LoOks DoNt MaTtEr

>be me
>rich fag
>go to private school and make friends with alfredo-Chad
>I finish the middle school diploma
>get associates degree and now accounting bachelor
>mfw I work my ass off for years
>meanwhile this nigga:
>severe alcoholism, weed and cocaine abuse to this very day
>drop out of every apprenticeship, school and associates degree (in which he was accepted because he looks smart)
>fucks hot girls all the time
>gets model gf with extremely wealthy parents
>he told me her parents hooked him up with a real estate job 45K a year, hes been working there for a year
>he was imprisoned before because he broke someone's jaw
>he has multiple cases running against him for disobeying the law with scams or breaking peoples shit
>doesnt matter because looks

yeah it's all about confidence bro. I cant believe how delusional people are, looks will literally get you anywhere in life regardless of gender. normies and ugly people have to work their fore skins off to get even half of that. his ig is in pic related, this person in completely hollow mind you, he knows nothing, yet is far ahead of everybody

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People are much more shallow than they realize and I have seen this with my own eyes the difference in how people will treat you when your LMS goes up.

yeah life is unfair. at least you're not scavenging for rotten food in a landfill.


yeah man, before I broke my back I was a bodybuilder, got much more ass and respect
not denying it, but your looks determine a lot more than society makes you believe

In addition to his looks he probably benefits from his bad boy image. He's obviously an aggressive guy and a lot of women respond to that.
Btw why are you trying to doxx someone you claim is your friend?

Chads are our enemy, not our friends.

we were friends, but I fucked me over a bunch of times. I hacked him in return, now doxing him... it's not like anything will happen

>real estate

yeah its sucky I agree, but dude he has no degree and has a criminal record. a lot of people majoring in stem dont even have it that good

That's why women rights are a fraud. Women, all women, 100% of every woman wants a guy like this, not only his looks, no, there are virgins over 25 who look as good as him (not coping, there were several incels posting pictures of them who looked as good as this guy until like 2016 were they suddenly stopped), but because of his agressive subhuman behavior.
Don't fool yourself, women are wired to fall for dark triad abusive men, never wondered why your local drug dealer gets ALL the women? Never wondered why at Gangbanger or Biker parties hot women hang around all the time? Women are parasites, to take away their rights means eternal progress.

I think looks play a large role. but women love being treated like doormats, all the gfs I had, once j stopped treating them badly they started denying sex and being extremely unpleasant to be around

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based mgtow btw #taketheirrightsaway #patriarchyreforged

Same for me, but kept a gf by being abusive mixed with loving lmao. Kinda makes me hate her tho.

Being attractive has advantages, that's just life.
Try to make the best out of yourself.
Me without gym body am almost invisible to girls, yet when I'm in shape, I feel that almost every person I meet reacts to it in some way and I end up physically mogging the majority of people I meet irl despite me not being that much better than them in my view.
Naturally attractive people have the same effect or much more and sometimes for free, like having an amazing face or being very tall.
The best you can do is improve yourself.

Stop crying and live your life weak faggot. Both you and the guy in picture are fucking faggots. I know plenty of people who look "good" on instagram and actually have shit lives. You fucking normie.

lol that's hilarious ^^
nah man there is not point to self improvement if you're ugly, you will never get half of this guys life.
kys nigger, 1v1 me irl at least I fucked ass you robot bitch

Hey mother fucker watch your fucking mouth. Or I can shut it for you.

>life in unfair
>so who cares lol
>starving africa xD
commit suicide retard

What are the best ways to treat women like shit so they are attracted to you without actually doing anything seriously immoral or illegal?

