Can women truly be involuntarily celibate?

Can women truly be involuntarily celibate?
Pic related is supposedly a femcel.

Attached: femcel.jpg (2112x1690, 840.16K)

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obviously they can't that is ridiculous user

yes, they can be. looks aren't everything. i've been around a handful of absolutely insufferable women that no man in their right mind would put their dick in despite being literal 9/10+. i guess the operating preposition here is "in their right mind". but even fat, ugly, dudes knew better. these types of women are completely unlovable and have serious mental defects. stay clear and far away.

If they lowered their standards, they wouldn't be incel, so I think they can be considered volcels. There might be a few true femcels (e.g., with severe disabilities) but it's rare.

damn this hoe is made for BBC

keyword "cel".

Not possible. At best she's likely either a closet lesbian and doesn't want anyone to know. Or has super high standards and is surprised some multimillionaire won't divorce his wife for her.

She isnt a femcel, she just hasnt found a 6ft6 gigachad to LTR cuck for her.

nah shes really insecure

I dunno, I'm pretty hot too, and I can't get laid.
I spook women, or say/do things to turn them off.

So I'm gonna go with yes.

Don't want to put you down but you're delusional.

There are videos on YT of hot guys saying literally nothing, handing their phone to girls, and they put their numbers in.

Bull fucking horse shit. Who is she and where does she live?
She literally would not accept any guy here that's for sure.
100% absolutely, unequivocally, undoubtedly would reject every single guy here for not living up to her standards

Being insecure but still getting attention/hit on means you are a volcel/mentalcel, not a femcel. Fucking holes are retarded.

according to who? where the fuck did you find it and such

>Pic related is supposedly a femcel

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I am fatter than her and still managed to get a hot boyfriend. She just isnt trying.

get out of my board for fuck's sake

Maybe you just got a great personality

I knew a woman at work who was very likely an "incel". Obese, severely depressed, extremly quiet, seemed to be fairly unintelligent as well (not a downie though), definitely had a lot of mental issues. She only had the job because of a family favor from our boss, skipped a lot of days and when she came she barely did anything, only extremely simplistic tasks in isolation from others. I doubt anyone would ever want anything intimate with her.

women are so weird. that girl isn't a femcel, she's just some hot girl with mental problems, at worst. i can at least understand a really ugly girl being a femcel because being ugly sucks for everyone, it's easier for women, but it's still shit.
i'm sure 'real' femcels are pissed off when women like those mental case stacies try to insert themselves in their world. women have this compassion problem with other women, they try to tear down walls between women because "hurr durr we're all women this a sisterhood," it's a ridiculous problem in every female dominated community. they all try to fit in and they try to force you to comply, once you step out and say something 'wrong' they attack you like hyenas.

I am delusional, sure. We all harbour them to a certain degree.
Getting a number from a chick is only the first step lad. There's alot more to it than that. Opportunities are plentiful for both sexes, and that makes people extremely picky.

If she lost weight and learned how to apply makeup she wouldnt have that problem. Some men like 400lb landwhales too.

yes if they're delusional or mentally ill
any sane woman can find someone if they really wanted to though

Pic related is a femcel as well, shes too insane to get laid

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It's a fat near-retard who doesn't know how to do or talk about anything and mostly just stays isolated in depression. What could possibly attract anyone to that? In several years of working with her, she only talked to me once to say she liked it when I put on Mozart's 40th. It would be like the equivalent of dating some NEET who's been here for 10+ years.

And men can go to the gym and get some normie interests. No-one's a true incel.

How insane is she? Because she looks nice.

No she's not. Now who is she

A lot of men like quiet women. The main point that makes her disgusting is her obesity. Weight can be lost. If she was a cute slim girl who happened to be quiet and socially retarded, most men would find it cute rather than offputting.
see for yourself

I know a kind of fat girl but she's extremely feminine in the way she behaves and shes got big milkers too. Would inject my seed. 10/10. OP bitch is probably just a bitch.

In no way does this woman strike me as someone who wants to have sexual intercourse but can't.

Prude =/= femcel

What's supposed to be the scary part? I could fap to this video.

>tfw too busy to get a bf

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are you fucking originally serious?

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yeah, she just wageslaves away and wishes for a bf every night. the fuck do you think

A "femcel" means they haven't been able to have sex (with Chad) for a few weeks.

That's so ridiculous even speaking from personal experience most guys will put up with someone that's kind of weird as long as I'm pretty sure she's not a stooge for the lizard people or greys.

keep believing that
women aren't as relatable as you think they are, user
they're nothing like you
they're nothing like us

Would you guys want a femcel gf with ridiculously big breasts? She's very self-aware of them.

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>And men can go to the gym and get some normie interests. No-one's a true incel.
neither makes you automatically desirable

Women are just guys with boobs. You're setting yourself up for failure if you think that women are some mythical unattainable creatures that you have to say specific things to.

Guys are less emotional.

The difference is womens criteria is so much more strict and specific. For most men the criteria is dont be obese, dont be hideously ugly, dont be a massive bitch (and even then, ugly, obese, bitchy women can still land a husband). Whereas women demand a whole list of ridiculous bullshit.

To a certain degree. But you have emotional guys and stoic woman. I think the truth is that everyone is different in their own way, but as a general rule of thumb, you treat everyone the same until you get to know them better.

I knew a femcel once. Very attractive but most likely had borderline personality disorder.

Same, except she wasnt a femcel but the gf of a friend of mine. Batshit insane as well, and into polyamory

What's the difference between a femcel and a crazy cat lady?

a crazy cat lady is possibly a femvolcel

Mutts law lmfao

What's voluntary about it?

she's preoccupied with her delusions to bother with intimacy

it's not about women's supposedly high standards, it's not about crying in movie theaters, it's not about gold digging.
women are straight-forward different to men. their thinking patterns are different. their needs are different.
it's not about women feeling more, it's about women not feeling the same.
just remember that all the true love, overcoming obstacles, growing together love stories are written by men.

like the last 2 big netflix "true love" shows, "you" and "the end of the fucking world" (relevant only because they're hugely popular), written by Gregory Berlanti and Charles Forsman, respectively. not to mention literally any work of literature from the history of the entire world, but Divine Comedy by Dante would be a good example.
if anything, men are the more emotional beings, they're just not nearly as dramatic about it

She's delusional because she's crazy. You don't choose to be crazy.

Bolting fake tits on doesn't make you a girl, Johnny. You're not a man trapped in a womans body, you're mentally ill.

they consider themselves femcels because they dont even view the men that pursue them as valid partners or even human

>Can they "truly be involuntarily celibate" ?

no but can they be incel? Yes women can be incel extenuating circumstances beyond their control can prevent them from getting into a relationship but not to the same extent for a man

too busy doing career in mcdonalds?

She meant to say "too busty to get a bf"

what is the size of those? D?

Women are hyper garbage

Nah, thats like a G/H cup.

and what about theseLike a G cup as well?