Parents hate thread

>blamed for every fight that happend in our home
>told I have issues because i'm not outgoing like my siblings
>during fights insulted as mentally ill because of it
>bullied by them when not fighting
>frequently manipulated, gaslighted
>stopped caring and interacting with them
>been told since that i have changed and they don't feel loved by me anymore

Meanwhile since I stopped caring:
>both parents got diagnosed as mentally ill and visit shrinks regularly
>burned bridges with almost all relatives
>lost their jobs
And the best? Few days ago I saw a letter to my father about an appointment to pre-discussion for a psychiatric day hospital. Oh the fucking irony hahahahahahaha

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That's good user. Family is a shit hole

I dont want to post alot but I feel one thing fuck me up the most
>made fun of by entire family
>autistic loner at school, parents get mad about it
>bro gets in trouble with police,sneak out gets whatever he asks
>no internet, no phone until I turned 18
>only one to graduate with no problems
>still dont get a car when we live in the middle of nowhere
>23 finally got a car but my youth is gone
>family pretends they did nothing wrong
I get really really angry for a minute thinking about it

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im 24 and still dont have a car even though i have a licence
helicopter parents are so annoying

You do realize you're considered young till 30, right?

Your youth just started idiot

>>bro gets in trouble with police,sneak out gets whatever he asks
Did he get a car, phone, internet?

this made me feel more terrible than you could ever believe and it didnt even happen to me

i feel bad for all of you

But I dont have the experience
hate to say but I'm 26 now
Yes in his teens

Born with mentally challenged life partner Jay. So much film comes out this season about jojos and peanut butter falcons etc I get raped by Weinstein. The lawyer comes over to discuss anullment and my brother opens the door revealing my pot farm and I lose my cases. Get raped to death in jail in a mortal kombat fatality (no!!....). But its actually more figurative and I'm told by doctors later in life that my parents seed was bad and by extension I am also retarded. Receive disability now but can't afford the time for college because the motherfucker is always doing shit like letting strangers in the house.

My parents are both robots. I envy them. Born into an era where they literally firmhandshaked into the middle class.

>>both parents got diagnosed as mentally ill and visit shrinks regularly
>>burned bridges with almost all relatives
>>lost their jobs

Sometimes people are sick user. There's no need to hold a grudge.

>mother manipulated me to hate my father
>treated me like trash
>isolated me
>compromised my relationships
>manipulated my brothers to turn against me
>took away access to internet, friends, and music when i was diagnosed with depression
>stripped me of my privacy and dignity
>blamed me for being depressed
it's still difficult for me to maintain healthy relationships and I fear ever having kids because i'm afraid of making the same mistakes

>I fear ever having kids because i'm afraid of making the same mistakes

Just nurture your babies user. I am sure you know what to do.

I still don't feel like iv'e fully recovered from everything she put me through, I still fuck up normal friendships because of all the psychological scars she created

Yeah sounds need you need healing. Have you tried attending therapy sessions?

Yeah sounds like you need healing. *
lol sorry not sure how I don't catch these

i just recently started attending therapy, i'm still pretty skeptical and iv'e never been a big fan of therapy but I geuss it's worth a shot

100% just try keep good spirits user

its game changing

thanks user i'll stick with it keep trying to improve

>Yes in his teens
Man that sucks. Is he at least younger than you?

Wtf did I just read?

Fuck them. In our teens, even my siblings who before always sided with my parents finally began to grasp that they were mental.
Ever since they have told my parents that they can't demand I change but they themselves refuse to do so.
Then they only started to visit a shrink after everything was already destroyed, probably didn't eben seek one by themselves but after some reasonable adult sternly adviced them to do that.
And still haven't got better.
So as much as I care they can fall dead right now and go straight to hell.
As can my siblings for refusing to ever take my side because it would dIsReSpEcT oUr PaReNtS, but would then quickly take their sides if I was wrong.

I'm sorry, user. Fuck people like that.

Fuck them. In our teens, even my siblings who before always sided with my parents finally began to grasp that they were mental.
Ever since they have told my parents that they can't demand I change but they themselves refuse to do so.
Then they only started to visit a shrink after everything was already destroyed, probably didn't eben seek one by themselves but after some reasonable adult sternly adviced them to do that.
And still haven't got better.
So as much as I care they can fall dead right now and go straight to hell.
As can my siblings for refusing to ever take my side because it would dIsReSpEcT oUr PaReNtS, but would then quickly take their sides if I was wrong.

my goal by doing this is to get rid of the grudge.
you will be emotional shaken by them. I had this for the longest. I would torture myself with my thoughts. You have to let go of the anger otherwise it will keep eating away at you.

There's several different strategies. You don't even have to forgive. Your anger is valid. Your are just letting go of what they did to you. For your own peace of mind.

>dad left when I was young
>mom was a psychotic mess
>met her boyfriend
>he hated me
>regularly abused by both of them
>continues for years
>people make fun of me for being quiet and aloof all the time
My life was never my own.

I wish I had bad parents because the. I could blame them for my shitty life
But they've supported me in every way they possibly could do I know this is all my fault.

