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As an intp, when I was a teenager I fell into the critic's trap. I had a lack of confidence that caused me to dismiss my own ideas and became overly cynical, learning instead to use my analytical ability solely to criticize things. How can I redevelop imagination? As I've grown older I've learned that, in my opinion, the only thing worthwhile a human can do is to create things from original ideas, and my lack of creativity is very damaging to my self esteem.

Which type is most likely to become a coomer?

Tfw super duper creative artistic genuis

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bumping for answers to this interesting question.

Do acid do lsd


Introverted so less sex, sensing to enjoy the physical thrill of orgasm, feeling so they don't realize how logically bad it is, prospecting so they don't have the structure to stop.

i would guess ISFP. ENFPs are apparently prone to hedonistic lifestyles but being extroverts are more likely to have girlfriends.

ENTP edition after a while~? :O


Try to develop your Ni? UwU

Does that improve Ni~? :Oc

And maybe ISFP-T because turbulent types seem to be more prone to negative behaviors... :(

By the way, where does the idea of ENFPs being hedonistic come from? Is it Auxiliary Fi with Se Demon and Inferior Si? :3

usually you post when im asleep. are you up early or late this time?

>Try to develop your Ni?
what does Ni actually do anyway?

as an intp, I can't stand *S*J's, but I also realize that nothing could function without them, so thanks guys, sorry I'm always condescending, but could you try to be just a *little* more open minded?

neither of those but DMT
If done correctly it can have the effect of years of therapy for a fraction of the cost and time
i've taken it once and went on what i can only describe as a spiritual journey of letting go of all the things i didn't need, haven't really felt the need to take it again so i wouldn't say its addictive
it really just lets you focus on whats important in life, theres a reason (((they))) don't want you to take it, its the cure to our current consumerist hellscape.

forgot to mention but INFP who fell into a spiral where the world felt intangible and my interests that once drove me (such as writing) felt null and i couldnt muster inspiration to do anything

>my interests that once drove me (such as writing) felt null and i couldnt muster inspiration to do anything
did it fix writers block? i want to start writing but when i go to write nothing happens and i cant make the ideas in my heap paragraphs on a page.

it mostly helped me get over the first step of actually sitting down and writing, in my experience unless i've been creatively deprived from a LONG time or am struck with inspiration out of the blue which almost never happens most of my creativity and inspiration comes when i actually sit down and start writing, i'd recommend looking up writing exercises or writing short stories using like those writing prompts from that one tumblr account for ideas

>i'd recommend looking up writing exercises or writing short stories using like those writing prompts from that one tumblr account for ideas
i found an interesting site the other day that seemed to have some good tips:

>By the way, where does the idea of ENFPs being hedonistic come from? Is it Auxiliary Fi with Se Demon and Inferior Si? :3
It's Ne dom which makes them always seek external stimuli or else they get bored, but having Fi aux instead of Ti aux means they're less likely to seek this stimuli in the form of a debate or logical discussion like ENTPs do, but rather by looking for things that "feel good" to them
I also think it's weird how just inverting the first two functions makes them so different from INFPs

This is what SOCIETY does to you

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>Mentally ill
>Forever alone
>Talks too much
Being entp sure is great lmao

the secret is not to interact with society.

Just set some goals, bro lel

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My ISTP cousin read some shit about psychology and now suddenly thinks himself to be a psychologist of sorts, going as far as imagining working in that career as a side business, saying how everyone he talks to are his "experiments", saying how he stays around with completely retard and shitty people because he enjoys seeing how he can "manipulate them using mind tricks"...

Is this normal behavior for some of them? I'm an INTP and this is honestly heavily making me cringe, especially since personally I'd never be claiming shit like that unless I knew I've done enough proper research on whatever I'm about to claim.

