25+ user thread

anyone feeling like your life ended years ago, and you're just stuck in a limbo just trying to desperately relive the happy moments from that time? but you can never feel at peace

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i ldar almost every single day of my life and dont know what i can do with it

It gets worse.

In your 30s when your body starts to fail and you realise you definitely have a 0% chance of experiencing some things, and this really is all there is.

If guns were easy to get where I live I'd already be dead.

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Life stops after 25. 27 now and I have hardly anyone to talk to. No real friends and little to no dating options. Don't fuck up like I did OP. I should've been way more aggressive about everything when I was 20. Life gets worse when you get older.

>anyone feeling like your life ended years ago, and you're just stuck in a limbo
Limbo's a kinda good way to put it but for the most part I just took to entertaining myself with hobbies which I have.

It doesn't feel like life has ended, it feels more like I'm on a raft in the ocean and people occasionally pass me by on their yachts, house boats, and cruises. I'm just enjoying the sun and time I have on my raft.

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life ended around 2011

>It doesn't feel like life has ended, it feels more like I'm on a raft in the ocean and people occasionally pass me by on their yachts, house boats, and cruises. I'm just enjoying the sun and time I have on my raft.
This but my raft constantly has a storm hanging over it and makes some of my hobbies more difficult or impossible.

I feel this too. 26, live alone in an apartment in boring suburban town. Life basically feels "over" in the sense that I haven't built any kind of social circle and I don't really have anything to do other than go to work. Trying out hobbies doesn't really change anything. I feel like I fucked up by not really building a social circle in my early 20s because now its like everyone already has established lives. I hope I die every day. I'm ready for what's beyond.

Exactly how I feel, I guess this has happened to a lot of us.

im not sure it even really has begun yet, waiting on it to begin honestly
sometimes i used to get nostalgic about the 15yo~me era im 32 now
not really right now tho

>In your 30s when your body starts to fail
lol. what the fuck are you doing. you are talking like a 100 yo man. in fact I think there are 90yos who are more fit in shape and functioning than you.
this has nothing to do with age but your genetics or lifestyle factors, sorry to tell you

>Life stops after 25
shit should barely be starting if you have done something decent earning money and being able to fuck around

with all that said I had a shitty lifting session and I right now feel depressed and feel like dying for no big reason

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my life ended after 2016

I'm 31 year old alcoholic blackpilled neet
It already did get worse

Zoomers need to pay attention to these threads.

>this has nothing to do with age but your genetics or lifestyle factors, sorry to tell you
This couldn't be further from the truth.

I'm a health freak. I have never been overweight, been gyming for over 10 years, eat a healthy diet of mostly vegetables, nuts, fish, and meat 1-2 times per week.

I'm in better physical condition than I was when I was 25, and better physical condition than over 99% of men my age. When I say my body is failing, what I mean is that in spite of all my efforts, I can still tell that I am in my 30s rather than my 20s.

My memory isn't as good as it used to be, I don't recover from injury as fast, I need to go bed earlier and I wake up earlier, I can't drink as much, I can't "go all night" any more, nor do I want to, I wouldn't even want to go out partying any more, and I've changed as a person - more serious, less immature, less "fun". And most importantly, my libido has dropped. I do not get as horny, and I don't fap as much.

And I'm only in my 30s. This will keep getting worse, forever. The fun years, the best years of my life, the years I should have spent partying, fucking like an animal with young women, and doing dangerous things. I did nothing in them. Those are gone, and I never got to experience them.

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And the worst part is, I was here 10 years ago, reading threads like this, thinking "that won't be me". And then I DID NOTHING. I played video games and made no friends and I can't rewind the clock.

me too, I remember that feeling of dread knowing this is what i had to look forward to

Jokes on you, I never cared about sex or partying and my life will only get better and satisfiying with age since I'm in the medical field and before 30-35 you are a literal nobody (in Europe)

mine ended in 2014, now I only have the memories to haunt my dreams

God damnit, i can't even enjoy proper drinking anymore because I can only drink beer
I know what's gonna happen if I buy whisky, while with beer I will fall asleep after like 6
A bender of whisky and coffee is the only thing which makes me happy, but after 2 years of drinking I know it's gonna kill me soon unless I stuck with beer

34 here. I think I'm doing pretty well pulling my life together. Going back to school for something I've always wanted to do and it has really good job prospects, and so far I'm doing pretty well with it.

I feel pretty hopeless when it comes to sex and dating, though. I'm not a KHV, had one girlfriend and slept with a few girls before her, but it's been seven years since the breakup and I haven't had anything in that time. I'm in that sort of in-between zone of social skills where I can't just go meet women in public or at bars or whatever, but I could get with them back in the day if we met through normal social stuff and clicked. The problem is that meeting anybody like that is pretty much impossible at this age, everybody I know is either married and settled down or is even more of a pathetic loser than I am. It also doesn't help that my standards have gotten higher and more specific as I've gotten older, I know from experience that settling for somebody I don't really feel that attracted to isn't worth it.

