
We were somewhere around Britfeel on the edge of Yas Forums when the drugs began to take hold

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Just can't be arsed much of late, lads.

Time for another pint of grapefruit juice frens. Oh yes it is

>local redneck threatens to beat up handicapped man and his black gf

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just wanted to brush my teeth so i can go to sleep but there always has to be somecunt hogging the bathroom for 40 minutes at a time
really fucks me off

All tranners will be drawn and quartered.

Ugh, had indegestion since being ill with the shits earlier this week. Gut's still gassy as fuck.

peng tings and dat

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crawling around on all fours is a good way to get rid of gas lad

The anthem of R9k


You don't have your own?

I unironically like the Doomer slomo version.


Nice lad. Considering taking one of my last zopiclones desu wide bloody awake despite smashing the weed tonight

Give me a word
Give me a sign
Show me where to look
Tell me what will I find

am I supposed to feel empathy for the gender dysphoria on display
what is the current line to tow, it's all very confusing

>spotty man arse
Nah I'm alright

>Right side of my jaw is giving me grief again with the popping joint and it feels like a knife is in my skull
Honestly I should play this fucker up as an excuse to barely talk and get dole money. People get the gubment pennies for less.

beer bellies really are a thing eh lads

been drinking about 6 units a night for half the week lately, and starting to get a gut

apparently its roughly 600 calories

the benders and the agp will come to a head eventually, unless they categorise their distinctions beforehand which they will absolutely never do
Transparency will bring the whole house of cards down instantly. They're only an entity because questions remain unanswered.

mewing fixes tmd lad. Just saying.

Wish i had a sister desu.

Do those of you with a pretty sister kiss and cuddle her?

incestuous relationships with siblings aren't commonplace anywhere outside imagination

or did you just want me to play along and post some fic
pardon the autism

Having those dairlea lunchables (ham n' cheese) I got at the shops yesterday. It's fun making little tasty towers with them.

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kill yourself you incestuous freak

Tried it, didn't do shit but make the pain worse. There is something critically wrong with the right side of my jaw.

>Jaw swings to the right when I open it
>Right side of my jaw pops without fail every time when opened
>If I wiggle my jaw left to right, I can hear what sounds like something squishing in my right ear coming from where my jaw meets my skull

My personal belief is the cartilage inside the joint has slipped out or some shit.

>Every government website recommends talking to my GP
>Go to my GP
>No, that's a dentist issue
>Go to my dentist
>They have no fucking clue what to recommend

Cut myself opening a can of beans, lads.

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Poley wanks over his, so i guess you're not alone?

Business idea: /britfeel/ creepypasta/short story contest

*be's inspired and starts a new game on eurotruck sim 2*

I don't necessarily want to have sex with a sister (my sister), just a little kiss and cuddle every now and then. What's wrong with that?

Why could i not even have a sister desu

>Poley wanks over his, so i guess you're not alone?

You could say poley and i are allies at a push.

>he eats lunchables

Grow up HHL, you are like a fucking 6 year old

what happened to that cunt in the end?

You british lads are lucky you get a whole thread to yourselves.

American user here. Are hookers good in your country? Cheap?

Had a minor spat with someone on here, confronted his appalling personality.
Away licking his wounds. Will be back in like 2-3 days acting like nothing happened.
The usual.

why did you specify pretty?
you know attraction has no bearing on platonic love, so why make that distinction?

it's pretty obvious, it's the reason you used the word "necessarily".

Why are you dancing with it? Do you think you're making the issue of incest more palatable?

How can I get permission to edit and post Feel Street? Is there a test for it?

What's wrong with a little kiss and cuddle with a sister though?

Poleaboo will catch coronavirus and it'll make a very interesting blog arc.

>Travels a lot
>Works in a dirty sweaty call centre
>Abysmal hygiene

what is your proposed edit?

I know I'll catch some flack for this, but I've gotta say it: we should help Poleaboo with his situation at work. Yes some of you might be disgusted by the things he's done, and yes maybe he's a bit cunty on here at times, but at the end of the day he is still one of us. A Britfeel lad through and through.

because as we've just established, you'd want to fuck said sister
that's a highly controversial topic so take your pick of reasons

Wonder if it will kill him (her)? what with the hormone tranner pill induced imbalance etc

I miss my Scottish friend...

