Why aren't more incels shooting people to get the necessary attention for their misery?

Why aren't more incels shooting people to get the necessary attention for their misery?
More and more men are forced into loneliness because girls only want to date Chad. They are suffering from rejection and humiliation about aspects which they have no control over like face, height or penis size. Why aren't incels killing people to make society realise how bad they have it?

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Cause i am not strong enough to do what i need to do yet.

Because they are coward. Even cucked lefties like antifa realised violence is the only mean necesary to get things done. But incels still believe that with enough waaa waaa maybe girls will listen.

Any attempts to defraud incels are seen as attacks towards the incel status quo and will be met with lethal termination of your very being as instructed by the 13 Divine laws for the unfortunates. You have been warned.

You're delusional if you think Elliot Rodger's issue was his face, height or penis size. There are people far uglier than him who've had plenty of girlfriends.

I have the theory that he was secretly a dicklet. His half asian genes indicated a small penis and therefore the girls avoided him. No women on earth would put up with a tiny dick.

Did you just unencryptedly defraud the unfortunate currently deceased individual Elliot Rodgers? You will be met with lethal termination as dictated by the Divine Protocol. You have been notified.

Yes. The Divine Scripts unencryptedly state that the unfortunate individual Elliot Rodgers wieled a male member of below average qualities. You have been notified of your correct assumption.

it was all three. plus he was also skinny and small with crouched back. his face also looked like he has spent his childhood alone in his room.

also disgusting hapa. hapas are creepy for modern white roasts.

For the sake of their very being as according to Divine Protocol male hapas should receive an early termination of their very being for the sake of their own mental existence.

They're too unmotivated/comfy playing video games all day. That's why they can never succeed at anything. In-game achievements give just enough dopamine to make their lives worth living.

However, some will have mental breakdowns and impulsively cause carnage amongst communities. This is why you can't prevent these kind of atrocities. It's so out of the blue with no warnings.

Yikes senpai, if you spent as much time as on bettering yourself as you do on seeking justification of incels, you'd no longer be an incel. And how would people even know that he had a small dick, if no-one seen it?

Well has he considered not trying to go for white roasties? Why is it that men shouldn't settle for women on the same attractiveness bar as then, whereas hot women should go out with unbathed incels to show they're not "shallow"?

i have heard he loved blondes to the point that he decided to dye his hair at one point. he was in the university with majority of attractive females and he was frustrated that he couldnt get a single one. he was also self hating asian, if i remember correctly.

i honestly feel bad for half breeds. they cant fit in with whites and they cant fit in asians. it's also genetics and cultural thing too. hapas with white moms are always short (as i have noticed personally) so they get worst from both worlds. culturally, japanese are shy and demand respect while wh*tes are degenerate, so you get both world and get degenerate and shy guy who needs reaffirmation and culture to accommodate them. i am kinda generalizing but you see this all the time. only hapas i have ever known, majority of them are pro gamers and autistic and but """smart""" in a geek, robot way

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>just better yourself and you'd no longer be an incel
I can't change my small pathetic penis with self-improvement you moron. Reddit-tier advice does not work for dicklets. Even if I get the chance to have sex with a girl, she would outright laugh and reject me the time I drop my pants.

Not to mention the nigga was driving a BMW, I lost my virginity in a fucking Camry. His issue was his mind, maybe having a small dick, short height or being part Asian did not help. But if he could ever get mentally healthy he would have been slaying.

Go out and socialize. Loneliness is their own fault and mental retardation is just statistically going to happen. People murdered a lot more in the past so you are wrong about more and more

Being self-hating is the stupidest thing. It's not like you can change your race, but hating yourself will just make others think that there's something wrong with you and not want to deal with that. Confidence isn't everything, but it counts for a lot.

So you've never been with a girl? This is just what you THINK will happen if you get with one? Why the fuck would you think you know what a girl would say about you if you've never been with one? God, incels always think they're the smartest people when it comes to girls, even when they clearly have no experience with them.
>yeah i've never done martial arts but i've read about them so i could totally beat everyone at this judo tournament

Incels will never admit to being wrong, there's always another reason it's not them. Clearly if women have a problem with him specifically, it can't be the incel, it must be all 3 billion women on the planet.

But it's so much easier to sit inside and complain than to go out and make an effort. If your entire identity is about not getting laid, I don't think it's likely that you'll get laid.

They were both diagnosed autists, dumbass. Their issues had nothing to do with much looks or much chads or whatever other incel memes

>Incels will never admit to being wrong, there's always another reason it's not them.
Yep, it doesnt help to spend all your down time in an eco chamber. Combine that with depression and social anxiety and you have the ingredients for a fucking disaster. I blame parents though, I know mine did not give a fuck about my mental health and were it not for having gone to the military I doubt I would have ever gotten help.

