Femanons, does it bother you that the penis of the guy you like has been into another girls mouth...

Femanons, does it bother you that the penis of the guy you like has been into another girls mouth, pussy and possibly anus?

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My boyfriend was incel robot before I took his virginity. I'm gonna marry him and my pussy will be the only one he ever experiences

>tfw I am used goods
feels fucking shit t b h

That seems really fucking sad for him.

feels bad for him desu, but good luck with that

please dont reply to ugly tripgirls thanks

Dyke here, it bothers me that her pussy had contact with anything.

No not at all. In a way it makes me feel better because then I know he isn't wondering about how it would be with someone else. Also, I'm not gonna be a hypocrite.

I never think about it but what bothers me sometimes is thinking about him being sweet and loving and calling her the same pet name. That kills me.

Based and monogamypilled
degenerate fuckheads

The more the merrier . Just means he is experienced.

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>experiencing only one pussy

No but I wonder what he would think if he knew what and with whom I did some things.

Imagine not wanting an intimate and exclusive bond with your wife.

>its only intimacy if you restrict yourself to trying 1 relationship in 80 years

Ironically bonds feel strongest at the beginning of relationships so people who cheat and sleep around probably get to experience more intense bonds. Theres a difference between wanting to build a family and wanting to cuck yourself into only getting one chance at a relationship

Feels bad to say, man, but yes it would bother me.
>tfw found another adult virgin to love me back
>tfw found out he had kissed someone before
really made me sad and jealous for a while. lol pathetic.

in all seriousness though, this is the attitude I have regarding virgin women. plus if a woman in her 20s in the 21st century is still a virgin, it means she's most likely religious, sheltered, has low self esteem/mental disorders, is really ugly, or just isn't interested in sex, and all of those are red flags or dealbreakers for me

Yea. For sure. But then again I wasn't virgin either so.

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nobody gives a fuck about your boyfriend re-read the OP and imagine you wanted to marry that guy

>if a woman in her 20s in the 21st century is still a virgin, it means she's most likely religious, sheltered, has low self esteem/mental disorders, is really ugly, or just isn't interested in sex, and all of those are red flags or dealbreakers for me

The guy I love is a robot and has never known the touch of another person. I want to marry him and have sex with him.

No. The only thing that bothers me is foreskin because it harbors anaerobic bacteria similar to what is found in the colon.

This is why women in relationships are more likely to get chronic bacterial vaginosis.

>my pussy will be the only one he ever experiences
That's hot.

>wants her man mutilated at birth because she's paranoid about cleanliness
as a victim of MGM, our dicks can still get nasty if they're not washed. would you like it if someone chopped off your labia for "hygiene" reasons? if not, then go suck off a shotgun you dumb fucking cunt

Hes more likely wonder about how it will be with someone else.

Labia don't cause hygiene problems, your argument is invalid. Foreskin traps bacteria that can make a partner sick. Newsflash: lots of men are disgusting and don't wash their dicks well enough. Does this shock you? Does it shock you men are disgusting and can't bathe?

This. Men are fucking retarded. Why waste your time on a filthy retard who probably doesn't wash himself

Diek pls.

>implying labia can't get smegma
that's bullshit and you know it. if you're that concerned about hygiene, just don't fuck him till he's taken a shower. wanting him to undergo a painful, risky, permanently damaging surgery before he could even consent to it is so fucking wrong. please chug some bleach before you have a son and abuse him because of your sick preferences

F*moid pls

So deciding to stay with the person who makes me feel wanted, happy and feeling complete instead of having meaningless sex with 100s of strangers makes me a cuck?

Imagine being a circumsized amerimutt cuck actually believing that shit and not being capable of properly washing your own fucking penis. What a bunch of faggots these Americans really are jesus

Since you already practice circumsizing your children, why don't you borrow Islamic toilet culture and start using water instead of toilet paper? Or, even better, start shitting on the street and quit eating ham.


Actually labia doesn't get smegma, it builds under the clitoral hood. Removing labia wouldn't solve the problem.

You'd be surprised how many Americans can't properly clean a circumcised dick. It's disgusting. I can only image how poorly they'd clean under foreskin if they it. Most men in America can't even wipe their asses properly and leave literal shit stains on their boxers.

Discovering America was a mistake

No because it just proves that he isn't a virgin and most likely experienced at sex.

so because you date filthy slobs, you want all men to be mutilated? yeah fuck you on so many levels. off yourself

not always but if you are staying with a person just because you don't want to have a 2nd chance makes you a C U C K

>implying most men aren't filthy slobs

>implying most females aren't either
have you seen the average female bedroom

>with whom


yes. i never tell anyone but it does. that's why i want a boyfriend that is a virgin, plus the fact that he would be inexperienced and i find that a turn on in some ways. it's fine though, it can be forgiven since he has some clue on how to give pleasure when he's fucked other girls

And why is that? He had other girls and therefore he knows what it's like. Based on his early experiences he can look for the things he liked in other woman and avoid what he didn't enjoy. If he picks me it means I fulfill his expectations and wishes. I truly believe people can make better choices when they know what's out there. How else are you gonna learn what suits you and what not?

No more than it would bother her that my dick has been in some other chicks' orifices, because I'm not an insecure incel faggot.

Also I'd bet money that those of you saying 'muh used goods' wouldn't mind fucking as many chicks as you could but demand a virgin. Hypocrisy, thy name is you.

>No more than it would bother her that my dick has been in some other chicks' orifices
That's what the OP is trying to ascertain.

No, you don't understand. The foreskin is inherently dirty, that is why Gods first covenant with mankind is to circumcise male newborns. The bacterial flora of an uncircumcised penis actually has a symbiotic relationship with viral stds and assists them in surviving and thriving until they reach an available hole. However when the penis is circumcised the flora shifts dramatically within just a few months.

Men don't care if they make other people sick. They only care about themselves.

Yes, and they are born with their filthiness, they cannot wash it away. Only the purifying action of a scalpel can make them clean again.

>Only the purifying action of a scalpel can make them clean again.
Trips of truth.

You better fuck him alot if your gonna be his only experience. At least once or twice everyday.

based and one true love pilled

>Also I'd bet money that those of you saying 'muh used goods' wouldn't mind fucking as many chicks as you could but demand a virgin
Fuck no
I only want one girl to fuck my entire life
I don't need multiple vaginas
Just one that belongs to a girl I love

You're right in that being a hypocritical thing incels are guilty of a lot but just because some are doesn't mean all of us are.

>I don't need multiple vaginas

what if the girl has multiple vaginas

She didn't say his is the only dick she's had.

then we set a schedule for which one will be fucked on any given night

i never wash my foreskin cuz im fucking disgusted by the act of pulling the skin back since its so tight, will i die?

Lmfao ur fucked

Why would it bother them? It shows you're a attractive male who other women want and she is lucky to have you. That's why girls find virgin men unnatractive and pathetic

that's pretty hot. I hope he fucked her silly.

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>God is perfect and omnipotent
>God made the most sensitive part of the penis "dirty" and requires men to cut it off
pick one, Abrahamotard. Also, cite a source on your blatantly unscientific BS

based if you put out often
I only desire other pussies if a woman is being stingy with sex