I know it sounds stupid, but its quite possible you were doing it wrong. Mewing has straightened out my teeth/ jaw in 3months, so that my back teeth meet and theres no resting tension

the back of your tongue needs to be up, and it needs to be suctioned so you dont apply hard force or use your jaw muscles (don't press your teeth hard against each other, if at all). Swallow, you'll feel your tongue go up - then sort of "pop" the bit that's stopping you breathing, and rest in that position
it will help, i promise

So, what we need is a plan of action. We could have our more charismatic posters, such as BritNormie, phone up Poleaboo's work and cast suspicion on his enemies. Meanwhile, the more aggressive lads like Ebin can start campaigns of terror to confuse and frighten the call centre as a whole, diverting their attention away from Poleaboo.

So I take it you have no problem with a little kiss n cuddle then. Good stuff fren. Sure with i had a sister lads

so helper lad is tripping now?

lets all be honest. young white middle class women (18 - 50) are insufferable

not happy about YesPornPlease, lads. SexyPorn just doesnt' have the same selection of PervMom or MomPOV videos.

>A Britfeel lad through and through.

He certainly is, his dedication to this place is second to none. Personally I don't think his alleged crimes are really that bad, he certainly doesn't deserve the vitriol he (she) gets on here. He's a strong feisty lass at the end of the day and a britfeel lad (Iass) come to that. That said what do you propose 'we' do to help him with his current work dilemma? Bit of a tricky one but i'm all for it.

any of you lads watch the CBP Channel? Really puts the stuff people buy into here into perspective. Honest, and helpful

what do you mean by tripping? tripping on lsd or being a tripfag?

tripfag. Thought someone might think that.

I will not accept tribalism as a reason to ostracise and demean outsiders, and I won't accept it as a reason to cater to voyeuristic sex pests either

just been for a game of 40K and pizza

only a few hundred points each starter armies, with my Ulthwe Eldar vs Genestealer Cults

my Guardians tore through his units first shooting phase, but then his big HQ unit tore through all my stuff the following 2 turns after I got sloppy thinking I'd won with just his big guy left

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This negro speaks the truth

I made my house 'mates' disappear?

I made my house 'mates' disappear!


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My Necrons would rape you to bits lid. Just unfortunate I cant paint for shit.

did you know that britfeelers are most at risk of contracting cronavirus?

stay safe lods.

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You're sick lad. Fuck off to soc or lgbt. We don't want this shite here lad

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Lots of supplies back in the shops now, bog roll, uht milk, beans etc.

for me? use mascarpone as a dipping sauce for my crisps. pure decadence.

dad died 3 years ago today lads. It gets easier. Plus I just had a juicy custard slice. Get in.

Don't be so mean lad
Also sometimes it's nice to get in touch with your inner child. You should try it sometime

was dipping my oven chips in full fat cream cheese earlier

Surely I can't be the only one who adheres to this set of behavioural law right lads?

>Whenether im at the dining table for dinner or be it out for a meal, pint, cream tea you name it.
>I have to be sat in a position where I have an entire view of the room and entrance/exitways so I can easily survey all activity and ongoing social anomilies around me.
>If I'd don't get my special autist good boy seat, I devluge into an uncomfortable state of passive aggressive paranoid schizophrenia where I shake, cluster my words and become a jittery pissed off mess.
>To the point I feel as if a hitman or kidnapper could walk in with a sawn off shotgun at any minute and catch me off guard, let alone be made uncomfortable by any loud unannounced noises be it a dog barking, plates clanging or subhuman chavy nignogs shouting.

Is this simply normal behaviour realating back to that of neanderthal humans looking out for dangers like animal predators and bandit robbers?
Or should I be taking kike pills or at least calming measures like chamomile tea, smoking pot and using ASMR to resist the so called kike invented "social anxiety"?
Or is that what they want you to do, further pacifying you for the imminent post eugenics centric post collapse society?

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