Marky's physique is flawless

Marky's physique is flawless.

Her milk-maid skin blossoms in the bright sunlight. There's not one flaw on her body of work.

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Ashypoo was always cuter tho

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Looks like Marky has finally accepted that she has fucked up her life.

She doesn't do her art anymore and she quit instagram.

she also tried joining the navy recently in a last ditch attempt to have a career but she got rejected

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>her body of work
I wanna see that, her current one

implying someone's life is over because they quit cancer social media

is this the girl that was fucking sam hyde?

she was manipulated by him and she was underaged at the time

Yeah, that's what I heard too, just wasn't sure if this was the girl. If it's true about what you said, then I'm not surprised she's off socials trying to rebuild and move on. I wonder if she gets shit from MDE fans? I'm an MDE fan, but I'd never support anyone attacking a girl for being even an alleged abuse victim, I'd want to hide from those kind of people too if I was her.

she openly talked about her relationship with sam and how he took advantage of and manipulated her. i believe she even tried going to the police but the last thing i heard was how she ended up making amends with him and how she has moved on

>implying someone's life is over because they quit cancer social media

>she did nothing but art when she lived in Brazil and in the end she did next to nothing
>quit college
>moved to a 3rd world country to live with a guy
>cheated on him
>failed relationships since she has been back in Rhode Island
>failed jobs since she has been back in Rhode Island
>tried to join the Navy and got rejected
>said on her last stream that she has no purpose in life

Yeah she sure does sound like she is winning

i have yet to see sauce on the navy rejection

>said on her last stream that she has no purpose in life
dude most people that age don't feel like they have a life purpose, especially not someone who has been through a lot of shit and that shit has been very public/watched by strangers. She should quit streaming if she hasn't already and focus on herself, studying things she likes, volunteering, working some shit minimum wage jobs that will force her to engage with a passion until it can support her, like pretty much everyone else goes through.

there is no inherent purpose in life for anything. you know the earth will be eventually destroyed by a meteor right? you know you will eventually die and be completely forgotten in a fraction of that time right? its a hard pill to swallow but life is can cope by making trying to give it meaning but you know youre only fooling yourself.

People her age are graduating college.
People her age are officers in the military.
You guys act like she is only a year out of high school.
I mean yeah not all people her age have their shit together but she comes from a wealthy family, girls like her are on average much more successful than her.

her last tweet was literally her saying she wants to respawn
she is at the very least thinking of killing herself

>I'm forced to derive my own meaning from life, it isn't immediately handed to me with a big tity goth gf, and the world is inevitably headed towards destruction millions of years after I die, so we should all sit in dark rooms and rot to death and if you don't you're coping
Careful on that edge, friend :)

God half of you fucks werent even on Yas Forums back when all the marky shit went down and it shows

Actually suicidal people don't talk about suicide. She used a gamer word for it? Sounds like she just wants to vent her feelings. If you were really concerned you'd report the comment to twitter, they have a mechanism for dealing with suicidal "threat" type tweeting.

you've done nothing to prove you were tho

I'd do anything for sweet angel Marky

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>If you were really concerned
dude I am just here for the lulz I don't give a shit about her
if she were to stream trying to kill herself I would just sit back and watch/record

>people her age are graduating college
So she's, what? Mid twenties at the latest? If she's living in America, she shouldn't be forced into college until she is aware of what she wants to do. if you don't have the luxury of free college. If she's such a personal failure, her rich parents shouldn't pay for her to sit in a lecture theatre getting C's because she doesn't know what she wants to study.
There's nothing wrong with going to college late, it shows you're more serious than people right out of highschool doing what they feel socially obligated to do. She can work and feel what it's like to support oneself of a shitty income and then that will inspire her to make better decisions.

Yeah yeah, whatever, you can worship a slut all you want, but it's the good character that really counts.

I'm no orbiter, but I'd still say that the angelic Chiaki had not only aetherial beauty, but also the feminine innocence to make her more like the princess r9k deserves.

I want her to see this and know that she's beautiful, on the inside, as much as on the outside.