I have no friends, no one I can call my peers. I've wondered where you guys went, yes YOU guys because it seems everyone online these days is a zoomer. I remember when I was 16 most everyone else I "met" online was around my age.
Is there any way we could establish contact? I realize that perhaps many among you may feel some aversion to this idea, I don't do it often either. Yet what better choice for "friends" than those most like myself. So yes, this was a really beating-around-the-bushy, "tactful" way of asking if any of you guys would like to chat or something, without attention whores and retards

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I never thought work would feel so useless and unfulfilling as an adult.

It's a sad feeling when your life no longer feels like a coming of age story. There is no more excitement of growing up or navigating life, you kind of "settle in" to an unbelievably boring routine.

Ok well can relate to that if you say you feel a difference sure. But saying that it's falling apart was a bit extreme

But anyways you are stuck in the past, even if you did them things they wouldn't be reality now and you aren't living in the moment, sure you would have memories but so what
Chances are you would still be exactly where you are now despite everything
I'd you live in the past you will never be happy with anything constantly dwelling

I'm just depressed in the future without thinking about the past at all. You always have realizations thinking back on things and can't reflect on them. But it isn't real

I like hearing about peoples idiosyncrasies with alcohol etc. Why do you think it is that a 6 pack will put you to sleep? Im a lightweight, nevertheless I prefer liquor to beer, though I too often drink beer. I think the high water content makes it so that you have a bunch of diluted alcohol sloshing aroung your digestive tract absorbing much more slowly. Ive been meaning to try an experiment where I consume easy to digest carbs or otherwise dehydrate myself somewhat to see if i absorb all that water (and alcohol) faster.

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what makes me feel really pathetic, is sometimes i hope i can attend college again as a young 18 year old. like i will wake up and i will be going off to college and feeling like the journey of life is just starting. i feel pathetic feeling envious of teenagers and the lives they still have to live.

I had a really depressing thought at my office building; what if instead of just an office this was like a campus, where people my age were going to classes and people hung out on the quad and in the halls and relationships were a big concern? it made me very sad. i don't know why i'm still stuck in this form of thinking, like i feel like i never grew up past the young adult stage.

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I prefer spirits but I have noticed that there is something somehow different about being drunk on beer. It's like my head swims more. After doing shots it's almost like a stimulant, I can feel quite clear.

I can really relate to this. Beer just makes me sleepy. Stuff like vodka though almost punches me awake

I'm not even 30 yet and I already feel senile and about done with this life. I honestly cannot imagine living until 80 or so.

Maybe sometime. I would like to understand where other people have went wrong and speaking to people from their perspective could be helpful. It interests me that so many young men from different countries, backgrounds feel the way that we do. My life has been all but over since 2013. I don't leave the house and the older I get the more I feel disconnected from even the outcasts (because they're zoomers). I really do believe there is something wrong with society that so many people end up having to be in communities like this.

>anyone feeling like your life ended years ago
It hasnt even started yet and its already over

Those stories werent meant for us user. We're more like the Joker, Tony Montana, or Shaun from Shaun of the dead. Losers who make it against all odds. Our stories are better anyway.

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I get really depressed every autumn. It's the time of year that makes me think of new school years, transitions and things like that. Things for me that are long in the past

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Any other point in history, we would have a use. Useful to the tribe, the feudal lord, or the state. Now, the individual matters so little, that the state doesn't even care enough to put a bullet through your head. Useless alive and useless dead. Inconsequential.

Humans weren't meant to live past 38.

That being said life throws random joys at you. I love the new Wendy's breakfast menu

It feels like we are working to put tax money into a system that doesn't care about us at all. I think subconsciously this is why working feels like fucking garbage.

Fucking seasons man. In nyc I'm only content for a brief few weeks during spring and autumn. Rest of the year is blazing heat or freezing cold. I'm horrible in both. Ive been getting these occasional waves of heat during hot weather that make me feel desperate, I'm not sure if its abnormal or Im simply more bitchy and sensitive nowadays. As for the cold, I feel as though I was not made for it, my hands and feet are nearly always freezing. On the other hand Coats and jackets make shoplifting easier, so its "good for business"...

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Administration and middle management is sucking the life out of the American psyche

Most taxes come from men and are given to women, so it's a bit of a double blow to us.

The state has replaced us as a surrogate partner and husband. Women ride the cock carousel, and have kids paid for by us.

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Give me an over 25 neet gf right now.

