Save Yas Forums with one change

Save Yas Forums with one change.

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W-w-what change?

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everyone's dicks fall off

make it blue

If your not a spicbot you get raped

Blue board, anime posting is banned.

all NSFW content banned. Yas Forums permanently moved to 4channel

>daily porn containment thread, all porn must be posted in that thread, no porn allowed in other threads unless it fits the context of the thread
>humorous word filters for the words fembot, BBC, BWC, femanon, tranny, doomer, maybe sex, and maybe a few other words as well
>more OC and memes
A good idea, but maybe a little simplistic.

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make it blue and make the robot reset every month or so, this thing is annoying as fuck and everyone just writes some bullshit to avoid it

yeah that shit needs to be purged. who even likes reading those posts other than transitioned persons?

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Based as blue as the sky

Enable flags so I can filter all race-obsessed amerimutts with ease.

Get rid of all posts relating to sex. Would make this board so much better.

>hates Americans
>hates anime
>posts on American anime forum
Why are you people here. Go to an Indian video game forum or something

the rules are actually enforced, which is to say, original posting, no random nonsense at the end of your message, and oh well, we can add in the banning of porn as well. basically, make it less like b

We are not the same poster dumbass.

no trannies, no lgbt threads

/r9gay/ removed permanently. It's not even original. Its a glorified faggot general.

Ban sex havers.


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>you people
I am aware.

Keep /lgbt/ in /lgbt/

no roasties
that's literally all you have to do
anyone says they're female? boom
banned from r9k
would get rid of 50% of the shit tier threads easily

Hating anime and hating america shouldnt be grouped together i noticed that you were adressing two people.

No men are allowed to post, all male posters will be banned

I was too lazy to separate them desu my bad. Mostly typing with one hand here

establish a people's republic

Fair enough user rest your hand.

anything trans related gets deleted, the poster range banned

change to the Robot: prevent unoriginal posts by comparing WORDS, not by individual chars. I thought implementing AI is cheap these days..?

why do women think they're witty? they always go

Just make it a blue board and it will be a hundred times more tolerable, the spamming faggots will at least have to be a bit more creative.

>OP said make one change
>all the retards making multiple changes
every time

i leave it forever and never come back

require one aggie pic per post (so I can build up my collection, of course)

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you can never fully leave, lets be honest

>Kill anime niggers
>Permaban anime niggers
>Rape anime niggers

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this isn't even a debate user:

Yas Forums

how can this ONE small change completely fix the board you love to hate and hate to love? click here to find out! (coombrains HATE this!!)

>no LGBT
>blue board
>no sex related things
>ban females
Any of these would be an improvement

Kicking fuckers like you off this board

No NEETs allowed, they just make the place more degenerate, get a job hippies.

hit delet

Shut it all down

Incels dominate R9k

yeah just work for mr shekel berg and give him your tax money bro

basedjak posters get permab&

she looks very masculine in that picture

ban people who say they have gfs or bfs because theyre normies

trannies go by by

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New rule: Gay shit goes on

these right here THESE THESE and no more larpers

all zoomers banned permanently.

silent ban anyone older than 22

having old people in your lithuanian osteopath training camp is more useful than you think

Make people purchase age verification cards so that kids under 21 can't watch porn or use Yas Forums and watch the whole world become less degenerate in a single generation.

All users are forced to work as sex workers, living independently off of the money earned.

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>tfw Yas Forums is entirely gamrgurls and camwhores now

It's all because of discord lol, everyone is an "e-boy" or "e-girl" now

Wrong and bluepilled. Their influence is bad and their memes are bad

>wtf even is a perp spective lmfao
>y do u keep saying that gay shit about not learning history and being a doomer with Pete lmfao

>blue board
Terrible idea just ban porn or whatever don't make it blue. Ban people who post actual shit, cuck threads, britfeel, if they sound normie, bbc threads...

>Remove phoneposters
>Ban nsfw and wojacks
>Ban Yas Forumsfugees, incels and normies

All of this sounds good, but if we're real here. Anyone who isn't a robot. Should just get out. If you talk to girls regulary, if you not a virgin just leave.

Anyways, ill be packing my bags aswell

you will be back, no one leaves forever..