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Shut up new fag lurk more

Ah, ok, my bad I interpreted your post wrong. Still, someone on twitter saying they wanna "respawn" sounds like millennial casual suicide culture and that shit, coming from a millennial, is just venting.

shes literally already sent nudes dude...

Why you genetic dead ends obsess over such plain, borderline underage looking girls..i want to say i dont get it but i do. Fucking kill yourselves

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Eat my ass, swine. Care for a game of chess?

isn't respawning a positive thing, like starting over or starting fresh? either way it is a 4 word tweet, you really will eat up any scraps you can get huh

why dont you contribute something better then instead of being a useless fag?

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respawning is what happens after you die in a videogame

Woman in your pic looks like a soulless thot halfway to transforming into a broken sex doll. dead eyes/10, has likely taken many cocks.

I agree with you, I remember the recent Agatha shit. That girl looked plainly annoying to be around irl, if not outright underage and sickly at that

>i want to say i dont get it but i do.
why beat up on them then? you should pity them and hide the threads or tell them that these kind of chicks are a dime a dozen.

you're just reinforcing his point, if a turbo autist like sam hyde can get a girl like this it really sets the bar low. you just have to be mildly funny in a cynical kind of way and not be a huge pussy all the time. step 1, stop going to r9k

WOW, love this one, she's so cute
post more please!

This is just things that roasties say after they regret something.

Wait? What?

Hold up, I had no knowledge about this.

16 year olds are obviously children who often are easily manipulated and don't usually have the sense or the experience to know when they're being taken advantage of or doing something that will damage them long term even if it feels good in the moment (such as dating an older guy), but they're not THAT young. It's the adult that should hold 100% of the responsibility not to date someone not quite legal, but everyone should be aware that 16/17 year olds who actively seek out older men to date or don't see an issue with dating older men do have something going on: previous history of abuse, mental problems, etc. We should all be aware of this so parents know it's not "cute" their 16 year old daughter has a crush on a 30/40 year old Hollywood actor, for example, especially if that crush continuous to perpetuated and allows the kid to feel attraction to other older men who are less objective fantasies (teachers, neighbors, etc).
Just my thoughts.

subpar taste

Dude seriously that's messed up, I thought she was actually a good girl. WTF

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>if a turbo autist like sam hyde can get a girl
First of all, Sam Hyde is about 7 feet tall, he could be the ugliest and poorest and dumbest motherfucker around, but the minute a thotty catches a glimpse of his custom AK-47 pussy pounder, they'll be slipping on loli pussy juice lining up to jump on his slobbery hog stick.

No good girls left unfortunately user....

I need proof, I don't believe you, don't actually post her nudes, but where did you hear this from?

im not going to say where but it was the reason why she changed her social media names


Oh fuck, that lying little...

Damn, are you sure? Was this some discord shit?

lol how much money did you spend on her, user?

Not a cent, I'm just pretty confused on what's true and what's not.

Was she giving things out for money too?!

beautiful angel ciara



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>that comb-over style that makes hairline look masculine
>that sallow skin
>that trap-ish aesthetic

Come on, I need the truth here. Not rumors.

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ye she should quit all social media and get back on the daily grind doing art for the sake of doing art like /ourboy/ vincent

Remember when Ciara mixed benzos and fent and overdosed?

Anyone have any of her older videos like the one ranting about bagels? That was always my favorite.

I cant ignore the power of those quads, but being close enough to 40 and recently dating a 19 year old, in which she was more of the aggressor at the beginning, idk what to think. Bottom line. It feels nice being noticed by females, especially attractive young adult ones. Id love to know how many single men my age would pass up what was presented to me.

beautiful angel kasper > disgusting devil m*****

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>beautiful angel kasper

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If we could perma ban all the simps in this thread we'd have a better board.

beautiful angel audrey :3

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>sticks his dick in Bianca
>bianca dies
>sticks his dick in Ciara
>ciara dies
>sticks his dick in Kasper

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thats the same dude? both marc?

yes, Marc "cursed cock of death" Linden.

Drug dealer to the e-girls.

There's only one marc in the whole sv inner circle dumbass