Why is it a bad thing that females go for confident Chads and not for beta losers...

Why is it a bad thing that females go for confident Chads and not for beta losers? It seems like the natural thing to do to look for the best/strongest partner with higher chances of strong 'offspring'. It's the same as with lions but with added complexity.

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Bad depends on perspective.

I dont care cause I had chicks fall on my lap (one time literally) but was too autistic. but I think the logic is that the ugly women should go to ugly guys and etc

Its good for everyone but the beta loser

From a community perspective I think it's beneficial to let the 'weaker' men die off without kids and keep the 'stronger' men with the desirable traits for reproduction of children or just as partners.

nigga go fuck yourself you failed normalfag, this board is for true robots only. true robots dont give a fuck about relationships or any normie bullshit like that. if you bitch about being single or ""alone"" you're a failed normie who should gtfo.

>posted by someone who has had friends and gfs and is a "doomer" in middle school

The "beta losers" are strong enough to kill the Chads and take the women for themselves. Monogamy and arranged marriages were done for social stability. It was only when we grew detached from nature that we introduced the ridiculous modern system. The end result is certainly going to be societal collapse. You simply cannot run a functioning society when half the young men are Yas Forums-tier. It's unthinkable!

>if you bitch about being single or ""alone"" you're a failed normie who should gtfo.
Tell me where I mentioned I was single or bitched about being single, illiterate cunt
I'm saying that women picking someone who is 'better' than you is only natural, stop coping
And this board is filled with relationship or lack thereof posts

>betas are half the men
try 3%. we just have a lot of white guys who also refuse to grow up, and prefer video games over family. replace them with other cultures and society will be fine. actual guys who have no chance is only 3%

Because we live in a complex society and not the fucking african savanna you fuckhead

>97% of men are alpha males

You sound so fucking retarded.

society where men should be men and women should be women.

women sounds like boring NPC's with no different taste in men.

>The "beta losers" are strong enough to kill the Chads and take the women for themselves.
In what fantasy world do you live where betas kill chads for women. I'm drawing comparisons to lions, i'm not saying we are exactly the same as lions
And we also never grow fully detached from nature. Women go for beautiful, confident and succesful men, because nature programmed everyone to pick a mate with attributes that would make a child succesful aswell.
Men should strive to do the same and create the best chances for a possible child or just have a capable partner

bruh wtf is a "doomer" sounds like some gay ass plebdit shit, plus im a hs dropout. you're a failed normalfag if you unironically bitch about being single, kys faggot.

He means 3% are autistic neets on Yas Forums retard, learn to read some context clues

no, 97% are men who can easily get a date, marry, and have kids. usually around 85% of men end up with (their own) kids, but it's dropping to 80% recently because (white) guys are choosing to start life late or not at all. there are a lot of distractions to that end.

believing in alpha/beta dichotomy in humans is just one step of retardation further than believing in the 16 personality type model. focus on your own life, have you killed anyone stronger than you to get a girl pregnant? no? then don't talk retarded shit.

>In what fantasy world do you live where betas kill chads for women.

it happens in nature all of the time because the losers outnumber the winners.

>this board is filled with relationship or lack thereof posts
not really but theres a lot of those posts, though i just tell them to kill themselves or troll them lmao. idc about your gay ass opinion and i enjoy being single, if you dont enjoy being single chances are you're a failed normalfaggot.

so what you're saying is that most men are robots, and robots are in fact normalfags?

I know that fell very well

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>Still an illiterate cunt
My whole post implies that neets shouldn't be mad that people are going for better partners moron
I've also never mentioned whether I would dislike being single or not, stop living in ADHD fantasies and actually learn how to read

I'm talking about humans, I drew a comparison with lions because dating is still ruled by 'rules of nature', as in: females and males will most likely try to find the most succesful partner they can get with the most desirable traits

>believing in alpha/beta dichotomy in humans is just one step of retardation

Not if you are going by the right criteria. Anyone who has sex or gets married is not an alpha male, you are still just a cog in the machine that allows true alpha males to make the rules, make millions and fuck multiple super models as your wife gets fatter.

>ugly and proud

>lol u is illiterate and living in aye dee haych dee fantasiz xddd!!!!!11!!! waaahh me cant get girl attention therefore me life suckz, tafoowe no giraffe guys!!11!!
kill yourself you gay faggot incel, quit obsessing over normie bullshit like relationshits and just fap ffs.

>lonely and proud

im fairly average looking you faggot, i just dont give a shit about relationships because they're for idiot normies. im non romantic and i just fap to porn when i feel horny. is not caring about normalfag shit really that hard to comprehend for you dumb conformist incel fags?

