If I were in front of a girl like this, I wouldn't know what to do

If I were in front of a girl like this, I wouldn't know what to do.
I'd stutter
I'd shake
I'd whimper.

She'd take one look at me and laugh.
Girls like this are used to being hit on by tall, muscular guys.
She'd only see as a little boy compared to them.

I'll just run back home and jerk off into the toilet to thought of them making love to alpha studs.
I'm not confident enough to talk to girls, and will never be.

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Think of them like handicaps, because they kind of are.

That's why you start with homely looking girls and if you think these girls are in your league, you start working up from there.

girls aren't an rpg where you start at level 1 and get to level 100 by playing it. most guys are never going to fuck girls that look like that unless they pay for it

Then what is the problem is (you)
You got shit self esteem. Think of it logically. You got dick. You can get hard. There is a pussy. bam bam. How hard is that?

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Really, dude? You'd get queasy over regular thots like these? Who gives a shit? They're a dime a dozen, pal.

If you never try and fail, but try again, you'll never learn to have game with women.
There's plenty of questionable looking dudes bagging women.
You're too scared too fail so you'll never learn.
Also the type of women who would just laugh at you when just taking a look at you, ain't worth your time, that's a bitch.
You should find a respectable girl without the shitty attitude.

Yes, but I'm trying to help OP's problem of "I'm not confident enough to talk to girls, and will never be".

His problem is he's likely a 2-4/10 trying to chat up 7/10+ girls and expecting to get somewhere.

I keep masturbating to their pictures while having cuckold thoughts about them hooking up with Chads

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Alrighty then. Then just stop posting your cuck shit 24/7. I do not want to be part of your own fantasies. Keep that shit to yourself.

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I can't comprehend how women can put their bodies on display like this on public. They get mad if I look and gawk at them but its fine when Chad does it. I'll just stay at home and jerk off to their pictures.

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Yeah it's like, wtf do you do? Sit there and just randomly make eye contact and try to start a conversation? But that would be awkward and creepy, right? Especially if other people are near by. What if you actually say hi or something and she just sits their and only responds with one word or something. I don't get it, it seems like I am expected to give them attention and appraisal or humor them. Then if I actually attempt to start conversation, there is either no feedback or outright disapproval. What do they want?? Because I'm too ugly they don't want me in the way they want nigger Chad or white Tyrone. But they still hold the expectation over me that I am virtually obligated to engage them in socialising or humoring or entertaining them. But then when that is tried, they reject me in one way or another. So then eventually I take the hint, and don't look at them or speak to them. But now that makes me seem like a wimp or a psycho killer. Wtf do you want me to do?!

>Inb4 kys

Fuck yourself

All of these girls look like absolute fucking trash. I'd tell them.
And if they wanted me because I told them they look like shit, I'd fucking remind them again

I wank to their pictures while fantasize a bout Chad making love to them. I'm a pussyfree weak beta virgin.

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Not him but my problem is that too many failures and embarrassments added up into a massive anxiety complex. When I was younger and less self-aware I was capable of getting girls here and there, but once I got older and developed more of an understanding of how other people perceived me and how my own reputation could be affected by my actions it totally crippled me. I can't seem to ever forget anything or let it go and it makes it really hard to try and make any kind of move when I know that if it goes badly it's going to torment me for the rest of my life, and I really wish I understood how other people manage to get around that.

this sounds like it was written by some fat reddit girl with coloured hair

Why don't you fantasize about you having sex with them?

Short, scrawny, small penis, premature ejaculation.

When I watch porn videos, even the non-professional ones, the guys are always tall, muscular and last for a really long time while I can barely last for 30 seconds and my penis is half the size of theirs.

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>and I really wish I understood how other people manage to get around that
I used to be a nervous type who was 'weird' around women (not really weird, normal, but always thinking i'm friendzoned and generally too much in my own head)
Personally I had a lot of shit to deal with from my past and how I dealt with shit in the present, everything was going bad for me: Grades dropping, barely doing enought to stay in engineering, nervous all day every day even with other dudes.
I found out I had developed a depression and had very bad coping mechanisms with feelings and responsabilities
I found out exactly where i was going 'wrong' in my head regarding my real life actions and just accepted that if i failed, i failed, but it's better to have tried and failed then not have tried at all.
I stopped fighting my fears etc etc and simply accepted all this as life with it's ups and downs
I started gaining an iron attitude towards school, went for my real dream: medicine
I was scared of speaking to new people, this actually motivated me to do it as much as possible and over time you lose those fears
Same with women, I just start a conversation, but don't expect anything to come from it, I just got very good at sensing whether she was into me and started realizing that I have plenty of success

