Surprisingly fair article

surprisingly fair article

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It's a good article, open to both sides. Writer isn't a yid either, so not surprising.

Can't wait till he gets fired for hate speech though.

>Most begin from the assumption that Incel ideology, so far as it exists, is a product of men's domination over women. It is a backlash against feminism; the whingeing of men who have been taught by the tyrannical patriarchy to believe they are entitled to ownership of women's bodies.
>surprisingly fair

I havent seen one incel who thinks this way that isnt extremist autist, joking, or not real.
No incel thinks any part of a woman belongs to them. Who fuck even thinks that, that is such an unorthodox made up way of thinking.
What a simple and villainizing diagnosis.
They get what they paid for, the incel population just grows and grows, until incels are addressed and interpreted properly, they will only keep growing and becoming more frustrated.

>I havent seen one incel who thinks this way that isnt extremist autist, joking, or not real.
You've not been here for long.
>No incel thinks any part of a woman belongs to them. Who fuck even thinks that, that is such an unorthodox made up way of thinking.
Men generally feel this way about women (although implicitly - even to themselves); not strictly incels. In fact, the socially, if not sexually, success men have this attitude towards women more so than incels do.

>I havent seen one incel who thinks this way that isnt extremist autist, joking, or not real.

the people who write these articles aren't very immersed in any of this. 99% of the people who write shit like 'women should be property' are just shitposting to make people laugh. obviously some people actually believe that, but they're like you said, autistics.
we shit and hate on women to vent, many times femanons chime in and we get in back and forth arguments and they vent at us and we vent back. i'll be completely honest and say femanons are the only women i speak to. women irl do not speak to me, they look right through me. as pathetic as it is, this is all i have to talk to women.

Can someone back this up on on the off-chance the article gets taken down or something?

It's a well-done, balanced, and tightly-crafted article with an insight that's rare for the social issues it's focusing on. And it would only be a detriment if it got lost or removed.

i read the whole thing

guy did a good job

the next article, though, has to be about where we go from here, and that's something that nobody wants to talk about

we're seriously looking at the beginnings of a wholly gynocentric society where around 60 to 80 percent of men get shit on and have no social roles or clout whatsoever

pair that with an influx of unskilled brown-skinned immigrants demanding that those 60 to 80 percent of disenfranchised men support them with their taxes, and you have a recipe for the destruction of western civilization

>the destruction of western civilization
i will never understand why social outcast virgins give one shit about civilization. you realize you're trying to save something that spit you out right?

Counterpoint: I'm a shutin with terrible social skills. Tinder has been great because I don't have to chat someone up in real time, instead I can take my time and think of a witty reply which has got me laid.

you're also attractive enough to meet their physical attraction standards, so...yea

I'm definitely not a 10/10 and have only really hooked up with the lower end of the hotness scale but pussy is pussy I guess. The point I was trying to make is I wouldn't do so well in the pre-Tinder days.

>You've not been here for long.
you're right, instead I've been on lookism,, braincels, shortcels, incelswithouthate, etc.
I know incels bottom to top, this isnt common unless in niches just like radical feminism.
>Men generally feel this way about women
Maybe in patriarchal parts of the world. But no man, especially no incel who hasnt even touched a girl before would think any woman supposedly belongs to him. Thats not what makes incels angry. What does it even mean to think that women are propety?

If you refuse to believe the truth about incels, that only means you're trying to give yourself relief. It is really THAT bad for incels.

I'll admit that wasn't what he was actually saying, he was describing a majority of normie media outlets. I take back what I said, he actually wrote a pretty solid article.

>i will never understand why social outcast virgins give one shit about civilization.
It's because the degradation of civilization leads to the social outcast virgin populous growing exponentially.

There's a direct correlation in the degeneracy of women, in particular, and society as a whole and the whole "incel" population. Direct correlation.

>I'm definitely not a 10/10
Then prob a 6-9/10.
Trust me man, tinder is a blank page for a majority of guys. And it wasnt your witty replies, girls wanted to fuck you from the start.
Looks are a prerequisite, you have to fuck up really bad to not get laid when you're good looking.

wow congrats you're attractive. You're dumb fucking witty reply didn't mean shit fucking kys

this is a very specific problem that has never happened before in human history. it has to do with a mix of the internet, social media, and online dating

I went through hundreds of profiles to get anywhere. The majority of women swiped left on me to go for chads. My profile was goofy with self deprecating humor which appeals to a small amount of women.