>if people who have been in my situation actually make it out that would mean i made a huge mistake giving up and bullshiting myself i want to life like this, so i discourage everyone else from trying to better.

>haha u must be lonely bro!!
nahh im not lonely at all you incel faggot, me watching shit at my computer is enough and having hobbies to make me happy. if you feel ""lonely"" its most likely due to the fact you're a boring retard with no hobbies.


>Illiterate brainless cunt proves he can't read
My whole post implies that neets shouldn't be mad that people are going for better partners
Aka no-one should feel bad that they're single per se but I see plenty of neets complaining women go for better options
Just tell me when I need to start helping you with getting food in your mouth because you can't seem to read or understand sentences on your own and I'm guessing you're disabled in other areas aswell

>hey he must be lonely because he doesnt conform to society!!11!!
lmfao kys fag, you really expect me to take your incel shit seriously? if you unironically believe that everyones a "chad" or some bullshit and that women are out to kill you or some shit then you're a fucking retard and no one will ever take you seriously.


No, they are going to genes of physical attraction, not intelligence. If we want to evolve the species to a higher plane, we need to pass on the gene of intelligent individuals and let the retards die childless.
Men with an IQ of over 130 need to be subjugated to government-ran breeding sessions with qt smart women.

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lmfaoo keep seething you conformist fag, currently lmaoing @ your inability to comprehend that some people legit dont give a fuck.

lmfao im perfectly happy faggot, stay assmad you conformist incel cuck

>haha ur brainless me have HigH iQ!!11!!
nigga stfu you sound like the type of faggot who thinks hes a "sUpEr BiG sMarT iNtElLecTuAl!!11!!" because he furiously jacks off to rick and morty or some shit lmfao

>heY gUyz I hAvE a HigH iQ!!11!!
go back to jerking off furiously to rick&morty you pretentious faggot


I never said I was smart, I'm just smart enough to understand the meaning behind sentences, which seems to trigger you for obvious reasons.
You also replied to a thread with shit that doesn't matter.
I agree, being single doesn't equal failure, I'd be perfectly fine with being single, but this thread wasn't about that so disappear mindless cunt

Physical attraction and intelligence aren't mutually exclusive, there's plenty of women that go for a successfull good looking guy that's obviously intelligent aswell.
In fact I'd argue that an 8/10 looking doctor in medicine is going to have more success than an 8/10 looking dude that's less intelligent

lmfaooo i do want to be single, ive been in relationships before and they're boring as fuck so id rather be single. keep seething you assmad chicken tendies addicted hooked-up-to-a-mountain-dew-IV 500 pounds "bitch mumsy give me tendies" looking ass FAGGOT.

dont care didnt read you pretentious neckbeard fag, jerking off to richard&mortus doesnt make you a "super genius" nigga.

Hahahaha you're such a brainlet, I never claimed to be smart.
>comes to Yas Forums, text wherever you look
>don't care didn't read
Imagine being this retarded

Ok bro fine, you be you but don't go around telling other people to be like that.

Absolutely delusional. The fact you're trying to inject anti-White man stuff into it makes me believe this is bait, you're a coping non-White, or you're one of those weirdos that tries their hardest to attack robots' self-esteem. The anti-White stuff is a giant redflag that the person you're talking to is deranged.

Betas are strong enough to kill all the Chads. When conditions get bad, people riot. We've already seen an increase in nonsensical crimes, crimes done only to spite humanity - the mass shootings are well-known, but there are millions of smaller crimes that only happen out of sexual frustration. This is only going to get worse, society is going to be destabilized, and the countries which currently seem invincible will face civil war. Every group has its grievances with other groups, and you will see dozens of simultaneous genocides. Ultimately, I presume power will be consolidated by some strongman populist who offers the most. He will make society functional again. His country will go on great conquests, and its economy will boom.

>Betas are strong enough to kill all the Chads. When conditions get bad, people riot. We've already seen an increase in nonsensical crimes, crimes done only to spite humanity - the mass shootings are well-known, but there are millions of smaller crimes that only happen out of sexual frustration. This is only going to get worse, society is going to be destabilized, and the countries which currently seem invincible will face civil war. Every group has its grievances with other groups, and you will see dozens of simultaneous genocides. Ultimately, I presume power will be consolidated by some strongman populist who offers the most. He will make society functional again. His country will go on great conquests, and its economy will boom
Alright man, I don't know what comicbooks or movies you're watching, but that shit's getting to your head

Because in the wild all the betas would have got together and attacked the alpha males. These males have to be constantly on their guard and pay a huge toll of time and effort to stop this happening if they could. When humans realised this that's why they came up with monogamy, to pay losers off with a fair shot at their own female so they wouldn't revolt.

