Be me

>Be me
>20 year Briton
>Fall in love for first time and get first ever gf
>7.5/10 Mexican
>Love this girl 'because she gets me' etc
>We have a lot in common, we watch loads of movies and TV shows together
>Tell her things i've never told anyone else
>Start lurking on /pol because the Yas Forums subreddit made it look funny
>Swallow hard black pill
>mfw i turn into a literal Nazi

I've become so ashamed of myself that I've made up my mind that i'm going to have to end it with her. The thought of not having white kids now disgusts me, honestly can't look at her in the same way anymore

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You'd be doing the right thing. If you want to contribute you can't be selfish end off.

go back fagboi

seeing as you're completely fuckign retarded you'd probably sperg out and fuck it all up anyways

I know half whites/Hispanic mestizos that have blonde hair and blue eyes, you're good. Besides Hispanics still have some culture (no matter how shitty) that isn't just larping and consumerism like white Americans have

Just get a DNA test and see if she's full Iberian or not.

Seethe more bitches.

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wrong board newfaggot, go post your shit on Yas Forums

It's not the same though is it.

she's pretty fucking Mexican, all her family have black hair and squinty eyes

>taking life advice from Yas Forums
>wondering why your life is shit
Complete mystery.

my life is far from shit lmao, every girl can be gotten over. it's just now i want pic related

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I would bet my fucking life savings on this faggot having never read mein kampf or der zweites buch and having a high-school level knowledge of ww2 because of hoi4

He never said his life was shit you knob jockey.

Don't let memes steal your love and happiness. These guys are bitter and lonely, and you are on your way there. When you get older you will look back on this and I guarantee you will regret it so much that an internet community stole years of happiness from your life.

>School teaches you hitler to hate him
>this faggot
>instead of you faggot
You're a coward and a dumbass.

>being a nazi
>being happy
Litterally mutually exclusive.

Oh bugger off with that crap. You are a parasite.

Take your own advice.

He's right tho, once out of your teenage years you'll realize there's more than the internet.

Those posters don't love you, user. You guys might rile each other up and proclaim to love the abstract concept of your race. But your gf loves you. Your parents love you. Your friends love you. These are all people you will either leave or alienate and come to resent. Misery loves company and the angry people, angry and frightened at the world, will feel like your only family. When you realize you aren't happy, it will be very difficult and shameful to try to come back to these people, and there is no guarantee they will want you back. I'm in my late 20s and I have seen multiple form friends black pill in their late teens, push everyone away (it won't stop with minorities, but everyone who is not a nazi) and they are just now trying to rebuild the bridges they burnt. They have no community.
Just, as an experiment, take a break from that forum, and that content, for a couple months. Spend a lot of time with your gf, friends, and family. See if your feelings change.

well you gotta be the inferior kind of people in society. Who the fuck gets so easily mind changed by an imageboard filled with hentai when he is fucking 20. I am not sure about the race thing but one thing is for sure, some people will always be inferior bugs.

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I do. I am happy.

giving up the only woman that will ever love you because Yas Forumstards omega kek

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You're the parasite, trying to feed off others ability to have fulfilling lives and relationships. You want more people to feel as angry and resentful of the world as you because you only connect with people based around those feelings. It's not enough for you and it won't be enough for him.
Either you will grow out of it and have a hard time reintegrating to the world, or you will be the one guy who wonders why all his friends left to reintegrate into the world.

>The only woman that will ever love you

Every woman can be replaced

You're the selfish parasite who conflates hedonism to having a fulfillng life. You a hypocritical scum with no friends and no life if you're on here yet you have the audacity to pretend otherwise.

My guy, that's the board culture talking. Yes you can always find new love (and new friends) but giving a good thing a chance really important. Especially if you are trying to replace her by joining a notoriously male only community, with the odd self-loathing woman. A woman should be replaced because she wasn't right for you, not because you got memed into it.

>r9k user
Again the audacity.

School certainly didn't teach you how to structure a sentence. You also didn't respond to anything I said. I'm accusing you of not knowing shit about what Hitler stood for and did, and you're really just reinforcing that point by going on about irrelevant shit. This is literally how 90% of edgy internet Nazis are, same shit for edgy internet commies. "haha im a Nazi! what does that mean? uhhh, you're a kike!"

>fulfilling life
>shitposting on Yas Forums all day

Welp there's also the cultural difference and the religious difference, her family are strong catholic, brother got mad at me for listening to ACDC because he believes they're satanic. They also believe the world is 6000 years old and deny evolution, something i'd never be able to believe in. Also i cba to go to church twice a week

This is what I don't get. YOU'RE ON HERE YET YOU'RE COMPLAINING ABOUT HERE. How stupid could your existence be?

also, i con't feel comfortable with the idea of having mixed race issues. I see this can cause identity issues and lead to poor mental health, weed and alcohol etc...

