would you be fine having a gf with a slightly chubby tummy like pic related or would it disgust you?
Would you be fine having a gf with a slightly chubby tummy like pic related or would it disgust you?
need a good face tho
>t. chad
that looks like barely chubby to me. i would easily and not even think about it
Would prefer if her tits were bigger desu. Chubby little tummies and huge milkers like pic related are ideal. Prime breeding material.
did you really feel the need to add that little detail
What little detail are you referring to.
>would it disgust you
This is why you're a virgin, most irl women don't have supermodel bodies. I mean pic related isn't even chubby wtf
she's laying down and leaning forward... of course there is going to look like there is chub there unless she's at like 10% body fat. that is completely normal weight and body fat.
that's more chub than i have and i eat like a pig
if ur worried about your body looking like this, don't be.
it looks fine.
That's a better figure than 95% of American women
i mean... i... i guess your *right*
bigger girls could probably carry a child and birth better and bigger tiddies would make sense to be better for breast feeding.. but like... shut the fuck up.
completely normal body all over the world. that isn't fat, the pose just isn't flattering.
That's honestly like a normal body on a wamen. You might have a high metabolism idk
Your tummy was never the problem,Your insufferable personality is.
tummy gfs, like all gfs, are for chad only
Just eat less then you sow. Your attitude is more offputting than your belly.
I'm disgusted that she's sucking it in
nobody likes insecurity
My gf has a big chubby tummy and honestly I wouldn't give her up for the world.
Depends on what her ass looks like desu
you outta your godamn mind op
>Depends on what her ass looks like desu
that is the best ass pic i have of her
Holy fuck that titty
Yeah, fapped to a girl with a tummy like that last night on pornhub.
nah she has to be perfect and famous
fuck realistic thinking when it comes to women
Anyone who says no is not a true incel and is a picky dumbass
That's the fucking ideal female form
Actually the only improvement could be her having carrying my baby
no, I fucking love chubby girls.
t.faggot you mean.
Of course. This is how Roman goddess statue stomachs looked. I don't mind it. Too chubby, no, but this is just husky which is nice and bearable.
i also have a video with her masturbating with a bottle but i'm not sure if i should post it here
>that is the best ass pic i have of her
Can I have all your pics of her?
too much work to post all of them
Thank you for showing me this goddess
you're welcome user
no original post
It disgusts me completely. You couldn't pay me any amount of money to have sex with her.
Absolutely perfect.
This is what chubby should mean imo. I feel like most people confuse chubby with fat.
A girl that's skinny everywhere except her tummy is as cute as it gets for me.
>tfw no squishy muffin top gf
qt and squishy :3
Same here but I prefer a thick booty as opposed to milkers~
i would definitely have sex with her but i can't lie i would definitely encourage her to lose that tummy fat
As if she could lose it and keep it off. A ruined body is ruined forever. She's damaged goods. You get one body and she ruined hers.
Wow any more ?
>this is chubby nowdays
jesus christ and I thought male body standards were ridiculous. no wonder there's so many anorexic girls
pretty much everyone in this thread agrees that girls body is normal and not chubby at all
>this pig is considered skinny in America
normal doesn't mean skinny you fucking ESL retard
>normal doesn't mean skinny you fucking ESL retard
technically correct but her BMI is still too high to be considered anything other than overweight
please go eat eugenia we know its you
Then you're probably not drinking enough. Water retention is a thing and is pretty important to general health. Usually for models/actors to look super skinny and to improve muscle definition when sitting in awkward poses they have to stop drinking for a long time before hand, to the point where it can be incredibly bad for your health.
Stay hydrated kids
That woman is fat. Water retention lol. It's fat. You do not look fat from drinking too much water. Fucking hilarious.
This is normal the reason you incels are virgins is because you have standards higher than this. That shit goes both ways too look at your fucking self before you say shit about anyone else
my girl has a little chubby tummy, i fucking love it
The woman in the picture has no toning (probably a weak core muscle which is common from extremely long periods of inactivity and not uncommon after having kids). So yes. That's not water retention, but if you look at the comment I was addressing then just because you eat a lot doesn't necessarily mean you'll look particularly bloated/chubby from pictures in that kind of pose/lighting/angle.
You can look like you've gained a lot/lost a lot of weight depending on how dehydrated you are.
As I've said, a lot of people will avoid drinking for long periods of time to reduce water retention and look better in photos.
And for the record water retention is often more prominent in women as we store fats and liquids differently to men (the reason being we're building a reserve to tap into in the case of pregnancy, whereas men store fats in a way that best accomodate their muscles) which is also a key factor in why women distribute weight differently, why we're more likely to survive a famine, and more noticably, why cellulite is more prominent than in men
It's a thing you can easily look up if you're really that interested.
So you are a fat woman. Maybe try to lose some weight and stop talking about water retention on a Nepalese goat herding forum.
Imagine blowing raspberries on that tummy he he
>see someone posting about health, diet, muscle and weight factors
>assume they're fat
Why do you think I have this knowledge? Go eat some veg you rotting corpse
Oops struck a nerve did I? You are fat due to your own failings. Do something about it.
If thinking that makes you feel better about your own mediocrity then sure.
I succesfully gave the advice I wanted and tried to inform you of an interesting topic, so if you want to fester in your ignorance and bitterness then it's not worth my time. If you want attention, next time try having a constructive conversation and exchange of information instead.
I would love to know what bottomless cesspit of a life you've lived for baiting people on the internet to become one of your seemingly few joys in life, but not enough to stick around for this exchange. Good luck in whatever success you try to pursue. Going by the look of things I'm sure you'll need it
Holy shit she's impregnable. Moar?
Read the rules, no personal pics you cuntoid.
Ay Bby Want Sum Fuk?
An original fuck of course.
NOW FUCK OFF you fat ugly, ape titted whore. Just because no one on /soc/ replied to doesnt mean you post here.
buttmad fatty