/his/ here, you have no what you're talking about.

"SPECIFIC!?!?!?!?!?!" Are you fucking kidding me?

Yeah, that ties into it. Social Media, Smart Technology (which birthed the abomination that is Online Dating) ultimately created our present day crisis. It's fuel to the fire of the degeneracy that we have to face everyday.

yea man all those civilizations in history degenerated because women became whores maaaan
lol you actually believe that shit? rome didn't fall because women were whores, rome fell 50 times before it collapsed

personality means jack shit, I don't even have a bio because I know it means nothing to holes. No matter what little joke or stupid bullshit I fill my profile with it'll never distract from my ugly fucking face

In that case do lots of gym work and get big and strong. Then take full body shots for your profile.

About 90% of what you wrote had nothing to do with , and was little more than strawmanisations that borders on non-sequitur. Did you even read?

>lol you actually believe that shit?
Yes, I do believe things that have had past studies and research done them. It's precisely why I believe things like climate change is real, we evolved from lineages of primates, vaccines don't cause autism, the Holocaust happening, and that younger generations are (and will) have it harder than we do.

>just work out bro
I'm good, did normies have to work out? no they literally just existed and got a gf.

Well user, apply basic logic here. If your current situation isn't working try something different. It's not like you're going to miss that handful of hours a week in the gym instead of watching porn/anime/video games.

that's nice, im sure you want to argue about this a lot, but here's an easy way to show you how there is no winning this.
women are heavily controlled in muslim countries. do those countries seem like a paradise to you? they're all shit holes. you can't win no matter what you do.

I'd rather stay at home and watch porn and play video games. Working out won't change my height or face

>do those countries seem like a paradise to you?
If I were a man and patriarchal, perhaps.
>they're all shit hole
An inherently racist statement.

>If I were a man and patriarchal, perhaps.
do muslim men seem happy to you lol

wanna beat off together and join my guild?

They always do, actually. I can't quite say the same for the other demographic.

lmao what those guys are like the angriest people on the planet

how many people even use tinder anyway? seems like a way overblown issue, and it's not the only way to get laid. if you have to rely on dating apps to meet women you're just an autist.

For religious, ideological, and historical reasons that's spurred off a number of current resentments. And for reasons similar to why white nationalists claim to be angry.

they may look a little sharp and cold but that's the attitude they are taught to adopt in their society, its a part of their foundation.
Western men don't show it but they are crumbling inside 10 fold. Much worse than any muslim man that I've seen.

its most certainly more now. figure like 45% of 18-24 year olds use it and 30-35% of 25-34 year olds use it

t. ackmed
muslim men will rage about anything and everything

I lived in a muslim country for 8 years.
They rage because their society lets them inflate their egos a bit too much but at least they have solidarity and a tendency to stand up for themselves.

Either way, this shit going on with men in the west is complete fucking depravity.
There is something going on and its bad. You cant just say "calm down sweaty" to these guys.

>Either way, this shit going on with men in the west is complete fucking depravity.
>There is something going on and its bad. You cant just say "calm down sweaty" to these guys.

if controlling women the way muslims do worked i'd argue there are some benefits to it, but it doesn't do anything, it's just as garbage as letting women do whatever they want.
basically women are just a bunch of whores and we need sexbots to fix everything

I'm just waiting for sex robos too bro.
I can live fine if I just neet.
But having to go outside blackpills me everytime.

>Most begin from the assumption that Incel ideology, so far as it exists, is a product of men's domination over women. It is a backlash against feminism; the whingeing of men who have been taught by the tyrannical patriarchy to believe they are entitled to ownership of women's bodies.
This is a description of other articles. The author follows by saying
>There is invariably some truth to this. [discussion of the Supreme Gentleman] However Rodger was an outlier. Most Incels are non-violent and use the forums they frequent as a support group, a place to vent... against a society which they feel has rejected them... It is this which inceldom is largely concerned with: intimacy rather than sex.

