Am I really supposed to think that my 5x4 inch dick is supposed to be enough for a woman?

>have small dick
>get physique to look like David
It helps. Kind of.

>All you size matter deniers care to explain?
They'll just feed you more cope.

I can tell you how to fix that, but fuck you.

Man, that has to be one of the most smug and humblebrag posting boards around. I wish they all die of Corona

>tfw 5x5

i guess i should be happy?

Attached: aw jeez.jpg (480x360, 14.25K)

stfu it's not my fault it's more blood to get my 8" erect for a couple of minutes. I have to wear a cock ring to have it last until I come.

This is why some guys think small dicks are fine.

Attached: penis pill 73.png (666x148, 24.63K)

The dick is intentionally made small to keep you from being distracted from the rest of the statue

Guys, the natural progression is Yas Forums -> /x/

Go watch some videos on advaita vedanta and head to /x/ to start your journey to become a wizard

In an increasingly liberal society that is going to happen. Wealth and prestige just don't cut it anymore as women no longer need the man to be the breadwinner (even if they fail the state is always there to protect them). There so many men earning six figures with great career prospects but are still incels while the dead beat weed smocking loser is banging hot college chicks.