger comes from combining it with other CNS depressants.
Cancel shipment? Or is it too late?

I know, it's withdrawals I was scared of. It's alright now though, I recently decided I'll OD on opiates when I decide to end it.

Kind of like they are fighting for control of the brain. Very euphoric. They potenate eachother so if it's somthing you want to try i suggest dosing low.

messaged them to refund/ stop shipping but seems they've already sent it out.

anyone know the chances of getting caught?

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What's a Saliva break through? If you mean full on trip then yeah I experienced that. Shit is extreme. I was a mountain with trees and boulders in shit, I went to move my arm and trees started coming down.

>Shrooms or LSD?
>Have you ever had a Salvia breakthrough and
what was it like?
had salvia but didnt feel much
>Whats the longest stimulant binge you've ever been on? What was it like?
2 weeks no sleep on meth i.v. and some rc's like flakka. i almost died and was extreme psychotic it was horrible. after the first week i couldnt sleep anymore it was 100% a head thing but i shooted up big dose of heroin and other stuff but sleeping was impossible.

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>anyone know the chances of getting caught?
You're overthinking it imo, i've ordered illegal shit on the clearnet many time and never had any problem.

my friend and i often order research chems over the clear net and a few times things didnt came but we never heard of the police because of the rc's. and when they are showing up in your home say you havent ordered them and tell the police someone is trying to damage you over the internet.

Was really excited to finally try ket and after doing a decent sized line and a few bumps , I felt little to nothing...

Just had a nice headspace for a while but nothing visual.

Just finished the rest of the baggy ( about .8 ) and same thing . I've read people get into the khole with only .3 , did I just get weak shit or what ?.

>Get derealization more and more often, even sometime without taking drugs
I don't really mind it but am I loosing it?

where are you live (country)?

gud engrish

belgium, idk how strict are the law there compared to aus

I'm not sure of what the chances are here in aus. I'm tempted to risk if the penalty is small but I have no idea if it actually is or not. looking through government websites is giving me a headache

australia is very hard with drug laws isnt it?

you're really overthinking it, feds don't give a shit about some random faggot ordering drug, they'll bust your door if you order 50kgs of meth though

>looking through government websites is giving
me a headache
Same, it feels like I can never get a straight answer. Everything always depends.

god, I am so high. i've been high for 2 weeks straight. this is refined hedonism; its basically muscle memory.

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it's 50g of powder so maybe it'll be more conspicuous but not sure. I can see that the seller has sold similar quantities to australians before.

maybe going to jail would be a wake up call anyway.

>For 50g of dxm
How do you even trip on disso if you're so anxious about stupid shit?

>maybe going to jail would be a wake up call anyway
Probably, but could you really go to jail for DXM? It seems so ridiculous because it's legal in most places. Now that we're on the subject, is it legal in Finland? I'd drink cough syrup but it's all filled with sorbitol and other shit that makes you puke and vomit.

just never bought anything online before....

sorry 4 sperging out about committing crimes user.....

yea you sound stupid as fuck so I believe you

>Abusing all kind of drugs in hope that it'll change you brain chemistry and your life to some extent
So far it has worked a little

same i just got three carts in the mail last week i can't help but reach for my vape everytime i start to comedown.

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>Whats the longest stimulant binge you've ever been on? What was it like?
i love stims but fuck people being irresponsible when doing drugs, so i guess 8 hours?

quality varies massively. ive gotten bags where 0.2 resulted in a k hole and bags that didnt after dosing 0.8 in one session from the same plug

potential damage from k is more from long term use, ive never heard of someone oding, so id honestly just do like 3 to 4 fat lines and see what happens

>shrooms, prefer the headspace
>never used
>3 days on amphetamine, seeing things in the corner of my vision, things were morphing a bit

Yeh I'll try buy more and give it a better go , cheers user

What the fuck is snus?
My friend gave me this little packet that smells like mint, apparently there's nicotine in there. What do I do with it?