Hedonism? Someone you can tell things you can't tell anyone else? Real life relationships with people based on mutual respect and affection? That's hedonism to you? I'm not telling him to go fuck skanks and do drugs. I'm telling him to value his real relationships over Yas Forums.
And fuck off with that disingenuous "oh you post here you must have no life" argument. Would you argue that you have no friends or life? You're here, right?

>Accuse me of shit I didn't say at all
>shitposting just like I am

Yes I did. But you're stuck up as fuck and need to do something else rather than be here to prey on what you believe to be lesser people.

I'm not on Yas Forums. I'm on here mostly because Yas Forums became exclusively porn, and I like edgy shit. I like racist and sexist memes. But I can compartmentalize the board culture and not let it ruin my relationships.

That's way more valid. Does she insist you take part in that culture?
That's a self-fulfilling prophecy though. You'll get anxious and depressed about mixed race kids if the idea of mixed race kids make you anxious and depressed. If you disconnect from the culture politics stuff than it won't have that effect (as much, because mental illness and substance stuff is rarely rational, but you don't want to feed it by basing decisions around it).
Also, how long have you dated her. You might not want kids at all right now. You don't know how you'll feel when the time comes. It may turn out she's genuinely not the one. Enjoy the time getting to know her now.

>Ignores replys back at me saying the same shit
Well you're biased, plus i'm a Yas Forums guy who goes on here so look at it that way. I don't care how "innocent" you make it it's still mutt breeding. Also when the time comes i'm gonna be making big moves so you won't get to look forward to that luxury. You're trying to break something after it's been fixed and then reinforced by me.

Also, why has nobody pointed out that you are a tripfag?
Tripfags are actually worse than niggers.

Lots of anons say what you said earlier but always leave it at that and nobody cares how stupid it sounds.

I could give less of a toss if i'm a tripfag. I'm proud of calling myself Mamzer. I shouldn't say that because i'm a literal Mamzer but still.

As in mixed race kids have identity issues, not the parents. The kids are the ones who suffer. Even if it's just a 15% margin, isn't that a selfish thing to do if you are aware of the consiquences?

I lurked Yas Forums before lurking Yas Forums and now Yas Forums seems like a bunch of retarded fags to me

I didn't see any other posters challenging you on your accusation of hedonism. And none of them characterized your relationships as being based on negativity.
Also, are you really arguing that "when the time comes" you'll be successful and I won't be? Because you're a nazi and I'm not? That's a real bold claim.
Also screeching "mutt breeding" at two people and some kids in a loving family is not a compelling case that Yas Forums is gonna make you fulfilled.

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Lurk more then. You might find yourself.

Leave it at that? What else is there to it? Yeah it's stupid but if I was a smart man I wouldn't be on Yas Forums.

This is becoming less true the more it happens. Having kids in general is selfish. If you're short, or have health issues in your family, have old ass sperm, etc., they'll have a worse lot. Just adopt if you're worried about making fucked up people.

You were born of incest?
Ohhhhhhh, it's starting to make sense.

There's more to what I said than you'd think. I can't say too much now but I want to be a Thronrauber. Don't worry I should deliver more substance to myself than just straight up being a hard righter naz.

No I was born from a whore mother you tyke. It doesn't solely apply to inbreds.

I've made a thread earlier about a similar issue.
Except I don't wanna end it with her even if I have to.

Possibly. This site has so much potential to do huge things. Too bad that potential is admittedly wasted on shitposts.

Are you seeing this OP? Is this how you want to end up?

Why end it? Do you think there are only two options? Stay with her, marry, have kids and spend the rest of your life together or break up? How about just humping her for a while until you find a nice white girl?

The strangest thing is that not having mixed race children is not specifically for the benefit of your race, but for the benefit of said children. The conflicting childhood, feeling of not belonging or looking like anybody, and very importantly the lack of organ and cell donors due to a unique immune system makes life very, VERY hard for children of mixed ancestry.

You fell for fucking lol memes and are about to ruin your life over it, how are you this fucking autistic

>Can't argue why he shouldn't ditch her
>Uses moi as a scapegoat

>Anything I don't like is a meme
That's nice. You can't ruin your life breaking up with someone you retard.

Having "white" kids is cope for american anglomutts who have no actual culture of their own. The important thing is to have kids with your own ethnic background, not just another worthless white mutt. Italians with Italians, French with French, etc.

If you're having kids with someone from another ethnic group then you are just creating a dead end for both of you. This is why white nationalism is so fucking hilarious for you uncultured yankee mutts lmao. You will always lose this game. You are not the same as most Euros who actually have history and cultural pride.

my boyfriend broke up with me because he wanted to continue his white lineage.
honestly break up with her but it will destroy her self esteem. unless you find a shitty excuse.
it hurts me a lot and still hurts me now I wish I was fully white.

Well said. Most of Yas Forums under 20 something year old sexually/financially frustrated dweebs who can't rationalize their own thoughts without just accusing you of being a Jew.

He's an anglo. As am I

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Why not say that there?