I used to tell myself "Ok, I'm clearly not going to have a normal life with a lot of friends or a gf. I can be satisfied just going to work and then playing video games and browsing the web all the time"

Now, though...I dont really think that is the case. I realize now that most of the media I indulge is about trying to relive a certain kind of memory, trying to feel something I feel is lacking in my life, or trying to live another kind of life. It's like I'm always just trying to escape this reality and envision something else

Booze helps, but it's killing me.

Don't binge drink, anons. And if you drink hard liquor or wine, water it down.

>just trying to desperately relive the happy moments from that time

I never even had those.
I decided to forego a lot of "fun" when I was younger, in favour of getting my life, job, finances etc in order.
I told myself it'd be worth it when I found the right girl to settle down with and start a family, we'd already be in a better position.
I just worked and saved for years.

Unfortunately that never worked out and I am going to become a wizard later this year.

me too except I don't kid myself into thinking that people like us have a choice in the matter
there is nothing left but to cope

The worst advice ever is "in college focus mostly on your studies, don't get distracted by parties or having a good time"

Fuck that, I mean obviously studies are important but having fun and building social groups in college is so fucking important. A good job doesnt mean shit if you are lonely and unsatisfied as an adult

I have come too see it that way too.
Unfortunately that realisation came too late.

>Why do you think it is that a 6 pack will put you to sleep?

Because I drink in the evenings and I dont really like beer, so I take them slow. By the time I finish the last one I'm already sleepy since its gonna be like 1 AM + the sleepiness effect of alcohol.
I drink a bottle of whisky faster then 3 beers.

Its the hops
Its why alchies need to drink beer, hops will make them sleepy before they overdose

I fell for this exact fucking meme too and I can't believe I thought it would work.

What I didn't realise - forgoing that life experience early on leaves you a hollow husk of a person that can't meet the needs of or even engage with someone to start a family later on

As for the money, your savings efforts get quickly outpaced by Chad and Stacey who partied for 5 years then started saving together. Oh, and that partying means that they both have the connections to go straight into the job positions above yours, even though you've been climbing the wagey ladder from the bottom thinking was a good idea, ''w-well at least i'll get a headstart''.. God I was so fucking stupid.

I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life I hate my life

I was doomed since childhood, just didn't know it then

I'm sorry to hear this happened to you too.
I just don't know what to do with the rest of my life, I'd based most of it up until now on a dream that's obviously never going to happen.

>I just don't know what to do with the rest of my life

I realised that I've wasted too much time already and I'll never save enough from working shit jobs to get anywhere. I broke bad, quit my jobs and am using the savings to live off and to start a business. It it takes off and I get rich, great, maybe something will change. If I run out of money or the business fails I'm declaring bankruptcy and killing myself.

I don't recommend this but thought it might interest you, considering our shared experience.

the only thing i enjoy anymore is playing games on PC, turning the graphics up to ultra and walking around...Its like I enjoy simulated realities more than this one

The only way to get rich is to invest or start your own business anyway
Unless you live in America and have a crazy lucrative 200-500k job

>existential despair
I cannot stand the way the world is set up, I've hated it since I was a kid. I don't believe in any cosmic meaning, so our terrestrial affairs have to give me something to live for and they don't. I couldn't care less about humanity and feel like we're spinning our wheels to nowhere. Like this guy said the society acts like it cares about the individual but really has very little interest in helping, especially when it comes to mental health. I don't know what else to do. Nothing draws me, life is suffering, and I want out.

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>no drivers license
>no savings
>living with sister
She is filling a lawsuit against my father's ex-boss, my father suffered an accident at work and the company neglected insurance and healthcare , he is bedridden now needs diapers and he uses a gastrointestinal bottom for food i had to quit my job to help take care of him, the lawyers who already win a case and will have at least 500 thousand more lifetime pension for their children
I had to sell all my shit it was hell on earth those last 2 and half years but looks things is going to get better, im even going to leave my current city

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I meant the lawyers said we already win the case

So anyone gonna make a jewcord server for us? Doesnt even have to be dickscord, whatever chatting client you guys use is fine. I know somebodys got the in on some group for poor devils like us

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Your sister is a pimp. I don't even know her but I love the fact she's taking care of her family. You should let her know sometime how awesome she is. Do some chores for her or make her a nice meal.

I'm 2 years younger but both of my sisters only stabbed me in the back.

cheer up user, it's far from over and you're a magnificnt anomaly of material miracles that lets you have a self and an experience.
What if the very best years of your lifehaven't happened yet? What would you do then?
Good luck user. Get some sleep

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If you could give advice to your 27 year old self, what would it be?

(Serious responses only please)
>inb4 kys, have sex, ect.