Of course, everything except his
literal diagnosed autism. What a pathetic cope. He was better looking than the vast majority of guys in relationships

sorry i meant hapas with asian moms

>Short height
He was 5'9, basically average. You have to believe the most retarded hyperbolic incel memes are true to think this a death sentence
>Short dick
How is this relevant when it was only ever visible to himself?
>Half asian
Only spergs care about race. White women are probably the least racist ppl on the planet

>Only spergs care about race. White women are probably the least racist ppl on the planet

Elliot was clearly a sperg though and he fixated on his own race, I am not saying that there is anything wrong with being average height or mixed race but for someone like Elliot these things meant everything to him. As for short dick I would imagine it would hurt your confidence given the Asian stereotypes.

Right it could've definitely affected his self-esteem as he was already a very insecure and anxious guy, I'll agree to that much. His issues were internal and after years of isolation in the end they grew so extreme that he felt no other recourse but to externalise them

Yeah, I know it fucked with his head seeing short men and/or ethnic minorities with women, especially blonde women; he wrote that much in his manifesto. I have no idea why he chose to be roomies with entirely Asian men but as far as why he killed them, my guess he was extremely bitter seeing them enjoy their lives and fit in socially when being Asian was meant to be a death sentence in his own head.

It's cause the kinds of boys who get rejected and humiliated are gentle people. Pic related are psychotic individuals and that's why they are so rare. It won't matter how much radicalization propaganda gets pumped through here, they won't be able to generate these tragedies as fast as they'd like. All they will get are a few extra suicides.

What are you talking about, white girls are terrified of being seen as racist and will do everything in their power to avoid that. You're acting like you've never heard Asians hating anyone who isn't them, or Jews fucking despising Muslims.

I mean, our parents always have a part in how we turn out, good or bad. However, at a certain point you have to admit that your parents created you, but it's on you to become the person you want to be. What's the point of assigning blame if the situation stays the same, you know?

They created us so they have a responsibility in caring for us, if your child is showing obvious signs of mental health deterioration you have to go above and beyond to get them adequate help lest they wind up like Elliot, otherwise who will?
I understand people dont want to accept their kid is fucked up but ignoring it just makes it an issue for everyone else.

it doesnt change the fact that seeing someone different makes them uncomfortable. especially if that someone is also an outsider and none of her peers like him. people like other people that look like them

Everyone gets rejected, the difference is in how people take it. Normies accept it as part of life and keep trying, even if it takes them a while to get over their "dry spell". Incels assume that a few rejections means that EVERY interaction will lead to rejection, and rage out over that.

That's true, it's on them. But once you grow up, you have to recognise that if your parents didn't help you, you have to deal with it yourself. It's all well and good to blame your parents, and you might not even be wrong, but the end goal is to improve and get better, not to have a convenient excuse for why everything is bad.

Well, yeah, interracial relationships are less common than same-race ones. That's true for all people, not just white women.

BECAUSE UGLY PEOPLE DONT DESERVE TO PASS ON THEIR GENES. THATS NOT HOW WE'RE PROGRAMMED. Also militant ugly people will be disgusting people. I would never have had elliot rodger as a friend. In fact I woulda been the one to shove him off the balcony if he did his shtick near me

Youre talking as if any person dealing with mental health issues is going to be in position to help themselves, a quick list of the symptoms of most mental illnesses would suggest otherwise. I didnt get help on my own, I just happened to choose a career where mental illness is exasperated by the nature of the work so I have a community of people around me who can recognize the signs of severe mental illness and remarkable insurance. Not everyone is that lucky.
Half these school shooters would have had a chance at normalcy if it werent for complete parental incompetence, because who is going to better know your child than you the parent?

By the way ugly people manage to have kids, hence why ugly people are born in the first place. Its just that incels have unattainable standards from watching too much anime as a kid mixed in with getting warped by mental illness.

Its like tumblr except for males. Ugly mentallyill guys go online, see all this blackpilling, and go


No its because nobody likes you, thats why you lack friends AND a gf. Also your standards too high

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wdym succeed at anything? what even is irl success? i have no goals hopes or desires outside of vidya. why bother?

No, they are gentle people user. Don't make sweeping generalizations about their experiences. There is something beautiful about gentle people and I cherish it.

What are the signs of severe mental illness btw user?

Recently ive been alternating between very motivated and doing drugs,drinking,gambling, going to random cities daily. It feels like bipolar or something. I got myself into massive debt last time I did it

I won't be surprised if this thread gets taken down originally

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Yeah that could be mania but I am not really in position to help you at all, you gotta see a professional. Lol I trusted Yas Forums doctors for far too long before actually getting seen by a pro myself

School shooters are psychopaths. They are not very common. We should feel fortunate and seek to avoid school shooters. However there are some very perverse incentives that have emerged and it has led to FUD about incels becoming school shooters and even attempts to induce it. This is a very sad thing to see.

Nobody cares, user. We're fucked.

You know why you're posting this here? It's because there is no mainstream place where this kind of conversation is socially acceptable, so you're railroaded into posting about it on Yas Forums, because you'll be driven away and called an incel or misogynist if you bring it up anywhere else.

