Why do lolis make normalfags seethe? I think they hate love

Why do lolis make normalfags seethe? I think they hate love

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If you like lolis you're a pedophile in denial, Also traps are objectively gay.

>If you like lolis you're a pedophile in denial
Did you even look at the OP image

>implying there's literally anything wrong with being a pedophile
Pedophilia always has and always will be high culture. From Ancient philosophers to the Global elite of today.

Because liking loli is the same as being a pedophile in their eyes, and being a pedophile is the same as actually diddling kids in their eyes as well.

The thing I find the most ironic about the whole situation is that the way normies freak out over any "inappropriate" contact between a child and an adult is justified because of the "harm" it causes, when them freaking out so much and telling the kid repeatedly that they're a victim and they've been abused, and they're a fragile little angle who has had their innocence stolen away, etc. etc. is in most cases the primary CAUSE of the psychological damage they suffer. Kids freak out when they see adults they trust freak out, it's basic shit.

Obviously there are cases where an adult gets ahead of themselves and threatens or uses other unsavory means to keep a child silent that do lasting harm, but they probably wouldn't feel the need to do that if people like them weren't treated worse than literal murderers by society and the legal system.

>hiding full blown child molestation apologia beneath a decent first sentence


I don't see how sexual attraction to lolis is so alien to normalfags. Do they not have random urges? I don't think they're human. I don't see how it's the lowest sort of human to them. Pedos are pitiable. I don't understand

If it was pedophile it would be banned
seethe more

I don't care what they think about lolis, I just don't know WHY THEY FUCKING COME HERE.

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You pieces of human excrement just made me lose the sliver of hope I had left for this cold, harsh world

I'm glad you all know that the outside world will vilify and reject you for your degenerate and twisted choices

Why are male "pedos" always considered evil.
But female "pedos" are considered based?

I myself am a early 20s guy, emotionally stunted and neglected my whole life, I've had depression since I was 5.
I got into loli when I was 9 or 10, idk found Yas Forums on my PSP and was hooked immediately.
I used to be attracted to girls my age, till I was 15, started seeing girls use make, etc to look "hotter"
I hated it, only like cute girls, and that happens to be girls in the 13 to 16 yo category.
as I got older, and girls my age kept being mean to me, declining me, etc, younger girls were always nice to me.
Friend's little sisters, their sister's friends, etc.

I can't help what I am attracted to anons, and at this point, I'm still a virgin, and afraid of sex, and only really want an emotional connection.
I want to love, and care for a loli, is that so bad? If things progress romantically the most I will do is kiss them till they're legal.

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>Why are male "pedos" always considered evil. But female "pedos" are considered based?
All (he, she, they, xer, whatever the fuck) evil demonic subhumans and as far as I'm concerned all should be killed.
Cuntoids get away with it for the same reasons they get away with almost everything in life and even if they get caught, the pussy pass still applies.
And from a normalfags "perspective", what a cuntoid is gonna do, Play with dick and balls/pussy tits?
Add to that the media conditioning, the first "thought" that comes to a normalfag mind when he/she hears a cuntoid pedophile is a teacher fucking a 14-16yo, And they think 'big fucking deal', They'll never think of the sick twisted shit because wahmen oppressed and good, men oppressors and bad.
>I got into loli when I was 9 or 10
I used to watch anime till I was 13 or 14 but never thought of 2D sexually not even as a joke.
>blah blah lolis blah blah justifications, copes, mental gymnastics.
You know if a hot 13yo your in a """relationship""" offered you sex you'll not hesitate for millisecond so stop lying to yourself and don't try this bullshit with me.
Seek professional help before it's too late.
t. oldfag

honestly prefer 15yos rather than younger than that, would still like to nurture and care for one younger though.
but I'm not even going to bother arguing with you.
But consider this, celibacy until marriage, I am assuming you are a christfag since you are a moralfag obviously.
If others can do it so can I, not like I can legally marry her till she's of AOC anyways.
It's really not hard to understand user.

If you like lolis your a pedo. Your meme image doesnt make you less of one.

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pic isn't denying it, quite on the contrary

>Why do lolis make normalfags seethe?
1. Old hags jealous
2. Beta orbiters circlejerk

Yes yes I get it. "I'm a normalfag with shit taste and I'm seething, look at me posting rawr rawr rawr".
Your normalfaggotry does not interest me. I am interested in lolis.

The Fact that you have to ask says it all

Say this to an adult recovering sexual abuse victim. Itd cost you teeth at least

I've been coming to this site since I was a jr in HS in 2008 and I've always despised weebs/pedo faggots
>muh anime site!
wrong, the majority of boards on this site are non anime, neck yourselves or go back to Yas Forums

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fucking based
i want to impregnate the cute bunny girl

try it and you'll change your mind

What said. You're coping

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yes, this is cunnychad territory
move along simp

i got no problem with lolis. i have a problem with you all wanting to fuck them. that shit is dangerously close to pedophilia and you all know it.

and? what of it?

also: does anyone who knows the site and board rules better know, is posting 3d lolis allowed on this board?

lolis are just exaggerated versions of children that fit whatever fucked tastes you all have. if you buy into it so hard it warps your view on children as a whole, making you no different from map scum. get help.

