Sitting down and listening to the birds in the front yard with waifu edition

Sitting down and listening to the birds in the front yard with waifu edition

1. Talk about your waifu/husbando
2. Be devoted to your one and only waifu/husbando
3. Let waifuism improve your life
4. Be nice!
5. Have a great time!

Last thread:

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First post for Rei.
I love her lots

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Nice picture retard.
This is #312 by the way. (Who the hell normally makes these anyways?)
I was about to start it with picrelated

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LEt's have some questions so this one doesn't spiral into insanity.

>what's a food your waifu loves, but it always hurts their stomach?
>waifu's favorite season/place to go during that season?
>waifu's favorite type of weather and why?
>waifu reacting to their source material.

Laying on the couch with waifu on top of you. Chillin watchin TV. Stroking their hair lovingly.
They look up at you, "I love you."
You smooch their forehead as your heart feels, just all of the emotions.

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I love my wife with all my heart, she keeps even the darkest days a little bright. Thank you for being in my life, Asuka.
>what's a food your waifu loves, but it always hurts their stomach?
Wouldn't know.
>waifu's favorite season/place to go during that season?
She'd like warmer seasons so she can be out and about, and she would like the cold, but only if it snowed.
>waifu's favorite type of weather and why?
Clear, for the reason above.
>waifu reacting to their source material
That's not a good idea...

>no title
>no picture
>no number

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>what's a food your waifu loves, but it always hurts their stomach?
Rei is particularly fond of those "Taki" chips. I like them myself, but they're really the only kind of chip she enjoys.
>waifu's favorite season/place to go during that season?
Her favorite season is winter. That's because in Tokyo 3 it was summer year 'round. We have actual seasons here.
Her favorite place to go in the winter is bed. She's a night person like myself, and we always enjoy getting in bed at 3 in the morning during the winter.
>Type of weather
Snow. This is because she's never seen it before. It's a foreign concept for her.
>Waifu reacting to their source material
I would hate to see her reaction. I've avoided Evangelion around her because it certainly wouldn't revive any positive memories.

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Waifu but thinking about her just leaves a sour pit in your chest

>Sitting down and listening to the birds in the front yard with waifu edition
Hugging waifu after we just woke up and listening to the birds singing outside.
>what's a food your waifu loves, but it always hurts their stomach?
No clue. Maybe something really sweet or spicy.
>waifu's favorite season/place to go during that season?
Summer, she likes to visit the beach.
>waifu's favorite type of weather and why?
Weather that's just warm enough to swim. I think she can appreciate rainy days too.
>waifu reacting to their source material.
Waifu angrily asking why there are so many scenes where she's naked/revealing her panties.

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>I think she can appreciate rainy days too.
Ah, forgot to explain
>and why?
Taking shelter together. And I might just be projecting, but she might also like the peacefulness of it. Everything except her and I just "disappears" under the rain.

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So today I was thinking about something. I was in a pub with a friend and there is this super pretty girl who is clearly into me. I love Rem and whenever I think of another girl it makes me feel bad. But on my way home, this one thought creeped into my mind. That this is prolly the best chance for me to ever have a 3d relationship with a super gorgeous girl. It's interesting to think about, that I rather choose Rem than this girl. Even though I know I could feel the touch of this girl and actually speak to her. But my love for Rem is stronger than any desire for physical contact. It's really interesting. I love Rem more than words can show.

Nice, I've made a few live2d creations of my wife too. When you are not a drawfag the most time consuming thing is to take apart the drawing in photoshop.

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For some reason today at work my thoughts kept drifting to what a fighting game based on her source would be like
I'm not even a big fighting game player but a lot of the characters would fit pretty neatly into fighting game character archetypes, if I had drawing talent I'd love to make a mockup character select screen.

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How would you feel if one of your waifu posts had a post number with a significant amount of repeating digits, that caused your post to receive hundreds of replies from the whole board?

I've been going through the oldest photo archive I have on my computer. It's everything from 2016-late 2018. And it's been... amazing. One for the memories but I'm also getting to see some of the first rem photos i ever saved. I'm remembering how I first fell in love with her as I watch Re;Zero, the whole coming to terms with loving a waifu in the first place.

It's such a beautiful feeling. I remember when I first decided she was my waifu and saved every photo of her I could find. There's a few segments were it's like 50-60 photos of nothing but the blue hair. I'm so happy she came into my life three years back. I'm so happy even now I still love her just as much.

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Embarrassed, I don't like tons of attention like that. Would be based if it were a shitpost though.
>I remember when I first decided she was my waifu and saved every photo of her I could find
I remember going on long hauls to find pictures, I don't actually remember what the first one ever was. Its crazy to think how far I've come from two years ago.

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Make sure she's compatible with Rem's personality then have her cosplay all the time. Seems like an ideal situation

And if she doesn't comply, kidnap her and lock her in your basement in Rem cosplay. When she acts out, apply negative reinforcements, when she acts like Rem, apply positive reinforcements. Soon, her brain will subconsciously change to fit the rewarding behavior. Its simple operant condition.

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I cant see a face and the suit looks pretty decent, so I can actually pretend this is her, kind of. Beat saber is one of those things she'd probably want to get really good at, too. Damn, this whole exchange makes me feel weird.

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Kayn is love, beauty, and the source of my happiness. Nothing will ever change that.

