I just want a cute girlfriend my age, but it's impossible because I went bald at fucking 18. 20 year old KHV now, and it hurts to know I will never fuck a qt in her prime. I'm destined to be a provider. FUCK ME.
Pic related is not me but shows the power of hair.
I just want a cute girlfriend my age, but it's impossible because I went bald at fucking 18. 20 year old KHV now...
ro ro shaggy, its all over
he needs to stop taking pictures 1 inch from the mirror. fucking with the proportions
jesus christ who told you to shave it all off? joe rogan?!?
I'm balding, user. I'm here to tell you that it's not even remotely over.
t. MPBfag that fucks random early 20s zoomer girls three to two times a week if not more
Dude went form Casanova to cartel boss
You must be incredibly handsome and have a Chad personality though, not the average guy
I'm not incredibly handsome whatsoever, I do have maxed out charisma stats though. If it's any consolation, just talk to everyone and anyone. Get your stats as high as possible and women will start to approach you. I haven't even shaved my head and it looks absolutely ridiculous, yet they still approach.
Where are u meeting these zoomer girls?
I just go to bars, man. Zoomer girls that are in their 20s always hang around dive bars. If you want a quick run down, here's a feasible one that may or may not get you started on the journey:
>be you
>hop a shower
>comb your hair, brush your teeth, and throw on something presentable
>don't forget cologne women will literally stop you to sniff your neck if you put on gucci guilty
>venture out and make it a point to stop at several bars in your area
>mix it up depending on the day and how nice it is outside
If you go during the day, take a book with you. Most of them pop in alone during the day because they're either finishing classes and get a few rounds, some food, then leave (they typically always have a book as well). If you want a more dangerous approach, go at night. Sometimes, you'll find them go out alone but it's somewhat rarer unless they're getting off of work and they can be a little irritable if you get too pushy for conversation. It's like fighting enemies beyond your skill level if your charisma isn't there. You'll probably get bodied a lot at first, but sometimes you can get lucky. I recommend going during days at first just to get your confidence and charisma stats maxed out.
Godspeed, user.
Oh, I want to add. If you frequent a bar enough and become acquaintances with the bartenders, this immediately gives you an immense leg up. So, just find a spot you like that you notice seems pretty populated and pop in several times a week for a round or two. This step is crucial.
Ah, not sure if going to a bar is my thing. I feel weird there. I usually just meet girls online via tinder/tanan
I dont think im the most charismatic, but im assertive enough to get laid, and maybe my looks help.
Thx for the insight. I appreciate it.
Ignore thots, become a wizard
Head to /x/ to start your journey, watch some videos on advaita vedanta
I've never used online dating, but more power to you if you can sit through the vapidity of trying to siphon out a golf ball through the proverbial hose that is online dating.
What if talking to people only lowers your confidence and charisma because it just reminds you of how alien you are
You'll have to resolve that issue internally, my man. I can't speak for what you're going through, but I can only say that I used to be able to relate. I shifted my perspective to not focus on the depth / width of the chasm separating me and other people and now focus on how we can bridge the gap. It's a fun game to play. Be as alien as you want; just don't forget you have access to that ET technology, my dude.
My whole life there has been this mental fog between me and people I try talking to, even when I had friends in school the connection was very shallow and they never invited me places or went out of their way to include me
Keeping a conversation going past the weather is impossible
>Pic related is not me but shows the power of hair.
correction: it shows the power of hair when your head is shaped like an egg
From what I've seen dive bars are for boomers, or groups of coworkers who come in together
>went full Duta
>losing hair at a much slower rate
>doesn't matter because hair is absolutely fucked
>facial features are fucked
>huge as fuck forehead
I never had a chance
I have literally never seen a girl go to a bar alone
This, I'm super tempted to go to the only bar in my town and take some pictures just to show these solo zoomer girls aren't a thing unless you live in a major university city
It's alright, user. I'm not going to tell you it somehow gets better or anything, but it _can_ if you put the work into it. It sucks, man. Hope things look up for you in this regard.
It all depends on the time. The only reason I know this is because I forced myself to sit there and interact with anyone and everyone as much as possible until I was completely shit hammered and knew it was time to leave. I did this repeatedly for a long time. I didn't even initially focus on getting laid, just talking.