I'm a gay pedophile and I would never touch a real kid. I couldn't live with myself if I did. I don't even like CP.

it is actually hebephilia not pedophilia

wait so is your attraction to children is entirely platonic or what?

No. I almost exclusively jerk off to 2D shotas.

We must act to prevent the prolific abuse of 2D children
You aren't a 2D pedophile are you?
Think of the 2D children
Actually don't think of 2D children

>Old hags jealous

isnt hebephilia 15-19? very few lolis can remain lolis through 15 and 16, let alone 17+ - presuming their "lolideath" has not already come about at just 13 or so.

youre an incel pervert with serious mental issue!!

might be, but why end the thread there just for the obvious? we all knew it was the case anyway; the real purpose of a thread is rarely, if ever, in simply answering the question the OP poses.

Yes I want to fuck idealized children.
What of it?
Are you going to cry into your pillow at night because I dare have a fetish you find displeasing?
Man, your life must suck if you get bothered by shit like that. I feel sorry for you.

I'm in a healthy relationship with someone who accepts my pedophilia and helps me improve myself.


Hebe master race checking in.

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If anyone thinks lolis are the same as pedos the. they are confirmed brainlet.

Pic related.
Some people would say the anime chick was a loli. Now look at her real life clone. Clearly not.

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regardless of whatever you're into, do you really want to sound like this? really?

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>unironically liking old hags

Good thing I don't sound like that, faggot.
Seethe harder.

Straight shota pedos who self insert as the kid fucking the adult reporting in.

There is literally no better taste then wanting to be the little kid fucking the babysitter.

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like i said i got no problem with lolis and whatever you do with them. but once you buy into that shit it's a slippery slope just like every piece of media you've ever consumed. watch yourself.

Would snuggle with both of them. Especially the 3d. She is totally adorable.
The 2d looks a little sad, and I'm not into that.

Lolis seem to love black guys the most.

I want fascism so that I can line pedophiles to a wall and blow their brains out. Or set them on fire.

Fuck off back to your candy garden onion forum pedo fuck

Wish granted! Except, supreme ruler dies of a heart attack and is barely able to appoint his 8 year old daughter as his successor.
The daughter decrees that any man who would NOT cuddle with a loli in need gets sent for re-education.
You scream your lungs about how you'll never ever show love to someone below some arbitrary minimum age.
An idealistic young girl assigned to be your tutor at the re-education camp only ever wanted to sit in your lap and rub up against you, but your refusal to love her made her bitter and cold and distant.
Eventually she puts a bullet in your head dissatisfied with the world, and is about to execute herself but she's rescued just in the nick of time by a pedophile who gives her the love she's desperate for.

*stays here*
Hey, if you had a younger sister, where do you think she'd like being pet? I bet she'd enjoy having her hair ruffled.

people like you are why we can't have nice things
stupid idiots that just want fascism as an excuse for wanton incoherent violence
you just end up dividing fascists into pro-pedophilia and anti-pedophilia factions - exactly the sort of division the leftists and international capital can laugh at, and with impunity!

>Fuck off back to your candy garden onion forum pedo fuck
You're on it

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Because normalfags, being the empty-headed braindead fucks that they are, athink that people who feel sexual attraction towards children are automatically terrible fucking monsters. Actually harming a child is something else though.

I like cunny and /ss/ as much as the next retard and cannot grasp how liking it makes one a pedo, are they molesting a real kid? No, they are jerking off to 2d drawings, genuine what is wrong with that?
When I see a kid irl all that goes into my mind is how they are annoying little shits

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Sex is not inherently harmful.
If done with someone who loves you, and who you love, then it is healing and blessed.
There is one problem, though - the availability of this blessed healing love MASSIVELY decreases the value of busted old roasties that can't even love themselves much less anyone else.
And if you can't beat 'em, try to get 'em banned.

> pro-pedophilia and anti-pedophilia factions
The distinction is a jewish trick.
Are you showing the girl love for herself, your relationship, and the nation you are in? Are you teaching her to show that love back?
Or, are you rapidly consuming images of different girls, no care at all for whether any of them love your nation, and treating the girls like a hole to masturbate into and discard when done?
Obviously, pedophilia can be both a path of love for self, home and nation.
But it can also be a path of addiction, lovelessness, selfishness and distraction.

Focus on the true enemy - Jewish tricks. Do not get confused by arbitrary distinctions. There is no minimum age needed to show love for your future and homeland.

You typed way too much to read all that shit. Female pedos arent based just the idea is hot to the average underage redditor here

in before loveless losers screech "NNNOOO YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO SHOW CHILDREN LOVE", revealing that their own childhood was full of neglect and that's why they are so bitter today.

Pick one.

ok done

Enjoy your rope.

Oki doke!