
Din din time with the lads.

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I might make a cheese toastie myself


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''poor Alan's dead edition''

just had aldi weetabix, a bananey, s.oy milk and a big cup of black coffee for brekkie in bed
god imagine being a wagie lmao


time 4 a nap, then gym

Ok fuckface please highlight any moments during your own cooking method here that the food goes anywhere near a grill. I'll wait

Is it a bad sign if you apply for a job via a recruiting agency and they get back to you like 5 mins later?

Yank in the thread, lads. How long before interracial porn is mentioned?

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It could be an automated reply that everyone gets

Alright lads. Just on my lunch break. Sorry for some sporadic replies.

The i800 looks a beaut to drive in Ebin. Would love to get something like that. I can see why you'd be a bit cautious though. Looks like a big car to park. Would be cool as a conversion andd travel around in. Do some cool routes in Scotland.

Might make a cheese, pesto and spinach toastie for lunch lads. Anyone else?

He was in the last thread too
Zogbot what do you think about your (((greatest ally)))?

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is it okay to unironically be a cuck if you have a small dick that can never realistically satisfy a girl

Do you do both lad? Interested in the collection of data. What purpose does it serve in the long run? Is it just a log or can you submit them places?

afternoon wank :)


Nah, it was a phone call and the guy at least skimmed my CV.

how small are we talking la

like 3 and a half fully erect

>is it OK to be a cu-

How many people do you think have those in their home kitchen, smoothbrain? I'm thinking slim to none

Remember the /goodfellas/ poster? Now that was some vintage /britfeel/ *sips

Today we're going to argue about cheese toasties and grilled cheese

i find boredom fuels masturbation

Hope all you lads are paralyzed with fear over this spooky wooky chink flu

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It's ok as a fantasy but actually living that lifestyle would be too much for me.

Also plenty of women would accept that.

Idle hands are the devil's playthings as they say

>How many people do you think have those in their home kitchen, smoothbrain? I'm thinking slim to none
absolute mong
can you see how using a frying pan with heat from underneath is essentially the same as a flattop grill? can you see why it's then called a grilled cheese sandwich?
are you literally retarded?

that's below average but I wouldn't call that foreveralone-tier

>Coronavirus hehehe the heckin corona virus oh my god its like the apocalypse like Left 4 Dead! World War Z! The Walking Dead ermagherrd NETFLIX! Its gonna be SO heckin Schezwan Sauce epic bro, better spend all my money on facemasks, and dried foods! im gonna be eating dry food LOL REDDIT MOMENT, thats so rick and morty dude!

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story of my life desu. tfw neetdom made me a porn addict.

aww bless. are you sure you're only into women? how about being a subby bottom for a real man?

my farts are absolutely rotten today

I'm pretty sure he's just pretending to be retarded.

That's your argument? That using a frying pan is the same as using a flattop grill because they both make things hot? Fuck me I'm sorry lad, I didn't realise I was arguing with a legit spacker

For me it's plain old loneliness. Just want a qt to hug. I don't even watch porn.

got to be. no one is this stupid
okay lad, here's your (You)

Just lit some cheese betwixt toast with a lighter, fancied me a grilled cheese

Fuck the Brits.
America is number one, imagine having a tiny half of an island with CCTV intrusion and terrible dental care

just gonna grill up a stir fry then grill up a few onions, maybe grill some broccoli too. If I'm still hungry I might grill some toast with some grilled coffee

>grilled coffee
Mmm grilling some water with the old kettle, is it?

Imagine going into debt for getting ill
Imagine your kids have to be checked for guns before school
Imagine coming to a brit thread to feel better about your own pathetic existence.

fair play, i know it's hard not to watch it as a single guy

Gr8 b8 m8 I highly r8

>America is number one, imagine having a tiny half of an island with CCTV intrusion and terrible dental care

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>Imagine owning a third of the entire world and losing it to faggotry
>Imagine living in fear of your own cucked police force
>Imagine needing a licence for living

Immigration really fucked you fags up lmao

Learn to quote properly you toothrot nigger

Shouldn't you be listening to mumble rap while prepping the bull, Hayden?

My name is Adrian.

Hang on what's all this about Poleaboo's blog going private??


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what was all that shit between poley and nubs about?

Imagine having a few hundred years of history, you literally owned nothing.
How many of your cilivilans are killed by cops?
You live in 56% land and you take to me about immigration?

Yeah we can actually own guns and shoot our niggers dead. Meanwhile you tea trannies let mudslimes stab fuckers in broad daylight and celebrate it.

Also, you're a tripfag. Your kind are hated. Get out.

Poley tried bullying nubs into being his mate and when nubs said no he threw a shit fit.
Nubs called him out and he then tried to play the victim and left.

>Yeah we can actually own guns and shoot our niggers dead. Meanwhile you tea trannies let mudslimes stab fuckers in broad daylight and celebrate it. *did i do good shlomo*

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We can own guns too pal, if you weren't a brainlet you'd know that.

Serious question if anyone is from the UK here, has anyone tried Christmas Tinner? The canned food?

well thats the bathroom clean

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I LOVE Nubs. I'm in contact with her on email and I'm going to defeat her fear of getting a partner by making her MY GF.

anyone up for local tonight?

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>"iron"? Don't be silly mate that's a shirt grill

>You live in a radon affected area

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look up the balfour declaration you fucking mong

>just updating my status on my Twitter page, honey

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No you can't, there's no need to lie in front of all your little friends to look cool.

I don't think it's something I could do. I would want to be monogamous to my love.
I think a small dicked man can still satisfy a woman. A true individual knows that intimacy and satisfaction goes beyond pure penetration. If it's something that's really an issues, there are always toys you can use to enhance your size or to stimulate her in other ways

i'm so jealous of her waist :sob:

@57029062 (nou4u)
The zionist conspiracy runs deep, the government is complacent with Mossad agents in the UK police that harrass me because i expose israel and its agents (Simon Elliot, Tommy Robinson, Paul Golding, Jayda Fransen, Katie Hopkins etc). But in recent times americans have become the number 1 goyim, and while uk citizens hate or dont care about israel you lot LOVE the fucking country



okay thank you

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>people think that advert by game in computer game magazines decades ago is real.

thanks guys i guess ill try to work on other areas to compensate and hope i can find one that will accept that

It was just a joke at first, but eventually they did make a small batch of legit tins that sold out almost immediately

is that Nubs?


desu if you've got as far as actually getting naked with a girl you're already over the hardest part. It's unlikely she'll turn you down at that stage unless she's incredibly shallow or felt you deceived her in some way

This is now /NubsFeel/. We all worship our new queen.

Woke up at 1000 after going to bed at 0200. Immediately brushed my teeth and washed my face. I then had a coffee and toast with peanut butter. I then got comfy in the sofa and watched Hunger (2009). It was an okay horror film. Then I had another coffee and downed a pint of cordial.

Now? I'm considering cracking open the beers.

Simp faggot, get deported

More like /NubsFeet/. I'd love a good sniff of them after a hard rock climbing session

why are you using military time lad? Just makes you sound autistic

No it doesn't, mate. Only brainlets use 12 hour time. Also I am autistic maybe that has something to do with it.

mmmm I'd love to cop a /feel/ of Nubs x

why can't we be like the greeks and beat up migrants and m*slims?