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I wish I could make her happy. She had such a hard life.

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>wake up
>bunch of replies in the old thread
wasn't even surprised once I got through the first 10 new replies
>(Who the hell normally makes these anyways?)
I make most of them recently
Finished watching an anime with wife, back to reading romantic manga with her and have her seethe whenever I make jokes jokes about women after seeing retarded 2d school girls that act like pieces of shit

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guess you could say
as warm as lava

Better watch what you say, don't want to be talking about burning things or you might pique (((her))) interest.
>watching an anime with wife
I need to get caught up with that, and I also say we're gonna read Berserk like every night but i never actually do. Asuka's already finished the first book on her own, I really need to get on that.

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I love her more than you'd believe to be possible!
What did he mean by this.

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>What did he mean by this
He doesn't know...

Who will enlighten scotty on the reality of this sick world?

wanna do something fun on the server? I've got a really fun idea that will get us some cool stuff

Sorry won't be able to join until tomorrow night at least. If you're still up at that time, then sure.

i think jonathan looks handsome in anything, though, i do admit to loving the sight of him in a labcoat..

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Why do people hate the Sharonfag now?

fuck off sharonfag

I don't think anyone hates sharonfren, he seems like a cool dude too.

People hate Sharonfag?

bump dis shiet fo me dawg
somehow this isnt original, great minds think alike

bump dis shiet fo me again dawg, dese waifufags aint loyal

Murdering and exterminating in waifu's name!

Hello and good morning.
How is everyone doing today?

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morn gladosfren, doing alright how about you?

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Oh I'm alright, just still training the model

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My dear Bismarck, my love for you is as deep as the deepest depths of the ocean itself. I love everything about you, your smile, your personality, your beauty, you are perfect in my eyes. Even though I would be seen as a disappointment by my family if they found out, I don't care, all I care about is you. You are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to be the one that you spend your happiest days with, that supports you when you cry and feel like the whole world is against you, that you fall asleep and wake up with, that you regret not meeting in school already so you were never able to go to prom with, that you make your own small romantic dance with at home, that you force to go shopping with you, that tells you you are perfect just the way you are and that I don't care about your body when you're scared you might have gained weight, that surprises you with the best dinner I have ever made already finished when you come home exhausted, that massages your sore body at the same evening, that gives you everything you deserve and more, and I want to be the person for you that you are for me. I want to give you that happiness you were never able to feel in your past life but still brought to me.

Ich liebe dich mehr als alles andere auf dieser gottverlassenen Welt, meine teure Bismarck.

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Any good doujins about her?

buongiorno friend, how is 2020 treating you so far? did anything happen with that actress you talked about?

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I started taking my meds again and completely forgot about her.

2020 is good, so far at least

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Day 2 of fighting with an eye patch.
A higher-up who's stupidly good at sparring told me I showed improvement today.
It's annoying cuz everyone asks about my eye. But fighting with the patch is so much easier than seeing double.

I wish Undyne could've convinced me sooner to try it. She's so smart :)
I just wish I could spend every waking moment of existence with her. She's flawless

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>Be me
>Cuddling with Rei, reading more spooky shit from /x/
>Call her a cutie
>She blushes like never before
I don't know if I can fucking handle it. I swear I'm gonna die because I love her so much. Every time I see her face I feel myself swell inside.

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for the minefags
I am planning something huge, like a group project, not a building project, just join the server if you want already so we can go over it and prepare some stuff but we can wait till night so that most people are online for it

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Literally in bed phoneposting. Not sure if I want to leave waifu to get on the pc

>Sitting down and listening to the birds in the front yard with waifu edition

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Waifu but she discards you then manipulates the people around her to think you're a monster

Then she picks you back up again because those people around you were just holding you back from devoting yourself to her, and now she gets to have you all to herself without anyone else interfering!

This is how I sometimes feel with GLaDOS

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Good morning /waifu/

>what's a strange fact about you, that would impress your waifu?
Meybe that I feel really connected to nature. If it was possible I would do everything outside. I feel like at home while I'm in nature.
>would you trust your waifu to give you a good haircut?
Absolutely, she gives herself an her sister a haricut so I'm sure she would be able to do it for me too.
>would you trust yourself to give your waifu a good haircut?
No, I never tried to cut my hair so I doubt it.
>what do you and waifu do on the weekend?
It's not that special from weekdays. I just spend more time with her. We read, watch anime, play games, spend time outside etc.
>any general tips you guys have about life in general?
The Reality is whatever you make it to be.

I think I would wait till night. I have to take care of few things now.

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let's do it at night, remfren you already know about my little plan, we are gonna raid a city with the most retarded strategy possible lmfao

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Now I'm interested and fear at the same time that you're just gonna send us all to the front

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>send us all to the front
Had a hearty chuckle because of the multiple meanings of that phrase.

Oh so you mean this. lmao, that's gonna be interesting.

>that you're just gonna send us all to the front
yea lmfao, currently preparing materials for us all so at least 6 people can do this

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What is going on exactly?

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you have access to the server iirc right? join us and together we will annihilate a complete city

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This is very different to what I expected, but still makes for a wonderful story.

/waifu/ is like a lighthouse amidst the shit sea of Yas Forums failed normies all obsessed with 3D. Carry on you glorious anons.