Why do struggling single mothers come under fire for how their children turn out and not the deadbeat fathers who left their families to a miserable fate?
Why do struggling single mothers come under fire for how their children turn out and not the deadbeat fathers who left...
It's both parents faults.
>implying all fathers are cheaters, deadbeats, and abusers
shouldn't have fucked in the first place
>Choose a deadbeat man to have your kid
>Expect no responsibility or consequences, shunt whatever responsibility and consequences you have for your poor decision making unto others
Women are meant to be these magick witches who can perceive when a man is a "nice guy incel" from ten thousand miles away using their powers given to them by the Earth Mother, yet can't tell when a man is gonna be a deadbeat? Crazy.
because people still have no perception on how difficult it really is to parent a child.
keeping a kid alive ain't hard, but making sure they end up being functional stable adults is like walking through a landmine, and that's difficult enough as a couple let alone as a single parent, and instead of recognising how hard it is to actually educate a kid people just assume "making sure it's alive by the time they're 18" is enough.
my parents did that mistake with me and my sister, sure we're alive post 18, but we're both mental wrecks. if you fucks ever become parents make sure you teach your kids how to actually be functional people, don't just baby them in everything while also yelling at the top of your lungs how they don't know how to do shit, take time out of your day to force them to be more productive, make them partake in hobbies, physical activaties, etc when they don't have school, force them to socialize and be good role models, not perfect ones, nobody is, but good enough.
point is, is the kid a fuck up because of his mom? yup, kids end up the way they are due to their environment growing up plus the education they're given. do i really blame her since she was left alone? only if i knew more details, for all i know she could have tried her best but also had to keep 2 other jobs just to keep the boat afloat, in which case nobody can really blame her, however dead beat single moms aren't that uncommon either, and those 100% deserve the hatred they get
Not sure. But I am glad my mom and dad had the kind of love that they had for each other. Their relationship has last over 30 years.
this. men can't be held accountable since they have no brains.
I know so many single moms in person, they all work hard to support their kids alone and none of us know the father, we just know that he contributed sperm and that's it. Your scenario is true and not exaggerating, they unironically BOLT as soon as she's pregnant and live their lives without her
I am lucky that I have two parents, but its obvious they didn't want to have kids and I was a unfortunate consequences.
>cheats on you
>divorces you
>takes your kids
>takes your house
>takes your money
>gets dumped by Chad
>"I'm a struggling single mother, Where did all the good men go?"
Nothing personal, kid.
Deadbeat dads are held accountable, though. The state sends armed men after them to make them pay alimony/child support, and society despises them. It's women who don't hold them accountable and keep fucking them.
because the woman chose to have a kid with that retard...
>choosing between a retard who will leave and another retard who was never there in the first place
yeah this is clearly the womans fault.
Because for every dead beat father there are 20 women who left because they are bored.
...what? you have to be a woman, only a woman can write something that fucking stupid
good opinion, retard. i bet you have lots of kids that you take good care of.
Yeah. Only women are desperate enough for companionship to let it affect their self-control.
Imagine thinking paying for your kid is all there is to being a father. Paying for your kid is the absolute bare minimum of parental responsibilities.
It's still being held responsible as much as possible, champ. You're moving the goalposts, do better.
>and not the deadbeat fathers who left their families to a miserable fate?
Because that would be racist
>get a girl pregnant
>she refuses to get an abortion or give it up for adoption
>break up over the argument
>figure if you have to have a kid you may as well get joint custody
>lose all custody because male
>child support
>she tries to live off of just the child support, doing nothing else
>kid suffers because lazy fat dumb fucking woman with no education + no father because female = sociopath
yeah man could be the dads fault too
what the fuck are you talking about? i can't follow you at all. if you have a child with a guy who decided to take off, then you chose a shit guy. you were not forced to be with him. he's a piece of shit, but you ignored red flags. i know someone in this exact situation, she had 2 kids with a jail bird drug addict loser and for some reason she's surprised that he was still a jail bird drug addict loser after the kids came out. stupid fucking bitch
And yet incels/MGTOW/etc. don't want to meet even that.
