
You guys realize that the only things need to fuck bitches on Tinder are:
-Good money
-Gym body halo
That's it. Huge bonus is above avg face.
What you don't need:

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-Good personality
-Being loyal
-Being intelligent
-Being polite
-Being rude
-Being social
-Being cultured

>Do you like to travel?
Do you like music?
Are you friends with your friends?

Fuck off. You are a fucking clone and one more of the bunch like all the others.

I'm looking for a different girl, not the typical fucking barbie.

I hate hypocrisy, posturing, modernity, fake people and those who make you look like a friend and behind you are not.

I am as sarcastic, sincere, loyal and fuck just as mediocre as the rich shit you screw with a BMW and jock hair.

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Wtf is gym body halo?

Being ripped from working out is always good.

why tinder? almost nobody uses it. i heard you can swipe for an hour and run out of options.

better to go to a bar, and the best things for that are
-be able to talk about current events
-have a few jokes
-dress cleanly

Warning anons to not try like OP related, a sad attempt at maximizing the edge and honesty. Individualitimaxx is sad.

I don't want to fuck bitches, I don't want to work out, I just want to retire

Happn is much better than Tinder. Also, all you have to do is to look like a well adjusted grown male with average good looks, not have too many party pictures, have at least one backpacking/trekking picture and have one or two dog pictures.

That's it. You will get at least 2 matches/crushes per week, ask them out and have fun. That's literally it.

>not have too many party pictures
Yeah man i got so many pictures of me having fun at parties i better tone it down

Kek incels are right. Normies are so out of touch

bro just go to a party by yourself and make people be your friends bro

I know this is sarcasm, but i wanna vent. My problem is i think im the weird crazy guy who is only tolerable in low doses when i have something to offer.

I bought some nice clothes but i only leave the house to get errands and buy food so it seems the only way ill get a non selfie is to ask my mom to take a picture

Just necc me.

bro just stop being the weird crazy guy its easy i know a weird crazy guy and he slays bro

You're actually making my day. Kek

I don't need money or a good body. I coast on my face and being 6 foot.

bro just sit down and think alpha thoughts bro

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I had no gym body, no money or huge dick, and i fucked a bunch as a chink (get less matches than my black or white male friends). literally just exist bro

i'm a crazy weird guy and you're a useless person so people don't like you. you are useless to even yourself as you stated

>crazy weird guy
You mean quirky as in women aren't afraid of you

I work minimum wage and live with my mom. I've never been to the gym in my life. I got hundreds of matches on tinder before I got engaged. Face+personality > money/status

>i'm a crazy weird guy
Autists and schitzos are crazy weird guys.
You're most likely just an energetic normie that likes lsd.

How the fuck are you not self-conscious and insecure

I like my life. I have autism and I was depressed most of the time when I was younger, but I just learned to present myself better and use my good traits to my advantage I guess. My only advice would be to never listen to Yas Forums posters

he probably posts on facebook about how it's ok to have an interest in serial killers

What if you're 5'2?

How tall are you? Orihf

>I don't want to fuck bitches, I don't want to work out, I just want to retire
Ok boomer

Such bullshit. I'm average, poor as shit due to studying, don't have a great muscular body and I slay.

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This kinda sarcastic self talk is why you are where you are. It's a way for you to say "nothing anyone says will work because i'm super smart and know best so i won't try anything". Well people aren't going to give you a step by step with examples on how to run your life. You have to find the steps by trial and error. This means experimenting and going out of your comfort zone. so the whole "Bro just go out" can be translated to "find some activities and hobbies as well as local events like concerts and seminars or trade shows and talk to everyone about things related to where you are". Don't be afraid of looking stupid or making mistakes because in a small city ,of lets say 300k, no one will remember you if you do but they will remember positive things.

i love annoying people like you, you're so fun to play with because you're so pathetic and sensitive

>Im average
Post a timestamped picture or shut the fuck up

>bro just look at me, i'm so average man

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>get banned from r9k
I know you'd like that, faggot. Not gonna happen.

Lol, you're coping so hard. Just make yourself presentable and write a funny bio, it's not hard you autistic faggot.

that made you mad so yea you're definitely not average, nice try

>waaaah I will get banned
Okay, cool. I thought you might say something like that, so just be quiet

No one wants to hear from you

oh yes, i'm furious that i am beautiful, good observation pal
don't seethe that you failed to develop a decent personality and social awareness.

>in a small city ,of lets say 300k

I live in a town with 8000 people and basically no clubs/hobbies/whatever

>Autistic but not socially awkward


people with decent personalities don't make post like the one you just did though

According to you. And an incel is a shitty source.

i'm getting some Nice Guy vibes here

>dont seethe
Who says Im seething?

I dont have to come here and pretend I get a lot of matches on Tinder like you :^) It just happens, like any other day

Go to church.

Seriously, it's a great place meet people if you're not a complete spaz

>I had no gym body, no money or huge dick, and i fucked a bunch as a chink
t. chang

You'll get whichever vibes will help you cope. You're life situation has made you a source of pity for all around you, so I don't blame you.
Hahahahahahahaha oh im sure pal

>Face+personality > money/status
Jeremy Meekspilled

>You'll get whichever vibes will help you cope. You're life situation has made you a source of pity for all around you, so I don't blame you.

you really are a Nice Guy

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>Hahahahahahahaha oh im sure pal
Keep coping, incel :^)

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that is undeniable proof this guy is very average looking and it is clear he has a wonderful personality, i am in awe of his personality tbqh, its just beyond anything i have ever encountered in my life

>i am in awe of his personality tbqh, its just beyond anything i have ever encountered in my life
You type like a fucking faggot

Please close your browser and never visit this website ever again

Unironically thinking that girls swipe right for your bio... If an average guy wrote the exact same bio he wouldn't get any matches. You're delusional because you can't relate

Point proven. Now go back to crying on your incel forums.

aaaand you're white

Then tell me, what exactly do I fail to relate to?

my cock just got hard at all that personality, you turned me gay bro
fuck i never thought it would happen to me

how many times did you get friendzoned in school?

>he is gay now
Okay, cool. Back to my original point
Please be quiet. You arent contributing anything insightful or original

Being totally ignored on tinder

oh yea daddy spank my ass

Lol, what on earth does that have to do with anything?
Why do you get ignored on tinder? What are you doing wrong?

>Why do you get ignored on tinder? What are you doing wrong?
Unfortunately I was born with an unattractive face

bro its just your personality, do you see this pic? she swiped left on all the guys with bad personalities

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