What our society does now is force losers not to revolt without bothering to pay them off with monogamy. They're just told that what's fair is to compete freely with the most attractive men in a game that's already stacked against them and they're guaranteed to lose. Meaning the males at the top of society are free to get all the benefits with none of the effort of having to defend their position, and losers just wagie away, kept compliant with video games and pizzas, meanwhile sustaining the society that the top males benefit from.

It is natural for women to pick the best men they can, it's just that losers are stupid for not only just accepting it but giving up their time to allow it to happen.

That's why some men just check out and become NEETs. Of course they give up being given respect by the rest of society for doing their part and get eternally mocked as the biggest losers of all even by other losers, but at this point they don't care.

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>oh my god bro you're such a brainlet haha you're so stupid bro!!!
stfu idc faggot, you're literally proving my point rn about how much of a "hey guys me smart bc me jack off to richard and mortimer" sounding faggot you're being.

>unironically using incel terminology like "chads" "betas" and using the beta/alpha dichotomy on humans
god you're such an autistic faggot lmfao

literally this, these incel niggas are retarded as fuck.

>waaahhh how dare you say things i dont like, it hurts my fee fees!!!!!
keep crying you pathetic conformist incel faggot. im just telling you the truth, if you unironically bitch about being single or """"alone""" because "tafoowey no giraffe" then you're a failed normalfag incel who should kys.

nigga you're literally sounding like you haven't gone outside in like 6 years

>stfu idc faggot, you're literally proving my point rn about how much of a "hey guys me smart bc me jack off to richard and mortimer" sounding faggot you're being.
>literally this, these incel niggas are retarded as fuck.
Calling me a faggot and agreeing with me at the same time, feelsweirdman

Fucking retard look at jeremy meeks and realize he is a pyscho which is dysgenic and women love him and love chads who can be shy fuckhead

>nigga you're literally sounding like you haven't gone outside in like 6 years

I get enough sex, I come here to get an idea of how much men are actually starting to push back against this and how many have figured out that this is what's happening. All the stats show that more men are not having sex and more women are pickier than ever.

People riot over real shit, not being a mentally retarded virgin. Also incels love chad

they aren't having kids with those confident chads. you can make an argument if they were fucking and having kids, but they're all on birth control and just having sex. those guys do not make good fathers

Intelligence is not a good quality. Physical strength and health are. for society to advance we need to pass genes of healthy masculine men. There will always be some loser faggot who just focuses on inventing new shit.

What kind of preteen queerbait thinks running around with vapid supermodels is a good life

>I get enough sex

nice to see people take my advice and get TOPPED on grindr

>You simply cannot run a functioning society when half the young men are Yas Forums-tier
good thing that's not even close to being the case then. is there anything more cringy than incels projecting their autism onto society at large?
red pill: you're not the product of some imaginary widespread social epidemic, you're just a sperg

>it's either autistic beta male NEET incel or gigachad alpha male slayer, it's a binary and there's no in between
yeah, he's the one that looks retarded here.

>When humans realised this that's why they came up with monogamy, to pay losers off with a fair shot at their own female so they wouldn't revolt.
this is a retarded meme. polygamy is perfectly legal in saudi arabia yet only like 1% of the population actually practices it. monogamy is natural and doesn't need to be enforced.

Haha nice one :^)


>All the stats show that more men are not having sex and more women are pickier than ever.
not really. one thing you're probably referring to is that GSS data that was used in the washington post article.
well that survey only had a sample size of a bit over 100 and the data is contradicted by other sources in which the trend is reversed

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this data is pretty recent (2015) and show that only 5% of college students were virgins

Attached: Virgin-percentages-FINAL-notts.png (701x3192, 147.36K)

this study is from 2017. most (neurotypical) men reported having frequent sex and none were virgins, while unsurprisingly most autists were incel

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>this is a retarded meme. polygamy is perfectly legal in saudi arabia yet only like 1% of the population actually practices it. monogamy is natural and doesn't need to be enforced.

In an ultra conservative society where women get killed or exiled from their families if they have sex outside marriage or are unfaithful. Monogamy IS enforced by the islamic culture. If you give women free choice they go straight to the best males, it's called hypergamy. Monogamy is natural in the sense that even primitive tribe leaders realise they can't just take all the women or the tribesmen will kill them, so they reject less desirable women who then pair up with other men. But it's driven by the law of the tribe, not the choice of the women. The women will pick hypergamy if it's an option.