Why is it that only men like femdom but not women...

Why is it that only men like femdom but not women? Femdom is a symbol of female liberation from their old submissive role, shouldn't women be embracing it?

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Women dont like feeling masculine no matter how much jews push it on them

Because dominance takes effort and women hate putting in any of that.

Why couldn't "the Jews" have gone a step further to make our lives less miserable? Why are we stuck with women that are only halfway equal in that they have jobs meanwhile men are becoming feminine even faster? WOMEN NEED TO FUCKING FILL PART OF THE MALE ROLE IF THEY WANT TO BE EQUAL

eh, u just don't know the right women. nerd women have a lot of time alone and are more likely to be into femdom n stuff, but normie women aren't cuz i guess they actually have fulfilling lives outside of maladaptive daydreams about sex

the men that are into femdom are closet wusses and women don't like a wuss.

>normie women aren't cuz i guess they actually have fulfilling lives outside of maladaptive daydreams about sex
Who cares they're normalfags anyways, the question is how does one locate these nerd women that appreciate femdom

Femdom is becoming increasingly popular among everyone, it's probably the most popular fetish now so if that's the case then women are going to have to learn how to date wussies

no, the most popular fetish is by far incest of some sort.

it's not becoming popular among everyone. outside of degenerate corners of the internet populated by weak ineffectual men that can't get laid you barely see it.

because anything that can give sexual pleasure to a man is bad to women.

Incest and fauxcest are autistic and I'm fairly certain they're pushed by Jews even though nobody like it for some reason. Either that or the porn sites are full of free incest porn because all of the actually good porn costs money. Notice how incest isn't nearly as popular in all forms of 2d porn, it's only the porn (((Industry))) where incest is popular.

bumprino pastarino

Feminists don't want the responsibility, stoicism or confrontation that comes with the masculine gender role. They'd rather pretend to have those attributes, while actually being irresponsible, emotional, and meek, and then labeling anybody who calls them out on this inconsistency a misogynist.

Modern, post-suffrage feminism is largely about posturing and whining rather than actual self-empowerment. A truly strong woman is immensely rare and forged from hard life experiences, and she doesn't need a sham political ideology pushed by popular media to realize her potential.

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I like femdom but I'm I've developed mild ptsd from all the verbal abuse on this site and therefore am too emotionally unstable to be a dom. It's just inverted ego gratification that caters to males guilt/relief loop, they don't deserve it if they aren't ideologically aligned with feminism and open about that.

I don't know what you're talking about but the whole culture of Yas Forums is to be toxic, idk why you choose to let yourself get ptsd or whatever here

I like femdom as a female but I don't fit the bill, I'd look very silly trying to be dominant. I think it would be easy if I had a small and very enthusiastic partner.

Please mistress, hurt me, I need it.
Sit on my face and punch me in the dick.
Call me names and spit on me.
Glare at me with contempt as you choke me to death.

Woah, you went straight to sadomasochism

Even Womyn power ultra feminist women still wanna be roughly dicked down. It's just their hormones. Femdom is so rare, that it could be probably considered a mental disorder in women, or at least a high irregularity. I guarantee a large amount only do it for the money also.

My issue with this whole thing is that men like it but women don't, why is this? Are men and women's brains really wired so differently that they can't appreciate an equal and opposite thing like domination?

>It's just inverted ego gratification that caters to males guilt/relief loop, they don't deserve it

agree desu. men are obsessed w coomin n it makes the whole point of femdom moot

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Pardon me, I thought they were the same thing.

Women and manly men just like we want feminine women.

Submission is not manly.

In fact I would wager that ALL of us who want a dominant Amazon Mommy gf have low-T.

Yes that includes me.

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It has more to do with hormones than brain structure, but I'm sure that contributes some. Testosterone is a powerful drug, but absence is also very impactful. The low t males want to be dominated because it's an evolutionary mechanism to behave submissively so the alpha males will ignore you, thinking you're no threat. Then the lower t male gets a chance to mate and pass on his lineage.