I don't trust faggots who say this because it always turns out to be the most mundane shit

>parents are at this underlying war with one another
>it's all smiles and jokes when we're together or whatever
>stepsister is a conniving kleptomaniac who has pissed my mother off the most
>stepbrother is a loud foulmouthed little bastard
>stepfather is generally incompetent and can't handle money for shit
>when she's not complaining about all of the above to me, she's taking out her anger out on me because who fucking knows
>"user they've been calling me shit behind my back, we're moving out and getting our own house" she says to me
>over a month later as she said the housing would be prepared for
>still fucking nothing
I can't keep holding a fucking smile and sitting around a dinner table where everyone is barely doing the same. My patience is running thin. The one time I've tried to get away from this situation before, my mother tried to stop me. If only she could see the fucking irony in it now.

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My mother is a narcissistic and my father is emotional unstable. Very bad relationship.
>constantly gaslighted and made to believe I'm stupid
>got beaten up for not having perfect marks in school
>threatened and yelled at if I speak up against letting my parents control my life
>blamed for different stuff such as being irresponsible or not knowing how to do certain things when they didn't even bother teaching me shit or letting me do my thing in order to be responsible
And a lot more but I'm too tired to write it all.

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I am introveted and I have social anxiety and depression because of them. They always screamed and lashed out at me for random things, even if it wasn't my fault at all. Maybe I would have ended up better if that shit started when I was older, but my only memory from when I was 5 is hiding from them, so they couldnt find and scream at me. Also they said a lot of damaging shit like:
>"We'll see how you'll live when we die"

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I don't think it was mundane things at all. I'd have constant bruises and cuts because of them, not to mention all the other stuff.

for me it was pretty much the same thing, except my parents decided to make to the doctor and he said i had autism so now they don't yell at me anymore :)

My mother has always been controlling and treated me like shit and regularly called me a scumbag, said I'd never amount to anything and tried to manipulate me against my father.
My father was always a little better and didn't hit me so much but he was still a cunt, not as much as my mum made him out to be but still not great.
Now I've surpassed them in every single way of my own volition and hard work and left them in the dust, feels so fucking good.

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Good luck I hope you make it out.

>And a lot more but I'm too tired to write it all.
Keep going. And the hell with your parents.

>They always screamed and lashed out at me for random things
Reminds of that time when my mom lashed out at me for splahing one (1) drop of water on the kitchen floor.
Even my father thought that was insane.
She didn't talk to anyonein the family for the next week because she thought we would delibarately conspire against her.

lol :)

>Now I've surpassed them in every single way of my own volition and hard work and left them in the dust, feels so fucking good.
Congrats user.

ah right fair enough. how old were you when it started?

Maybe 5 or 6. I'm not sure.

Thanks for this threads user, now i kinda feel my life is a bit better

Yes hes younger

>my would be parents are approaching 30s
>everyone around is getting married and starting family
>neither one of them planned or wanted that till now
>get married because everyone is doing it
>make kid because everyone is doing it
>Not even 4 years into marriage can't stand themselves
>Mother is brainwashed idiot by retarded reality TV shows
>Father is autist who hides all day in the work while earning literally minimum wage so he isn't at home
>raised practically by grandparents
>now they hit 50s and still hate each other
>but everyone is fine is told people on outside

And they still think I am going to bring home some gf after hitting 25 and marry her and start a family.
Right now I am in a phase when I finally can buy everything I wanted as a child and actually enjoy it.

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>Right now I am in a phase when I finally can buy everything I wanted as a child and actually enjoy it.
Good for you user.
Afaik Japanese do the same in college where they make up for their lost childhood due insane pressure at school.

I don't give a fuck about Japanese I finally have my soldering station with shitton of electronics to play around with and a proper. fucking. oscilloscope.
No way I am leaving for outside.

>mother had me at 35 with her second husband
>probably autistic because she had me when she was older, but she denies it
>she babied me all my childhood and fed me lies about me being great
>my dad was always working and never had any interest in me
>because she sheltered and coddled me i had next to no friends
>when i finally realized that everything she told me is wrong and im actually an ugly autistic moron i started despising her
>i never learned to deal with being autistic like a normal autist because she told me that i was already perfect
>this still fucks me over today
>my mother still believes that she cant do any wrong and never did anything wrong

I know that i didnt really have a hard life especially in comparison to you guys that were beaten and abused, but i still hate my life because im a useless autist.

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how old are you now user? do you still struggle with that?

My father is a paranoid schizo. He's also a scientologist, and they don't believe in psychiatry, so do the math. In one of his biannual emails to me he accused my sister of being a psychopath and a whore just because she wasn't affectionate enough with him. Keep in mind that he'd contacted her maybe twenty times in the past 14 years. He also abused me when we still lived with him to the point where I developed a serious anxiety disorder that has made life a bit difficult for me.

>waaah fuck you parents no car till 23
are all americans like that?

based and original schizoposter

>dad was cold and distant
>mom was mentally ill, possibly narcissistic
>be bullied at school; come home to be ignored by father/ abused by mother
>still recognise they did a lot for me so I can't really hate them
>still live with them at 25
>neet, have no friends, never kissed a girl, essentially disabled
>those same parents are still the only people I ever talk with
It's not good, lads. I feel very lonely.

