Ive been spamming r9k with cuck porn and BLACKED for years

Ive been spamming r9k with cuck porn and BLACKED for years

How does it make u feel

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It's annoying af. I don't feel like living up to these annoying BBC, hyper masculine expectations. I just want a qt white gf who doesn't fetishize me.

Dont fret my friend, I have been seeing a really nice pretty white girl who doesnt treat me like a BBC. My kids are gonna have blue eyes and brown hair (:

Got any pics of her?
I mean you couldnt possibly be lying on r9k

What do you get out of doing this?
What skills would you have learnt by now if you'd spent your time doing literally anything else?

I don't believe you, post your face.

Whatever MOO-SAD

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Make whitbois mad af lmao I havent really learned shit other than it makes you pinkies mad af
Fuck out of here

No lies fren, I am just ready to completely obliterate all the black from my heritage. My sisters husband is white and their baby is damn near white, and I am lighter than my sister and this girl is whiter than her husband so I know our kids wont even look partially black.

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I dont know if jews and shit are posting it too because there are some blacked threads I aint post so its whatever

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Thanks for the good nuts i busted with that stuff. You are: a national hero.

>Uhhh I-I dont know if jews and shit are posting it too because there are some blacked threads I aint post so its whatever

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It more makes me sad that this place I used to like got ruined for no reason. It's not just this spam, it's ALL the spam and repetitive shit. The people who keep replying to it are just as bad, I wish there was a containment board for you and the people who take your bait so the rest of us could carry on in peace.

LoL you just replied. What an IDIOT!!

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Sorry, I didn't realise I was running a class for slow learners. This board is R18, come back in a few years.

>ive been seeing this white girl!

Loool then why is she in that screen cap asking for a pic of u bruh

Probably is jews posting this shit too man that aint gonna stop me from posting blacked lolol

Cause she didnt have a pic of me?

I don't know why you'd care that much.
What do you get out of it?

So youre not seeing the bitch u just messaging some random who dont even know what u look like? Lmao

It makes me feel sad for you, why would you think that's something to boast about

Nigga are you retarded, how would I get a randoms number on iMessage and just start texting her? Your salt is palpable

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Bruh these convos dry af

Its not even the same person lmao

Now you just trolling. Why? You cant get a white girl of your own?

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Who is your favorite blacked actor?

ayo wassup brotha

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>She has a bumble account
>Egro you are seeing her
Fuck off, you've been speaking to her over messages for a month and you're already fantasizing over marriage, as if she isn't talking to 8 othe dudes in exactly the same way as you right fucking now.

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Lmao shut your bitch ass up pinkie

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Mutt's Law as always. You're a rootless, degenerate and disgusting american. Like the others.
You aren't black, you're just a filthy hybrid made to serve the jews.
No one cares about your degeneracy except fools.
>t. African

So she having the same dry ass convo with 8 other dudes? Without a doubt getting dick elsewhere too lmao

Shut yo obongo click clacking jigger infested tire necklacing ass up bruh

American blacks are literally the master race yall was the retards who couldnt make it overseas LMAO getting colonised by pinkies

You just moving goalposts now
>you lying on r9k
>she doesnt know what you look like
>she not the same girl
>you aint even meet her forreal
Reality is I came up and got a white girl and now I got upward social mobility, and you hating HARD for no reason

You didn't answer my question. Who is your favorite BLACKED actor?

Idk they names man I just fap to it

american slave

>American blacks are literally the master race
You were literal slaves, faggot.
Your ancestors were literal weaks fools who got shanked hard and sold to the jews (to whom you still belong, kek).
My great grandfather was still selling slaves, you mad?

Feels lame, old and tired

That dude wasnt me

But even he aint buying that shit you aint dicking that girl when you have dry ass convos like THAT LMAO

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You two are clowns LMAO

African niggas be chucking spears n shit while we pack real heat taking over America and taking all the whites women LMAO U MAD THO??

You should be happy a black man has finally moved up in the world and is with a white woman, a grad student at that, instead you just salty for no reason.
Whats the next goalpost?
>she wont have your kids forreal nigga
>she just using you for dick
I dont think there is anything I could say at this point to satisfy you when from the beginning of this conversation youve found something to nitpick about me and my white girl

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I haven't noticed

You're just making it worse for yourself, most white people already look down on you... what do you think will happen when whites begin to hate?

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>autism and insecurities manifest as a retarded porn spam
It doesn't make me feel anything.

how does it feel to hate yourself so you have to do stuff like this

>hiv infected wanna spread it to feel better
>trannies wanna convert people to feel better
>you wanna try make people insecure of themselves because you do


Don't even get upset with these clowns, just let them cope and seethe. No amount of proof you provide is ever good enough because they'll immediately fixate on something that is irrelevant. General reminder that these white dudes have absolutely nothing and get absolutely ass blasted over the fact that you're talking to an attractive white women that is showing interest in you.

Kinda expected it to be a Nigger. Get a life, care for your children

I thought they was black but I feel you, to me it is nothing sadder than a black man like this that would think he cant get a white girl unless he is a BBC thug.

Wow, that's like really bad. That's really shameful.

Indifferent, at least I'm not a nigger

told u it wasnt me/azns.

Kek, your and the coalburner mudshark's kids aren't gonna have blue eyes or brown hair, they're gonna look like literal gorilla apes made out of shit, just like you. Maybe a little lighter.

Theyre gonna be full white bro

>And nothing of value was lost.


>t. 12 year old
I have three children who are all white during winter and super tan during summer. They have blue (or green) eyes with dirty blonde hair. I can't imagine living in a world thinking that mixed children weren't the apex of aesthetics. One of my little men even has a girlfriend and he's 7. He's literally doing better than you.

all u faggots owe me an apology. every single one

Jfl @ this delusional porchmonkey. Hey nigger, lemme say this again so that your retarded double digit iq brain can start to understand. Your genes are defective, and nothing will ever change that in your lifetime. Nothing. Your skin is the literal color of shit, and your wide nose looks like a gorilla's nose. Jewgle's ai has classified negroes as gorillas, that's how similar you look to them. Your defective genes will absolutely dominate the coalburner's genes. Your offspring will look like less of a gorilla than you, but not by much. They will have shit colored eyes and skin and black pubes growing from their head. At least you know that you're shit, kek.

idc desu cause alot of my friends are black and are normie enough not to post here

Nigga let me say this again, a pretty white girl is gonna give me pretty mixed babies with blonde hair and blue eyes, and you cant stop it!

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Heads you're a kike, tails you're a troll. You choose. Your "children" do not exist. Also see for a description of the average mulattomuttmongrel.

Lemme tell you what's gonna happen negroid. You're gonna knock up the mudshark whore with a half-gorilla baby and then leave to "buy some cigs" shortly after and never come back, or beat her to death for it, at which point she will have paid the coaltoll. Very very few mulattos have blue eyes, let alone blonde hair, and your offspring is not likely to be one of them. Enjoy your gorilla baby nigger, or not, kek.