Conversely, women's estrogen levels don't fluctuate as much, which leads to a more consistent outcome. It's just basic ecology that human females want to be dominated and such, since they get the strongest male by resisting and making them work for it. Femdom just makes no sense evolutionary, since humans have never been matriarchal. Maybe it's the outcome of higher t levels in women, making them act more masculine, but it also is motivated by money mostly I believe.

>Are men and women's brains really wired so differently that they can't appreciate an equal and opposite thing like domination?

Not sure what you mean by this, are you saying men that like femdom should be submissive outside of sex to align with feminism or what? Because that seems to be what a lot of young men are heading towards as they're becoming less ambitious and lazier about relationships.
Not really, you'll find a lot of people like gentle femdom but not sadomasochism

I'm actually a 6'6, 180 guy that would die to have a small female boss him around. I don't think it's silly at all. It's kind of like a lion tamer, you know? Mental command, not physical.

Honestly I like that too, but I'd be afraid to hurt my partner seriously.
Interesting,it just seems out of character for me too, which is weird because I'd enjoy it. I wonder what this means psychologically for me.

I don't get it. It's out of character, but you'd like it? I mean I kind of relate.. before I realized my submissive side I was mostly dominant towards my SO's. I thought it would be weird but in the end I really like both. It's worth giving a shot, even if it's just indulging in fantasy or like ERP to see what you like or are comfortable with.

>I'd be afraid to hurt my partner seriously
How about punching non-vital areas like arms, stomach, elbow in ribs, etc? Unless you're huge you probably can't cause any lasting harm doing that?

is teasing close enough?
Some girls like the idea of enamoring a boy so much that the he become desperate to have her but she is just out of reach.

You probably want to avoid concussive injuries desu. Shit like whips, shallow cuts and scrapes are safer. Though I do like getting hit by girls (I'm )

Not really, that's just playing hard to get

no, I mean men should focus on makin women coom during femdom play instead of focusin on themselves coomin. I don't care if he's a herbivore man outside of bed that's unrelated

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Well yeah sure, I think most women expect that including normies. It's just harder for a man to make a woman coom than it is for a woman to make a man coom so that's the trouble. There's fingering and cunnilingus but some people are grossed out by oral sex.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure once I'm close enough with someone I won't be as shy about it.

I'm sure you won't.
I'm just gonna vent rq tho and say that I really wish girls would just be honest about this shit. I've had girls be bully-ish toward me but then just be a typical girl. I can't find these girls who are dominant at all, like I'm nearly 100% sure they don't exist. Even for you it's probably just a fantasy you'll never realize. I'm not trying to be mean.. it's just tiresome

>shallow cuts and scrapes
different fembot, but the idea of scraping/cutting up a guy as sexual punishment is kinda hot desu...pressing on them while they're healing so they sting a little and make u sensitive to touch...

where oh where is my skinny easily bruised bot bf...

tfw i'm skinny and currently covered in bruises and what you said made my jimmies rustle

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lesbians love femdom because mommy issues and female competition

straight women don't like femdom because their participation necessitates male weakness

not them, but what kinds of things do you want the girl to do to lead into it? i like to be mean, but typically guys react to my dominance during sex with aggression, as if they have to compete with me. should a girl do something to set the tone first? pin you down and tell you what she wants to do? give u instructions? just be patient with us, we're not used to wearing the pants

Women are not really interested in dominating men. Why would they be? Femdom is generally about fulfilling some dude's weird kink. "Female liberation" is about being a woman to the fullest, not taking the old male role. Femdom for a woman is having a chad butler who fucks her just the way she likes it.

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I still have scars on my back from ex gf cutting it with her nails. Its kinda hot

It's hard for me to say, I've literally never had a girl do it. And I'm also not the kind of person to take well to "x in the streets, y in the sheets" kind of behavior. I personally want to be treated like my partner's inferior, like a dog basically. I'm kind of fucked in the head. But since I've never had that I have no idea what the sex would be like, so.. sorry, can't help you.

If women only want the good parts of being a man like having rights and having their own money but don't want the bad parts like having to be dominant or being expected to make more money than their partner then what the fuck was the point of giving women rights, feminism is just about getting more rights than men

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I think only women that do femdom like it. Like, why would you just want to watch somebody else doing dom. It basically would feel like cuckoldry.

