Be me

>be me
>meet girl on r9k
>she's nice, funny, interesting and good looking.
>i like her.
>one day, i complain about arabs and muslims
>she gets mad
>"i'm arab user what the fuck"
she looks white and she even has green eyes how the fuck was i supposed to know? what do i even do now?

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Killing yourself would be the first step... also go back to pol where you cane from you degenerate retard

>he makes assumptions about people based on their skin color
you dun goofed. there's nothing you can do to salvage this now except reform yourself and be a better person. getting ass blasted over different groups of people doesn't make sense in current year.

Realise not all of them are mudslides and allow yourself to appreciate the exceptions.

>polack falls for shit tests
You're never going to make it bro

>Yas Forums fails the reality check
Who could have ever seen this one coming

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Race isn't just skin deep. Especially for arabs who have a high chance of being inbreds.

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No what the fuck
But user, I love her so much that I wanna have kids with her. It's bad.
She doesn't look white I didn't know. If I knew at the beginning I would've never talked to her.

she doesn't look arab*
fuck i'm dumb.

>Race isn't just skin deep
no but assumptions can be. that's what op did from her appearing white and actually being arab.

There are always going to be outliers that "disprove" the general trend, but that doesn't make the general trend false.

Same thing happened to me but irl. I told her, she blocked me, I cried for an entire month and I still think about her. But at least I am saving the white race haha it is not like I regret or anything...

>But user, I love her so much that I wanna have kids with her. It's bad.
Are you retarded? I'm telling you should allow yourself to not be put off by her race and actually get together and have children, while also harboring dislike for Muslims in general. Or is the Yas Forums brainwashing too strong?

I dunno what you retards expected when you go around spouting meme tier racist diatribes and Yas Forumstier rants around women. Your views are the minority believe it or not, so don't be surprised when someone calls you a dumb fuck or cuts contact for these things.

She isn't muslim god thanks but I won't be able to deal with her family if we ever actually get married.
Guess I will have to suffer in silence.

>i will assume things because a graph i found on 4chins mapping something i don't quite understand told me that this is typically the case
yeah, i mean it would be no wonder if anyone cut contact with you. there's literally no excuse for these levels of assumptions. consanguinity is present in most if not all races. that's just the way it is.

What were you bitching about non-Muslim Arabs? I'm curious. If you'd have just limited your hate to the sand-jews and not an entire country this might not have happened.

Retards are present in all races. Doesn't mean some races won't have more of them. That's like pointing to a couple of lithe basedaboys and thinking that men and women are equal in physical fitness.
Also, I'm not OP. We don't even type the same.

I said that the West was full of muslims and arabs and that they should all get killed and that Brenton Tarrant knows what is right.
Her parents are both muslim (she told me after), she isn't but she went crazy.

i'm not arguing whether or not things are more "true" for anyone else than they are for another because there was no context given for why op was upset with arabs and muslims in the first place; the only factual knowledge we know about the exchange (given op is telling the truth) is that he assumed she was white. you are merely refusing to acknowledge the fact that assumptions are for mental midgets and it's better not to assume that someone is anything based upon the color of their skin. this isn't difficult. this would never be a problem if op wasn't a Yas Forumstard.

>one day, i complain about arabs and muslims
Jesus christ you people lol

it really doesnt matter aslong as you make white kids

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You fell for the pol memes and now you pay the price smdh

>OP and some people here believe in the pseudoscience of race
>Wonder why people get angry at them
You all are a lost cause.

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They won't be white but at least they will look white. Sad.

But user :'(

this is cringe but its true, are you retarded? what do you think is locked to looking white? BEING WHITE

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Stereotypes are generally accurate. Just because a few outliers exists, doesn't disprove the general trend.
Some white looking half/quarter arab doesn't disprove the general facial structure and other associated phenotypes with arab haplogroups.

You should kill yourself, first for being a polturd, second for lusting after 3DPD, you niggo

>dude it's totally okay to assume
you can reflexively argue about genetics all you want. it doesn't make you intelligent because you're still a complete moron for thinking it's alright to make assumptions about someone by looking solely at their skin color. especially if you (i know you're not op) are going to say something like this . the fact that "never reveal your power level" continuously goes over your head is indicative of just how intelligent you truly are. this isn't hard to grasp.