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>Is this normal behavior for some of them?
Fe grip

I'm an INTP who used to be like you. I think two things changed that:
1) mushrooms
2) changing departments at the university
Regarding the latter, I think if you somehow find a group of people who give genuine uptake to your ideas it's a lot easier (and more importantly fun) to express them. Regarding the former, I think ego-loss makes you a lot less self conscious. Normally when I mulled over an idea I debated it in my own head and only revealed my opinion to other people once this personal "debate" converged on some point. After mushrooms I felt a lot more comfortable just doing this process out loud, which makes a huge difference. I'm no longer self conscious about my own thought process (or of the prospect of being wrong or careless) and for the most part normans respond to any kind of confidence with acceptance, even if it's unwarranted. Note that it's not that I'm confident in my half-baked ideas now, but rather that the prospect of being wrong or rescinding on an opinion in public doesn't worry me anymore. Mushrooms - I'd strongly recommend them for INTPs in particular

what would an ENTP with high social anxiety look like function wise?

I've known people who say this shit too and it always seems like a massive cope. Like usually it's people who act like the very people they claim are stupid - I think it's an attempt to rationalize the fact that they genuinely like being around stupid people


What makes you think society couldn't function without them? I mean society as is certainly couldn't, but that's because it's designed by and for SJs in the first place. I could easily imagine some alternative, utopian, epicurian-style NT (and maybe NF) commune society without a single SJ in sight.

What do you think is the most charismatic type and what makes it so charismatic?

sensors should be shot dead.
(this post was made by NiTi gang)

ENTJ is highly confident usually and leads with Te. My ENTJ brother is Chad. He's alright.
I prefer to blend in and surprise people, but he's pure blunt charisma.
TeNi also meshes well with NiTe.

My manager is an ENTJ and he pisses everyone off cause hes like Benson from regular show fuck that faggot

ENTPs. They're charistmatic since their humour/creativity seems utterly effortless - they're cool without trying to be
I think ENTJs tend to be charismatic but they're also pretty rigid and tend to pursue extrinsic goals, which reveals a kind of vulnerability that ENTPs just don't have. I think that's what makes the latter seem cooler, at least
t. jealous INTP

How do I exercise my Te like you guys?

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Also, I thought their low Fi would give them less charisma than other extroverts.

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As an libra, when I was a teenager I fell into the MBTI's trap. I had a lack of confidence that caused me to dismiss my own ideas and became overly cynical, learning instead to use my analytical ability solely to criticize things. How can I redevelop imagination? As I've grown older I've learned that, in my opinion, the only thing worthwhile a human can do is to create things from original ideas, and my lack of creativity is very damaging to my self esteem.

That sounds like a good old TeSe loop.
Maybe he 'burned out' his Ni?
I was going to say ENTP as well, but I've seen unhealthy ENTJs and ENTPs. The unhealthy ENTJs lash out. The unhealthy ENTPs seem to selfdestruct.
You gain ah disaprin.

You guys are fucking liars all ENTPs have freinds but they can never FUCK WOMEN like me and my ESTP brotherean do
t. INFP pretty boy

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Keep it you fucking stupid retards.

Once had two different INFP friends. I like how your type genuinely seems to enjoy listening and engaging, not just one or the other. INFJ does this as well.

And you keep my dick in your mouf mothafucka!

t. Infp

Yeah desu were really good freinds but there's an evil side to infps when they get pissed that no one seems to talk about it can get genuinely scary.

T. Infp

Hedonistic ENFP here, living my best life. Hooker wasn't worth it though.

Te is brutal on INFPs, we are literally bullied into conforming to society.

Or else what you gonna do, bitchboy? mh?

Tell me about the evil side pls

Do INTPs have a evil side exept beating ppl up in their imagination?

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INFP "evil" = cheating on partner cause she was a bitch


I'd assume the INTP would devise a big fucking plan to murder someone
While with the INFP in my case, the introverted feeling builds up and up and all the feeling comes out at once. I've been compared to a goblin when I'm mad maybe it's just me but still.

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I tried looking for online friends on /soc/ a few times before, never really worked out. I think that's probably one of the worst places to look for people to chat with for an INTP, that and tons of other apps like Tinder, Smapchat etc. also don't seem to bring any results.

