Why do lolis make normalfags seethe? I think they hate love
Why do lolis make normalfags seethe? I think they hate love
If you like lolis you're a pedophile in denial, Also traps are objectively gay.
>If you like lolis you're a pedophile in denial
Did you even look at the OP image
>implying there's literally anything wrong with being a pedophile
Pedophilia always has and always will be high culture. From Ancient philosophers to the Global elite of today.
Because liking loli is the same as being a pedophile in their eyes, and being a pedophile is the same as actually diddling kids in their eyes as well.
The thing I find the most ironic about the whole situation is that the way normies freak out over any "inappropriate" contact between a child and an adult is justified because of the "harm" it causes, when them freaking out so much and telling the kid repeatedly that they're a victim and they've been abused, and they're a fragile little angle who has had their innocence stolen away, etc. etc. is in most cases the primary CAUSE of the psychological damage they suffer. Kids freak out when they see adults they trust freak out, it's basic shit.
Obviously there are cases where an adult gets ahead of themselves and threatens or uses other unsavory means to keep a child silent that do lasting harm, but they probably wouldn't feel the need to do that if people like them weren't treated worse than literal murderers by society and the legal system.
>hiding full blown child molestation apologia beneath a decent first sentence
I don't see how sexual attraction to lolis is so alien to normalfags. Do they not have random urges? I don't think they're human. I don't see how it's the lowest sort of human to them. Pedos are pitiable. I don't understand
If it was pedophile it would be banned
seethe more
I don't care what they think about lolis, I just don't know WHY THEY FUCKING COME HERE.
You pieces of human excrement just made me lose the sliver of hope I had left for this cold, harsh world
I'm glad you all know that the outside world will vilify and reject you for your degenerate and twisted choices