Where do I find arab fembots?
Or really any fembots in general

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>be me
>be racist retard from Yas Forums
>be racist around other people
>they don't like me being racist
wow, hard to believe

For someone lambasting the use assumptions, you sure like to use them when it's convenient. I don't talk like that other retard, I wouldn't say Tarrant was a hero and I don't believe it. Nor would I try and redpill someone like that. Now stop _assuming_ all Yas Forums browsers are the same, alright? :^)

She browses r9k, I thought she was different...

Because Arabs are whites you piece of shit retard, hating Arabs is just another machinery of the likes to promote self hate among whites, there is only one group of people you should hate, niggers, if you hate niggers you hate everything wrong in this world, but muh kikes, shut up faggot, Hitler was a like and you would suck his cock

you said she wasn't muslim, then what is she?

Most niggers are also white.

An atheist.
She doesn't believe in god.

Yeah of course nigger, you for example are one

you dodged a bullet, she was probably one of those empowered types

>pol normie has non problem
No one cares

any sane girl would stop associating with your whack ass but ethnic bitches love whiteoids so she'll forgive you.

It just makes no sense to hate your own people

That is exactly what OP and 90% of Pol is

Her parents are muslims, so that's probably why desu
She isn't responding to my messages anymore lmao

>Her parents are both muslim
>she isn't
Welp. Sounds like her parents need to get to honor killing their apostate daughter.

>pseudoscience of race
Just like the psuedoscience of gender?
Did you remember to dilate today?

>there is only one group of people you should hate, niggers

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are you mixed bro?

>don't make assumptions about people based on the color of their skin
>op literally was btfo by an assumption
there's really no assumption here. op has literally demonstrated this case by getting btfo by making one based off of someone's skin color. no amount of mental gymnastics will prove this otherwise. also, nice job assuming that i was assuming though, retard. and good job outing yourself as a subhuman Yas Forumsnigger, faggot. die mad.

Just find a self hating Arab girl who acknowledges her race is gross.

Hello there Shlomo!

there's one on /out/

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You hate nuance, It also hates you. Stupid

I'm not really mad. I'm here to discuss. You're extremely defensive though, mad that I didn't fit up to your stereotype of a Yas Forumstard.
You can point all you want to that one assumption being wrong, but it doesn't change the situation.
If you took a surgery that had 1% mortality rate and someone assumed you would live, but you died, doesn't mean it's wrong to assume you would live through the surgery.

>extrapolating beyond the premise
>it makes you stupid
No, assumptions make you stupid. The issue here is that there was not enough information to delve into an argument about whether or not an assumption was warranted. The only information given at the time was that whomever OP was talking to was perceived as white strictly by the color of her skin. There literally needs to be no discussion over genetics because none of this jives with what we're even talking about whatsoever. It's just an excuse to bring up race. You have to go back.
Defensive? No. Logical? Yes. Learn to read and follow a thread. This is not complicated.

You accept different moral axioms in your argumentation and belief. That doesn't make you right, or me right, it just makes us different. Morality is no absolute.
You value the individual over the majority. If the freedom or uniqueness of the individual is infringed on, that is an assault on the underlying cornerstone of your worldview. Your logic springs from this premise, as justification for it.
To be correct doesn't mean to be 100% correct all the time. The world covers a broad variety of peoples which never are one size fits all. But often times, one site fits most. That's the basic premise behind the bell curve and the normal distrbution. Most things tend to follow this distribution, from IQs to butterfly wing lengths to polar bear sizes to average salaries, etc.

hello there roasties, your kids will be my slaves

Hey incel, got laid lately

OP here.
i'm gonna have to betray my race.
goodbye Yas Forums
she has a huge ass, i'm gonna apologize.

>pseudo science
>significant variance in IQ, skeletal frames and biological functions between the different races


If she is from the Levant, North Africa or Iran/northern Afghanistan and has white features then its safe.

lmao just proof that racists straight up are too dumb for the real world

T. Niggerboon
>word salad

she is white you retarded piece of shit, if arabs aren't white then mediterraneans aren't white either