Men are 3.56x more likely to die by suicide.

Men work the most intensive jobs, and make up 93% of all workplace fatalities.

Men now make up only about 40% of college grads, and that percentage is getting worse every year.

Nobody cares about men. We are the mules, wallets, and jesters of society - if we can't fulfill one of those roles, we're worthless. We have no inherent value like women. The incel/herbivore man/NEET epidemic we're now witnessing is the natural result of men being deprived of their natural "tribe", their ability to form a family, their chance to carve out a little slice of life that belongs to them.

Historically, men are half as likely to reproduce as women, so we've always had to deal with some degree of "discrimination", but app dating and women entering the workforce has exacerbated women's picky nature, and now appearing exceptional to them is harder than ever. The roster of potential mates for women, which was once only the size of her village or immediate community, is now the size of her city or state. Combine that with her natural drive to find the best mate possible for her child, and it's no wonder that many normal men are completely ignored.

I'm not advocating for a progressive or traditionalist revolution, just repeating thoughts I've had. I honestly have no idea what the solution is, but people in places like this are the only ones who are even willing to discuss the issue, and that doesn't bode well for us. Please do your best to take care of yourselves, brothers.

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Throuought history there have been many many tragedies, horrors, and such. The misfortunate suffer and perish and the winners manufacture a moral superiority to underpin their honorable tradition. It's just going to happen. There are measures you can take, alone, to love yourself. Take care of yourself user.

Kill yourself. Genetics dictate the falsity of your statement you ignorant moron.

Boys, I think I found the real dicklet.
Are you also an advocate of "size doesn't matter"?

Society will collapse and then the shit will hit the fan. Men are waking up worldwide and the anti-gynocentrism is growing bigger and bigger. This is only the beginning. A revolution will break out. Have patience brother, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Men shall rise once again. We ruled for thousands if not tens of thousands of years. Patience brother it always gets worse before it gets better. We shall se the dawn of men rise again

The modern solution for losing men is them trying to destabilize our society. A man has always tried the best to provide for his tribe and ensure survival because he thought it would give him a chance of passing on his own genes. Little did they realise in ancestral times that there are many who will lose this game.
Now, we have awareness of this problem with examples like Incels/MGTOWs/NEETs etc. who can bond together and fight. The solution is to put the world into anarchy again and try to rot out humans with chemical or nuclear weapons. What we need is a massive third world war including every single country.

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society will only get better. we are advancing at a good rate.

This. What happens when men worldwide put their diffrences away and join an alliance against feminism,gynocentrism,and degeneracy? Roasties nor the elite will be able to stop it. It's time for our voices to be heard

you would have a mass suicide of about 400 weird looking men who are slightly too autistic to get a real job.

>Society will only get better
>We are advancing at a good rate

We've already been through this.
It's not entirely about height or dick size less about latter I imagine or face.
Look at Elliot for example, he is clean faced. Guy on left well... What a weird face. It's like masculine but still looks like a kid. In any case it's not all about that. I think those matter but they don't stop you like incel fuckers believe. It's mostly in their head. Elliot was narcissistic and autistic. Wouldn't approach anyone, because it was stressful to him and he was spoiled etc. This is now just seeming like a stupid bait.

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You are getting afraid of the idea,eh? Well the way things are looking, it's not going to end well for roasties or degenerates, so i understand. But it can't be stopped. It's our time to rise. Again

No, they won't. As the first user said, the reason you're discussing this here is because no-one else wants to hear your bullshit. You can hope for a revolution, but an incel uprising will only ever be laughed at, and any guy who hurts women just because they're women is hated by both men and women. Even in prison, the home of the worst of the worst, crimes against women will get you killed by all the other men.

>all men in the world
>join an alliance
For every guy that hates women, there are at least 10 guys that don't. You'll always be outnumbered and you'll never have a real impact on the world. People don't even remember the names of mass shooters anymore, so you have no outlet of being heard anymore.

>maybe tomorrow

Fuck off roastie. Go fuck a dog

Explain what? Read a book or two?

Because I am not ugly, nor am I short, nor have I a small dick

All any body like myself has to do is talk to you in person, invite you to hang out with a group of Stacies, and you'd toss this ideology out the window. Nobody is afraid of you, we just feel sorry for you. Go outside.

>Why aren't more incels shooting people to get the necessary attention for their misery?

because incels are pussies :V

Lol, I am going to guess these post are meant to be ironic, but if I could offer any advice do not wait until a happening to start living your life. You might wake up one day and find it has entirely passed you by

Keep seething roastie. The hatred against your kind is growing faster than ever before. We will blackpill men to join us. And it's already happening. No one mentioned anything about hurting women. There are other ways to defeat roasties without the use of violence. And once that happens you will be like powerless,submissive little children. Just like through world history. Ideas are more effective than violence. An idea is more powerful than all nuclear weapons combined together on this World. You will witness that during your lifetime

Every time you guys start this shit most of you just become gay and forget about the uprising.