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The one that actually takes the MBTI seriously and lives by it.

I planned out how I'd set fire to my school for the course of almost 2 weeks in the past.
Everything from how I'd gather the required fuel, how I'd get into the school at night, what would be the best spot to start dousing the gasoline on and follow through with a trail of it in all the rooms, how I'd get away and where I'd get rid of the gloves, mask and all that clothing used in the crime... Never followed through because I was finally able to transfer to a different school I actually liked, but I still feel like I probably would've gone through with that shit if not for transferring. I really hated that fucking school and everyone inside it.

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Endless misery

What about ESTP charisma?

Sensing Feelers piss me off. I make one little remark, which is intentionally supposed to be slightly amusing, yet they act like it's the best joke ever told!

>ESTJ Shift Manager (closing the store): I'm not worried about putting [object that's usually supposed to be put up] away. I'm opening tomorrow."
>Me: "I mean, what are you going to do, yell at yourself?"

And then my ESFP coworker howls with laughter. I dunno. I guess she's trying to get on my good side and is looking for any way to get there, even though for the past four years I've viewed her as the most annoying person I've ever met... until we recently hired a male ESFP and he's even more annoying.

I usually don't forget to include my type for my name.

And back again! UwU

I'm usually late, but that time I was early! ^_^

It's the abstract pattern-seeker, past-analyzer, and future-predictor! Its emoticon is UwU ! You can develop Ni for example by examining the "conclusions" it gives to you, particularly how you got there~! ^_^;

I guess I was partly right! \(^.^)/
Also, I should've listened to my intuition who said Ne does have a part in this! ^_^7

To be continued...

...continuation of !

Are you an INFP-T close to being an INTP-T...? :3c

What type is the third NPC (the one whose hand is shown but nothing else)? :O

This is what I had in mind, too! Your cousin kind of sounds like a twisted ENFJ! OwO;;;

Like Agaricus bisporus? :O

Hmmm... :3c
Good Ne, Ti, and Ni, as well as overactive Fe and Si, although the latter can also be unused! In addition, Te may be overused and there might be almost no Fi! Se is probably average or overactive! @w@;

S-so it's like... projection...? :'O

ESXP-A! The confidence, the ability to be aware, to adapt, and to make the most out of the moment, the way they like to connect to other people, and their high energy~! OwO
Other charismatic types are ENTX-X, ISTP-A, ENFJ-X, and a well-developed INFJ-X (excluding myself)! UwU
( X does not necessarily mean 'balanced' in this answer! ^w^ )

Clean your room/home, make lists of pros and cons, plan, organize, create schedules and set deadlines - and stick to them, maybe play strategy games... or something like that...? :3c

Do you think my INFJ-T bf OC is Libra-like? Because some people have claimed so~! As for redeveloping your imagination, perhaps you could try to read and generally consume media - but not passively! Actually pay attention and take note of interesting, useful, and inspiring things! In addition, look into developing Ni and Ne! ^_^;;;

He literally needs UwU then! ^.^

Is it cruel also on ISFPs...? :'(


Where? QwQ

This! ^o^

It was funny! ^_^;
Does the male ESFP also laugh hard at jokes? :3


Cont'd from !

A self-reply! UwU

You're welcome! ^_^'

I look like what? The girl in the post above yours? :3c

The source was already posted in and ! *^_^*
But let's post it once again~: scribd.com/doc/19079731/Myers-Briggs-Type-Descriptions-MBTI ! UwU;;;

Y-yeah... I wasn't sure if user meant "Turbie mentioned INFJ 18 times" or "Total number of mentions is Turbie['s mentions] minus 18"! :O

Wh-what is a co*k slave? :'O

Yeah! Programming is good for INTPs! Or maybe a systems designer/engineer! '^.^7

Wh-why do you sage posts? OwO

Looks like this thread is over! TwT

>Looks like this thread is over!
yeah, it's pretty dead

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