>be me
>very mentally ill
>get 10/10 gf
I am lucky af


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Whether you accept it or not, you are in control of your life and everyone gets what they deserve. Alfredo-chad has enough intrinsic sexual value to get the hot girls, while you probably don't.The thing is, you can increase your sexual value by looksmaxing. One of the things you could do is improve your body. I don't idolize the guy, but you surely know zyzz right? How did he look before? Like a regular barely visible guy. I'm not saying you have to look like him, I'm saying that if you want better results you need to fucking do something about it.
If girls are not reacting to you, if you ain't getting play, you're fucking up. It's not that life is unfair, it's that you yourself have chosen not to do anything that would get you better results.

damn bro thats kind of chad Incel-Mgtow Alliance?


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it's all about confidence. 99% of alcoholics who look good don't fuck any hot models.

also going to prison is not better than being free to shitpost about how lazy you are.

confidence is all that matters, if you want to stay delusional and do nothing about your confidence, then that's on you.

>oh abloobloo im having issues with wayhmen waaaahhhh tafoowee no giraffe reeee!!!!!!! waaaah me life sucks because tafoowee no giraffe!!!
no one cares you faggot normie go kill yourself. true robots dont give a fuck about normie shit like relationships and are non conformists.

save your irony and go socialize if you want a girlfriend/boyfriend. the only hard part is getting started.

Literally this, I've been single and alone all my life and I'm fine. Anyone who bitches about being single is a failed normfag that doesn't belong here.

aww look at the nerd who got picked last in gym class hahah, are you mad that chadlite (me) got the second hottest girl in class whilst you were FUCKING INVISIBLE HAHA

>people with networks get jobs

WOWOOWOWOWOWOW!!!!! OP fuckinghell you have just unearthed something crazy. You do realise that the entire world revolves on networks right? Family first, then close family, then family friends etc.

Talented people typically only get great jobs if theyre truly very talented. Which family members cant replace.

Why do you think kings and queens used to marry each other from different countries? N E T W O R K I N G.

You are not Chad fucking virgin. I have watched enough gay porn to know all men are really gay. I'm gonna fucking pull your teeth out one by one you fucking cuck.

Also 45k is fuck all if hes from money. Thats probably punishment for him. 45k will barely get oyu anywhere with cocaine addiction etc.

I make 45k making shitty YT vids on my own. 45k is a kick on the teeth for someone from money

He's just one of the million good looking guys out there living the best years of their lives. Know your place and act accordingly. Saves you the delusions of grandeur.

immorality and illegality are the only way sorry
call it what you want, it's the truth

haha I love comments like that. dude I'm not the lazy person who doesnt get any I'm a chad lite, you on the other hand are lying to people who are insecure. dont listen to this guy! he is blue pill and lying to reaffirm his biases
look at che Guevara over here you pussy ass bitch
>the hard part is getting started
you delusional ass nigga. it's the dedication that's hard, learning yet another field of mathematics yet another 10lbs on the bench... that's the hard part. because you dont know that, I assume that you have given up already.

don't @ me if you really don't see how easy it is for ugly guys to get laid. it's obvious you never go outside.

pfft as if that counts for fucking ex cons
>ignores every other part of the story

Breaking someones jaw is low level ex-con

Girls like 'bad boys'. If you went to private school, so you got money, and youre really good looking, people will look past a fight...

I have friends that went tto jail for the same thing, a street fight whilst drinking and ended up smashing someones face in (probs broken jaw)

Cry yourself to sleep over it. Life isnt fair. Looks is mostly everything provided youre not a total nutcase

you're weird as fuck nigga, I said chad lite...idiot

Also you went to FUCKING PRIVATE SCHOOL. You privileged idiot.

You probably expect everything handed to you because you were born privileged yet your world came crashing down when you realised youre ugly. Sorry boyo, ugly boys dont get prize wives.

>looks is mostly everything
that's the whole point of my post? why the fuck are you starting shit?

