What drives black people to be violent?

What drives black people to be violent?

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Frogposters or so ive been told...

The fact that doesn't matter what they do they'll always be the good guy

racists fucks like you

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we are racist for a reason, stop blaming everyone else, it's your fault

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Genetics/dna/culture, those things y'know.

Mob mentality probably

I'm genuinely curious. Not even a Yas Forumstard. I believe there are good black people out there but a good chunk of them get way too aggressive easily.

purely socieconomic factors

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As a black dude, other blacks and the absolute trash we call African American """""""culture"""""""; which basically breaks down to 'don't care about stealing from non-blacks, start shit for no reason if you're slighted, lol lmao weed bros haha, and blaming others for your failures'. Around blacks don't relax, trust me.

fuck off liberal

it's due to the poverty that they're disproportionately in. the poorer someone is, the more violent they tend to be. explanations that evoke 'culture' are just hegelian nonsense. the genetic thing is at least something that could be true, but anyone who has studied genetics knows there's nothing to it whatsoever.

There are countries in Subsaharan Africa with lower murder rates than the US.

>the poorer someone is, the more violent they tend to be
See there's plenty of poor shitholes with low murder rates.

that's why i said culture, afro american have their own "culture"

Its obviously not genetics thats just ridiculous.

the psychological effects of poverty derive from its relativity

There are also unequal as fuck places like Hong Kong with extremely low murder rates.

> the poorer someone is, the more violent they tend to be
So by your logic all the kings, emperors and mega wealthy people throughout history are kind and gentle pacifists, yeah rich people never cause violence. You dumb cunt.
Plenty of rich fucks are violent or deliberately engineer violence through wars.

Do you think that genetics cause latinos to form gangs too? Cause it seems to me like gang culture is at least partially responsible for this.

Did genetics cause Irishmen and Italians to make gangs in NYC?

im not violent at all and black girls hate me for it. so your answer is women drive black men to become stereotypes.

hong kong is a very violent place, don't you watch the news?

>You dumb cunt.
please calm down before we continue to exchange ideas
of course the rich are more violent than the poor in the expanded (marxist?) sense of violence. I assumed we were talking about the narrow definition, seeing as that's what everyone in the thread seems to be discussing.

being rich is itself a violent act because it deprives others of wealth they need.

No, but them being in gangs pretty obviously led to a lot of crime, probably has to do with being a group separated from the norm, and by extension the law, that would explain why the two greatest common minorities in the country are more likely to form gangs.

>hong kong is a very violent place, don't you watch the news?
Only last year because of the PRC fucking them over, imbecile, it has nothing to do with actual crime. They've consistently had some of the lowest murder rates in the world for a long time.

sorry, i shan't continue to engage in debate with someone who literally can't do it

OK but HK still has had consistent extremely low murder rates and you're still literally objectively wrong.

Did you accidentally forget to mention the biggest ethnic mob in NYC, or did the media conveniently not tell you about them?
You should look into the history of Jewish mobsters like Meyer Lansky, it's pretty fascinating.

A degenerate culture that was bred from a lack of respect for authority, drugs, and crippling poverty.

General niggerness

Stop blaming blacks for your racism

Ability. White people fantasize about being violent, but are too effeminate to do anything about it. Blacks have superior bodies so there's more temptation to use it. 10 year old black boys are more masculine than 25 year old white men.

Starvation, mixed-raced (like brazil), high test low IQ, incapability to solve complex problems (social relationships, etc)

If they all had good lives and lived with their own people, you'd see the murder rate drop exponentially.

Oh and all American black people are collectively more autistic and anger prone than normal people.

Why? They're the reason it exists

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Racist white people

low IQ, subhuman DNA, jews manipulating them to hate whites and commit crime as "retribution" instead of bettering themselves

They have a much smaller frontal lobe compared to other races and that's the part of the brain that falls with self restraint and impulsive behavior. Not to mention the lowest IQ among all these races despite their upbringing and couple these already terrible attributes with high t levels it's really no surprise they are mostly all violent animals. In fact is more surprising there are even a handful that aren't

Lol how can you call someone a liberal and then spout the most basic bitch libshit nonsense

>people who buy Ferraris are inherently violent
>people who steal bicycles are inherently pacifist

Spotted the nigger.

I'm surprised it took so long for someone to finally answer the question correctly. I thought this was common knowledge at this point.

If this is the case then why are there African countries with lower murder rates than the US?

>What drives black people to be violent?

Subhuman genetics of course

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ayo we wuz christians n sheeeiit

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mmm slap dat pussy girl!

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Them gorillas been keeping us brothers down

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ayo we was vernacular n sheeit

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white people ain't know how to cook

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where them reparations at?

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>I believe there are good black people out there but a good chunk of them get way too aggressive easily.

Have you tried not pissing them off and mind your own business? Really important question here.

Why won't America finally solve it's gun problem?

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We wuz a trusting society n sheeeit

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po lease brutality

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White babies be racist anyway

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pay up white boi

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momma gon' slap the black outta ya

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im sick of this lil bitch

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homocide? nigga i ain't no homo

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ayo she said the n word she deserved it

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watch yo ass white boi

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socioeconomic factors of course

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>African countries with lower murder rates than the US?
>Actually believing this.
Their countries are barely functional, they are incapable of reporting every single murder that happens there.

parts of the brain being less evolved than other races leads to primitive behavior

Prove to me that there are indeed more murders per capita in those countries then, otherwise your argument is just wishful thinking.

Stop baiting moron, everbody knows niggers are subhuman. Even other niggers. All your doing is making yourself look like a fucking retard

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>I-I just BELIEVE it's true!
Sorry sweetie, facts don't care about your feelings. Yes, the US has almost 5 times the murder rate of Benin, deal with it.

whats the story on this? i hope this nig nog is serving life in prison

>Sorry sweetie, facts don't care about your feelings.

The absolute state of liberal bait in 2020

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the same thing that drives white people

White people made it hard to use. Fuck white people.

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>they are incapable of reporting every single murder that happens there

Most developing countries in Africa aren't really notorious for their violent offenses. Even if not reported, it's not as serious as the U.S or Brazil.
Although the US is rich, most police department still catch the wrong suspects or mischarge someone for a crime they didn't necessary got involved with.