>Sorry, Timmy, no time to play catch now! Daddy has to regurgitate anti-alimony memes on Yas Forums!
Evidence of that ridiculous claim?
Men hate responsibility. Plenty of men bail as soon as a woman gets pregnant. But ofc your biased incel peabrain will try any excuse to blame women.
No, being held responsible "as much as possible" would be sole custody of the kid.
if a man wants the child aborted, but the woman refuses, the man should have no ties to that kid forced upon him.
Dumb mental gymnastics cunt
Considering women are awarded custody in the majority of cases, despite protests from fathers, I think you are being disingenuous here, champ. You also can't force a man to raise a kid as effectively as you can force him to fork over money. It's not possible to hold a guy at gunpoint and tell him to have a man-to-man talk with his son.
>Women are able to read minds and tell when a man is an evil "nice guy" incel
>But they can't tell when a man is a pathological liar
This is weird. Maybe women are just dumb.
>implying men never lie
>implying men never manipulate
>implying men never make false promises
>implying a lot of men dont want kids or hate them once they are born
>implying men never pretend to be someone good then change as soon as the baby is born
Half the dudes on this board claim to have been abused by women with bpd. You think you would have grasped the concept that not everyone is open and honest about the fact they are a shitty person, and that relationships are complicated nuanced things when feelings and kids are involved, but no. You are still completely biased.
My attractive cousin was asked out by a decent, educated, and employed guy but instead she went for a drug dealer who immediately left her when he got her pregnant. I seriously don't understand why women do make these choices...
>Women are able to read minds and tell when a man is an evil "nice guy" incel
>But they can't tell when a man is a pathological liar
Again, kinda crazy.
Pathological liars pretend to be charming and nice. Incels on the other hand are too retarded to even pretend to be charming or nice and betray their inner ugliness as soon as they open their mouths. That is why pathological liars get ahead and you dont.
>Women are able to read minds and tell when a man is an evil "nice guy" incel
>But they can't tell when a man is a pathological liar
Maybe women are just dumb.
>incels can tell when a woman is a roastie gigawhore
>but incels still end up getting abused by roastie gigawhores with bpd
Wow, maybe incels really are retarded.
i thought you all had an epic female personality detector that sets off alarms when you come in contact with a guy who is only out to use and manipulate you? lol. you're all full of shit, your pussy got wet for some guy and you didn't give a shit about the consequences because he was sooooo hot
Yes, incels are retarded. Nobody has claimed otherwise. However, I see lots of people claim women are perceptive enough to tell when a man is an incel nice guy, yet they can't tell when a man is a deadbeat. Just crazy.
I'm not a nice guy and I don't jerk off to traps, I have dated a lot of women, and I am a misogynist. If anything I am a deadbeat psychopath.
What I am gathering from this thread is that women are comically easy to manipulate and thus shouldn't be allowed to vote or have agency, which sounds kinda misogynistic and redpilled?
>implying incels would make good husbands/fathers
>implying incels wouldnt rape their own kid as soon as it was born
getting pregnant is the woman's fault 100%
>yet they can't tell when a man is a deadbeat.
Its both their fault but women hold the keys to sex. If you open your legs to bottom shelf brad or pookie from the block its almost a guarantee that hes going to leave. Make better choices. How about this? Wait until marriage. Test the guy to make sure that he's legit. If he doesn't stay then hes not worth your time. Fuckbois don't play the long game.
Blame the courts for that shit. Not that these types of men would even want custody anyway.
You're right but you cant turn a fuckboi into a father. You're either born with it or you learn it. Even if he was in the kids life he would do a shit job at it because being a father is a skill set. Hell, I would say that most women aren't fit to be mothers.
>Moving the goalposts
Meanwhile 4/10 robots chase after 9/10 Stacies and cry, shoot up malls and an hero when she rejects them. Lulz.