When an author wants to argue against something, they first state what they're arguing against, and then explain why it's wrong. Bloodworth states the hypothesis of other articles, which is that incels are an extension of powerful men seeking control over powerless women, and then explains that they are powerless men seeking intimacy in any form.

Islam is a theocratic ideology. It's actually not healthy and bad for a society. However, religion is a good foundation for a society. The deterioration of western society's religious culture ties into the degeneration of their civilization.

It's not because Islam is better, actually far from it (it's the worst of all religious ideologies) but it's actually present in the foundation of the civilization which is why they are more steadfast than a godless civilization. is better

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I mentioned my mistake in another reply.

>the bottom 80% of men (in terms of attractiveness) are competing for the bottom 22% of women and the top 78% of women are competing for the top 20% of men.

Attached: DTg3_uIX4AA_FQu.jpg (336x437, 11.29K)

You need to lurk more. People advocate for slave wives all the time here. Unicronically. That or just killing them on sight until a small harem can be made.

do people seriously think war is over just cuz nucular weapons lol

6 fucking years ago and he figured it out. how is that article not more popular? it's even worse now thanks to tinder

Nobody on Yas Forums listened to him because he's an asexual polygamous autistic Jewish psychiatrist from Berkeley who dated an agender tranny with the pronoun "they".

Nobody outside Yas Forums listened to him because he uses lots of big words and said feminists were like Voldemort.

this is kinda close but not it.
things that I think are major details he glosses over.

It should be noted that the end of the article is wrong when it says we don't have a hikkikomori problem yet - it's happening and people simply don't care until one goes out and shoots people

Shut the fuck up then, all this vitriol about
>fuck you I'm ugly check your looks privilege
just to go and admit you have no intention of trying to offset it and you've just given up because of it, if that's the case why are you mad just accept your shallow existence and let people have discussions without jumping in and going
>But what about me I'm too uglyyyyyy

>the social outcast virgin populous growing exponentially.


Stop obsessing about women and work on getting friends.
There's nothing more unhealthy than a guy who tries to satisfy his social needs with just a/multiple women. They all inevitably get left behind or become incredibly unhappy in a way that ruins things for both of them.

If you do have friends this doesn't apply to you, but otherwise you shouldn't even think about being in the dating game. Women are nice. Sex is neat. But a woman isn't ever going to provide the companionship of equals.

Again. I like women. But they're not people in the way we are.

The biggest attack feminism executed against men wasn't poisoning the relationships between the two sexes, it was stigmatising the friendships between men.

Damn that guy had a lot of inaccuracies but still managed to write a good article
Seems like he actually did plenty of research, instead of just reciting rhetoric and clearly taking one side
Good on him
If only anybody other than incels would read this article

>girls wanted to fuck you from the start
how come 9/10 don't even reply?

Tried that
Actually had friends for a while, if you can believe it. Got left in the dust or stabbed in the back by each and every one. Men and women alike
I've tried making other friends since but have had absolutely 0 luck. Any clubs or groups for anything remotely "geeky" has already become a victim of the ">girl joins the guild" problem
I can talk to guys but since I'm not the female they're trying to get the attention of they ignore me and try to make themselves look good. I can talk to girls but since they've got a ton of guys trying to get their attention and I'm just trying to make friends, I lose priority
I can't stand normals for more than about an hour at a time with lots of time between encounters so I dont think I could maintain real friendships with them either. So what am I meant to do here?

OP wrote the fucking article.

2/10 shilling.

Girls will match with you for validation, hopes you'll give them money, or hopes you'll follow their social media through their tinder profile
This is not based on rhetoric this is my personal experience from knowing a girl just like that. She would match with guys for those reasons, she told me so herself. Lots of guys would do it too, literally trying to buy attention
The kicker is that she was never once single when using tinder

>I do not think women are idiots who don't know what's good for them
This is very directly implied by the article and it is very much in line with reality. He should pussyfoot around feminists a little bit less.

This is a way to instantly tell the poster is a cunt, how is feeling pain from being unable to form a connection with someone an obsession? Ignorant cunt trying to talk down to people.