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did you reply to the wrong person user i dunno honestly

>parents control every aspect of my life
>by the time i am an adult i have no skills or ambition for anything
>"Why couldn't you be normal?"

gee i wonder why

>but i still hate my life because im a useless autist.
That isn't true user. I believe in you, we're all gonna make it :3

Shit if I was your sister I also wouldn't be affectionate with a psycho like him.
I hope he isn't in life anymore.

Get help pls
Don't waste your life like that :(

Man getting abused from that young age sounds cruel :(
But pls get help too to finally take control of your own life

>>"Why couldn't you be normal?"
It couldn't possibly be their own fault /s
Seriously fuck people like that
I hope you do okay now.

Thanks for participating in my thread.
I tried to reply to everyone. Sorry if couldn't do better, but most of the time I don't know what to say.
It was nice to hear that we aren't alone.

I'm sorry user. You deserved better. I don't know your story but it looks like you're spiralling into a dark path that could become irreversible. You can find things to live for, but the best chance you have of that is to forgive them. Maybe if you became omniscient right now and realized everything about both of them, you'd understand everything they hid and held back and their pain and misunderstanding and their own trauma and abuse, and you'd see that letting the hate become your identity is such a waste of a brief life.
Please user. Forgive them. And get some sleep.

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Well, I sympathize a ton with you but the order is a bit different.

>frequently manipulated and gaslighted
>mother tells me I have issues because i'm not outgoing like my siblings, father backs her
>stopped caring and interacting with them
>during verbal confrontation(they come into my room to have a "talk"), mother insults me as mentally ill because of it, father is in the room and agrees
>been told since that i have changed and they don't feel loved by me anymore
>keep getting harassed that they're going to take me to a mental hospital
>"we're taking you to therapy!"
>sure no problem

Waste of time
>that berating goes on for 5 months,Therapy for another month where they stopped bothering me.
>tell them i want to see a psychiatrist instead of a therapist (my therapist was really shit), they're really proud of me but they treat me like a damaged schizophrenic now (psychiatrists are portrayed as these crazy doctors in media)

>Fast forward 3 months
Anyways, they're off my case entirely now. They still think I'm mentally ill but they're really supportive of me going to the shrink and all that. And they don't bother me anymore about not being as outgoing as my siblings. It's pretty great.

I take

also, an afterthought; please consider,
-could you be contributing to the fights happening sometimes?
-You can be an introvert and not have issues, but when you post 'parent hate thread's on a robot melanesian wicker bench technician board. IT MAY BE WORTH CONSIDERATION.
-I kinda think that getting into fights without knowing they're doing it is something a mentally ill person would do
-gaslighting? when people try to make you fell crazy? You feel like someone's trying to make you feel crazy? You're sure it's someone else doing it? Do they even know they're doing it?
-cut off contact with your parents without giving any clear expression why???
-people who have known you your whole life are noting behavior changes
otherwise you honestly kind of sound like an abusive brat and I feel bad for your parents. Get medicated and grow up enough to apologize to them.

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user TRY THIS:
I bet you cash money there are people in your neigthborhood doing something you would find interesting and would love to be your friend.
Do it as a gift to yourself. Or a favor to me, whichever would mean more.
Good luck user, don't give up yet.
What if the best years of your life haven't happened yet?

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>But pls get help too to finally take control of your own life
I'm more or less in control now, but I don't know. I can't change who I am now, and people often have a problem with that.

>tard brother would chimp out so bad he's been committed a dozen times, whenever I would fight with him I was reminded how expensive the nuthouses are
>parents gave me shit about my weight starting at age 8, I was born fat and still am and 8 is just too young for that shit
>I was a disappointment because I didn't play sportball or go to college like my sister
>sister flunked out, has student debt and makes very little money. She's a cunt to my parents and still mooches off them despite being given every advantage
>I'm the golden child now as mediocre I am

Sorry I missed this. I'm 19 now. And yes in some ways. It essentially shaped my personality as a kid through to adulthood, so now I'm universally "too quiet." I get nightmares often too.

My dad always intimidated me and my brothers. I'm now 27 and begin to cry whenever I hear someone get a sharp tone. I'm like an abused dog. Can't smile cuz my dad would lose his if he saw you in a good mood. Mom was nice but was lazy. Also she shamed and embarrassed us whenever we were curious about girls. To this day me and my brothers never had gf

>alcoholic single mother constantly threatens to get rid of the dog our dad got me and my brother before he died
>dog dies because she won't take it to vet
>she dumps it in a dumpster
>constantly berates us as parasites and freeloaders
>starts charging us rent when we're still in high school
>me and brother leave home as soon as we can
>don't give her our contact info
>later found out she died somehow, didn't bother to check
good riddance

Are you and your brother at least doing better?

you need to go back

>no internet, no phone until I turned 18
I wish my parents have done this to me. I would have probably hated them for that but I would have been pure

I'm Soz Bro...

Same With Me but.. 21

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