So the honest answer is: finding out about everything that was 'wrong' with me, where it all stems from and trying to fix it.
And beyond that: I just have a monumental working attitude towards everything: Especially when I notice that i'm 'scared' of something, I challenge myself to do it even more.
Learning to accept failing was THE most crucial thing I have ever learned
All of this mentality stuff is good when it comes to everything, but there are ceilings ofcourse.
I wouldn't define myself as a chad, but I'm inbetween 6'3 and 6'4 and have a decent looking face. I know you will probably latch on to this one line, but just know that I was a khhv till the age of 20, figured myself out and a year later I had hooked up with 6 women.
Looks do matter, but your confidence makes or breaks you

there's nothing more tragic than being a perma-virgin

the only way i would fuck these girls is if they literally held me down and start taking turns on my cock

What about a pussyfree, hand humping, small dicked, premature ejaculating virgin?

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stop being such a
unconfident retard

live reaction, schumacher was 5,7
and he fuck many bitches in wheelchair

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>Learning to accept failing was THE most crucial thing I have ever learned
This is the part that kills me. Everybody always tells me not to worry about stuff, that I need to relax, to stop worrying and being serious about stuff, but nobody can tell me how the fuck I'm supposed to do that, especially when they can only get away with not giving a fuck because I'm always there to bail them out of all the dumbass situations they get into, and I don't have anybody who'd do that for me if I stopped being the uptight one.

Had a coworker that looked like this.
Had no issues talking to her because I am not attracted to stacies.
hot girls are boring, give me the cuties.

Why were you born a faggot?

you have to approach with "i dont give a fuck" energy.

i'd walk up to this group and say something really stupid like "let's get some monster energy drinks" they would see me as lol so random XD and start getting wet.

>they don't have answers to the problems, but they sure do have insults on hand!

Lel, normies. They're only trying to help, they do no wrongs :p

basically this. based

I personally would get on the ground and lick their feet

>And beyond that: I just have a monumental working attitude towards everything: Especially when I notice that i'm 'scared' of something, I challenge myself to do it even more.

Wish I had this

Based but would they even let you do that?

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op has posted this exact this before, it's his fetish.
perhaps the most pathetic part is that i remember it.

u poor bastards have watched too much porn and have normalized it.

even saying the word "chad" has normalized things to a degree that is self defeating- ITS NOT REAL. fucking grow up, be your best self possible and fucking put your front foot forward.

since when did r9k become such a pathetic place

Women dressed like this INTIMIDATE me. I'm too used to jerking off to their pictures and having cuckold thoughts that they'll just know it if they saw me

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>since when did r9k become such a pathetic place

How long have you been away

there's something so surreal about these pictures. Even though these females exist, they seem so soulless and empty in these rooms.

user girls like that are used to being hit on by alot more then roided up freaks. I have fucked alot of college sluts and I am an ugly shut in so If i can do it I know you can. You need to stop being so had on yourself and carry yourself with more confidence.

If you were a shutin you would have no social skills

Imagine being scared of women lmao wtf

I am a shut in because I hate most people but I am not socially retarded and I was not always a shut in. It is more so because of my general hated of interacting with people but even than I am very good at manipulating people. I do assure though I am in fact a shut in I leave my house to get food or walk my dog I have not had a job in years I just hate modernity and refuse to support a fucked up society but other then that I can be pretty normie with interacting with the plebs.

Oh, you're an antisocial sociopath

We here are shy social retards

Yeah I would say that is a perfect way to describe me.

So what if you were instead awkward, insecure, and unable to hold a girl's interest

I would work on that. It is hard for me to imagine that desu most women are so fucking stupid that I tend to look down on them. For some reason chicks think they can change you or want to get to know you if you are kinda a dick to them. I would say you need to hold yourself in a better regard. When you know you are better then most people you meet you tend to have an inflated self esteem even if it is not true.

I don't think your advice is going to help me much, I just want to fit in with society

I wouldn't feel better than other people unless I made more money and had more friends and was more attractive and socially apt than everyone around me

I do think I am a bit deluded in my sense of being better then everyone I just do not hold things like making more money or having lots of friends and all that shit to some high standard. Maybe if I did I would be alot better off but I just do to care about those things. I value knowledge tact honor and the ability to suffer through hardship far more than normal fag standards that you mention. I would say people who value those things you mentioned are self centered and even more of a sociopath then me but yeah I acknowledge that it would be better if I did. I just do not care to fit in with society it is a pointless thing to want to be like ants in a line on the way to the ant hill. That is how I see most people around me when I go outside.