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I'm not necessarily talking about the porn but just about women in relationships in general too. In terms of porn maybe women would like dominant female pov hentai, as rare as it might be, but irl women only want men to take the initiative even though men are very excited about the possibility of doing the opposite of their gender role.

hey, you figured it out!

I would love this, but I need someone to lift me out of my terrible headspace and help me realize my intellectual pursuits while acknowledging the social conditions of sex caste that impede me from making them real. A dog can't help me. Finding a supportive butch girlfriend (autism spectrum) is the only way for me to have a functional relationship built on mutual understanding. My biggest impediment is my selfishness and I'm not going to emotionally invest in my oppressors

It's not that uncommon for woman to boss her man around. It basically is like a typical marriage.

You ever seen those short comic strips where there is wife in apron throwing something at the guy and the guy is carrying a suitcase, going to work? Like that. It really is not uncommon at all.

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Cmon you know I'm not talking about nagging, all the men are dreaming about women that take initiative and basically wear the pants, when a wife nags her husband she's not really taking initiative she's just telling him to do shit

uh.. ok?
Are you a lesbian, or a dude? I'm confused.
Also don't rely on other people to fix you, that's too much of a burden on anyone.

That's actually exactly what I want though. My dad and my brother (who's married) have women that manage their money and to some extent their affairs, but also do housework and shit. I want kind of the same except I want to also have to do housework, assuming she works. If she doesn't then obviously nix that. But the point is, nagging isn't always what it looks like on the surface.

I don't know what you mean. Wearing the pants. Like how? You should give some examples.

I mean, lot of women want to buy something. Like new car, fence. etc. Then go to man and be like. "Hey, darling. You think we could afford this?" Then arguments happen. It's not very uncommon either. I've seen it happen billion times.

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thread has run its course

>Feminists don't want the responsibility, stoicism or confrontation that comes with the masculine gender role. They'd rather pretend to have those attributes, while actually being irresponsible, emotional, and meek, and then labeling anybody who calls them out on this inconsistency a misogynist.

God tier comment.

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Because deep down women just like being dominated more. It's in their fucking DNA or some shit.

Finding a girl who is into both is hard...

I mostly mean doing more shit like asking guys out instead of waiting for them to and being more assertive when it comes to decision making and sex. Also it wouldn't hurt if some women that make a lot of money would be more open to dating someone with less money than them, which they usually aren't. That's not even touching the concept of a stay-at-home dad and a working mom which most see as taboo in spite of feminism.

I mean they can fix me just be giving me a healthier social environment that isn't built on the toxic masculinity I'm addicted to. And then it's on me to learn to reciprocate kindness. I realize how that came off and I'm not looking for toxic codependency so yes you are right. Also I'm a straightish butch woman

look who finally came to breakfast

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Some part of femdom for some people is getting dominated by someone obviously weaker than them. Depends on what you mean by not fitting the bill tho

what's that chart, post the while thing

>I mostly mean doing more shit like asking guys out instead of waiting for them to and being more assertive when it comes to decision making and sex
I think that happens rather a lot too. We might got cultural difference though. It is not as deep as biological difference. Around where I am this phenomenon is called as being under the shoe. Man in that situation is kinda mocked at and gets sympathy but guess better than being single.

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>I'm not going to emotionally invest in my oppressors
If I take this to mean that you aren't willing to get emotionally attached to a dominant man, but you also don't want a submissive man, vis-a-vis
>A dog can't help me
then really you aren't looking for a man at all, are you? And I hate to be this guy, but the odds of a lesbian helping you out are incredibly low, as they're statistically some of the most abusive and difficult partners to have. In all sincerity I think you are going to have to figure out your hang ups yourself, and fix them yourself. You seem intelligent enough to do it, it just takes time and rumination.

That last sentence still puts female liberation in the context of a woman's relationship to a man. It's still a hierarchy

Hierarchies will always exist, and furthermore are necessary for society to function smoothly.

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here is source researchgate.net/publication/314632713_A_Phenomenological_Study_of_Herbivore_Men

Point is women used to be forced to be submissive but now that they have the option to be dominant they still choose to be submissive even though a lot of guys would like dominant women and are okay being a little more submissive. It is contradictory to feminism.