I live in a huge city. Bars are literally filled with girls in their 20s that will invite you to go places with them and their group of friends. Since it seems like you live in a rural area, you'll definitely have to go and essentially do what I did above to see the turnover rate and figure out the timing of when they do show up.
How do the conversations go from approaching to getting her number
How many years did it take from starting out to being able to get laid
I can't even keep eye contact with people or keep a conversation going past two sentences after nearly a decade of customer service work
I always start off, quite literally, by asking how someone's day is going:
>Hey, how's your day going?
But I only do this if they are in my remote proximity. Also, smile. They usually say something like:
>Eh, it's actually pretty good. You?
"I'm doing fantastic!" Subsequently, I ask them what made their day go well. I get them talking about themselves, what they do, how they feel about specific things, self-deprecate over my balding ass head (while laughing), then the remainder of the conversation is essentially playing hopscotch with topics until we land on something that we both connect over. Sometimes this can be immediate and you pretty much fall in lust with one another, sometimes it can take hours, but sometimes it doesn't go anywhere and you just end it with "Hey, listen, thanks for talking with me. I appreciate it. Let's do a shot to this new friendship." Boom. Now whenever you see them, they'll know you as an extremely gregarious person that's friendly. You've gained an ally. If it DOES go somewhere, know when to cut the conversation short so you have fuel when you talk to them next, hit them with the:
>Hey, take my number! I love talking with you!!
They typically always agree.
Actually not too long. If you see my post , I just forced myself to sit there and engage with people. Alcohol is social lubricant, so take a shot or drink some beer whenever you feel like you're getting anxious. (It might be best to test your tolerance at home though so you know how to pace yourself and don't throw up everywhere.) Sustained eye contact can make or break a conversation with a girl that is really into you. So practice this as much as possible; it definitely, DEFINITELY, sucks at first. But once you accomplish specifically this, you'll feel like the fucking man.
I have to add. The biggest rule when talking to random girls is knowing, absolutely, when to shut the fuck up and walk away. This is rule #1. Drill it into your head. If you get that sense they aren't into you (i.e. they're constantly looking around / away from you, give you short responses, etc), don't bother. Just hit them with "I'll catch you later," and leave them alone for good. It's not worth pushing it.
Gonna be honest, I would rather stay a virgin my entire life that endure that kind of torture for God knows how long until it becomes bearable
Maybe once I'm in shape and have a career instead of a shitty job I won't be as terrified to talk to women
Thanks anyway
It only seems like torture because you're not drunk and your inhibitions are high. I understand though, good luck my man. I believe in you.
Even if I got drunk enough to ask for and get a girl's number, I would be too afraid to talk to her again once I'm sober
Sometimes even I am to this day. If I'm going out again, what I normally do is invite them when I'm already going (or already there). That way I'm not placing my expectations solely on them being the reason I'm out in the first place. Women are always along for the ride, remember that. If they agree to come and you're already there, you can be a shot (or two) and a beer deep on them when they arrive. If they don't come, you can easily talk to someone else. No harm, no foul.
Is it possible for you to get laid without the aid of alcohol
Absolutely, I just prefer it because it's fun and the types of adventures you go on are incredible enough for anyone here to screech larp at you.
damn look at that head shape lmao
Other people I've asked have said practicing talking to people while drunk doesn't make you better at talking to them sober
What kind of adventure is getting a chick's number from a bar and asking her to chill at your place the next day
first of all it's that faggy little neckbeard that's going to hold you back
why the fuck is your beard so scared of your jaw and cheeks
>Other people I've asked have said practicing talking to people while drunk doesn't make you better at talking to them sober
Well, you don't want to talk to them while you're completely shit faced. Of course that won't do anything for you in the long term. If you have a nice buzz flowing, it'll definitely help loosen you up and you can definitely retain it.
>What kind of adventure is getting a chick's number from a bar and asking her to chill at your place the next day
Nah, it's a little more than just fucking them or going over to their house. It's the thrill of the hunt. Essentially, when you get your charisma stats up, you'll start getting propositioned by these girls to come to other places with them and their friends that same night. That's how the adventure always starts.
