
Lovely Friday night pizza wizza edition

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Just shaved my armpits and pussy, the water went cold while I was rinsing the conditioner

*sashays into the thread*

God I wish this were me (in the man's position)

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pizza is for Saturday
berger werger is for Friday
like if u agree

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Mummy is making handmade pidser for dinner tonight
Fuck the system innit

mine is tomorrow
based mummys

>he doesnt shave his pussy in the shower
Small time

actually mate Friday is for fish

Hypergamy, lad. Women's sexual/relationship market value (SMV) is increasing and they're aiming higher and higher whereas men's SMV is decreasing and most are being forced to date down. The sexual revolution combined with feminism and exacerbated by social media allowing nearly all women to get endless validation and have endless choices from very early ages has utterly poisoned the historic dynamic of male-female pairing.

Basically it's the 80/20 rule in action. The top 80% of women are going for the top 20% of men, whereas the bottom 80% of men are forced to compete for the bottom 20% of women.

What have you lads been stockpiling?
>shite wipe
>pot noodles
>canned goods

snooty big bum qt on the chase lads

the only fishy a true britfeeler gets on a Friday night is stinky poosey

>got a grill coming over tonight
>she likes having her feet played with
Fucking jackpot lads. Dont care what any of you say about me being normie or whatever its about time user had a lucky fucking break

How will the coronita virus affect the drug market?

mummy said that there was no toilet roll in Waitrose earlier

What would be the Red Tomatoes and Green Peppers of Ready, Steady, /britfeel/?

only thing I've bothered to bulk buy is bog roll. I can handle a limited selection of food, but I'm not about to start wiping me arse with newspaper

yeah cool mate really interesting stuff *turns up volume to max*

Let's kick this thread off with a banging chune

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Anyone else been fucking baltic the last week or so?

What does baltic mean lad? Is it souf slang?

Everywhere I go people are talking about POLEABOO RADIO

brown poo's and yellow wee's

I've been invited to a house party
How do I turn down the invite without being a cunt?

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>whereas the bottom 80% of men are forced to compete for the bottom 20% of women

I'll just have a wank instead then

Well this is the first ive seen it mentioned

means cold, it's a scottish term afaik

Why is anyone stockpiling bog roll? Can't you just jump in the shower after you have had a shit if it comes to it?

>bulk buying toilet paper
jfc just use a bidet you mongs

A radio station ran by Amer, is it? Can't see it lasting more than 2 hours.

Why don't you want to attend?

Pure fuckin freezing my tits off m8

Can i go instead? I can pretend to be you.

I like to use my mentalism as an excuse lad

Me? I'm having a piece n salt for dinner

why should I have to awkwardly stoop over and wash shit off my arse in the shower when I could just use loo roll instead? Anyway I only bought 1 family pack, I don't have like 50 rolls in the loft or anything

Robot? Nah, mate, I'm a terminator, because I slay fanny.

praying for the day that the obese lass at work has a stroke. Cannot stand the fucking whale

I was blackpilled years ago and it's really depressing seeing the predictions of some early blackpill guys coming true.
Like yeah you get blackpilled, but there's always SOME little bit of hope right at the back of your mind, but no, things are never getting better and will continue to get worse.

britfeeler on the chase
look at that shirt

Poley has an annoying voice too. So did Host, but at least Host just sounded like a regular gay instead of Paki Paul o Grady

Speaking of which what happened to Host after his weird meltdown?

>Why is anyone stockpiling bog roll? Can't you just jump in the shower after you have had a shit if it comes to it?

Yes you can rinse your rancid hole in the shower. For me? I use it to blow my fucking nose when it starts pissing snot, mucus, phlegm, green stuff.

Ste lad, do you post here?

bidets are way better at cleaning, more environmentally friendly and less expensive, there's literally no reason to NOT use one
but instead it's become customary to scrunch up tissue in your hands and use it to smear off the shit residue from your arse, invariably leaving traces of shit and paper fibres to fester, give off odour and irritate you the rest of the day

how many households do you think actually have bidets in this country lad? Do you think they're a standard fixture or something? And if you can't wipe you arse properly with paper then either mummy never taught you right or you've got some kind of OCD where you think anything short of a 40 minute rim-cleansing sesh still leaves you "unclean"

For me? lt's having the sex

imagine driving yourself mental by reading made up pick up artist shite about "hypergamy"
couldn't be me

I know they're not common and it's fucking stupid. They should be because there's literally no downside to them and plenty of upside vs using toilet paper. They really aren't that expensive to install, you're looking at max 300 for a good quality one.

Based top shagger. For me? It's doing the drugs

Lad, you really have no idea what you're talking about. Pick up artists aren't pushing the blackpill or hypergamy, they're pushing the redpill cope of 'game'. Hypergamy is real and game is bollocks beyond the most basic level of interaction e.g. not spazzing out and learning to how carry a conversation.

ever fucked a lass up her arse?
if so how was the experience for the both of you?

Dunno lad it sounds like a lot of cope to me

Don't know any of the people that are going. I only know the person who invited me and I'm not confortable with new people
Be 6 foot, underweight and blonde and you're sound
It's that a schizo thing or something?

Not him. You are autistic if you need to learn how to carry a conversation from a youtube video or book. Normal people just know how to do it from experience.

I've had phimosis all my life so I can't conceive of sex as a pleasurable act
it's all neuro-linked to pain
what a failure of a human being I am

*puts grapes in the britfeel microwave*

wipe it ye bastid

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Perspective is key. Hypergamy is obviously a thing, see rates of std's spiking massively once the sexual rev started.
Monogamy = Based
Hypergamy = Not Based

ever actually had sex to be fair?

get medical treatment lad. You might have to get circumcised but at least you don't have to have a defunct dick the rest of your life

How is 'below average men are utterly fucked' a cope?

Oi lad you copied my post more or less. Not saying I dont believe the lad but I am a bit dubious, I thought girls were always skets

get circumcised, lad
you'll benefit from it in the long run
if it's affecting your day-to-day life then you should be able to get it done on the NHS, but if they refuse for whatever reason it's actually fairly cheap to get it done privately

>What's that? I should actually try going outside and interacting with women?

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wait, what?
copes are what people use to avoid the blackpill

i know that, i deleted it because i realised it was basically the same
sorry about that, should've looked at my post before posting

The whole 80 percent of women getting with 20 percent of men just seems like a massive exaggeration. Theres a fair few below average munter lads in my social circles and theyve managed to have relationships at one point or another. Even our chief autist (diagnosed and everything) met a lass on PoF

I must admit the winos were right

*inspects you*
"ah, see lads, this man is made of straw!"

Is this a lad whom lives in East Devon?