>sph beta user is posting the same beta cuck shit again
LIFT WEIGHTS AND FUCK A WHORE you dumb retard. work out, get fit and your mood will improve enough to at least fuck a whore. Then continue working out until you get a gf. It's really that simple.

Don't worry too much user, I grew around this kind of girls and when you get past their looks, most of them have the intellectual capacity of a peanut. Sure they can be a lot of fun to party and hangout with. But the conversation seldmon turns into something apart from "OH yeah I went to that school and that party... do you know that user? YEAH ME TOO, we are now like best friends or something", that is unless you've known them for life (like in my case) and when you do, the impact goes away.

And no, while the shit about being hit up by chads is kinda true, most of these bitches aren't like stacy from the movies, most of them are pretty chill and only keep up the appearence. Trust me I know this, so don't be shy. You already have the "no" so you can only win and never lose, because there's nothing to lose really

>while I can barely last for 30 seconds
I'm kind of shy/beta and only fucked hookers but it's easy to last for a long time with a condom, I can barely cum from fucking pussy.

It's not, i did all the self improvement bullshit and got fit, fucked several escort to get used to women, go to party and social event as much as I can and try to talk to everyone, and in the end I'm still like We are not like normies, our social anxiety and retardation is rooted deep within us and it demand way more work than just "bro like just dont care lol, like just fuck the girl"
Not the cucked user also, don't have that much brain damage

Before I type my response, I have to mention that my anxiety was CREATED over the years, so I was lucky enough not to born with an anxiety disorder.
I used to be at a point in my depression where I was so numb that I didn't give a single fuck about anything in life. Since I had always been an anxious/nervous person, I mistook this for confidence.
It's actually not confidence, it's literally just 'not giving a fuck' and nothing more. This is a very bad attitude to have for things that matter.
The real condidence came when I accepted all my anxious feelings and thoughts and said fuck it, i'll do it anyway. THAT is bravery/confidence.
Since my anxiety wasn't a disorder, slowly but surely this trying of things, along with its succes and failure calmed my mind down to the point where I'm very comfortable in pretty much any situation.
The beautiful and frustrating thing about this, is that every single mind is unique. So I can only share my experience, which might not even help you at all.
Just know that there is hope though, I am not special, so if I can do it, you most likely can improve aswell (maybe not to the same extent, but maybe you surpass me :)
The most important thing in my journey, besides the lessons, was just realising I had to work to get better (seeing psychiatrists/psychologists/working shit out on my own)
I hope you get there user, you deserve it :)

i'd look at their ass, but with disgust. Them probably just outta fun I'd beat them and every white male in there up. Fucking degenerate subhumans

Nothing wrong with those thoughts lad.

These girls exist for potent bull chads to have unprotected sex with. All we can do is be glad to catch a glimpse of them before they head out for the night.

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those girls op posting,, and op himself, all ANGLO!!!

I deathgrip my little penis extra tight while making myself ejaculate as fast as I can while imagining Chads grope them...

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You have to think that if these girls even recognized or acknowledged the existence of lesser, virginal, men they'd be glad that some could at least derive some secondary enjoyment from these goddesses' forms by way of dribbling out pathetic loads by themselves in a stale, stinky bedroom alone.

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The positive to take away in all this, is that I used to not be like that at all, but I changed into that person.
How I did it, might not be the way to go for everyone else, but it proves that improvements can be made.
An important thing to realize is that your lack of motivation might not come from you being lazy, but from fears/anxiety or maybe even depression.
So it might be worthwhile to dive into what has been bothering you all these years. Or maybe something is bothering you, but you don't even realize it.

It's just a natural consequence of modern hook-up / dating app culture. Attractive young women get their pick of the cream of the crop, the hottest, most personal, well-educated Chads and they get to have casual sex with 100s of these men making every step of the way easy for the men in question because the girls want nothing more than to be fucked by them.

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They should start paterons so betas like us can contribute for their sexy outfits that they wear for chads

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In today's society lesser men occupy a different rung in terms of their sexual interactions with women. Physical intercourse with attractive women isn't even an option that enters into most men's minds. Instead they can find refuge in sites like Patreon and OnlyFans. By donating money to their favourite attractive girl they are permitted to semi-synthetic erotic interaction, completely sterile for the girl of course. The men are allowed access to the girl's lewd pictures with the implicit understanding that they can jerk off and cum to them.

All the while the girl carries on her own real life offline in the physical realm where she is free to engage in consequence free, sweaty, intimate real-life sex with whichever muscular man takes her pic from her latest dating app roster.

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