Yes. Some people are. Whats your point?
meanwhile 4/10 femanon chase after 9/10 chads and cry, cut themselves and fail to commit suicide by taking a bunch of pills when chad pumps and dumps her. Lulz.
>admits he is a psychopath
Yeah, thought I smelled a manipulative kike. Thankfully psychopath gene will be eradicated, scientists are currently working on it. Psychos have no place in a modern society, they are essentially cancer. Literal parasites.
Hard to put blame on someone that's not even there OP
Besides it isnt always the father leaving, sometimes the mother is just a shitty horrible person
It's also not always like this user says though
My dad for example was a shitbag. I dont know why either of them thought it was a good idea to have a kid but they did, and it was on purpose, I wasnt a surprise. My parents divorced before I was even a year old though
My dad is the one that would always threaten divorce and one time my mom was just like "okay" and it was too late for him to backtrack
>Women are able to call upon the ancient ways of Athena, Artemis and Gaia for guidance upon the nature of man
>When it's an ugly but nice man they are able to tell that he's actually a monster who wants to fuck her for no reason other than her pussy
>When it's a handsome man Athena, Artemis and Gaia just shrug and say "go for it gurlfren"
Meanwhile anons cant even get pumped and dumped cuz too ugly. Sad, many such cases.
meanwhile femanons can't get commitment cuz too ugly. Sad, many such cases.
>fuck Chad, get pregnant
>find betabux to raise kid
>result is handsome Chad son raised in stable home and lots of yummy alimony for afterwards to spend on gigolos and vacations to the Bahamas
Women are way ahead of you, sorry.
Where are you getting this stuff from? All I see is pointless conjecture from a psycho.
>whiteknighting this hard for ugly men
Wanna know how I know youre ugly?
That's nigger shit. Where the fuck are you from?
Both are to blame, but women are the gatekeepers of sex and so, if they fucked a deadbeat retard with no birth control, they are rightly viewed down upon for being fucking stupid hoes.
In ages past they would have lived extremely tough lives - not only through trying to care for their children alone in a harsh world with no man to provide/protect, but also through becoming a social pariah due to premarital sex.
In the modern age, the government just forces men as a collective to foot the bill for them, through the welfare state. This has given rise to single motherhood being a viable lifestyle choice - not only survivable but even giving the capability to thrive - and thus, the rise in its frequency and acceptance. The ever-increasing atomization of society and breakdown of communities also makes them becoming pariahs a non-issue.
On the flip side of the coin, marriage has become a bum deal for men - the worst investment someone could make. Not only is his wife entitled to gain half of his wealth arbitrarily at the moment of her choosing, neither is she obligated to care for him in any capacity. Nor is she expected to bear any of his children. Ergo there is no incentive whatsoever for a man to marry in 2020, other than the concept of "tradition", which this homogenized, feminized, atomized, commercialized, jewified, sterile, spiritually stagnant and unfulfilling society has done its very best to shatter and tear down, then proceed to stomp into dust and nothingness in one great, ever-intensifying culturally iconoclastic orgy.
You know it sure makes me wonder, were the children from single mothers planned? I mean think about it why would a man leave if he wanted a kid? If both were happy for having a kid and happy with each other why would they split? I dunno about you guys but I'm pretty sure single moms are single because they're sluts that got pregnant.
You had me up until your Yas Forums started showing with "jewified"
Women are gullible and naive, like children. They are meant to be protected. I feel sorry for them whenever they fall for abusive jerks or get abandoned with a child. I know I shouldn't but i can't help it.
>Evidence of that ridiculous claim?
Where is the evidence of yours, you roastie cunt?
For every one of you enlightened feminists with yet another half-nigger batard, I know a father who desperately wants to spend time with their children but can't because their cunt of a mother lies to the heavily cunt-sided family courts and deliberately makes sure they can't even get their one day a month in visitation just to hurt him even more.
>oi vey the tribe that must never be criticized
>that means everything you said was invalid
>I win again goyim don't forget the six gorrilion
110 cannot come soon enough.
Fathers do come under fire, hence the term 'deadbeat dads'.