Thank god this dumb fucking loser lost AGAIN. He was a terrible candidate, his fans are useless shitskins and retarded babies. Too bad he didn't get to face off against Trump because Trump wouldve raped his jewish commie asshole, epic style.

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lmao dumb faggot Liz just dropped out so that means that with trailing by only 60 delegates he still has very real fighting chance

nobody cares about the DNC. the DNC takes your hopes and corrupts them.


You people are seriously the most pathetic retards ive ever seen. Cope. You lost again, as usual. You will never win, bernie is a fraud and he cant even win a fucking primary. NO REFUNDS!!

He'll rape the demented retard too.

Wrong. People obviously care about the dnc. Nobody cares abput bernie the cucked j*w, which is why hes such a loser lmfao

No shit, there isnt a single democuck who can beat based Trump. Im just here to laugh at butthurt commies

lmao get fucked, I'm not even american, enjoy diying of a fucking cavity that you won't be able to pay for, you'll die with billionaire dick taste in your fucking mouth and you'll probably be happy with that faggot

4 more years, lads.

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no, people dont care about the DNC. DNC is the corrupting cancer

Kek! Epic post OP! You epically owned those libcucks MAGA style! Praise kek

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least you will always feel superior while you die in line waiting to be treated.

kys you gay ass magafag incel niggers

Ya dude you really sound like youre having a good time over there HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

If you base your political views solely on the misfortune of others, you might just be a terrible person.
Grow up and quit treating your representatives like sports teams. Actually learn the issues.

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Supporting Trump is the best way to expose yourself as underage.


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liberals are retarded. they think the DNC will give them free money and healthcare, rather than lie to their face for votes. gullible retards

Well the majority of people voted for the dnc establishment candidate instead of your irrelevant socialist fraud so youre simply wrong, just like all seething chapo incels

this literally never happens.
yea keep typing AHAHAH in all caps and you'll make some sort of point

Meanwhile nobody over 25 supports bernie and half of trumps supporters are over 40. Kill yourself, retard

This kek


Ive already made my point: bernie lost AGAIN and all his supporters are retarded losers. Thanks for proving this for me, subhuman redditor.

Could it be any more obvious?

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DNC is the party of frauds. DNC exploits real issues for PROFIT into the bank accounts of people that run DNC. desperate, naive liberals gobble up the talking points of DNC "candidates" that will never give them what they want. fools

proving my point returd

I didn't know the primaries were over you dumb faggot.
If your so confident bet your life savings on a biden win.

Bernie lost because hes a weak candidate. You are saying what trumpanzees said 5 years ago. Kill yourself redditor

You have no point beyond crying about bernie being a failure like You

So you ARE underage. Got it.

yea a pic from reddit, means it's 100% true.
You retards could read that pigs are flying on thedonald and would spend a week looking at the sky

>b-bernie can still win goys
Truly pathetic cope. You know he isnt ever going to win.

>61% live with parents
Oh sorry, these are actually statistics for r9k

DNC is the party of exploitation. Obama was a house black serving his DNC puppet pullers. DNC is the party of corruption, the very evil liberals are too blind to recognize.

people like Ed Buck rape and murder minorities then pay the DNC run government to cover it up (Los Angeles).

>m-muh drumpf

ill be back to laugh even harder at you bernie incels when he drops out and endorses the establishment again. What a fucking sellout. His fans truly are low IQ gullible losers.

Nobody cares, bernie is a loser and so are all his underaged incel fans

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>no no p-pls bernie dont win otherwise b-big scary brown man are going to rawdog my oneitis while I cry in a corner

>literally no argument

Peace out, need to go to my catalysis class soon. Have fun being a loser.

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the DNC masquerades as the "good" party when in essence they are anything but. DNC is the party of classism, exploitation, oppression and even sexism (Bill Clinton and Epstein's sex trade).

Republicans are the jerks you dont get along with but will keep the streets clean.


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OP is a biden boomer

Underage b&. Go to reddit, you will fit in more there.

>blah blah blah
Youre irrelevant. Trump said this 5 years ago, dumbfuck.


>y-youre underage
>youre a boomer
Berncucks are so pathetic. Which is why they support socialism. Brb, going to learn about the effects of external mass transfer on catalytic kinetics

Bernie's only revolution is when he manages to put his pants on by himself in the morning.

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DNC will promise you the world for votes then sell your promises to the highest bidder behind closed doors.

Literally what trump said 5 years ago you fucking dyke

why am i always getting called a lesbian

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Someone post the screenshots of r3ddit having a meltdown

Dude please just quit, this is so embarrassing to read. Go do your 10th grade science homework or whatever, and wait a few years before you come back here.

No refunds, goy

>bernie lost because of muh dnc
No. Bernie lost because regular people who have lives overwhelmingly reject your shitty out of date, failed socialist ideology. Cope, you fucking losers.

We learned mass transfer in second year, low IQ berncuck. You cant even explain what it is without google. Even then id be surprised.

>retards don't like bernie because he has jewish ancestry.
hows zion don any better?

>this literally never happens.
what shithole you from?

No, i dont like bernie because hes jewish, a socialist who wants to redistribute wealth to illegal immigrants and jobless blacks, is anti-white and wants open borders. Him being jewish is just a very small part of it. Trump is 100x better for economics alone.

You sound smart, like REALLY smart. You must be like...a genius or something.

Trump hasnt had a heart attack and doesnt want to give trillions in handouts. Only low IQ cucks like you fall for bernies snakeoil

>he doesn't understand what wealth means
>he thinks illegals receive entitlements
>he thinks the stock market is the economy
I mean, I understand that you're stupid, but you shouldn't be this loud about it.

Compared to r3ddit subhumans like you sure

I wish he would've won so I could watch Trump assrape him on stage.