>It's the thrill of the hunt.
I call that "anxiety"
I can't believe some people actually enjoy challenge, I hate when anything isn't guaranteed, I don't care about the journey, just the destination
no offense but you sound like a pussy
The journey is the best part, my man. I don't really care if things pan out or not. Having absolute certainty over whether or not someone likes you is a complete buzz kill for me because it completely strips out the chemistry you develop with one another.
I absolutely am one, always have been and probably always will
I never play video games on hard difficulty settings because I want to win with relatively little need for improvement, and I never play multiplayer games because it makes me angry when other players are better than me
Yeah, I can't relate to this mindset at all
I can't feel comfortable around another person until I know for 100% certain that they like me, until then I am extremely insecure and inhibited around them
When things don't pan out it makes me feel more defective and maladjusted than I already am
I'm not saying this to be mean, but if you have ever wondered the reason behind why women might feel repulsed around you, I want you to reread what you just wrote and really let it sink it. You're essentially screaming, "I'm completely insecure and do not feel comfortable around a woman unless they tell me that they are 100% into me." Women absolutely despise this mindset and can somehow detect it from miles away.
>i just want a girlfriend but i cant get it because waaaah waaaah waaaah genetics waaaah things i cant change about myself waaaah guess ill just accept ill be alone forever instead of accepting the things i cant change and improving everything that i can
youre fucking annoying id probably punch you in the face
I'm aware of that, but it's just the way I've always been
It's the same thing with guys, I can't make friends until I've known them for months and we know the innermost workings of each other's minds
I only feel comfortable around strangers if I have friends I can fall back on
Hair means nothing.
Dude he looks way worse wtf
>tfw 30 year old bald NEET
>managed to snag a hot 20 year old
just smile, bro! on a serious note though, its possible to meet a girl who can look past your flaws.
What the fuck kind of girl would date a NEET, 99% consider it a dealbreaker
Still trying to find a girl willing to date a fat balding awkward socially anxious 27 year old fast food worker who has no interesting hobbies
I repeatedly had a foursomes with 3 girls while living with my parents back in my early 20s. I had no job, my license snatched due to a DUI, and never left the house whatsoever.
>Still trying to find a girl willing to date a fat balding awkward socially anxious 27 year old fast food worker who has no interesting hobbies
They're out there.
How the hell did that transpire
How did your parents react
Why tf did you shave it bro it looks fine
why'd you shave it all off idiot?
Cope harder. Or blame your parents for your bone structure. Some men do look good bald. Myself for example. I'm not bald, but when I shave girls tell me I look like a player
Height? Do you have a great face? Please tell me your secrets
They're fucking lying you idiots. Jesus Christ, you really believe anything you hear on the internet.
>I repeatedly had a foursomes with 3 girls while living with my parents back in my early 20s. I had no job, my license snatched due to a DUI, and never left the house whatsoever.
Does this sound like something that would ever happen? You fucking morons needs to go outside holy fuck.
well, ughh, well... fair point.
A girl that I knew from a while ago just started texting me out of nowhere. We kind of hit it off with primitive memes (this was before anyone saw memes as a personality trait). She would just come over with her friends, we would drive around and smoke weed. We just started hanging out at my parent's house watching movies in a cuddle puddle. It just kind of happened.
>How did your parents react
My dad would flip the fuck out on me telling me that his house wasn't a hotel and people can't just be in and out. My mom didn't really care, she just said she was disappointed in how girls behave nowadays.
I've been here way before all of this incel, blackpill, and tfwnogf trash existed. It use to be funny, now I'm just here out of habit. Old habits die hard, I guess.
>meh face
See above. I didn't do anything. It just kind of dropped into my lap. Get weed and hang out with girls if you're in your early 20s and you'll get pussy if you're not a complete creep.
I don't really care if you don't believe me, but insisting that things like this never happen tells me just how much (You) need to go outside.
Can you blame him for not believing you
This shit happens to maybe one in every 100,000 guys
>Me, a 5'9 "meh" guy just got sex for literally nothing lmao
Kill yourself. Stop spreading disinformation.
>A girl had his number
Did you EVER have problems with women