Because i am 5'9

Because i am 5'9

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imagine thinking height is the reason why your dick is dry. seethe, manlet, seethe.

i have no social life.

I've never met a woman worth my time.

Ok what is the reason then,wise guy.

Because I don't ask out the girl that likes me

you know dababy right? he's an inch shorter than you and he still gets bodies anytime he wants. the man had the kahonas to wear a diaper around places and shit and still be confident in himself. the more excuses you give yourself, the more reasons you give yourself to not be confident. take your imperfections in stride and people won't care. that's the reason.

>You know a famous rapper has sex?
Always the same argument

What a bullshit jocko willink hallmark greeting card tier platitude.
>JuSt Be BeTtEr

5'9 isn't short though. Most women won't think that's short.

Well because you try to blame everything and don't anything about it. 5'9 is like 1 inch shorter than average and your are taller than 80% of women

My bf is 5'6 and I'm 5'9

the point im making is that confidence is the difference between a good guy and a great guy. it gives people a reason to care about what you think even though you don't care about what they think.
you're not even reading. why post?

I guarantee that's not the reason user.

I read every letter of what you read. It is horse shit. You are telling me "just be confident" when no time in my life have i ever had any reason to be it,and i know for a fact that if i do try i will be shot down immediately.

But 5'9 is average height in the US, you could be even above average depending on what state you live in

I haven't tried. Just like I haven't really tried anything, because I'm afraid of failing. When faced with an opportunity, I can only focus on the plethora of things that can go wrong, instead of seeing all the good outcomes.

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Are you a person that would be worth another persons time user?

dude if you were confident your imperfections would never be an issue to people. people hate bagel guy not bc he's short, its because his attitude is shit and is horrifically insecure of his own SHORTcomings (i had to im sorry). once you realize what could be a hinderance to you and embrace it, you can do anything. it's a matter of perspective that separates people. that's all.

I'm 5'6, if I was 6ft I would have a gf so easy. I hate this bullshit.

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I don't have friends, I don't have a stable job, I assume women think I'm creepy so I don't ask them out.

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The average is 5'10 where i live. I understand i am a normal looking person but the fact that every i can't keep anyone in my life is bullshit. I don't have a terrible personality in real life,and plenty of family members have told me i am a good person. But then i meet people outside my family and it all goes down hill. I don't understand how i can be an objectively good person and also be hated by the people around me.

that's simple. just tweak your throught process. start with what could go wrong and eliminate the factors that could make things go wrong and you'll end up with the right outcome from starting with a wrong outcome.

Cant make small talk, that's my only problem desu. Im not hideous, but also im not good looking enough to girls to start convos with me (well, sometimes they do but I act retarded)

I have a really hard time believing any dude actually thinks being 5'9 is some kind of obstacle. This is a either a shitty LARP or just full blown autism

I'm fat and have a lisp, and I can't drive

This average is even more meaningless because it includes elderly people. It probably lies somewhere at 6ft for males younger than 30 years.

Because my personality is absolutely atrocious. I'm horrible at socialising and I push anyone away who tries to connect with me romantically.

What a pointless post.

Where are you from? Origimi

Tennessee yehaw yehaw

gigacope. you're an autist in denial.

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>tfw skinny and 5'1
I'd kill to be 5'9 user. I'm truly hopeless.

I do have one. Vietnamese, but it still counts.

i am 5 5


Okay but is he able to keep a conversation with people

damn brutal af
better cope user

I don't think I've ever met a 5'1 male. Sounds like bait unless underage.

>am 5'9"
>Have 3 (three) gfs
>4th girl constantly blowing up my phone
I completely understand why incels exist. This shit is fucking retarded.

Simple, I don't want one.

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height doesnt automatically make you hot shit but being short does repel women away from you
t. 6ft2 broke nigga

are you a high schooler? if not then you realize women can get other tall ppl but chads

I think I'm almost done coping.
>tfw so short people don't even believe you
I'm not underage.

yeah you should set a goal so you can cope some more

To be frank, I haven't tried putting myself out there yet.
I mostly just don't know how to start or where to look. While I'm well aware of the existence of dating apps and whatnot, I don't feel as though I'd do exceptionally well in a virtual meat market, given the competition.
I'm also pretty worried about having enough time for a partner, since work keeps me busy from six in the morning to six in the afternoon most days. Having a stable job must seem like such a nice thing to some people, but I'd rather be able to spend more time tending to my partner.

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how tall are you pal?

I didn't/don't believe you but even if you were 5'1 I would be your friend user. Not only would I be your friend but I would help you and pay for a escort if you are a virgin. If you're not a virgin, you're doing better me and I'm 5'8 so look at it that way.

5'10", 177cm
Don't worry, I'm aware I'm already a lost cause.

Why bother
I'm 155cm, if I'm not mistaken that's 5'1. I don't even want to see an escort. Sex isn't as important as actually having a gf, and if I can't have that then I don't want anything.

maybe your country is not pozzed by hypergamy

Because i havent found someone that i am interested in and probably never will.

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wish I could offer you some help/experience but I'm tfwnogf too at 5'8 so can't help you RIP

Because i'm a crazy fuck with BPD.

A lot of woman says that i'm a really weird person and sometimes i do scare or act obnoxious and that's a redflag for a lot of girls.

Also, i'm overweight and 5'4.

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be my gf instead then you're the perfect height

It's Canada my dude. There are few ways we are not pozzed. I will say I'm a white guy so being 4/10 is like being a 7/10 here.

It's fine.
No I'm still a guy.

>tfw white 6'2" Canadian but no gf or female attention

Do you like cooking?

No one is interested in me

maybe you dont have tinder and dating apps

>Because i am 5'9
that doesnt seem THAT bad

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Tinder is just as big here as in the US

>you're going to make some woman very happy one day

Just keep thinking and eventually you will realize that half of the time the only explicitly wrong option is to do nothing. So by just trying you start will a 50% non-failure rate plus all of the times that you made the correct decision bumps the number to be even better than 50%