>mfw when my boyfriend calls me mommy
Mfw when my boyfriend calls me mommy
We had this exact same thread yesterday.
K, you can leave anytime.
Please tell us more.
mfw wish I had big tiddy mommy gf but that won't happen
Why the fuck do so many young people have these daddy/mommy kinks? Bleh, I can't think of any bigger turn off when aroused than remembering my mother.
>mfw my-
Girls have had daddy issues for a long while, it's just that mommy issues are getting more common among guys now. I think the idea is to kind of substitute their partner in place of their parent, so they wouldn't be thinking of their actual parent at all.
daddy is far more degenerative and aggressive
mommy is loving, caring and wholesome
Kill yourself simp faggot
I have both. The mommy kink is because I want to care of a guy and like the neediness. The daddy kink is because my father didn't say he loved me enough. I don't think of my actual father at all and I doubt many people do. It's more about what they represent, I guess.
Please be my gf I can be your daddy and you can be my mommy Please I'm begging you Please!
also please be in canada
Because I love my mom and want a women with similar qualities.
Gargle my balls while I give you a Mountain Dew enema.
Based. How can I get current gf to be ok with this fetish if shes called it disgusting when I mention it ironically
Not in Canada, unfortunately.
>tfw no daddy bf to be the mommy gf to continues
Ill bite. Which state?
Remember: daddy issues are way more common in Burgerland
midwest US?
The United States of Australia, the best state.
welp I tried
have a nice day dying to everything because australia
You do not. It's rare to find a woman who's not disgusted by the idea of emotional dependency in a man.
Yeah I don't see why I girl can't do both ways. I mean yeah I think one prefer's the dominant daddy thing. One of my exes did not like the mommy thing during sex and said to stop and thought it was weird. Maybe because she had her own child when I was dating her. I don't know. Then I had other exes who were cool with it, thanks to those lol.
Hm, I was just guessing based on time zones.
Really missed that one.
>ywn get a mommy gf
Literally across the globe.
Also hating coming off as a literal thirsty shit. Serves me right.
Unrelated, but why do I find so many australian girls online trying to find guys to date online? Not saying you're here specifically for that but I see it a lot. Are australian men unattractive or not fun to be around? I thought they were huge chads.
Ive never noticed it, nor have seen that a lot.
The australian guys I know are total lads, thats correct.
when i was younger and really desperate i would put posts on here or /soc/ looking for a gf and it happened to be an australian chick 4/5 times, maybe i just stay up too late idk
Well then I guess its a lifetime of hiding my fetish. I gotta go full turbo autist when hiding the fetish porn of it, because I know if anyone found it, it would ruin my life.
Some world we live in, where girls getting choked and screaming DADDY is normal and encouraged, but a man wanting a nurturing loving woman is seen as a sick, weak, depraved fetish only the most disturbed have.
Ah, a fellow Europeanbro I see.
I love Thursday nights because I dont have classes tomorrow.
Just posting till I get bored.
There is nothing wrong about a man being emotionally dependant, I wish more women thought the same way. Men need affection too.
Personally, I spill my spaghetti instantly around men. Their nationality is irrelevant. I am just a hopeless khv.
You are a huge tease. Dont do that near lonely anons.
>imblying needy anons don't get my hormones going and aren't also huge teases
>imblying i'm not also lonely
seeking cute and clingy gf in melbourne australia
I wanna call a girl mommy without it coming off as forced, I want her to earn it fuck fuck
>doubling down
Naughty girl (male)
>There is nothing wrong about a man being emotionally dependant, I wish more women thought the same way. Men need affection too.
Problem is, while as much as I would love to be emotionally dependant that kind of stuff just fucks you over so fucking much if something happens and you split, especially if you're together for awhile. The idea of it is so fucking tempting..but I don't want it to cripple me for life. I want to be able to depend on myself. I also have strong maternal instincts to help girls myself but I know deep inside I wish a women would just care about me and give me a lot of attention and help take care of me more than anything
All men want that on some level.
Few of us get it
I wish I had a dick.
I have really shitty abandonment issues so I can totally empathise with your fears. I think everyone should be able to depend on themselves first and foremost, but it is nice to not have to be strong all the time. Which I think a lot of men suffer for, but do not vocalise. Which honestly makes me sad. Anyway, just stay a khv like me and nobody can hurt you. :^)
You sound like a lovely person and I hope you find someone worthy of your trust.
>just stay a khv like me and nobody can hurt you. :^)
I wish but those terrible
>tfw no gf
thoughts just fucking hit me randomly all the time and just instantly makes me sad. I can ignore it sometimes but it's so fucking gay how it creeps up on me out of nowhere or whenever i'm slightly reminded about relationships it makes me think about how lonely I am. I'd rather be asexual than suffer the thoughts of not having an s/o.