Because youre a grandiose fucking idiot thats why. You were born privileged and yet you sttill find ways to complain. I went to one of the worst schools in England and clawed my way out of the cesspit of bullies, gypsies etc and ended up clean on the other side self-employed. Because I worked my ass off

Meanwhile youre feeling sorry for yourself because youre not a model, youre probably lazy in terms of life development etc. So you look at your good looking mates and seethe in your own grandiose envy. Fuck off

What type of diet and set of exercises will make me taller?

lol in denial faggot. so a 5"4 guy can just get ripped and get laid? short guys get NOTHING no matter how great their muscle

>adolfsson born rich
>thinks he deserves everything
>probably looks down on poor people
>gets to puberty
>waaah my money isnt everything
>probably struts around wearing designer clothes
>expecting girls to fall over at him

youre probably a elliot rodger lite desu. I guess it stings more being born with potential then realising its not worth much if youre a sack of shit. This postt alone highlights how toxic you are, I bet youre a real piece of work IRL. Worse than model chad

like I give a shit about your sobstory you maggot.
yeah connections get you jobs.. but the guy only got the connections because of his looks (looks -> gf -> gfs dad -> job).
also the point of the post is to stop people being in denial about the truth. I'm not complaining I got a great above average life, not as great as alfredo in op but still pretty sick.

>attacks me personally without proactively proposing a solution
yeah and I'm negative lol enough said

>waaaah my life is pretty sick
>waaaah i got a great above average life

grow up lad

The solution is to accept that life isnt fair and live life on your own terms and dont look at other peoples success when aiming to reach your endgame. You will never be a model. So you dont compare yourself to them when working towards something. You cant work towards being a model. But you can work towards improving your life happiness. Im sure youre smart enough and gott the wealth to make that happen kiddo. Go see a therapist if not and talk out your inseucrities and toxicity

I cba commenting anymore but think about this

How many non model tier people have you encountered that are happy? People on this board think that anyone outside of the top 20 percent of men are doomed to be lonely, unhappy etc. This board is full of deluded depressed people

Looks matter yes but that doesnt mean you cant live a happy, largely regretless life. You probably just have delusions that you expect a 9 out of 10 girlfriend and millions of dollars and thats where your happiness will come from.

hey mr sobstory do you not sleep alone at night? nice projection pussy.

looks maxing wont help a short guy. there is nothing he can do.
not sure why you're implying that I'm not doing the other stuff that you mentioned... I also don't see why it matters. stop spreading false hope to ugly people.

its a smiths lyric lad. pic related. It feels apt to you because you clearly think highly of yourself yet youre clearly salty about people better than you.

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I can imagine OP listening to this whilst delicating stroking his fingers down printed pages of the model friend he's jealous about

I know its over....... still I cling..... I dont know where else I can go..

>waehh waehh you're bitter and negative muh feelings
he says as he tries to insult me (insulting is bitter and negative behavior btw)

>"mh what excuse can I make up to explain why i'm too afraid to make efforts"
>"Oh i know, i'll post a funny wojak and go full straw man"

Well you obviously do think highly of yourself, you said you live a great above average life, your wealthy etc.

You are bitter and negative, youre probably a sack of shit IRL.

Im negative about how much of a sack of shit you are yeah, go get laid lad. Pay an escort. Mr privilege over here is salty that hes not a model


i see lots of 5'4 guys get laid though.

what's lms?

no I must convince you that I'm not a sack of shit! (I'm being ironic here you mongrel)
>get laid
oh he hit me with the "you dont get female validation" argument, damn man I lost the argument for good...with all the great talking points you present :/

>he's still in his sarcasm phase
grow up little guy

looks money status
are the girls hot?
do the 5"4 guys have good facial Aesthetics?
are they rich?
do they assert status in some way?

>facial aesthetics
are you gay?
>assert status
what kind of autistic shit is this? is english not your first language?

Life isn't fair, big news. How long did it take you to figure it out?

OP isn't even complaining about chad its a completely valid observation

This post reeks of a guy who has never had trouble with women

valid if you are a sensationalist teenager.
>never had trouble
the only trouble you should have is gaining social skills. if you pretend women are like some kind of trophy out of reach all the time you are literally only hurting yourself, it has nothing to do with chads or confidence or looks at that point, just self esteem.

>wahhh my life was so hard