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stick it under your lip, and enjoy the most intense tobacco experience of your life. if you're not used to that much nicotine I would recommend spitting while it's in, but you don't have to

I've never had a nicotine buzz, though I have smoked spliffs.
What do you mean by this? Like spit out the saliva that builds up in my mouth? Can't I just swallow it?
How long should I hold it in for?

yeah, that is what I mean. you can swallow the saliva, but if you're not used to large amounts of nicotine you may get nauseous. how long you keep it in is up to you, when I started the most I could handle was 10 mins, but now I can keep a snus in for a couple hours no problem.

Thinking of using amphetamine to get a job and escape the neet life. Would it help ?

Ok thanks user. I'll try in a few days. I've done a lot of drugs but I've only ever had nic in spliffs.

>Might get DCK delivered today or tomorrow
>Wanna get fucked up on DXM, but it'll ruin my tolerance.

Smoke salvia and enjoy the only disso with reverse tolerance, side effects might include absolute primal terror and dread

Yea but I don't have any salvia on me rn. I could go down to the local headshop, maybe they have some.
I could also go get kratom from the headshop prolly, but I don't know anything about kratom strands/how to not get ripped off.

i literally sabotaged myself from taking molly by drinking too much yesterday night giving myself such a hangover that has rendered me powerless to do anything other than drinking, which is what im doing now

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Ever had a psychotic LSD trip?

Even my self destructing ass wouldn't do that, what's up senpai?

That's not what dmt looks like. That's a fucking regular stone crystal you can buy in tourist shops.

>Shrooms or LSD

Shrooms. Not as potent and you need more, but the emotional load of shrooms is not nearly as heavy.

>>Have you ever had a Salvia breakthrough and what was it like?


Complete ego death. I had no sense of where I was, what I was doing, my surroundings were vague. It felt like I was a spirit with no body soaring above a plane, reconstructing the world around me from shear chaos until I realized I was just at my keyboard at my desk, listening to CSN&Y.

Overall I don't like salvia however. Been years since I last smoked and I don't ever really feel the need to do it again. DMT is better because it actually lets your dissociated consciousness go somewhere.

>longest stimulant binge

One time me and a bud kept snorting coke from a mortar and pestle our dealer roomie gave him to shut up, scraping coke out of the grooves in the bowl. Probably snorted a lot of granite dust but whatever.

Ended up getting enough out to do small lines for several hours, made me edgy enough to need a whole bottle of wine to go to sleep.

i don't fucking understand the appeal of cocain. thirty minute high where you act like a bellend and then depression. truly the worst drug that isnt NBO

>That isn't NBO
YOu mean NBomes? I've heard some people having amazing experiences with them, be it for some body load and a bit of vasoconstriction.

idk man im just not feeling like myself lately you know?

I know, we've all been there. Recently my motivation and ability to concentrate have gone downhill, I'm barely able to pay attention even for two minutes without going into brainfog.
Feels like a never-ending DXM afterglow.

>3 days. awesome until i started forgetting things

cant wait for more meth

dude you are fucking up the subject
its just called


hey lads i just did 150ug of acid, first time doing it alone and i feel the come up now, any suggestions for things to do, i have music and fruit already

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>I don't fucking understand the appeal of cocaine

It lets you feel more awake during a long night of drinking/partying. That's about it.

I haven't done coke in about 4 years or so. I stopped doing any sort of "party drugs" (coke, MDMA, benzos, RCs) ever since settling down with my gf a few years ago.

I'm a pretty big stoner, and I still like to trip a few times a year on 'cid or shrooms, but I largely agree with you, coke is pretty pointless and I'm probably never gonna touch it again.

Workout, do some pushups, pullups, lift some weights etc.
You'll feel like superman.

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ok ill try, i've been out drinking tonight though so i dont want to induce throwing up

Music and fruit are good starts.

If you're alone and it's a sunny day, GO OUTSIDE. Go to a park, beach, zoo, and walk around. Somewhere with as few people as possible. Put on some prog rock, maybe ELP or Yes or Gentle Giant, and go enjoy life my dude.

its currently 520am so i have the day ahead of me, bushwalk sounds good as there alot of good places near where i live

>With acid
Sounds like a waste, doesn't alcohol kill/water trips down?

Not from my limited experience, maybe your getting confused with benzos?

It's what I heard, I've never drank while tripping, but it somewhat makes sense because alk and benzos are both downers. It's not as intense of a trip killer as benzos tho I heard.