I'm not a nice person by any means, having someone depend on me is just another way of making sure they don't leave. I really would give them everything, though. I hope you find a girl that you can up to user, and will nurture you so that you can prosper.
you ok femanon?
you seem like you need someone to talk to
Thank you for asking user. No, I'm really not, and I don't want to subject someone who isn't my therapist to my problems. I learnt my lesson by doing it once.
well, okay then
good luck to you, I can tell you are a good person
have a good one
Men suffer for their deep shame. Men are ashamed of their sexuality due to systematic inculcation. Men are ashamed of their emotionality due to systemic inculcation. It is the process of systemic inculcation that torments the child until they reach a miserable adulthood. Sure, men are creepy and unloveable, but because of this, women become creepy and unloveable as well.
I am switch and I want both a mommy caring gf and also a submissive gf that call me daddy
and thats on being a switch
I find myself frustrated when men can't express themselves emotionally, but I know it's because it's what's expected of you. Again, it makes me really sad that it is how it is, and I can't understand why other women find it creepy. Is it so strange that someone wants to taken care of and understood? Isn't that what you're supposed to do for someone you love anyway? I would be really touched if I had a partner who trusted me enough to open up to me like that.
I feel like I wouldn't be able to express myself emotionally because I have kept all my emotions to myself throughout the years without telling anyone out of pure fear of embarrassment which is something I fear if I get into a relationship (if I ever)
Same, my guy.
I have a gentlefemdom GF, and I just call her 'miss [first name]', since that's the title she wanted. We both agreed that the 'mommy' thing is weird.
I have a friend that calls his gf mommy and I swear they are the cutest couple I have ever seen and it just makes me want to have a gentle femdom gf as well but doubt that will ever happen
It's not impossible.
I'm not going to be the kind of jackass who throws around empty promises of "It's totally gonna happen for you! We're all gonna make it!" as I know how infuriating and insulting it is to be on the receiving end of those. Still, you know, you can't rule it out with any certainty. The more people you meet, even if it's through the internet, the more chances there are of meeting someone amazing.
couldn you fucking shut the fuck up.
I'm tired of seeing this thread every fucking day you cunt.
I don't even know where to start, I am a partial NEET at the moment, doing online classes in order to get my GED so I never interact with anyone at all, I just don't meet people and I am always too scared to add people because of friends in the past that have turned on me
hell in the past year I had my best friend of two years turn on me out of nowhere, basically doxxing me to a group that hates me
It sounds like you need to work on your people skills. If people are turning on you that quickly/roughly/easily, I think you're giving people too much ammunition. I understand how nice it feels to open up to people about things you keep to yourself, but you need to pace that shit. You ought to be able to make friends, or at least contacts, without them being able to hurt you (aside from if they just hurl insults at you or ghost you or something).
I think there's a subreddit for penpals? That kind of slow back-and-forth ought to be useful for you. After you've made friends (or at least, gotten some regular correspondence with some people, and have them end either positively or with just contact petering out over time, instead of getting hurt), you could try reaching out on personals subreddits or something.
I don't know if other women do it, but on the rare chance I make friends with a male, I do try to encourage them to talk to me about their feelings. I don't try to be condescending about it, I just let them know I'm there for them if they need it. I hope you can find a partner that you can open up to someday, even if it takes a while. Not to sound like a robot, but it does genuinely makes me sad that the world has conditioned you into feeling embarrassed about your emotions. Please take my e-hug.
>tfw can't coddle every good boy and give them milk
>I can't understand why other women find it creepy.
I really don't detect alot of malice from your reply, that is refreshing. The observation that women find men creepy is evidence of the systematic inculcation of male shame. Inculcation affects both sexes, but in different ways. Men who fail to express themselves emotionally is evidence that they do indeed feel ashamed of their emotions.
yeah giving people too much ammunition came to me right after but now I fear I am closing myself off too much
and for the subreddit part, I would rather avoid reddit, I want to meet people irl rather than online
thanks for the support, I would like to talk to people face to face about my problems but it just goes back to fearing them turning on me, not to mention I have nobody to talk to
I want a boyfriend who will call me a Bean. I think it's cute.
I want a girlfiend that will hold me at night, putting her fingers through my hair and reassuring me that everything is alright and that she is here for me
This dude that I like, has really pretty long hair and he lets me braid it. Also I would spoon the heck out of him. I feel lonely now ;-;
god why do we all have to be so sad it's just a thread of lonely people that just want love/affection at this point and it makes me feel a bit better because I know I am not alone but it reminds me that nobody loves me
Dunno, I was just in the doll thread and I'm getting one and I'm going to create my own love in my own world and it's really not as crazy as it sounds on the surface of it.
I would've hoped that you can't detect any malice at all, I sincerely don't like seeing people suffer in silence. I know what it's like, and I don't wish it on anyone. I have read articles on men with partners or families just up and killing themselves, without ever having said anything to their partners about being depressed. Really horrible. Hopefully women can become more open minded about this, but I feel like it won't be happening anytime soon, unfortunately.
Therapists are a bit of a meme, but having one is great just to sort out your thoughts and feelings with someone who views them objectively, and does it for a living.
Come here user. Do you like milk?
Oops. Read my words, i didnt actually mean to imply that i detected malice.
my friend told me titty milk tastes like a sweet cream and I have always wanted to try it I guess so sure